The Devil King of Fast Wear was a Little Sweet

Chapter 1762: Oniji with the Emperor and Li (4)

Chapter 1762: He and the Li Guigui (4)

Therefore, Zhi Yu hopes that, once again, she can continue to be her Guiji proudly and willfully inherit her ghost city!


Jijun is Jiyuan, then Yanjun is naturally the Lord God.

Each time, the main **** will be dressed as Xia Ling, the man he originally liked and originally liked. Does he want to attack Xia Ling more conveniently?

But unfortunately, the main **** cannot save memories like Xia Ling, so wearing it many times, it seems to be useless except being abused.

In this world, Yan Jun is the leading actor, and the maid of honor is the leading female.

One of them was the eldest son of Tiandi, and the other was a peasant **** earth. Because of the fate, Hehuan saved Yan Jun who had fallen on earth.

The two loved each other for a long time.

Because of the plot arrangement, their feelings were not smooth. First, Yan Jun was forced to forget Acacia, and then Acacia jumped down the cliff in despair, and the soul almost dispelled on Wangchuan with his persistence and was rescued by Zhiyu.

Later, Yan Jun regained his memory at the first sight of Acacia.

He designed everything, drank the fascinating night, sent the prince to the Zhiyu Palace, and left the acacia beside him.


If we don't care about Zhi Yu and Ji Jun, in this world, the plot is still very favored here in Yan Jun and He Huan.

There were no major misunderstandings throughout the process. Although they were abused in the early stages, the two met again in the middle and late stages, and Yan Jun became the prince of heaven, and the biggest malevolent woman was Zhiyu.

Torture and weaving feathers, powerful acacia, this is the main rhythm of the middle and late plot line.


Xia Ling fell asleep and was very heavy.

The breath in her body is disordered, and the power in her sleep adjusts herself, and so on, until the palace where she lives is forced into it.

The enchantment ruptured, and the noisy sound outside awakened Xia Ling.

"Last night, His Royal Highness disappeared outside the Guiji Palace, and now his life and death are unknown. Although the silent King is anonymous, after all, he is the emperor of my heavens. Even if it offends His Royal Highness Weaver, this Weaver Palace must be searched! "

"It's arrogant, this is my Ninth City, not the Ninth Heaven of your heavenly realm. You can search and search the palace of Princess Guiji, where do you put my face in ghostly world?"

The man insisted coolly and the woman's voice was loud and powerful.

From this bitter conversation between the two parties, Xia Ling could hear their identity.

The man is Yan Jun, this time to catch the job. And the woman, this loyal posture of defending the Lord, is the maid, Lanshan, who grew up beside Zhiyu.

Aristocratic from the ghost world, Lanshan has impure blood, so he has followed He Zhiyu from a young age as a bargaining chip for the Lord of the Nether City.

In the plot, Lanshan obstructs everything, Yan Jun pushes her back with one palm.

This palm is powerless, because Acacia was clumsy when he was a maid, and Lanshan could not see it and often reprimanded Acacia.

Yan Jun has seen this scene before, so he took the opportunity to breathe out for Hehuan.

Soon afterwards, Arashiyama was smashed by ghost spirits, and his spirits fell away.

At that time, Zhi Yu didn't care about Lanshan because she had troubled herself with Jijun.

Xia Ling couldn't have a man beside him. This Lanshan mountain loyally guarded the Lord. Now that Xia Ling has arrived in this world, naturally he can't let Lanshan strangle him to death.

"Who, noisy outside?" She stood up, listening to the movement.

A black crow's hair rose with her, scattered on her white shoulders.

Originally, Wu Li was unparalleled. When she got out of bed and walked barefoot on the carpet, she wore an indescribable charm.

Such a careless temptation, Jijun saw God.

(End of this chapter)

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