The Devil King of Fast Wear was a Little Sweet

Chapter 860: Fanwai: Ling Lizhi and Fu Qingshan

Chapter 860 Fanwai: Ling Lizhi and Fu Qingshan


Ling Lizhi listened to his sister and turned to get close to Fu Qingshan.

At that time, the people in the official department saw that he didn't understand anything, praised him on the surface, and secretly pushed him the most complicated things.

Organize the list of previous officials and compile a list of officials who have been promoted and derogated in the recent Korean politics ...

The dusty booklets were removed from the warehouse, and they were all covered with a thick layer of ash. Ling Lizhi went bright and bright every day, and returned with a grey face.

Do not want to worry his family, he detoured to Fu Qingshan's yard.

"Brother Fu, I almost became your eldest brother. I have nowhere to go, so you keep me?"

Ling Lizhi said pitifully.

Although, Wei Wei can see at a glance, Ling Lizhi is deliberately aggrieved.

However, Ling Lizhi looks better, and Qingjunxigui looks very similar to Ling Wangxi.

Seeing him like this, the Dark Guard remembered the woman who was on the apex of her own master.

When he and the master exchanged Fu Qingshan, he had faced Ling Wangxi.

The girl looks beautiful, and smiles a little bit ashamedly, and she can overlap with the pitiful appearance of Ling Wangxi in front of her.

"come in."

The dark guard gave way.

There was a road in front of him.

Immediately, Ling Lizhi couldn't wait to come in.

After entering, he looked at the clean courtyard, snorted a few times, and looked at Fu Qingshan again, his look was a little different.

"Brother Fu, you are a real person who can live so cleanly!"

An Weiwei: "The children of the poor headed home early, and they lived alone."

Ling Lizhi: "The same is true. If my family is not the state government, I may have learned how to pack up early."

The dark guard glanced at him without speaking.

According to his only knowledge of Ling Lizhi, even if he was born in poverty, this person was not the kind of person who would do housework and clean up the yard.

You make a puppet, he is not qualified.

What I usually say in Beijing is that you do n’t learn anything, but in fact, one of Ling Li does n’t gamble and he does n’t know anything about it.

——He is very addicted to chess, but he is a smelly chess basket!

The dark guard has gone with him a few times, and Ling Lizhi is playing hard, but the people who play chess with him are suffering.

It is not because of the identity of the young master of the government of other countries. Maybe those who gambled by the bridge that day might not even want to gamble with him.

Who plays chess and regrets it three times?

Only Ling Lizhi!


Ling Lizhi looked in the courtyard and went into the room again.

"Brother Fu, where are you bathing? Find another robe for me, and I'll change it and go home."

He knew him by all means, and didn't know anything at all.

According to the apparent love, Ling Guofu put Fu Qingshan's fiancee into the palace. Where does Ling Li still have a face to call him a brother?

However, he underestimated Ling Lizhi.

Ling Lizhi not only has it, but also has a big face, so his skin is so thick.

An Wei faintly said, "There is no place for bathing, only wooden barrels, and boiling water by myself."

"Okay." Ling Lizhi came out of the room and saw the barrel.

Looking at the yard, he went to the kitchen again in front of the dark guard.

The kitchen is a home-built brick stove.

The dark guard thought with his toes and knew that Ling Lizhi would definitely not use it.

He followed him in.

Sure enough, Master Ling was squatting in front of the dark stove, staring at the chopped firewood aside.

Hearing his footsteps, Ling Lizhi turned his head.

"Brother Fu, how do you cook this stove, you teach me."

There were sincere, clear black and white in those eyes, no falsification at all.

Although wearing a Jinyi jade suit, this gray-headed face squatting in front of the stove looks a little cute.

I didn't want to care about it, I just wanted to see him suffer some setbacks.

But now, the dark guard has changed his mind a bit.

"You look."

He walked over to Ling Lizhi.

Holding the scoop, the dark guard first added water to the pot, a large pot of cold water, and put a lid on the pot.

Then, squatting began to demonstrate ignition.

Beside the pile of firewood, there was straw that ignited.

Put straw in the stove first, and then put wood firewood under the stove.

There must be a certain gap in the middle, so that when the flame is lit, the straw is burned to ignite the wood.

An Wei faintly said, "I help you set the fire aside. After a while, you look at the fire yourself, the pot is hot, and the water is boiling. Call me again when the time comes."

He operated well.

Soon, the fire in the stove was burning vigorously.

He got up and gave the cooker back to Ling Lizhi.

Ling Lizhi looked around, feeling very easy.

Isn't it just adding tea? It's not as difficult as making a fire.

"Okay, I'll see for myself, you go first." Ling Lizhi should.


When the dark guard left, Ling Lizhi looked at the fire.

Not long after, the fire went out.

He wanted to ignite the fire, stuffed the straw, and took the fire.

Not even a few times.

Learning the movements of the Dark Guard, Ling Lizhi just leaned over and sighed hard at the bottom of the pot.


The burst of black ash rolled with firewood ash, rushed out from the bottom of the pot together.

"Cough!" Ling Lizhi was so fascinated that her eyes were fascinated by the sundries, painful and itchy, uncomfortable.

He rubbed his eyes and coughed out of the kitchen.

Anwei sat in the study and read a book, always paying attention to the movement in the kitchen.

When he heard the coughing sound, he had already come out of the study, and what happened to him was Ling Lizhi coming out of the kitchen.

"What's wrong?" An Wei frowned.

He looked at Ling Lizhi's wolf howling, which was originally just some dusty hair and body, but now it is even more ridiculous.

Somehow, the bottom of the black pot was touched by Ling Lizhi's face, and the whole face was flowers.

The eyes were probably obsessed with gray, covered by him, but there was a clear tear on his face, which was the physical tears after the eyes were captivated.

"I'm lost, haha." Ling Lizhi laughed.

Standing in this yard, looking at Fu Qingshan's slightly twisted brows, Ling Lizhi was also embarrassed.

He originally thought it was easy to make a fire, but he didn't expect ... heh, not to mention.

Ling Lizhi: "Brother Fu, can you help me get some clear water, I'll punch this eye to see if I can get dirty things out."

"Um." Dark Wei should.

He went into the kitchen and scooped water with a scoop.

Come out and help Ling Lizhi rinse.

That clear water was caught in Ling Lizhi's hands, washing his face.

Several times, the mysterious gray finally came out, but Ling Lizhi's eyes were red and swollen, and all kinds of bloodshots rubbed by him.

Looking at An Wei, what was originally a grieving dog is now more like a poor red-eyed rabbit.

"Brother Fu ..." He looked at the dark guard.

Undercover: "Huh?"

"You help me, because we almost became an in-law relationship!" Ling Lizhi turned to the dark guard and looked at him with a smile.

Undercover: "You mean, let me boil water for you?"

Ling Lizhi: "... well, can't it?"

Undercover: "Do it yourself."

"Okay, okay ..." Ling Lizhi sighed.

He shook his head and was preparing to go into the kitchen.

In front of him, the turned dark guard was already in front of him and entered the kitchen.

Ling Lizhi followed, watching the dark guard reignite the water.

"Brother Fu, you are such a good person!" Ling Lizhi was delighted.

Undercover: "Yes."

Ling Lizhi was the first to say that he was a good person.

For this good man, the dark guard helped Ling Lizhi burn the water, helped Ling Lizhi rush into the barrel, and helped Ling Lizhi change his clothes.

"Brother Fu, looking at you like me, I didn't expect your clothes to be so big!"

Ling Lizhi wore the clothes of the dark guard, rolled up his sleeves, and looked like a child who had stolen adult clothes.

Obviously, the heights of the two of them are not much different, but Ling Lizhi's clothes of the dark guard seemed very empty from the shoulders.

This is probably because Dark Guard practiced martial arts all year round and looked at a weak scholar. In fact, his body and chest were very strong.

And Ling Lizhi ... has never exercised, and is an inexcusable puppet.

Therefore, he has only one face that looks good and his body thin and thin.

Such a person, the dark guard can fall down with one finger, and can hit three or four with one hand.


The dark guard looked at Ling Lizhi.

He really couldn't think of it, like Ling Lizhi, what is the meaning of living in this world.

Don't do it.

Doing nothing will be bullied in the Ministry.


He was so coquettish that he could not burn firewood. One day, if his master would do something to Ling Guo Gong, Ling Lizhi would not even be able to support himself, and he would support his own family!

That scene, the dark guard had no idea what the scene would be!


"Brother Fu, what are you doing to look at me with this look? Don't you, we are all men. If you look at it like this, I thought you liked me ~ haha."

Ling Lizhi laughed.

He didn't know, a word of himself, poking the dark Wei's pain.

"No one can look after you." Dark Wei frowned.

He turned out of the room and didn't want to stay with Ling Lizhi like this again.

Following Yan Yuan for so many years, Dark Wei's sexuality has been hidden well.


"Don't, Brother Fu, I'm just kidding." Ling Lizhi chased out of the room.

He grabbed the sleeves of Dark Guard.

He dragged the dark guard's footsteps, and respectfully came to the dark guard.

Arched and saluted to the dark guard.

"Thank you, Brother Fu, for staying today, helping me to boil water, and lending me clothes. Daen said no thanks, only to come to Japan to report."

Undercover: "Well. You don't need to repay it."

Coming day?

In the next day, Ling Lizhi is in a wolf, and the dark guard will not help him again.

He won't even open the door for him!

Ling Lizhi: "No, Brother Fu, I think you are angry with me like this. What is the relationship between the two of us, who is with whom, it must be my illusion."

"Haha, Brother Fu, I'll bring a pot of wine in Japan. Let's be drunk in this yard! Let's take a break but we haven't had a good drink together for a long time.

The dark guard looked at him: "I can't drink recently."

Before he drank with Ling Lizhi, it was never him, all Yuanyuan.

Wu Yuan wanted to find out the news from Ling Lizhi's mouth.

This person, Ling Lizhi, is of little use and has a lot of problems.

(End of this chapter)

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