The Devil King of Fast Wear was a Little Sweet

Chapter 886: cv is a tear-wrapped ghost (24)

Chapter 886: Cv Is a Tears-wrapped Ghost (24)

The movie that Cheng Hao won the Berlin Prize is half his real life.

In the early years, he followed the troops to maintain peace, and he encountered terrorist attacks at night.

The bomb exploded against the door outside the room, and the roommate who lived with him blocked him. The blood and flesh were blurred on the spot. Cheng Hao died of a life, and several broken shrapnel were embedded in the waist and belly, and he was almost in the dirty.

With more than a dozen Bastians surviving at the time, he evacuated from Bastian.

Since then, insomnia is unusual for Cheng Hao.

There was a problem with his psychology, and it was useless to ask a lot of psychologists.

Wearing a vest, Cheng Hao wandered the Internet, set up Mo Yun Qinghe, and played pia to pass the night insomnia.

People who do not suffer from insomnia cannot experience this kind of headache, but they still have no sleepiness.

He found a lot of hypnotic music, psychologist ...

It's not as good as Mu Rou's whispering prose sound from the headphones.


Cheng Hao got up in the morning and still had a headache.

But this degree of headache, he has long been used to it.

After washing, it still looks refreshing.

Knocked on the door of the room next door.

Xia Ling also got up. Her luggage was packed properly.

Cheng Hao met her yesterday, and today's schedule has not been set.

According to Cheng Hao's vision, they should go out today.

He's fairly familiar with London. He's filmed here and can be a perfect guide for girls.


The door opened.

The girl standing behind the door was already packed.

She has a ponytail and a long-sleeve suit in sportswear, which looks refreshing.

This sportswear is slightly loose, the girl's ratio is perfect, and a little fat powder on one face makes it look young and energetic.

In front of Mu Rou, feel her youthful breath ...

Thinking of her being in her early twenties, Cheng Hao felt that she was really old!

"Where are you going?" Cheng Hao looked behind her.

Getting up early this morning, Mu Rou packed her suitcase, obviously she had a plan in her heart.

Xia Ling smiled brightly: "It's rare to have such a big film emperor to accompany me in London. I must settle down first and let Cheng brother help me as a staff officer."

"You're looking for a house?" Cheng Hao knew it.

Mu Rou came to the University of London as an exchange student, and she wanted to let him accompany her to find a house to live with while he was here. It was normal.

Xia Ling: "Well, He Cheng, god, do you have time to accompany me to see?"

Cheng Hao: "Are you ready?"

"Hmm", Xia Ling pulled out a location from her phone.

When she was in China, she searched for MSN listings on MSN and contacted a host near the University of London.

The house is only a ten minute drive from the University of London and the rent is £ 500 a month.

With Xia Ling's current funds, renting for a few years is no problem.

Without Cheng Hao, Xia Ling went to the house alone.

She has nothing to worry about in a foreign country. After all, her strength is here. Even a normal human being cannot be counted as a conspiracy.


Cheng Hao: "Look at this address."

Xia Ling passed the phone.

Cheng Hao glanced at the block and location she recorded.

Turning around, holding Xia Ling's mobile phone and dialing his personal cell phone, when the call was successful, he returned the phone to Xia Ling.

"This is my number. If you are in London alone, you can call me for anything. I have friends in London and can save some urgency. You alone, girls, you must pay attention to safety in this foreign country."

(End of this chapter)

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