The Devil King of Fast Wear was a Little Sweet

Chapter 929: Just call me Koi (24)

Chapter 929: Call Me Koi (24)

How could an ordinary person hurt him, but he wanted to see what she would do.

It's just this woman, why is it so stupid, why is it so stupid to make his heart so soft, can't wait to take it out, let her see, at the moment he's burning her.

The crow feather's eyelashes dangled, covering his smoldering eyes.

The man was holding Xia Ling, his jade robe was still stained with blood, and there was still blood on her face.

But these are not important for Aster.

Shi Yan, not only the soul is bright, but the taste is really tempting ...

He likes her!


He was unscrupulous, and those who wanted to take the opportunity to attack, with palms of hand, went straight to Ziyu.

"Be careful!" Jiang Wei rushed to the block.

A huge shadow rushed out of Quan's eyes.

The attacker, along with other teams who were staring at them, was devoured by the python.

The cold body of the python, if any, struck Jiang Wei's body.

The coldness dipped into the bones made Jiang Wei sting a bit.

When he returned to God, at the foot of the mountain, except for their team, everything was empty.

"Boss, what about Hei and Ziyu?" Lao Qi asked with trembling.

Jiang Wei's legs and feet were soft, which is why I saw it.

It wasn't just those people, but even Ziyan and Shizhen were gone.

"Did it be eaten by the python?" Jiang Wei clenched his hands, a little sad.

The python swallowed several people and returned to Quan Yan.

But what can they do? Not even the ability to revenge.


Xia Ling was embraced by Ziyu, and went to a desolate lair.

This change was instantaneous. She was only kissed by the purple pupa and returned to the gods. She had already appeared in the nest inlaid with Wen Yu.

I could hear some water outside, but the nest was so lonely.

Still water depth.

Xia Ling can feel that this is the bottom of Quan Yan.

But, pressing her on this white jade bed.

The glamorous and chilly man in front of him showed his pupils.

Lingering kiss her.

Xia Ling: ...

Big brother is not human! He really is not human! !!

Is he a python?

The smell of musk in the air is even heavier.

Xia Ling's consciousness began to blur.


When Xia Ling woke up hungry, she was sore, she seemed to be disassembled and reassembled.

She opened her eyes confused.

Opening her eyes, Ziyan lay beside her.

The long fingers tangled her long hair, curled between her fingers and spread apart.

He didn't know how long he had been awake.

"Wake up." He bowed and kissed her eyebrows, and her thin lips were cold.

Underneath Xia Ling was a white jade bed.

She looked at his crow-like eyelashes, long and dense, like little brushes.

He has good skin, and women are jealous when they see it.

Xia Ling raised his hand and poked on his face.

Soft and elastic.

"Brother, are we right?"

Ziyan: "Why not?"

Xia Ling: "Then tell me, do all men in this world have two?"

Ziyan: "What do you say?"

His thin lips were slightly hooked, and on the feminine face, the bottom of his eyes was unpredictable.

Xia Ling was stared at his eyes with a burning glow.

Zi Yan: "It seems you have the answer."

He rubbed Xia Ling's fingertips and scratched in her palm.

At the extreme, a pink light bloomed in front of Xia Ling.

Blossoming cherry blossoms are blooming colorfully on the branches. This is the appreciative degree of Aster toward Xia Ling.


Xia Ling fell asleep and was conscious.

Hi, "Congratulations to the host for completing the task. Are you leaving the world?"

Xia Ling: "No. Stay."

Xia Ling made a choice.


When Xia Ling ate something, she stayed in this spring for three days.

The whole spring eye is good jade, cut out a piece of value.

In this way, Xia Ling and Ziyan lived in Quan's eyes for days without shame.

By the time they came out, they didn't know how many days had passed.

Jiang Wei and the boss, they ate up all the dry food, and smashed the bark of the tree. At the first sight, they saw the purple salamander and Xia Ling. They seemed to see the savior, and their eyes were bright.

"Well!" Jiang Wei shouted.

Xia Ling lowered her head before she noticed them.

"Why are you still here?" Xia Ling asked.

Zi Yan took her to the Sun Moon Temple.

Here is an ash, but Ziyan still wants to show her the secret in the legend.

Jiang Wei was pathetic: "It's not that we want to stay, but that we can't get out."

This neighborhood is like a ghost hitting a wall. It looks like a ruin, but no matter how far they go, they will eventually come back here, very evil.

Xia Ling: "Xiao, let them go."

Ziyan raised her hand and stroked the broken hair that fell down her face.

You have been so cold to me lately, there is no recommendation ticket and no monthly review.


Thanks to McDull for the 100 book coins, Kuerian for the 200 book coins, for domestic lovely flowers for the 100 book coins, 200 books for 2 combos, 588 coins, and Ruan Yunmeng for the 100 books, 1888 book coins from Xirou

good night.

(End of this chapter)

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