The Devil King of Fast Wear was a Little Sweet

Chapter 994: Pony, look, the princess is a fool (25)

Chapter 994: Strike A Horse, Look, The Princess Is A Fool (25)

The girl's refutation is obviously better.

Her eyes were gleaming, and her appearance was delicate. Lu Zhiyao buzzed in her stimulated mind. She instinctively touched her nose, fearing that she would be too shocked and lose her face in front of the girl.

The semi-wet divergence behind the girl was green and touching.

Such beauty is like a seductive rose, slowly exposing her unique fragrance.

He was very lucky. He started out as a silly princess to marry, but now, silly princess is more beautiful than the clever princess and makes him like more!

"Taner is getting smarter." Lu Zhiyao rubbed Xia Ling's head.

With a soothing tone of childishness, Xia Ling bent his lips, as if it was very useful, and put his head in his palm.

"Well! Taner is getting smarter."

Lu Zhiyao smiled deeper, carefully holding Xia Ling's hand, and led her all the way out.

"Come on, let's go home."


Lu Zhiyao spent five days in a row at Princess Mansion.

At the end of five days, Xia Ling's intellect has reached the normal level from the age of ten.

Such a miracle, Xia Ling was once called by the official family in the palace.

She shouted ‘Daddy’ timidly. The official family not only did not punish them, but did not correct her title, but instead gave them a full reward.

Immediately after that, Lu Zhiyao had just joined the Hanlin Academy and was promoted by the government's 'Dragon Heart Joy'.

Lu Zhiyao of course knows that this is all thanks to Song Tan.

Even if Song Tan doesn't say anything else now, just a pair of tearful eyes, looking at people timidly, that beautiful and clean face, the clear wet eyes can see people.


Lu Zhiyao was outside and heard a lot of gossip.

His colleagues admired him for being promoted quickly, mocking his princess for being good and growing up. Even if Princess Fukang was stupid, he could coax the silly princess around and go to Yuqian to help him.

The other members of the Hanlin Academy, if any, crowded him out.

Princess Fu'an's horse is the son of the state government. Now she is an idle steward in Yulin Garden. She is in charge of the flowers and trees in the garden. It is said that the unpleasant point is a garden repairer.

It seems that Yu Lin Yuan and Han Lin Yuan are in one place.

Lu Zhiyao can get along well with his son, that's when he saw the ghost alive.

Lu Zhiyao never brought these bad things back to Princess Mansion. The princess of his family was very charming and had no idea about these things. It was useless to say what he said.

What's more, he doesn't talk about these things. As long as he sees the girl's happy smile every day, his whole mood will be better.

Days are just like this, every day is beautiful.

Xia Ling was under the care of Li Yan and Zhang Ye. Every day, the soup and Chinese medicine conditioned the body. After half a month, the body grew taller, he became fat, and his face was full of meat.

When nothing happened, she handed the sign to the palace.

The princess who marries out of the palace wants to enter the palace, and can only enter three times a month, each time is limited to two hours.

Zhang Guifei never looked at these rules.

Everything is in order, what kind of concubine is that?

Every month, Xia Ling can enter the palace four or five times, and sometimes she enters the palace for the night.

The official family loves Zhang Guifei, and even with Xia Ling to please, he also loves it a bit. Gradually, the princess in the mouth of the official family changed from Song Qian, Princess of Fukang, to Song Tan, Princess of Fuyu.

At that time, after Qian Song became married, Song Qian wanted to feel good in front of the official family, so she asked her to copy a volume of Diamond Sutra for the official family in her temple.

At that time, she was still proud, and the fragrance was far away. The princess was not married in the palace, and her modern mind would surely please the official family.

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Good night, added more today, big fairies, so your tickets and comments, please drown three or three fiercely.

Do you know what Lu Zhiyao and Song Tan will do if they stay? What is his method of death? Innocent face.

(End of this chapter)

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