The Devil Priest and the Brave Beautiful Girl

Vol 2 Chapter 453: Advance (Part 1)

With the passage of Ulysses, the last passage suddenly closed automatically, leaving no traces. This means that this passage guarded by the black warrior Anakin will no longer be qualified to pass through.

"The first qualified person has appeared..." In the far ground, at the lowest part of the Cup of Life, a low voice of Insect Ji Adefu Sidler came. Compared with just summoning the Holy Grail of Life and activating the inherent enchantment-the heyday of the sea of ​​life, she now seems to be weaker than she was at the beginning.

"The most important part of life conception is about to be completed..."

"In this way, my family's wishes can finally be realized..."

"The new born from death..."

There was no one by the side of Mushiki Adif Sitler. The figures of Darwin, Black, Le Coutoru and others who belonged to a certain dark organization have disappeared in the underground base at no time.

In this huge underground base, there was only Chongji Adefu Sitel left, floating alone in the center of the base. In front of her, there are three magic mirrors, and one of them is slowly disappearing.

The other two show two different battlefields, guarded by the two last Doomsmen, leading to the battlefield before the final area.


"Is it you again..." The only Zerg destroyer who has ever taken action in the ground war, Buster, with unparalleled destructive power, is holding his hands and floating in the center of the hollow, looking at the just coming with a condescending gaze. The enemy in front of oneself.

This enemy is no stranger to him. Not long ago, he had fought with her once, and it was a very strange enemy. In his impression, no enemy can use so many kinds of treasures continuously. Even from the perspective of the Zerg Doom, it is an extremely powerful treasure. Most people can be proud of owning one of them. It is almost unthinkable to own multiple and be able to fully exert their power.

If it weren't for the power of the body to be too weak, this was an enemy that could easily cause him fatal danger. In the process of fighting her for the second time, he fully learned her formidable attack ability and ever-changing treasure attack.

As long as the power of the body is stronger, not too much, as long as it reaches the beginning of the eighth level, this is an extremely terrifying enemy. Even if he is at his peak, he is a desperate opponent.

It's a pity that from the last battle, her own strength is only level seven, which is not very good at level seven.

"It's you!" Lala, who walked in from the entrance of the passage, shrank without being noticed. Although he had a premonition that he would be blocked by a strong enemy, he didn't expect it to be this monster. In that decisive battle in Sophia City, she fully learned the terrifying power of this green monster. That is a powerful force close to the top of the eighth level, definitely not an opponent that she can easily defeat now.

If possible, it is best to avoid fighting such a terrifying opponent now. Otherwise, even if the final victory is achieved, it is difficult to guarantee that there is still the strength to go to the place where the final culprit lies. After all, she didn't know, behind this. What kind of powerful enemies are waiting for her.

"Huh, don’t you actually put me Buster in your eyes? Don’t look at it, behind is the passage leading to the last area. There is only me here, as long as you can defeat me, you can get from that passage Go where you want to go. But, can you do it?" Buster slowly fell from the sky, standing in the center of the hollow.

"There, is the only way to the last area?" Lala closed her eyes and felt it. Indeed, behind that passage, there was something she couldn't see through, and that was what she had been looking for.

"Yes, but you can't go there. To go there, you must defeat me, the last guardian." Buster twisted his neck and moved his hands and feet again.

This time, he didn't need to have any reservations, and he had no intention of letting anyone go to that passage at all. There is only one destiny for the strong who came here, and that is complete death.

However, what surprised him a little was that the only one who came to him was the girl swordsman, not the Pope of the Supreme Church or the cardinals. According to reason, they are the strongest ones who are most likely to defeat all the reformed fighters and come to the last few guardians.

After all, the power possessed by the Pope and Cardinals of the Supreme Church is not just an ornament. He is even ready to fight one against ten. Unexpectedly, he didn't come.

The only person who passed the barriers of those newly reformed strong men who were not really mature and came to him was the silver-haired girl swordsman who had fought with him once. Although she is indeed very strong, she has not reached the strength in his mind that meets the needs of Sungji Adelf Sidler.

If it's only this level, then just die. What the Zerg Ji Adif Sidler needs is a real strong man who can bring new life to the Zerg.

"..." Lala was silent, but one powerful treasure flashed quickly in her mind. According to the information obtained from the last battle with this monster called Buster, the treasure that can bring her victory in a short period of time is...

Yes, but the power to project that treasure surpassed her current limit. That is a higher level of mystery than Storm, the Titan Blessing Armor, the Dark Sword. There is not even one percent of the possibility of successful projection. Even if the lucky projection is successful, the time it can be used is definitely less than one minute. Otherwise, this body will collapse because it can't stand the powerful force.

"Thorn Dragon Lock!" The special binding treasure for the dragon clan appeared in Lala's hands again, and then crisscrossed around Buster with a surprised expression.

"It's this kind of thing again!" Buster yelled angrily. Last time, he suffered a lot from this attack.

The dark black chain quickly entangled Buster's body. This treasure developed by the dragon race itself has a miraculous effect on all creatures with dragon blood. Even though he had seen it once, Buster was caught off guard. The moment the thorn dragon lock was entangled, the blood in his body began to boil uncontrollably, and his heart was beating frantically. It came from the thorn dragon lock and cursed the dragon blood.

Moreover, this time, there were more than two thorn dragon locks projected by Lala, but ten.

"I will stand on top of all the crowns, the ignorant God, come down to me, fall, fall, fall, fall, fall fiercely! I will not pray for any blessings, and all blessings will be far away from me. Go! At this price, all curses will wrap around you, enter your internal organs, penetrate your bones, and become the lock of your death. All the descendants of dragon blood, in the face of this curse, will completely fall into death. Yuan!" With the launch of the curse dedicated to the Thorns Dragon Lock, the chain entwined on Buster instantly turned into countless shadows, swimming at Buster at high speed like a poisonous snake, cursing the dragon with its unique curse. The power eroded his body strengthened by the Dragon Blood Killing Alien.

"Break it to me!" Although the thorn dragon lock does have a terrifying effect on all dragon blood creatures, as the destroyer of the Zerg, how could Buster be restrained in this way. Like last time, he used the huge energy he possessed to forcibly control the blood pressure of the dragon that was starting to boil in his body.

"Boom!" A huge ball of energy enveloped Buster's entire person. It was a ball of light gathered by pure energy waves that burst out of his body. In front of this terrifying power, the dark black thorn dragon lock that bound his body began to break inch by inch.

The unexpected surprise attack can only be used once. Seeing that huge ball of energy, Lala is very clear that even if she projects dozens of thorn dragon locks, it will not have any effect on the current Buster. .

However, she had never expected a few thorn dragon locks to really trap this green monster with a power close to the eighth level. It is true that the thorn dragon lock has special effects on all dragon blood creatures, but it is definitely not enough to ignore the huge level gap and force the buster to be restrained.

What she wanted to fight for was just the little bit of time necessary for Buster to use his terrifying power to release the shackles of the thorn dragon lock.

Not even a second was wasted. After the power of the Liberating Thorns Dragon Lock restrained Buster, Lala immediately closed his eyes and began to imagine with all his strength.

She doesn't have a strong body, and she doesn't have too much magic power to use up. This body originally didn't even have the qualifications to cultivate strength, it was just a weak, ordinary girl with no strength. If it weren't for her power, she would never be able to take up a sword to fight.

However, the original owner of this body has the same characteristics as her, that is, a strong imagination and a persevering heart for what. No matter how weak the body is, as long as you have that kind of heart, you will never be weak.

That girl is the strong; and she is the strong among the strong; this belongs to them, the power of the heart. For a goal, you can fail countless times, still never give up, never retreat, fight until the final strength.

Even if she will not be recognized by others, even if she is not praised by others, and will not even leave any traces in history, she will use her own way to insist on "justice". Even if she is alone, she will fight to the end.

Because she is the hero of the sword. Regardless of the age and the world, the brave will protect the "righteous".

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