This technique was not lethal, but it made Hydra feel extremely angry. When did Hydra, known as the great Lord of Karar (professing), be teased like this.

The only person who can treat her in such an intimate manner is her master, the dark princess Kare alone...well, Ulysses must be added now.

"I'm going to make a hole in you! Open a hole!" Hydra, who was hugged by Uses, directly summoned his treasured Hydra rocket, and then pointed the black faint shot at Ussina. A face that made her angry.

If you are shot at zero distance by this treasure, it is not as simple as opening a hole. I am afraid that the entire head will be exploded and turned into fragments.

"Hey!" The honeycomb-shaped disk in the front section of the Hydra rocket made a metal turning sound. However, when the overwhelming metal spiral bomb was about to explode like a storm, Juss had already let Hydra down from his arms. The movements were gentle and stretched, without the slightest stiffness.

"Crack! Click! Click!" Hundreds of red metal flame spiral bullets shot out wildly in the harsh rotating sound.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!" The entire mountain wall was shattered and turned into fragments flying all over the sky. The frantic shooting with a speed of more than a thousand rounds per second tore almost everything in front of Hydra to pieces, and then exploded.

However, no matter how powerful an attack does not hit anyone, it is meaningless. Before Hydra's treasure erupted, Juss had already flashed behind her.

"I want to make a hole in you! Turn me into a bird's nest!" Hydra, who was about to lose her mind, turned her treasure, trying to hit Juss behind him.

Unfortunately, this is a complete paradox. She is in control of a large-scale treasure such as the Hydra rocket, no matter in terms of flexibility or maneuverability, it is completely impossible to catch up with Juss next to her, but the surrounding ground and mountain walls are almost completely affected by her. It collapsed.

What a dangerous girl... Seeing that everything around Hydra was blasted into **** like a violent wind sweeping fallen leaves, Juss felt that if he was hit, it would not be as simple as "being opened a hole" as Hydra said. As for the bird's nest, that kind of scumbag is even more impossible.

"Why do you want to escape? Just open a hole for me!" Hydra waved the black treasure in her hand very angrily, and at the same time came a back kick, trying to follow her behind her. The mysterious figure kicked flying.

Yes, that's it! First kicked, and then summoned two Hydra rockets at the same time, and then opened many holes in her body in the air. If you dare to do such a thing to her great Hydra, don't think that it's all right.

Euses took a step back diagonally, then involuntarily stretched out his hand to grab Hydra's tiny ankle, and pinched a certain position on it with some suitable force.

"Yeah!" Hydra's whole body trembled, and the precious Hydra rocket that he held in both hands almost didn't fall off. A strange feeling spread from the position held by Juss to the bottom of her heart, making her body feel numb.

curse? No, I didn't feel any abnormal energy invading the body; the venom is even more impossible. The Hydra itself is one of the most poisonous beasts, and it is not afraid of being poisoned at all. But what is this numb, crisp feeling? It seems that I have felt this way any time.

Accompanying this feeling is a strange sense of excitement. Although she didn't even know this enemy who seemed to be gentle but with extremely despicable means. But the feeling of her hand was strangely familiar.

There is no reason at all, just the familiar feeling. It seems that my body has also been used to do such and such things with such hands. Just thinking about it will make you blush, but it's exciting things, very wonderful things.

By the way, this feeling is...


"Huh?" In a castle in the distance, the other two Hydra in maid clothes blushed together, and then looked at each other in surprise.

"What's the matter?" Kana, who was making the cake, shook his tail and looked at the two blushing Hydra curiously. This violent snake would blush for no reason.

"It seems that the one who was separated has encountered something very exciting." The two Hydra replied together. Just now, a strange feeling came over.

"What happened to me so excited?" Kana began to wonder, delusion—couldn't it be that she grabbed a lot of lollipops.

I remember when I was in the Warcraft School, relying on her immortality and her own strength, Hydra did not miss other people's lollipops, and her notoriety was even recorded in the history of the Warcraft School.

"This, maybe I found something delicious." Hydra in the form of a little girl inferred. Because the separation distance is too far, and there are many mysterious areas in the northern continent, she has no way of knowing what the clone has encountered. It's just that the information that came in that moment just now makes it difficult to analyze anything.

"No, it's not like it, it's more like..." Hydra, who was in the form of a beautiful girl, flushed even more. Perhaps in terms of form, she is obviously more sensitive to that feeling than Hydra in the form of a little girl.

Although they are all Hydra, there are subtle differences between different forms and different splits. The new core seems to have encountered a very pleasant thing. Did she find Ulysses?

"Weird Hydra, don't care about you guys. The big pillow is gone, and it’s really uncomfortable to sleep at night. I hope he will come back soon." After being separated from Ulysses for a while, Kanai began to miss the comfortable one more. "Pillow".


"You, what did you do!" Hydra desperately pulled back her slender feet, and aimed the huge Hydra rocket at Juss's location.

However, when she pulled her foot back, Juss had already moved closer to her with a light and natural movement, causing her to lose all her shooting angle.

Euses was puzzled. Really, even he himself couldn't figure out why he could be so relaxed in front of Hydra. Just like in front of Helen at that time, he didn't feel how dangerous Hydra was. But the treasure made him feel much more dangerous than Hydra himself.

Although Hydra's attack power and the destructive power of his treasures are all extremely terrifying, when he fought with Helen just now, he was even more cruel and could break all his hands to gain an advantage. But in his eyes, she seemed to be a willful child who didn't know how to control her, which was not scary at all.

"Don't come here!" The successive accidents have made Hydra almost dizzy. She was already hungry, but after a battle with Helen, she became even weaker. Otherwise, her combat effectiveness is definitely more than that.

Now, she only knows one thing, as long as she is approached by this ordinary-looking human girl in front of her, it is very bad, very bad.

It turns out that her idea was not wrong at all. Juss, who approached her again, only stretched out a hand and pulled up the right hand and the Hydra rocket that she had just raised.

After controlling her current biggest weapon, he held her waist with one hand and pressed her body forward slightly, pressing her body into a wonderful angle. It looked like a close couple hugging each other.

Only Hydra knew that the part of her being pressed by Juses' fingers was the same as when she was holding her ankle just now. There was a soft feeling that made her soft, and her hands were about to lose all her strength.


"It's the second time." The Hydras on the side of the Apostles felt the strong stimulation once again.

"It seems fierce, so sure enough..." Hydra in the form of a beautiful girl stroked her face. As the first to enjoy the fiery stimulus, she has a special feeling for this kind of reaction.

Sure enough, it's the one, the one that makes people blush and heartbeat, and the whole body feels soft. As long as the body has a memory once, it will never forget the wonderful feeling.

Slightly, I am a little envious of that split who doesn't know where it is now.


"What the **** did you do to me!" Hydra, who was still unclear about the situation, turned red all over and shouted loudly.

"I didn't do anything..." Juss felt that he was wronged, it was really not normal. He didn't want to hurt each other, nor did he want to do strange things, but his body moved on his own without authorization, and then he treated Hydra in one way or another.

This kind of action can be called gorgeous and graceful, not to mention learning, he has not even watched it once.

At a very close distance, using Superman’s observation and reaction power, she can directly determine the trajectory of her attack before the opponent counterattacks, and then use the most light and harmless way to make the opponent’s attack deviate from the predetermined trajectory, there is no doubt that It is definitely a very superb close combat technique.

It only needs to use some subtle movements to neutralize the opponent's attack without hurting the opponent.

Even later, you can guide the enemy's attack to your own rhythm, and automatically solve the attack before the opponent takes action. This kind of thing, let alone studying, Juss didn't even think about it.

Infinitely knock down the princess's waltz dance steps, it looks unreasonable in this way, and there is no lethality, only fighting skills used by girls.

No, to say that this is a fighting technique is too terrifying. Like the name, this is a trick that a certain demon king quite proudly uses for a special purpose.

Gorgeous and graceful, like a dance between lovers, this is the essence of this technique.

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