Although Euses slowed down, the princess waltz did not stop like this. While Hydra was thinking about an extremely difficult problem for her, the soft and graceful princess waltz continued to guide her.

Compared with the enthusiastic dance steps just now, the princess waltz dance steps dominated by Juss now appear more relaxed and gentle. Before Hydra hadn't noticed, she had fallen into Juss' dance steps.

The gentle dance steps are not without enthusiasm. It's just that the fierce dance steps that are like flames are turned into slow steps that bring happiness to people like honey and four-leaf clover. Let people melt their hearts unconsciously in the sweet dance.

When the princess waltz finally stopped, Hydra's petite body had been pressed by Juss on the side of the mountain, and she also stretched out her hand and actively embraced Juss's body.

The two of them hugged each other like this, and then slowly let go. When the two eyes met, they blushed at the same time.

"No! No! No!" Hydra finally realized that something was wrong.

This is weird! The dignified lord of the Karaal Mountains, the contracted beast of the dark princess Ka Lei, who has a close to infinite immortality, how could she blush and be at a loss like this, as if she can be no matter what she is!

That kind of feeling, feeling, it's as if one's body and mind are captured by the other party.

This is not right! Very wrong! What happened to make her so strange! He even forgot his identity and purpose, and was completely indulged in that strange dance.

Just now, how did it feel... Juses was equally confused. Just now, the kind of heart-to-heart communication, you can feel everything about Hydra—feeling her doubts, her uneasiness, her intoxication, and her attachment, what is it?

Similar to the first time he met with Helen, although it should be in a hostile situation, he didn't feel Hydra's danger. Watching her standing in front of the hill of monsters corpses and shouting robbery slogans fiercely, it was more of a feeling as if she had seen an interesting scene of deja vu than uneasy.

This familiar feeling is not only once. When he stretched out his hand to hold Hydra's ankle, when he let him hug her petite body, when he felt her heartbeat and body heat, that kind of deja vu feeling Will appear.

What is even more strange is that this feeling seems to be the same not only for him, but also for Hydra.

When dancing together, he could clearly feel that as the contact between the two increased, Hydra's body and resistance were slowly disappearing, and basically disappeared in the end.

Among them, the most critical role seems to be a similar sense of familiarity. When the two people's skin goes on a blind date, that feeling becomes more obvious.

"Who are you?" Hydra patted her cheek, stared at Juss's face and eyes, and began to look for someone's shadow on him.

After working very hard, after looking and looking hard, she found something quite shocking to her.

Why didn't I notice until now? Why didn't I think of it after watching it for so long.

This human girl has a face that looks very similar to Ulysses!

Although her skin is slightly whiter (because the body is different), her temperament is gentler, quieter, brighter, the smell is more fragrant, her figure is more graceful, and she looks more lovely... …

But just looking at the face, it is indeed similar to Ulysses. The feeling of holding it up is almost exactly the same.

Why haven't you noticed something so obvious until now? Hydra shook her head suspiciously, rubbed her eyes again, and then looked harder.

Unfortunately, if you just look at it, this is the limit now. Sure enough, just watching is not enough. Although she didn't know what was going on, her body would not lie.

There will only be one person in this world who makes her feel so excited and uncontrollable.

The female Super Monster is very loyal to her partner. She clearly remembered Ulysses' appearance, taste, physical characteristics, and many, many things. But because of this clarity, she was even more puzzled.

"I'm..." Juses breathed a sigh of relief, who could finally talk to Hydra. It seems that there will be no more wars right away.

"Ah, no matter, let me confirm!" Hydra, who believed that her body was more than her brain, was not listening to Juss at all, and threw him directly down. This time, Juss could no longer display the incredible magical skills just now, but was obediently thrown down by Hydra.

Hydra, who threw Juss down to the ground with her young body, smelled the smell of Juss very hard, like she threw down her owner's pet dog who was acting like a baby.

"Hmm...Hmm..." The more she smelled it, the stranger she became. Judging from the smell alone, this is indeed not Ulysses's smell, no wonder she was completely disconnected at first.

It is actually very easy for humans to change their appearance, but it is even more difficult to change their taste. No matter how many perfumes are used to cover up, everyone's own taste is unique. For Hydra, that is a more obvious sign than looks.

However, Hydra didn't give up. After she couldn't smell the familiar smell, she began to stick out her little fragrant tongue, licking Juss's face one after another.

The warm and slippery little tongue made Juses' face wet, and it also made his entire face warm. Hydra's actions reminded Juss of his ice phoenix mother.

Before he could move freely, the gentle Ice Phoenix mother kissed his body, just like Hydra now.

"Um... this taste..." Hydra tried the taste. Although there are some differences, this is indeed the taste of Ulysses that she knows, and it is delicious.

The truth is close. No wonder she feels so familiar, so strange when hugged, it turns out...but when did Ulysses become a female? Or is this his sister or something? Even the younger sister, the taste is too close. It's almost exactly the same, with only a little difference.

Specifically, it is more tender and delicious. It seems that there is a little more delicious food in the original taste of Ulysses.

If it’s my younger sister, it’s okay to try it. If it's Ulysses, then it's even better. Thinking like this, Hydra boldly stuck her tongue into Juss's mouth below him.

Without even having a chance to make a sound for Juss, Hydra's tongue broke through the defenses of his teeth, and then sent a large amount of his sweet body fluid into his mouth, while also sucking his body fluid.

"Woo..." Juss watched as Hydra kissed him forcefully, but he couldn't directly refuse without knowing why. A familiar feeling made him proactively stick out his tongue, entangled with Hydra's fragrant tongue.

A trace of transparent body fluid slowly fell from the corners of their mouths. If there were some doubts just now, Hydra is almost certain that the person kissing herself is her partner, Ulysses who has had a fiery mating with her more than once.

Because, in a certain position of her, something very, very hard can already be felt, just as before, against her.

Although it is not clear why Ulysses is like this now. Not only the look and feel, but also the smell has changed a lot, and it seems that she doesn't recognize her anymore. However, the most important thing remains the same.

The appearance can be changed, the smell can also be changed, but this warm, fiery feeling has not changed at all. Just like in that small and dark cave, Ulysses' kiss still made her heart beat and fierce.

Sure enough, the favorite is the favorite, and you can't get it wrong. Even though it changed and looked like a girl, her Ulysses was still her Ulysses. This kind of physique that would be very excited once she was overwhelmed, isn't it the same as before.

So, just like this...Hydra, who has never really experienced it (the new ninth), looked at Euses under him with longing eyes, and a certain kind of flame that had just been provoked by the princess’s waltz dance began. Burning in her pretty purple eyes.

Just continue like this, just thinking for a hundredth of a second, the great Lord Karaal, Hydra, the undead beast, decided to obey the desire in his heart and have a fiery mate with his favorite partner.

"Boom!" When Hydra was enthusiastic and ready to satisfy her other desire in broad daylight, a loud blast exploded in the distance.

The blazing white light blasted the dark clouds in the sky without a trace, and it seemed that something extremely terrifying had awakened in the area over there.

"Yeah...that's..." Hydra, who was riding on Juss, was stunned. If I remember correctly, it seems that this is the direction she sent Helen out. And in the white light that exploded, there seemed to be a kind of magic power that made her familiar.

"Boom boom!" A huge white line slew from the area over there. No matter whether it was a mountain or a valley, all blocked in front of the white line were blasted into flat ground.

The earth shook for it, the sky trembled for it, and a certain substantive murderous aura locked this area from that direction like a roaring dragon.

"Could it be..." Hydra had a bad premonition, as if something that shouldn't have come out was awakened by her.

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