The Devil Priest and the Brave Beautiful Girl

Vol 3 Chapter 241: Destructive battle (in)

"In the name of my contractor, the good dark princess Ka Lei, follow the ancient contract! Awaken!"

"There is a dark December in the sky, and my Hydra is here to summon the **** realm of the dark realm! Come on, the **** of blood."

In Hydra's voice, the whole earth began to tremble violently. It was not because of Helen's bombardment, but because a certain huge power was awakening and expanding from the earth.

The power of the starry sky is not just the starry sky itself, but is connected to the roots of the sky and the earth. It is a field that is completely different from ordinary elemental magic but is connected to each other. It is a power that is infinitely close and even one of the origins of the world.

The earth that was already unbearable under Helen's four-day holy spirit was beginning to be covered by blood at this moment. With the circle at Hydra's feet as the center, within a dozen kilometers of the surrounding area, all the ground turned blood red.

As Hydra's blood infiltrated the earth and covered the rocks, the originally bright sky began to darken, and the power from another domain was slowly coming from higher dimensions.

This is definitely not a force that belongs to the general world, and even the brilliance of the sun in the sky is suppressed by this force. In front of this kind of power, the earth trembles.

Whether it is day or night, the power of the stars is always there.

Your blood will penetrate the wilderness, flow into the sea, and become the world! People among people, love in love, sin in sin, the number one princess in the world will bless you, lovely Hydra-this is the blessing given to Hydra by the number one princess in the world, the power of dark December , Even when she was trapped by the tenth-level divine art infinite reincarnation, she never lost her brilliance.

The brilliance of one of them was on Hydra herself, in her body.

The color of the sky gradually changed to red. On the ground, the blood that diffused from under Hydra's feet was exuding an astonishing smell of blood and killing.

Hey, what's going on... Hydra, who summoned the scarlet power, felt something was wrong, which was not her normal level. It should be said that she is several times more than her normal level, I am afraid it can be comparable to the realm in her complete form.

When will she be able to use so much dark December power? Although only part of the power of Dark December is hidden in her body, it is one of the strongest powers in the world. Only relying on her own contract with Ka Lei would not start much.

Since Ka Lei's departure, although she can still use part of the power of Dark December, she can easily activate the power of the blood **** that can only be used in her heyday like today, and never once.

She is only in a four-in-one state, still in an incomplete posture formed by using the puppet fruit. Even if she could borrow the power of Dark December, she could borrow so much at once, which was almost equal to her eight-in-one state. It was too unusual.

This feeling is almost the same as when Ka Lei was still using her extra power. For Ka Lei, the power that can be restored just by sleeping, if given to her, it is enough to make her combat power rise in a straight line, reaching the apex that the body can accommodate.

If it is with Ka Lei, she is a super monster that even ninth-level powerhouses dare to fight. Even though she lost the battle with that brave of light, she persisted for a long time.

However, there is no time to think so much. In this blood-red realm, her combat power can be more than twice the normal, and her recovery power can be astonishingly more than ten times. In a short time, just like Helen, she was in a state of infinite magic. This will not be a long time, it is the strongest and most terrifying time for her in the current four-in-one form!

So, fight! Take out all your power and fight the obviously abnormal Super Helen! Now she is not a normal Hydra, but a super Hydra!

"Drink!" Hydra, who was awakened to a super state, opened her eyes, and a terrifying breath erupted from her. From the circle under her feet, blood-red energy light waves continued to gush out, surrounding her.

Beside her, the **** energy like flames radiated dazzling light. The **** energy waves condensed into substance appeared in the light from time to time, filling her whole body with an overwhelming domineering attitude.

The light green headband bound by the white headband half-floated because of this terrifying ability, emitting a bright luster.

"Hey!" Super Hydra suddenly let go of the hands that had been crossed on her chest, clenched into fists, and the blood-colored light wave suddenly expanded, from a few meters in size to dozens of meters away.

Everything around was blown away, only the scarlet spear still stood straight in front of Hydra. Due to the continuous blocking of Helen's numerous blue light strikes, the three-red light on the spear had weakened to the point where it was almost unclear, but it still stood upright in front of Hydra, showing no sign of tilting.

This is the difference between a simple energy attack and a move that condenses all the magic essence of the user. If it hadn't been for the magical energy that Helen extracted was too much to calculate, Hydra actually didn't need to push herself to this point. Whether it is fighting skills or experience, she is far above Helen.

But Helen's ability is too unreasonable. According to her method, the only one who will win the battle to the final victory is her, she who has unlimited energy! No matter how much combat experience and skills, there is only a dead end in front of this kind of unreasonable all-round bombardment.

This is really totally inconsistent with common sense, but Helen herself is such an existence outside of common sense.

"A showdown! Helen!" In her **** realm, Hydra's momentum reached its zenith. Although she didn't know why she could summon so much power of Dark December this time. However, there is no doubt that this huge power has given her enough confidence in victory.

"Energy...transformation...the second stage..." Helen did not answer Hydra's words. On the ring belt of blue diamond crystals, more and more terrifying energy began to condense.

Even though the ability to speak is about to be lost, the extraction of magical energy by the four-day holy spirit has become even more severe. And larger and more terrifying energy attacks are also beginning to be brewed.

Around the blue diamond crystal, a chaotic magic storm has spread to the ground. The energies of different animals are mixed together, which is a tragedy in itself. In the absence of adjustments, they have brought devastating disasters.

A storm appeared, centered on the blue diamond crystal, the chaotic storm led to tragic results. The chaotic air flow rolled up the dust in the sky, forming a dust storm that only appears in the dry season.

In the uniform rotation of the blue rhombohedral crystals, unprecedented blue energy forms a light layer that can be recognized by the naked eye. That is a layer of multi-layer defense wall, and in the multi-layer defense without any dead ends, a magic ring that is more terrifying than all the attacks just now is taking shape.

And Hydra, who was caught by the **** light wave, lifted her **** spear without hesitation. Three red lights flowed and boiled on the spear, and then formed a strange ring pattern at the tip of the spear.

It is a huge circular ring composed of black and red colors. At the very center, is a small black ring. On the outer layer, there is a large dark black ring. In the middle of the big ring and the core ring, three bright red sixty-degree cut segments flashed dangerously, and the rest were black.

Under the manipulation of the blue diamond crystal, the energy balance in the sky has long been completely destroyed, and the phenomenon of energy out of control has evolved to a very bad point. All of this was due to the next attack. If the attack just now was a normal attack, then this time, it was a charged attack, drawing out almost all the magical elements around dozens of kilometers.

The magic elements are broken down into the most basic particles, and then they are accelerated in the ring zone to form an attack. Simple principle, but it contains the most terrifying destructive power. To this world, Helen was like a weapon that was born deliberately and directed it to destruction.

In order to gain enough power, Helen will not hesitate to extract all the resources of the earth and use all the magic elements in battle. In order to protect Ulysses, unscrupulously destroy all enemies, this is what she means as a weapon.

Weapons never need to consider the consequences, only need to exist for combat. Lost the ability to control, only knows that Helen, who is destroying, is such an extremely dangerous automatic weapon.

But Hydra was no better than Helen at the moment, and the power of Dark December she summoned this time was also beyond her control. Even though she tried her best to control these abilities, she was still a little frantic.

After all, the four-in-one form formed by the combination of puppet fruit, in terms of control and familiarity, is in no way comparable to the genuine one, just like the fake monster can never beat the genuine one.

The magic element particles extracted by the four-day sacred spirits began to accelerate, the huge blue diamond-shaped crystal, emitting an unprecedented dazzling light. The area where Hydra is located is completely locked, and there is no way to escape.

At the same time, the bizarre circular logo in front of Hydra also gave out a dark red light that was not inferior to the opposite side. The red and black patterns expand and then expand in front of Hydra. Soon, it became a giant mark with a diameter of more than ten meters and dripping with blood.

Neither side moved, and both were preparing for the strongest blow. For a while, the battlefield became unusually calm, just like the scenery before the storm.

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