The Devil Priest and the Brave Beautiful Girl

Vol 3 Chapter 251: Blood puppet

What did Kay find? This question was not understood until Juss returned to his tent in the camp.

"Helen." In the center of the tent, Helen put on a new white pajamas and slept quietly on the paved cot. Juses touched her forehead with his hand, the temperature was normal, there was no fever, and it seemed that there was nothing wrong with it.

The good news relieved Juses a lot. But then he found a bad news. Hydra, who should have been sleeping next to Helen, didn't know when he was gone.

Reaching out, there was not the slightest temperature on the sheet that had been spread for her, and it seemed that she had been out for a long time.

Where will she go when it's so late? Juses stood up, and quickly surveyed the entire tent. Although the tent allocated to the Paladin squad was not small, it was definitely not big enough to hide people easily. To be sure, Hydra is not here.

There were no special traces in the tent, and it seemed that no fighting had taken place. Judging from the traces of the sheet being opened, Hydra seemed to have left by herself.

Where did she go and what is she going to do? Could it be that she went to robbery again so late? At this time, even the elite Paladin squad would not choose to act at night. However, Hydra is not a human, but a super monster like him, and perhaps his mode of action is different from that of humans.

While Juss was thinking about it, the entrance of the tent flipped, and Hydra, who had disappeared from the tent, returned with a very happy mood.

"Hydra, where are you going..." When Juss was about to ask Hydra where he was going in the middle of the night, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

Behind Hydra, there are other people, and they are people he knows.

Snow-white skin, beautiful long black hair, and tall body, it is Kaye who just broke up with him.

Why would she be with Hydra? No, the look in her eyes! Euses was surprised to find that Kay's eyes were strange now, as if at a loss, at a loss, as if looking at the endless void.

"I'm going to catch a thief who eats it. Without permission, I eat other people's important partners. As a decent lady of Warcraft, you can never turn a blind eye. I was still thinking about whom the last puppet fruit should be used for, now It's her, this is the punishment she deserves." Hydra said in a very proud tone.

"Stealing, punishment, Hydra, what are you talking about?" Juss, who didn't know the ins and outs, felt that his head was going to be muddy.

He understood every word that Hydra said, but how could they be combined into something inexplicable. What the **** is she going to do and why is she catching Kay.

"In the name of Hydra's blood, drive, puppet synchronization!" Hydra looked at the bewildered Uses with evil eyes.

Although I didn't eat enough, I was not so hungry anymore, and I got enough sleep. So, it's time to do something hot and hot.

"Go, execute the order." Crossing her hands, Hydra pointed at Juss's location.

Kay, whose eyes were dull, shook his body, and then walked up to Juss.

Although she just broke up, the clothes she is wearing now are completely different from just now. Just now she was wearing a simplified version of the combat uniform, but now she is wearing a green one-piece dress and a white apron as a maid's uniform.

This set of maid clothes emphasized Kay's slender figure and plump breasts. The pair of beautiful **** standing proudly in front of the body and the pair of beautiful legs in white stockings made her very good at first full of allure.

The beautiful long black hair was neatly **** with thin ribbons, and lace hair ornaments were also worn.

On the chest, the maid's outfit, which was designed to be extraordinarily bold, exposed almost half of the chest, and the deep cleavage could even be seen from Juss's point of view.

wrong! wrong! Looking at Kay now, Juss felt a serious sense of incongruity.

You know, there's really no way except that time in the hotel, Kayke always likes to dress up. Even when I asked him out tonight, he was wearing a simplified combat uniform. Why did he suddenly dress up like this?

"" Euses tentatively asked Kay, but her eyes were still at a loss as before, but the speed of action was much faster.

Soon, she came to Euses, then lowered her body, knelt on the edge of the bed with her knees, and quickly stretched her hands to Euses' lower body.

"Be awake!" Juss was already sure of what Hydra did to Kay. Just let her put on such clothes and make such strange movements.

"Ah...huh..." Juss's voice seemed to have an effect, and Kay's eyes, who had been blank, had a little more expression, and it seemed that consciousness had recovered.

Then, she immediately discovered that her hands had reached the position of Juss's lower body, and there was a further trend.

"This...what's going on!" Kay's eyes suddenly became exciting. Shame, consternation, at a loss, all kinds of emotions appear together. But contrary to this complicated look, her hand touched a certain key of Euses without hesitation.

"Wake up a little bit faster than expected...but it's too are already my puppet!" Hydra looked at Kay, who had recovered her consciousness in surprise. Regaining consciousness so quickly shows that her willpower is quite strong.

However, in Kay's current situation, no matter how strong his willpower is, it is useless. The fully aroused puppet fruit has completely seized her body. For an hour, she had absolute control over her body.

The use of puppets made by Saya is not limited to creating puppets. Beat the enemy half to death, and then drive the puppet fruit that has swallowed its own blood into the enemy's body, and let it absorb enough blood to gain absolute control over the body of the enemy implanted into the puppet fruit within a certain period of time.

The puppet fruit itself does not have any lethality and has a short life cycle. This usage is actually very meaningless. But for Hydra, this is her good way to punish the enemy.

"Go on, don't stop." Even if Kay had regained his consciousness, it was of no avail. The evil Hydra gave her the order to continue.

"I... what am I doing..." Kaye was filled with an atmosphere of hesitation, his sense of incongruity became stronger and stronger, but his movements were unusually gentle. She knelt on the ground, carefully stopped Euses who wanted to get up forcibly, and then began to slowly stroke Euses at a key position.

"Ah!" A strong tremor swept across Juss's body, making him groan softly. Although he showed a "don't" expression, Kay's movements were exceptionally proficient, and it was hard to tell that it was the first time he did such a thing.

"Give it to me!" Hydra looked at this scene excitedly, and began to appreciate the pleasure of Cat Kana manipulating the humanoid puppet. Under her ingenious manipulation, the puppet named "Kay" is showing extraordinary skills, which is really satisfying.

"'s not like this! It's not that I'm doing something like this!" Kaye, who had recovered consciousness, blushed and looked at a certain position fiddled with by her fingers.

The physical sensation has not disappeared, so she can easily feel a strange temperature from her hand. Perhaps because of her inability to manipulate her body, she even felt the size and shape of the thing more acutely than usual.

Hydra looked at Kay's rebellious and shameful expression with interest. Otherwise, it wouldn't be punished. She wants to let her know what price she should pay if she dared to eat her partner.

Hey, her manipulation of this Kay puppet is countless times stronger than that hateful kitten. Even if the kitty who likes puppets has a hand speed of more than 1,000, it is definitely not as good as her who is directly manipulating puppets with spirit.

In a sense, Kaye now can be regarded as her puppet clone. It's just a temporary puppet clone that can't fit together or fight.

"Don't move, just leave everything to me."

"No, Juss, stop me!" The same voice and the opposite language uttered from Kay's mouth, making the atmosphere even more ambiguous.

"Wait, wait a minute..." Euses was confused about the situation.

"Don't move, I'll do it." Hydra, who viciously seized Kay's right to speak, launched an active offensive.

Her fingers flexibly unzipped Juses' white robe. The white robe that normally protects Juss perfectly doesn't mean anything to block it, let Kay's hands untie it. Juss himself didn't know why he didn't resist. When he recovered, his firmness, which had started to harden, had been exposed in front of Hydra and Kay.

"Ah, it's been a long time!" Hydra showed a joyous expression of reuniting after a long time, and temporarily relaxed his manipulation of Kay.

"This is!" Kay drew a sigh of relief, his eyes flushed with shame.

Although I have seen it in Lufa's "Enlightenment Education Course", it is the first time to observe her directly at such a close distance.

"No... don't!" It was only retrieved briefly, and Kay's body soon fell into Hydra's manipulation again. Her fingers began to carefully grasp Juss's firmness. Five fingers were entangled with this hot big thing at the same time, rubbing lightly with the feeling of Ruojiruli, so that the blood was concentrated in one place.

Under the wonderful caress of Kaye's fingers, he suddenly leaped forward and kept jumping. Under the control of the "experienced" Hydra, Kay's fingers sometimes rubbed against the firm front end, and sometimes slipped gently, confirming Juss's reaction while cleverly inciting his **** desires.

Euses didn't have time to resist, and was instantly intoxicated.

"I... what am I doing!" Kaye looked red and watched as her fingers were constantly moving on Juss's stiffness, making movements she hadn't even thought of.

This kind of technique, let alone her, not even Lufa! But under Hydra's evil will, she used it so skillfully, Juss wouldn't think it was her masterpiece.

Indeed, in Juses' view, this is not Kay's approach at all. In his eyes, Kay is older than him, self-confident, proud, and an elite fighter with the fighting power of that pride.

Although the explosive power is not as good as Zuofei, and the planning ability is not as good as Lufa, she is the backbone of the three-person combat team and plays an important role that cannot be ignored.

Obey the discipline and take pride in their rigor. How could such a girl with strong self-esteem have such a skill.

Until now, Juss still felt unbelievable, as if he had ceased to dream.

"This...that..." Kaye was already a little incoherent. She even felt that it might be better if she fainted and stopped waking up when she was attacked by Hydra. In that case, she wouldn't have to face such embarrassment and shame.

"Woo..." Rejection turned to rejection, but Kay, who had regained consciousness, didn't even have the power to close his eyes.

Holding Juss's firmness with both hands, her delicate lips exhaled a scorching breath.

Under her caressing, Juss's male symbol has long been optimistic and hard to the highest point.

Even though the consciousness desperately wanted to reject Hydra's control, her body still bent down under the irresistible order, and brought her pure face close to Juss's firmness.

"Stop, stop, Kay!" Juses managed to squeeze out a few words.

It's a pity that Kay, who couldn't help himself, didn't stop. The bushy eyelashes trembled sadly at the moment before the firmness of Juses was contained in the mouth, as if to express their reluctance.

"Woo...ah..." Chu Chu's poor lips slowly contained Juss's firmness. If there is anything to be thankful for, it is because of the special ability of that white robe, not only does Juss not have an unpleasant odor, but there is also a slight fragrance.

"Too...too outrageous..." Euses couldn't stop it. Unlike Kay, he cannot overcome his own desires. For him who does not have much knowledge in this area, it is simply too difficult to be self-control in this situation.

In the warm tent, I just met him, but Kay, who was talking and laughing, knelt in front of him now. Wearing revealing and bold maid clothes, doing things that are extremely exciting, it is almost like a spring dream, and it is the kind of spring dream that makes people excited enough to burn.

Juss's firmness was surrounded by the warm mouth and rubbed against the inside of his narrow cheeks by sliding his saliva. Just so, Juss had an urge to explode.

Under Hydra's control, Kay Cherry sips greedily and spurs all the way from the top to the root without missing any corners.

I... I'm actually doing something like this... Kay, who is very conscious, can't wait to find a hole in the ground now. After Rufa's "Enlightenment Education Course", she knew exactly what she was doing.

But knowing that doesn't mean it's acceptable. This kind of abnormal behavior is a high-level stage that it is difficult for even married men and women to enter at once. She is not exposed, and can accept such intimacy with confidence.

How could she, who had to think about being hugged by Jusses for a long time, come to such a high level all at once. Shouldn't this kind of thing be done step by step, starting from hugging, kissing, deep kissing, and then slowly developing!

Regardless of how desperately Kaye tried to prevent her body from doing that shameless behavior, Hydra continued this interesting "punishment" with great interest.

For her, the more Kay resisted and the more shame she felt, the more punishment she felt. Therefore, she never gets tired of it.

Under Hydra's control, Kay moved his head slightly up and down, doing his best to serve Euses. The free hand gently rubbed the underside of Juses, sometimes hooking it with his nails.

Juss, whose mind was already confused, couldn't resist at all. The extreme pleasure gradually spread out around the waist, destroying his residual rationality in one fell swoop. This kind of feeling was unprecedented. The whole waist seemed to melt. Unknowingly, he opened his feet so that Kay, who bowed his head, could more easily bury his face between his legs.

Eusis...really...feeling Eusis's non-resistance behavior, Kay's entire face turned red, but his lips continued to serve Eusis uncontrollably.

The foreign body filled her lips, and became bigger and hot inside, making Kay at a loss. She hadn't had any experience in this area at all, but her body made corresponding movements without authorization.

Fortunately, at least, these actions did not make Juses feel painful. It seems that it is not generally comfortable.

A few minutes later, Kay's lips left Juss's firmness, and then began to gently rub the saliva-covered firmness with his cheeks. Although the mental level desperately refused, the natural reaction of the body was beyond Kay's control, even Hydra could not.

In the process of serving Euses, Kay's reaction has changed significantly. Her eyes were rosy from intoxication, and her breathing was rapid from excitement.

"Hey... go ahead..." Hydra, who was getting more and more comfortable with his manipulation, did not stop the funny punishment.

After sleeping for too long, she almost forgot. She is the evil undead demon snake, the big bad guy in the dark school, how could she let Kai who offended her like this. If it weren't for only one puppet fruit, she would definitely capture both Lufa and Zuofei.

As for Helen, forget it. She tried, even if the puppet fruit was asleep, it was impossible to invade her body, which was harder than a diamond how many times. I really don't know what structure her body is, it's harder than a dragon.

After looking at Juses' eyes mixed with happiness and confusion, Kay stretched out his tongue lightly and crawled slowly on the firmness. While teasing the roots and stimulating the tip, she licked the hot part of Juss.

The white light of the soft magic crystal lamp in the tent shone on Kay Baitian's face, making her look beautiful and sexy.'s bigger again! Kay kept watching Uses fiercely firm, and with the help of her tongue, that thing was still getting bigger. This is beyond her imagination.

"Kay...If this goes on, I will..." Juses showed a mixed expression of pain and happiness.

"Oh... that's coming... you're welcome..." Hydra was stunned, and then soon knew what Juss was talking about. Although she has not experienced an experience of being resurrected with the help of the new core, the shared memory makes her very clear what the next scene will be.

It's...what's coming...could it be...could it be...Kay was completely panicked. For her, what will happen next is tantamount to a disaster. She desperately wanted to retract her body to avoid the terrible disaster.

It's a pity that things went counterproductive. Instead of moving back, her body actively moved a few centimeters forward. She looked up at Euses with her eyes and licked her tongue from bottom to top.

"Don't be patient... let it go." Hydra manipulated the Kay puppet and was fully prepared. Punishment is punishment, she is not trying to punish her precious partner. It was her real goal to make Jusses happy to punish the thief who stole the food by the way.

In the eyes of Kay almost crying, her cherry mouth opened, and Juss's firmness was held back again, and she swallowed deeper than before.

Not only that, she also actively uses her tongue. While moving his head up and down, he used a smooth fragrant tongue to give Euses a stronger stimulus.

With Kay's wholehearted service, Juss has been immersed in an overwhelming wave of happiness, and even has no time to take care of Kay's extremely shameful eyes.

Now he is gradually rushing towards the peak of the limit, the numbing pain is rapidly expanding, the torrent of desire is surging on the hot and strong roots, and he yearns for a flood discharge outlet.

After seeing Juss's urgent reaction, Kay, under the control of Hydra, immediately accelerated the speed of her tongue entanglement. The tied long black hair swayed from side to side, and several strands of long hair fell on Juss's lap.

", no...Kaye, get out of here!" The end of the spine trembles for a while. Juses knew that he had reached his limit. But if this continues, Kay will...


In Juses' somewhat flustered voice, he finally broke out. Before erupting, he made one last effort, stretched out his hands, and tried to push Kay away, who was still holding him strong.

But this action has no effect. After receiving the signal, Kay not only did not back down, but even harder to hold onto Juss's firmness.

When a large amount of golden liquid spewed out from Juss's firmness, she accepted it all, who could not escape.

In the process, her eyes were helpless. At this time, what else can she do, she can only do this if she can't even move her fingers.

Then, she started to **** with red face, and took the initiative to swallow her semen. Fortunately, Juss's golden liquid didn't have any fishy smell, on the contrary, it had a little sweet smell. When swallowing, she even felt a warm feeling in her body.

As soon as Euses' spasm ended, Kay licked all the golden droplets from the firm end with his tongue delicately, and nothing was left.

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