The Devil Priest and the Brave Beautiful Girl

Vol 3 Chapter 253: Serious Lady (Part 1)

Kay's body trembled violently, and a seductive blush appeared on her snow-white skin. The sudden peak made her consciousness blank. The stretched toes still showed no signs of slack.

She has no way to answer Hydra's orders, and Hydra does not need her answer. After confirming that her partner was excited because of Kay's service, Hydra, who had been watching from behind, was already eager to try.

Although all Hydra's memories are shared, for her who has just been born from the new core, this is the first time she has **** with her partner.

What exactly is that experience, is it really as exciting as the memory? She wouldn't really understand it before she experienced it in person.

The first is kissing, which is the first step to becoming an adult. According to her own memory, Hydra grabbed Juss's shoulder, and then took the initiative to send her lips up.

"Woo..." Under the force majeure, Juss could only accept the kiss from Hydra.

It was really a very passionate kiss, without any jerky or uneasy feeling at all. After confirming the identity of her partner, Hydra is more active and enthusiastic than any human girl.

At the same time, under Hydra's order, Kay began to carefully take off her clothes. In a short time, only the last piece of underwear was left on Hydra.

Although the fighting strength is infinite and the fighting style is unusually fierce, after taking off the clothes, the lines of Hydra's body do not appear hard at all. Especially the smallest form of Hydra, no matter from which point of view, he is the same size as a child.

However, this does not mean that her body is not attractive. Although the size is like that of a child, the proportions are not bad at all. Especially the sturdy and slender legs exposed in front of Juss are not only white and smooth, but also crystal clear, like a work of art carved from white jade.

There are no blemishes, no scars. For the immortal Hydra, she herself is a beautiful work of art that has existed from ancient times to the present. Very few lives with eternal charm.

"Goo...hmm..." While enjoying the deep kiss with her partner, Hydra took the initiative to swim towards the base of her legs.

Under the excitement, Hydra's legs fit tightly. When Juses' fingers squeezed in, the amazing moisture could be felt through the underwear. The moisture was oozing out of the fabric, making the little white underwear extremely moist.

At the same time, Hydra's body temperature is also ridiculously high, not at all like a cold-blooded monster.

"" The irritated Hydra temporarily left Juss's lips, breathing quickly, and staring at her partner in front of her with red eyes.

Sure enough, the actual feeling is different. Everything in the memory can only be used as a reference. Only by experiencing this kind of thing will you know how happy it is.

"I...can't stand it anymore..." Once the fruit of desire has been tasted, it is difficult to get rid of its temptation. What's more, Hydra is a special one. She has eaten that luscious fruit many, many times.

Thanks to Kay's help, Juss's strength has long since reached a state where he can enter the battle at any time. With a curious and expectant expression, Hydra stretched out her hands and grasped the hot firmness.

The important part was grabbed, and the sweet excitement made Juss's mind dizzy. The desire that was already out of control was swallowing his body at high speed.

And compared to Euses, who is still struggling between desire and reason, Hydra who is loyal to her partner is much simpler. She took the initiative to take off her underwear, and then asked Kaye to hold her back and sat down on Juss easily.

Because of someone's help, Hydra could say that he overwhelmed Euses effortlessly, and then pointed himself at the towering firmness in a mysterious place that was so narrow that he could barely enter his fingers.

Just like the first time, in order to prevent Juss from giving up at the last moment, Kay took the initiative to get close to his body, and then blocked his movement with his chest.

"It seems to be...a bit painful..." Hydra gasped, but did not hesitate to take the fiery stiffness of Juses into her narrow passage.

"Oh!" The sensation of something being torn swept through Hydra's body, making her almost cry.

However, even though there was a faint scream, Hydra did not give up in the slightest. She leaned back vigorously and arched her body, placing her hand on her mouth and desperately suppressing the louder scream that followed.

Juss also felt a sensation of broken objects. Due to the excessive strength, when the truth of the object is sensed, everything is over.

Really, it really hurts... The blood of the bright red girl slowly flowed out of Hydra's small and immature girl's mysterious place, fell on the carpet, and turned into a bright blood flower. The feeling that the lower body was almost torn apart and shattered was no different from a huge disaster for Hydra in the smallest form.

But even so, she did not retreat even a little distance, but bravely accepted the disaster.

In her painful expression, Juss's firmness moved forward a little bit until it reached the root.

"..." Kay watched this scene intently, speechless. Although she had seen the affection between Rufa and Uss, watching a girl so much younger than herself lose her purity in front of her still gave her a huge shock.

Hydra could feel that her immature body was shrinking and convulsing a little bit, completing the task that seemed almost impossible-to accommodate her partner's important things into her body.

This is not something to be ashamed of. For female super monsters, this is a sacred life ritual necessary to give birth to offspring.

In order to find the right half who can give birth to offspring, they are very hard-working, but this little bit of pain is nothing.

It's not just Hydra who feels the pain. The effect of force is relative, and Juss, who was forced to press his strength into Hydra's body, also suffered a lot. And worse than this pain, he really couldn't bear it anymore.

His eyes changed, from blankness, patience, and restlessness, to scorching, longing, like a beast with lust.

After realizing Juss's scorching eyes, Hydra was not afraid, but became even more excited.

She slowly opened her legs to accommodate the strong girl of Juss. The mysterious place was moistened with blood, and the red tide of temptation extended to the thigh area due to anticipation and excitement.

"If you like...Come on..." There is no fear, no hesitation. For Hydra, Juss's desire is exactly what she likes. So no matter how Juss is treated, she will not resist.

With an immortal body, she will accept no matter what Euses does or has any strange interests.

In Juss's vision blurred by the burning desire, Hydra's petals were blooming. The inside is bright light red, and there are still traces of blood, which is the proof of her loss of purity.

This pure and alluring picture destroyed Juss's last reason. After he screamed, he threw Hydra's provocative limbs down.

Hydra's white legs danced in mid-air. Euses separated these beautiful and lovely legs, pressed the hot firmness against the wet center, and began to insert them unscrupulously.

The hot part was buried deep in Hydra's body without delay, and a wonderful sense of unity emerged spontaneously. Whenever the scorching force entered and exited, the narrow passage would entangle this terrifying weapon, and the inner side would also squirm. This sense of excitement and shock easily captured Euses.


Hydra gasped, making a lovely voice full of seduction. The initial rapid panting gradually turned into a murmur mixed with joy and pain. The voice is getting louder and louder, as if talking about the ever-expanding happiness.

Juss's waist couldn't stop, and a voice of shame rang. Behind him, Kay, who was flushed and speechless, was pressing his snow-white plump chest against his back, actively squeezing it.

Under the extreme excitement, the sweat on their bodies evaporated and mixed together, exuding a sweet and alluring taste, which made Juss, who was already lusting, even more uncontrollable.

He even forgot that Helen was sleeping quietly less than a meter away from him. What should he do if she wakes up.

", no...ah!"

"Ok... as if to melt inside."

"Why... this is so... this is so comfortable..."

After the initial difficulties, Hydra quickly tasted the sweetness. The pleasure of ecstasy in the memory faithfully reappeared and attacked her body. No, it should be said that it is a feeling several times stronger than in memory. It is not a personal experience, and you will never understand this kind of gratitude.

This crisp, soft, numb feeling, along with the pain of just losing her purity, combined into a feeling of extreme excitement that made her want to stop. Even the excitement of the fiercest battle cannot be compared with this feeling.

Maybe it was because he couldn't stay still. In order to find more intense friction, Hydra, who was suppressed by Jusses, even actively used his waist and started to lift it up.

The tiny toes were stretched straight from excessive excitement, and the top of the pink chest became pointed. Hydra now has completely forgotten everything around him, and is immersed in this fiery sweet love wholeheartedly.

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