The Devil Priest and the Brave Beautiful Girl

Vol 3 Chapter 255: A Song of Ice and Fire

The snow has been falling.

Snowflakes appearing in transparent icy blue, falling in the sky, dotted with snow-white ground. The light blue phantom from the world of ice and snow is smiling and looking at some place on the ground.

In stark contrast to the calm on this side, on the other side of the canyon, the ground destroyed by a humanoid destroyer was still burning, and the raging ground fire dyed half of the sky red.

But it wasn't just that one place that burned the flames. In the canyon where light blue snow fell, in a temporary tent of a certain size that could provide a standard three-person team to rest, the flames of desire and passion were also burning.

Although it is not as hot as the flames that burn everything deep underground. However, it is enough to melt the reservedness of a soldier who has always abided by discipline and strictly demanded himself.

"Hmm...ha..." Kaye gasped, the speed of her heartbeat made her worry about whether this hot heart would immediately jump out of her chest. The scene in front of her now is too exciting and too messy.

Hydra's control over her has been lifted, and she should run away from here without hesitation for a second.

It should be like this, it can't be different, this is the most correct way to deal with it, this is the only contingency plan.

As long as she can leave here, she can calm down and restore her sanity.

As long as she can leave here, she won't be so overwhelmed and flustered.

As long as she can leave here, she won't be so blushing, heartbeat, hot all over, and weak in her hands and feet.

As long as she can leave here, she will become the original herself, not so strange.

She was dressed in revealing maid clothes, she who took off Euss' clothes, she who bowed her head docilely to serve Euss, and she who swallowed Euss’ golden liquid into her mouth is not real. she. She was only controlled by Hydra and lost her freedom.

As long as I can get out of here right away! Everything will be restored, she can explain to Euss, and Euss will definitely believe her explanation. Everything is because of Hydra, because of this evil undead beast...

Why don't you leave yet?

Kay couldn't find the answer to this question.

Shame, anxiety, loss, anxiety, and some things she didn't want and would never admit, mixed together, like the most powerful spell, preventing her from escaping.

This world full of temptation and desire exerted an unparalleled magic power on her. The taboo and sweet fruit exudes a sweet smell in front of her, tempting her.

Although she knew that she shouldn't read it anymore, and even though she knew that she would become even stranger if she continued like this, she could no longer make a correct judgment.

She vaguely understood some things, some vague things, and some things that did not belong to simple rules and disciplines.

Although Hydra's puppetry has disappeared, everything that happened during the period of manipulation will not disappear. The wall that had separated her and Juss had almost completely shattered.

Her most precious and reserved thing has been completely given to Euses. In a way, what Hydra took from her and gave to Jusses was even more valuable than a real girl.

If the opponent weren't Juss, then this would be a complete tragedy. For Kaye, she would rather die than accept such abuse. However, if the subject is Euses, everything becomes strange again.

Kaye didn't even know how he was feeling now.

"It's so hot...ah... here again!" Hydra had completely forgotten Kay who was punished by him. Now she is completely immersed in the love with her partner.

Due to the continuous eruption, Hydra's passage has been filled with golden liquid. The narrow passage could not contain so much hot liquid, and the result was that a large amount of precious golden liquid fell on the carpet.

If a book magician whose casting resources are nearly exhausted is here, he will definitely shout waste, and collect these precious golden liquids as quickly as possible.

But she is not here, and the only girl here who knows the preciousness of these golden liquids is falling asleep because of the use of power beyond her control. So these golden liquids can only be wasted after filling up Hydra's narrow girlish mysterious place.

"Ha...ha..." In the gap of intimacy, in the short emptiness after the eruption, Juss had regained some sanity.

If this goes will be terrible...Even though he got such an answer, Euses could no longer stop. According to his own experience, once he was introduced into this state of explosive desire, it would be impossible to stop without breaking out a dozen times in Hydra's body.

This is still the best result, and the worst result, the consequences are so serious that Euses dare not think about it.

In this tent, there is more than Hydra alone.

He could feel the warm, plump and silky touch of Kay’s chest behind him, as well as lying quietly on the small bed in the tent, letting him do whatever he wanted. Even when he woke up, there would be absolutely no resistance, and he would not say " No" Helen.

The only thing to be thankful for is that Hydra's young body has incredible tolerance, and physical strength is also very good, even with so many impacts from him, there is no sign of dying. Otherwise, he doesn't know what he will do if he loses control and cannot vent his desires.

Kay, who had faded all his clothes behind him, and Helen, who was wearing white pajamas beside him, now looked more and more like a white lamb in his eyes, and exuded a sweet smell. And he felt that he was getting closer to a certain species of chordates-Mammals-Carnivora-Canidae-Canine subfamily-Canine animals.

In fact, now in this warm spring tent, he ravaged Hydra's young body like a beast, and he has unlimited access to this creature. The endless power of desire that erupted from which part of the body was pushing him, making his desires madly high.

He is no stranger to this feeling! He was like this the first time with Bingmei Shiraz and the first time with Lufa. Almost exhausted them, and didn't know how to pity their bodies, as if they had completely become another person.

"Ah... again... here again..." Hydra shivered violently under Juss's fierce attack. The shock wave of pain, happiness, and pleasure once again swept through her young body.

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