The Devil Priest and the Brave Beautiful Girl

Vol 3 Chapter 258: Snow and Darkness (Part 2)

Euses was in chaos, completely chaotic, so chaotic that he wanted to hit the mountain with his head.

It was just a short half of the night. What a mess of things he did, and even when he thought of it, he would feel collapsed.

When Kay came to tell him to go out and walk with him, everything was normal. But after returning from the walk, everything was not normal. To be precise, he didn't even know whether the world was abnormal or he himself was abnormal.

It should be Hydra who met for the first time, but Kaye who had become weird and not the first time he met, Sila who chased from the castle of the teacher, Water Sage Cavendish. What the **** did he and them do!

Whenever I think of it, my heart will blush and my whole body will get hot. Now, Silas, naked, was still lying beside him, sleeping quietly. On her body, the traces of his tyranny can be seen everywhere. This shows how much he did to her just now.

Although his consciousness was a little confused when he was controlled by desire, he remembered everything that happened clearly.

It was not only Silas who was treated this way, but also Hydra. They all endured his crazy ravages, but they did not complain.

It was indeed seduced at first, but later, it was no longer a question of temptation or temptation. He was asking for their bodies like a beast.

If Silas didn't take him from the tent halfway, he might even stretch out fangs at Kay and Helen. It was not a delusion, but an evil desire from the bottom of his heart.

What made him feel hesitant and uneasy was that after doing such an excessive thing. There is a sense of satisfaction and happiness in his body. It seemed that he had eaten some delicious food, and the sweet heat flowed continuously throughout his body, not only did he not feel tired, but he was still full of vitality even now that his desire had subsided.

This is the most terrifying thing. After doing that tyrannical behavior, his body actually feels good. why is that? Could it be that he instinctively yearned for such a thing? Want even more? After being satisfied with Sila, the figures of Lufa, Zofi, Helen, and Kay appeared in his mind.

They, they... Juss held his head and shook his head desperately. No, the desire that was almost satisfied is showing signs of resurgence. If this doesn't work, you have to wake up quickly!

But the more suppressed, the more active the instinctive desires became. Not only the shadows of Lufa and Kay, but even the Ice Phoenix mother, and Ka Lei, all appeared one by one. As if there were some invisible claws, they were grabbing the beautiful women in his mind one by one, and then placed them in front of him, tempting him.

This evil and dark power is boiling in his body, as if it is about to rush out of his body and do things that he will never regret.

"No! No! It's not like that!" Juss swayed away from the ice flower made by Sila, unconsciously grabbing something, then draped it on his body, and swiftly marched into the darkness.

The same night, the same sky, but in Juses' eyes, it was completely changed.

When I was walking with Kay, I felt the refreshing night, but at this moment, it became like a monster, with its mouth wide open, as if to swallow Juss in.

In the edge of this vast plain, the desolate and clear coldness is enough to penetrate clothes and penetrate the skin in the roar of the cold wind, causing the legs to tremble and the back to chill. It seems that the voice of the evil spirit can be heard. As if being in the darkness of howling ghosts, fear was pressing against the heart tightly.

The icy moonlight casts darker shadows in this strangely rugged wilderness, and the thin white mist floats like clouds in the air a few centimeters above the ground. I don't know when, Euses has already entered a region full of negative energy.

There are no living monsters here (because they were all captured by Hydra), but there are quite a few ghost fires with a chilling aura. Many animal bones can be vaguely seen on the ground, and some are human, like a mass grave.

"Ha...ha..." Juss gasped loudly, his body's abnormality still not alleviated, as if it were a fire that had been ignited.

His instinct desires something, it seems that it will never be satisfied.

This...what's going on...why... Juses leaned back on a huge wooden cross. Although there have been similar problems before, this time it is obviously exceptionally serious. Perhaps it was because it was not just a girl who made love to him this time?

I want to shout, but I don't know what to shout. The excess power can't be vented in the body, and the figure of the girl he knows constantly appears in front of him, and every time he looks at the body, he will react, which is like a perverted monster.

The energy in the body has never been so abundant, and there is even a feeling that it will burst out at any time.

Have to think of a way, otherwise, there will be big trouble! Although I don't know why his body has this weird phenomenon, Juss understands that this situation is not good, very bad.

He opened his hands, and a strong light flashed in his hands, quickly converging into a huge ball of light. He was sure that he could never do this kind of thing before. You don't even need to bother to condense the magic power, just stretch out your hand casually, and the huge magic power in your body will automatically emerge.

If it was a small river that he could use before, then what is in his body now is a waterfall, and it is a super giant waterfall tens of meters wide, like a galaxy hanging upside down.

He doesn't know how to attack magic, and even learning magic is just because of the need to enter the human world. So this giant ball of light is almost his strongest destroying move at the moment.

"Boom!" With a sound, a huge ball of light rose into the sky, and then disappeared into the night sky. This is currently the most magic-consuming trick used by Euses relying on his knowledge and abilities, but he has not consumed even one ten thousandth of his body's power.

No, it's not like this, it's not his real power... He has stronger... stronger...

Euses recalled the flurry of ball of light used in the underground ruins, but no matter how he recalled it, he couldn't remember how he used such moves at that time, it didn't seem to be his own power.

Power, power... his power...

In the blur, Juss saw the shadow again. That familiar figure, locked in a gray chain. This time, it was clearer and clearer than ever.

That was... Although he couldn't tell, Uses seemed to understand something and stretched out his hand.

Some fragments of memory broke free of the gray chain, which is not part of this world, not part of common sense. The part that will not be controlled by any power, the power leading to infinite freedom.

That kind of power is definitely not the power of light, but a power that is darker than darkness and more mysterious than death. The first time he felt it, he couldn't understand it, only that it was a very, very dangerous thing.

Danger... But why, he is not afraid of it, but feels kind? It seems that this is the power that has guarded him countless times and has been by his side for a long, long time ago.

The memory has recovered, and the chains in the body seem to feel loose.

When I was with Helen, when he captured Helen for the first time, the dim feeling appeared more clearly in Juss's mind.

By the way, that is darkness!

By the way, that is infinite!

That is not common sense, is not within the scope of this world's rules, and belongs to his power.

Astaroth...the realm of infinite desire...the power.

Juses stretched out his hand, trying to hold something, something to hold on. Although, in front of him, there was nothing but a black void.

Void? Isn't it air? Why, in front of him, there seems to be another world, a world like a bottomless abyss?

What's there?

What is calling him? Call him!

It is getting closer and closer, as if the coordinates have been found again. Something is approaching at high speed.

The space was torn apart, and from the endless darkness, a big red and black sword appeared in front of Juss, waiting quietly, waiting for his hand.

It was not the first time he saw this sword. In that **** trial, he was in an abnormally unstable state. This sword also appeared in front of him and became his weapon.

That time, when he held the red and black magic sword, he felt an unprecedented pressure. That is not pressure in the ordinary sense, but the feeling that every nerve and every blood vessel in the body is being pressed by a powerful magical force and wailing.

But this time, it feels different. It was not that the sword changed, but that he himself changed. It seems that now he is finally qualified to retrieve this sword.


A sword...

Pick up the sword...

Juses stretched out his hands and unconsciously held the red and black magic sword.

From the magic sword, some long-lost terrifying force once again swept through Juss's body, penetrated his soul, and also announced the end of Juss's pure white era. The power that did not belong to this world returned to Juses again.

In the next instant, the bottomless darkness flooded everything around, and the huge dark power directly swallowed the surrounding space. Compared with the dark power, the negative energy surrounding this mass grave was as insignificant as dust.

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