The Devil Priest and the Brave Beautiful Girl

Vol 3 Chapter 260: Gain and lose

This sword... Juss stared blankly at the abyss in his hand and convicted. Although he knew how terrible it was when he first used it. But now it seems that he was far from underestimated at that time, just as ridiculous as a frog sitting on a well and watching the sky.

Is this really... his sword? Demon Sword-the abyss conviction.

The dead ground under his feet told Juss that this was neither a dream nor a fantasy. The power of darkness contained in this sword destroyed everything easily. And this is far from the limit of this sword.

"Uh...ah..." Juss's body began to tremble violently as if the electric current had penetrated his body. This is a side effect of using this terrifying magic sword. His body is not enough to really control this sword.

Compared with the horror and darkness in this sword, his control ability is not worth mentioning. But even with such incomplete control, such terrible power can be exerted. If he can really control this sword completely and use its hidden power, then...

Fierce pain swept through Euses's body, and the golden runes surrounding him began to show signs of instability. This told him that his body was approaching a certain limit.

Euses struggled to control his body and slowly fell from the air. When his feet hit the ground again, he felt that he was different from before.

It was an essential change, and the power of darkness flowing into his body from the abyss of conviction changed many things. However, compared to the physical changes, the spiritual changes may be even greater.

Euses knew that what he was strongest was not the ice magic power given by the Ice Phoenix mother, nor the light magic power he had always thought he was good at. The most terrifying and terrifying power that was truly hidden in his body was the power of darkness that had just appeared, the same essence as the abyss condemnation in his hand.

Although he still couldn't remember the past, he was vaguely aware of it. Perhaps his own identity is not just the juvenile body of Super Warcraft. That terrifying power of darkness does not seem to belong to this world.

"You are... mine..." Although there is no memory, even if you simply hold it, you feel extremely heavy pressure. But the conviction of the abyss in his hand still gave Juses a kind and familiar feeling.

From this red and black magic sword, the powerful dark power continuously poured into his body. Although the cost of gaining power is quite high, it is indeed his power.

"Cough!" Juss' body trembled when he was overwhelmed by the terrifying power input from the abyss.

It's almost reaching the limit.

"Go back." Euses wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and the abyss in his opponent was convicted and ordered.

The space was distorted, and this powerful magic sword disappeared in front of Euses. But Euses could feel that it was by his side, and it was already a part of him. As long as he needs it, he can summon it immediately.

Isn't this the treasure of mankind? Euses quickly realized this.

However, the conviction of the abyss is obviously different from the treasure in the general sense. The most obvious difference is that its power is many times stronger than the user's Euses. If you compare Euses' body to a bottle, then the conviction of the abyss is the sea, and the levels of both sides are not at the same level.

With the return of the conviction of the abyss, some fragments of memory also returned. Although they are all intermittent fragments, I can't find the clue at all. But for Euses, these fragments have made him vaguely aware of many things related to him.

Among the intermittent fragments, there was the shadow of Helen and Hydra, as did the two girls who appeared in his dream.

Moreover, not only them, but also other girls. Through the distance of time and space, he seemed to be able to see them.

Cute, dream-elf-like girl floating in the air wearing crystal shoes. Appeared from a black book, then declared something, and then flew over and hugged him.

Beside her, there was a golden symbol that was exactly the same as in the halo that had surrounded him just now.

A girl wearing a holy silver armor and holding a golden holy sword stood opposite him. With both hands holding the sword, it seems that he has just gone through a fierce battle. Behind her is the sun that just jumped out of the horizon.

Under the dazzling golden light, the figure of the girl in the silver armor looked so sacred and so beautiful. The golden hair fluttering gently with the morning breeze is as bright and warm as the sun's rays. The brilliance of the sky and the sun was reflected in those green eyes that were as clear and calm as lake water.

There was his shadow in those eyes, and he holding the red and black magic sword seemed to be stunned.

The picture of the memory is suddenly distorted abnormally. Immediately afterwards, a silver-haired girl holding two swords, standing alone on a hill full of long swords, appeared. In front of her, there is a **** wilderness. In the wilderness, there are countless knives, guns, swords, and halberds.

Her eyes were cold and firm, as if the whole world was blocking her and wouldn't let her shake. Her face was firm and pale, she seemed to have gone through too many battles, and she was already exhausted.

The sword in her hand was extremely sharp, and her ruby-like eyes seemed to have seen too much death and blood, but they were still clear.

She was... Juss's hands were tightly clenched into fists, and some kind of unusual anger swept through his body. It was almost the same face as Annie, but the color of the hair was different. But he knew it was definitely not Annie, nor his sister.

In response to Juss's intense anger, a certain scene appeared.

A huge sword swung through the air, cutting off the weapon in the girl's hand, who had the same face as Annie, and wounding her lower abdomen.

Then, her body fell from the air, fell on the edge of a huge square, and fell in front of someone. A lot of blood poured out from her weak body and stained the ground under her red.

She was completely out of balance panting, struggling to get up from the ground, desperately trying to activate some kind of spell.

In order to activate the spell, she closed her eyes and forgot everything around her, not even noticing the figure of someone behind her.

"My body exists to protect justice..."

"Even if the world disagrees..."

"Even if you are alone..."

"I also carry out my justice..." The intermittent words echoed in the air with strong belief. This is the last strength she has desperately put in. In order to win, she will not hesitate to give up her life and expand the field.

Unfortunately, this spell was not completed. Because, she stretched out her hands from behind her, turned her around, which was already scarred, pinched her neck fiercely, and destroyed the spell she wanted to activate at the end of the bet.

She was so scarred that she had no ability to resist, and no time to resist. She opened her eyes hard, trying to see the person who grabbed her and stopped her last desperate counterattack.

She saw it, and then showed a surprised and bewildered look, but she couldn't say a word. The pain that was so intense as to suffocate, coupled with the fatal and serious injury, robbed her of her last strength and made her lose consciousness.

Someone who was holding her neck released a hand, and a big red and black sword appeared in his hand. Then, he used that big sword to penetrate her body mercilessly.

"Shit!" A large amount of blood spurted out of the girl's body along with the cut-and-flesh figure. There are so many scary and frightening things. It was an undoubted death blow, and it was an extremely cruel and tyrannical killing.

Blood was flying all over the sky, and some kind of heart-piercing pain swept through Juss's body. It was as if the sword did not penetrate the girl's body, but penetrated his body.

He felt that he had lost something forever, something extremely precious, something he could never find again. In the **** dance, the outline of the red-black great sword gradually became clear. It was the dark magic sword named Abyss Conviction that was still in his hand just now.

The figure of the person covered with the girl's blood also began to become clear. It was a teenager who showed a sad smile and seemed to no longer want to open his eyes to see this ugly and beautiful world.

Everything is over.

Whether it is the past, present, or future, she is no longer there.

However, one thing needs to be done to save another person who is irreplaceable for him.

She is……

why? Why is he laughing, but Juses seemed to be crying. In the remaining warmth of the girl's warm blood, his heart almost lost the last bit of temperature.

And, why is his appearance so familiar? With that black hair, pale face, and tired eyes, he seemed to have seen it somewhere.

Ah, yes, that is...

Stretching out his hand, pulling off the "yellow ribbon of happiness" on his head, Juss looked up at the infinite and far-reaching starry sky. The corners of his eyes are moist.

That is, my heartache for the mistake I made, for the tragedy that can no longer be restored, is the feeling when the softest thing deep in my heart is torn apart.

The lost memories are still sleeping at the bottom of the sea of ​​memories. But carefree, as innocent as a child, Juss, has begun to return to his true self.

Just as a child will grow up someday. Carefree time is always so short. Even when you haven't come and cherish it, it's gone.

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