The Devil Priest and the Brave Beautiful Girl

Vol 3 Chapter 269: The children of the Ana family (part 1)

"This statue is very beautiful." Juses looked at the statue of the girl in the holy silver armor intently.

The appeal of art is not regardless of race or national boundaries. On this statue, he saw the beautiful temperament of the girl herself. It is a pure, firm will. The only regret is that I can't see the face behind the mask. However, this little bit of a fly in the ointment, on the contrary, it brings out the young girl's heroic posture even more.

"Uses, if you study here, you might have a chance to see Noah, the girl portrayed by this statue." Seeing Euses was attracted by Noah's statue, Lufa was a bit sour. But even as a woman, she has to admit that Noah does possess that extraordinary temperament.

As a member of the Ana family, she has a much higher status in the Supreme Cult than her team leader. It is said to be one of the candidates for the next head of the Paladins. If she were a male, she might even become the heir of the Ana family, which can be traced back to the origin of the supreme religion.

Unfortunately, the Ana family has many weird rules. One of them is that the family successor must be a direct bloodline of the family, and must be a male, as if there is some mysterious ritual confirmation.

Only those who are recognized are qualified to truly inherit everything in this family. However, in the recent generation, it seems that there has been a problem of heirs.

"Noah." Euses remembered the name in his mind. A girl with such an outstanding temperament will probably never forget it after seeing it once, even if it is a statue. Looking at this lifelike statue, he even felt that the girl named Noah was right in front of him.

"I'm hungry!" Zophie grabbed Juss's hand, expressing her dissatisfaction in her own way.

"Then, Juss, let's go to the bar. It's weird, what happened..." Lufa breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Zophie pulling Juss away from Noah's statue. Want to praise Zofi.

Speaking of, there are really a lot of girls here... The more roads you travel, the stronger Jussian feels. Whether in the shade of a tree, on a stone bench, or by a fountain, there are beautiful and lovely girls everywhere.

Each one exudes youthful vitality, just like a deer running in a valley in spring.

Just walking on the road and looking at them, I feel that my mood will also improve. Beautiful things, no matter where they are, are pleasing to the eye. And so many beautiful and lovely girls gathered together, like a garden. Juss could smell the fragrance in the air even when he closed his eyes. It was a mixture of floral and girly fragrance.

No, it's not right! Lufa, who led Juses and Zofi to the bar she was familiar with, found that her judgment was completely wrong. There were more women here than she had imagined.

The central square of a city is the place where the culture and spirit of a city can be seen best, and it is also the best observation point.

Just now when she was walking on the road, she saw a lot of female animals, but when she actually came to the square, she found that the situation was worse than she had imagined.

Except for one or two that seem to be the male sacrifices of students from Guanghui Academy, all of them in this square are female.

There are young girls who are holding white pigeons and are smiling and performing magic tricks; there are little girls who are carrying flower baskets and wearing red hats and are selling flowers; there are also those who are standing on a high platform, singing loudly and singing distant ballads. Diva; there is also a literary girl sitting quietly by the fountain, reading a book.

These scenes are not strange to look at individually, but when they are grouped together, the performers are all beautiful and lovely women, which is very abnormal, as simple as it is strange. Generally speaking, with so many beautiful girls performing together, the number of men on the sidelines will be at least ten times more, but this city...

Not only the general staff in the store, but also the people who come here for performing arts and exchanges have become women. Is this city too strange?

With such doubts, Lufa led the team to the bar she was familiar with.

The name of the bar is very manly and domineering. It is called "Bison Bar". It is a place where warriors in this city often gather. The owner of the bar is a very generous middle-aged uncle, a member of the Ana family's affiliated family, and a local born in this city. He was an adventurer when he was young, and after being injured and unable to fight, he returned to his hometown and opened this bar.

The name of the bar has not changed, and the decoration is exactly the same as before. In the middle of the name of the bar hangs a big bull's head, which is the trophy of the bar owner when he was young.

Seeing the familiar bull head logo, Lufa breathed a sigh of relief. At least, here is exactly the same as before.

She opened the door of the bar. It was noon, and the bar should be open.

"Welcome." A clear and lovely voice echoed at the door of the bar, which was not "bison" at all.

"I'm hungry, give it to me!" Zuo Fei looked at the bar curiously.

It's lunch time, and the smell of lamb and honey in the bar makes the hungry Zuo Fei's eyes sparkle.

Several knight girls in armors gathered together to chat. On the bar counter, there is a blond girl wearing an old round hat and a big bison medal on her chest. She was skillfully turning over the roast lamb in front of her, letting the tender lamb exude an attractive aroma.

"This... as expected..." Although she had a hunch before coming in, when she really saw the **** the counter, Lu Fa still couldn't help sighing. Unexpectedly, even the boss who was a local and a member of the Ana family's affiliated family was gone, what happened in this city.

"Hmm...well...this smell is..." After the ‘Hydra’ backpack on Juses smelled the scent of honey and lamb, he finally awakened.

"I want to eat meat." Hydra, who jumped from behind Juses, yelled confidently.

"Give us one roast of whole lamb, five steaks, and vegetable salad." Lufa habitually reported his own menu.

"I want meat! Lots, lots of meat!" Hydra didn't know when she was already sitting on the table and picked up the knife and fork.

"Is the uncle who used to be here no longer?" When Hydra and the others eliminated the roast lamb, Lufa came to the front of the counter and asked the blond girl who was standing in the place of the old uncle.

"You mean uncle, he was temporarily dispatched to another place. You are Miss Lufa whom your uncle said. The first time I met, I was my uncle's niece. He told me about you before he left. Here." The blonde girl skillfully tuned out a glass of light blue cocktail and handed it to Lu Fa in front of her.

Lufa stared at the blue cocktail in front of her. This was her favorite cocktail "Blue Carnation", and she would definitely drink it every time she came to this bar. Since this will be transferred to her, it shows that this girl has indeed been ordered by the uncle.

"Can you tell me what happened here in the past few months. I mean, why are there so many girls here all of a sudden? Where did they come from?" Knowing the identity of the blonde girl in front of me Later, Lufa couldn't help it anymore. She really couldn't figure out what kind of changes would make this city like it is now.

"This... Actually, I don't know very well... It was my father and mother who brought me here." The blonde girl who inherited the Bison Bar also showed a confused expression.

A few months ago, she was still an adventurous girl freely active on the prairie where bison often haunted her. Her specialty is to catch cows with rope loops and cook, just like her uncle was when she was young.

But one day, the family suddenly sent someone to find her, asking her to inherit the bar and become a resident of this city.

It should be said that this is a good thing. The right to reside in this glorious city is something that you can't buy with money. And having an industry here is something that countless people dream of.

Although she knew that she had such an uncle from a distant relative who opened a bar here, she never thought that she would be eligible to inherit the property here from an ordinary family. According to the normal succession ranking, she is ranked after ten, so she can't think of her turn to inherit here.

But the thing is so strange, what she thought she would not be able to obtain for a lifetime, suddenly became hers. The price is that she must live here temporarily to let this bar open normally.

What's even stranger is that not only did she inherit here, but she didn't even bother to worry about business issues.

All the ingredients here are provided free of charge, as are the drinks. In other words, this bar does not need to consider the issue of making money at all. For her, it is completely profitable.

However, she likes it very much. The air here is very good, the ingredients are very fresh, and the people coming and going are very kind, making it a good place to live. Although she was a little uncomfortable at the beginning, she gradually fell in love with it.

As for why the family wanted her to come here, she really didn't understand. Moreover, there are more than one girl like her. The flower shop next door, the weapon shop behind, and the bookstore opposite, seem to have changed owners temporarily.

The people who change are all about her age and have girls who can handle the store business well. Perhaps because of her similar age, she quickly became friends with them. Then I discovered that everyone seemed to be the children of the great Ana family's affiliated families and influences.

Before that, even they themselves could not have imagined that their family had such a deep connection with the oldest family on that continent.

It can be said that although the country of origin is different, the region is different, and even the beliefs are not exactly the same. But the girls summoned to this city are all children of the Ana family.

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