The Devil Priest and the Brave Beautiful Girl

Vol 3 Chapter 271: Special regulations

"Do you know the name of the new knight instructor?" Lufa drank the third cup of blue carnations and asked the blond girl in front of him.

"Arcelia!" Of course the blond girl remembered the name of the person she admired clearly.

"Arcelia? It's her..." Lufa knew the name. She had met the knight during the brave tournament and was deeply impressed.

Indeed, it was the same as the blonde girl in front of her said. It was a majestic knight with outstanding sword skills. In the brave tournament, she entered the final rounds, but in the end she lost to... Lufa couldn't help but put her eyes on Helen in the corner of the bar.

Unparalleled destructive power, unscrupulous behavior style, silver-haired silver-eyed, this is the "silver-haired destruction witch"-Helen that shook the entire northern continent not long ago.

It was really a shock. Where she walked, the mountains collapsed, the earth splits, the river changed course, and all humanoids would be shaken to the sky. And only those who have really fought Helen will understand how terrifying her defensive ability is, and that is enough to make anyone desperate.

At the Braves Conference, Arseria was the only strong person who almost evenly matched her, and even overwhelmed Helen at one time. This kind of record, not to mention serving as a school instructor, is more than enough to become the guardian of a country.

Such an outstanding knight is welcomed by all countries and forces. Even behemoths such as the Supreme Cult and the Wizards’ Guild would extend an olive branch to her without hesitation. It seems that after that she walked into the Ana family. If she is there, there should be no need to worry about the security of the city.

However, even such an outstanding female knight has been recruited here, is the Ana family too small to use?

This is a real seven-level powerhouse, more than enough to be a guardian of a country. It is too wasteful to only be responsible for the security of a city.

"Arcelia..." Euses was in a daze. He had never heard of this name before, but why, when he heard this name, his heart beat suddenly, and the speed was several times faster than usual.

A vague, beautiful back figure shrouded in golden sunlight appeared in front of him.

Unbelievably, although she could not see her appearance, the feeling it gave him was stronger than that of the statue of a girl who was so vivid and almost exactly the same as the real person.

It is an illusion, he has no similar impression at all. If there is such a strong impression, it is impossible to even remember the name.

Arcelia, Arcelia, Arcelia... the name kept echoing in Juss's mind. What followed was the vibration of the wrist, as if there was a sword in his hand, a sword being tested.

"Uss, is it okay?" This time, it was Lufa's turn to worry about Uss. Since hearing the name of the knight named Arcelia, Juss' expression was a little strange.

"It's nothing, I just thought, that should be a very young and beautiful knight." Euses replied casually.

"Of course, Sister Arcelia is the most beautiful. It would be great if I had such a great sister. Here, I will treat you." Hearing Juss’s compliment, the blonde girl in the bar looked extremely happy and gave it to him. He adjusted a glass of blue carnations.

"Thank you." Juss held up the blue carnation that the blonde girl had given for free, but he was still puzzled.

Who the **** is that knight named Arcelia?

"Arcelia is here..." Helen, who was sitting next to Sila shaking her snow-white feet, looked around with a calm gaze, mainly monitoring the "dangerous creature" Hydra.

Arcelia is here, that is to say, Aya is also nearby, and the others should also be not far from here.

That said, it's very close to the castle where she escaped. I didn't pay much attention when escaping. It seemed that this place was near the hometown of the great priest named Anad, and it was also the place where she was imprisoned.

Is that underground palace...


While Juss and Rufa were enjoying a beef meal at the Bison Bar, the Fifth Prince of Slovakia's motorcade, who was delayed due to the accident caused by the Iron Knight Don Quixote, also arrived in the City of Glory. Before the city gate.

"What, we can't go in? What's going on!!" A member of the guards who took the lead shouted angrily.

It's no wonder that he, after trekking in the ice and snow for several days, encountered a monster impact incident on the road. They finally arrived at the destination city, and they were preparing to eat and drink to relieve fatigue, relax and enjoy.

Now, they were told by the knight team at the gate that they were not allowed to enter, how could this be accepted!

This is not the first time they have gone this way, but they have never heard of such a rule. Especially this time they are responsible for the **** mission of a prince from the largest country in the north. Although this prince is not very famous, he is also a member of the royal family. It is totally unreasonable to be turned away now.

"Look clearly, we are the guard of the fifth prince of Slovakia. We have an official notice. We are not an army of unknown origin." The warrior who took the lead couldn't help but yelled, and almost all the spit flew to the opposite knight. 'S face-if not blocked by a visor.

"I know." The knight guarding the city gate confirmed the validity of this document. If it is a male group of unknown origin, maybe they have already taken action. The current city of glory is a special city, and men of unknown origin will never be allowed to enter.

If it was a few months ago, it would not be very difficult for the **** to enter, and would probably approve it. But not now, it's impossible.

"Since we know that we will not let us in, we are hungry and want to eat! Want a woman!" Obviously, the warrior who took the lead has not discovered the **** of the knight who is talking to him.

"Then, you must not be allowed in." The knight who heard these words put the warrior on the blacklist without hesitation, and now he must not let this hungry beast in.

Really, it was too rough, if they were all the same as the team of the Paladins just now, it would be great.

That was the real squad of the Paladins, much higher than the guards in front of them. And all of them have good looks and good behaviors, which are simply models of ladies. In contrast, the guards of the so-called Slo Empire in front of them are like a group of beasts.

"Damn it, go away! We're going into the city!" The soldier in the lead stretched out his hand and pushed.

"Huh!" There was a neat sound of drawing swords, and the knight squad guarding the city gate pulled out the knight sword in its hand and aimed it at the hairy warrior leader. Judging from the proficient movements and the extraordinary speed of drawing the sword, it is not the first time that they have cooperated in this way.

"Please respect yourself, otherwise I have the right to detain you and exile you overseas in accordance with the city's provisional bill. This is the private domain of the Ana family, with independent legislative and law enforcement powers, and you have no right to appeal." The knight coldly looked at the rude warrior in front of him, announcing this fact.

"This...I just want to..." Not everyone watched a whole team of knights draw their swords at them and still nothing happened, at least this fighter at level five couldn't do it. He came from a soldier, and he could see the true strength of the knight squad in front of him. Almost all elite knights, he has absolutely no chance of winning when he starts.

The reason why he was so sure was because he was the captain of the guard of the fifth prince of the kingdom of Sluo, and beside the prince, there was a real seventh-level powerhouse.

"What's the matter?" The only seventh-level powerhouse in the prince team, the over sixty-year-old wizard stepped out of the carriage, looking at the tense atmosphere suspiciously.

"Master, they won't let us in."

"Well, can you tell me the reason?" The wizard looked at the knight guarding the city gate with questioning eyes.

"I'm sorry, according to the city's provisional law, there are certain restrictions on the entry of men..." The female knight guarding the city gate replied politely. To the polite people, they will also report the same etiquette, and to the kind of messy guy just now, the knight's sword is the best answer.

"So, what are the specific restrictions?" the wizard asked curiously.

"Your application is allowed. Welcome to the Fifth Prince of the Slow Empire to study at the Glory Academy. However, except for the prince himself and your instructor, other men cannot enter the Glory City." The knight guarding the city gate. The captain is obviously not the first to deal with such a problem, and the answer is standard and impeccable.

"Nor for servants?" The Sorcerer was stunned, obviously he didn't expect such an answer.

"No, but the college has an exclusive team of maids who will be responsible for the prince and master's daily life. Also, please be aware that the maids are subordinates of the Ana family. Please don't make misleading behaviors. Now, This city, together with the Guanghui Academy, are under the management of a special bill, and there are serious penalties for male omissions." The knight explained very seriously.

There were a few bad guys who were caught, and in the end they were all sent to the new captain of the maids team to receive education.

No one knows what happened to Saya, only that those guys turned into good people after they came out, and they seemed to change **** all at once.

"Oh, that's the case, then it's nothing." The wizard nodded.

Sending the pampered prince to Guanghui Academy to study was originally to train him. As long as the prince can enroll, nothing else.

"Well, welcome to the shining guardian shield."

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