The Devil Priest and the Brave Beautiful Girl

Vol 3 Chapter 275: Natural Green (Part 2)

"Sister..." As the mysterious girl approached, the girls around Juss began to become uneasy.

They didn't understand where this uneasy feeling came from, but there was a chill behind them. It seems that something terrible and terrible is approaching. Humans will be afraid of aliens that are stronger than themselves in the subconscious, and when the power of such aliens is strong to a certain degree, it will be enough to cause catastrophic consequences.

If it hadn't been for Eusis to be by their side, giving them a place to be at ease, maybe they would have ran to other places unconsciously just like the people who stood in front of the mysterious girl.

Only by Juss's side can they feel a little more at ease. It's like a small boat caught in a storm finally found a shelter from the wind. But the result of this is that these girls are getting closer and closer to Juss, just a little bit closer to him.

Euses couldn't figure out why these children were so scared, just as he couldn't understand why no one could see this mysterious girl walking towards him.

However, unable to understand, Gui couldn't understand. These children were afraid of this, but he personally felt it. They leaned against him, their bodies trembling slightly.

"Don't be afraid," Juses whispered. Accompanied by his voice, a certain soft power radiated from the white robe he was wearing, infecting the scared girls, and letting the fear and anxiety in their hearts dissipate a lot.

The mysterious girl who was walking towards Juss leisurely saw this scene, showing a strange expression, and stopped in the center of the square, seeming to be thinking about something.

"Sister, let's leave here, OK." Although the feeling of anxiety disappeared a lot, the girls obviously felt that the feeling just now was terrible.

"Wait a minute, don't move here." Juses touched their heads, and then walked towards the center of the square.

Closer, closer, without ignoring the existence of the mysterious girl like everyone else, Juss walked directly in front of her.

However, after coming over, Juss found that he didn't know what to say. There is no such knowledge in his education. There is a lot of knowledge about communicating with humans, but it is estimated that no one except the necromancer will deliberately learn the method of communicating with things like ghosts.

"Did you see it?" The green-haired mysterious girl stared at Juss's face, as if to confirm this.

"I saw it." Juses answered honestly.

"What do you see me like." For the mysterious green-haired girl, this question is very important.

Ordinary people can't see it; few 7th-level strong people with keen senses can detect and observe; stronger ones can see clearly; however, in this state, she should feel "dangerous." Overcoming the natural fear in the body is not so easy.

"Very beautiful...cute..." Euses honestly said his thoughts, which were his true thoughts.

"Pretty...cute..." The mysterious green-haired girl hadn't heard such words for a long time. When she used her power to enter the human race, there were already very few people who could see her. But there was no one who would say "beautiful and cute" after feeling part of her power.

Even she herself does not think that she really has anything to do with the adjective "beautiful and cute". Because she is Saya, the eternal flower of sighs, weeping and destruction, the manipulator of the power of life and the power of death, can turn all the humans in this entire city into terrifying creatures of flesh in an instant.

She is different from all the creatures in this world, she is truly an alien. Would she be said to be "beautiful and cute" as well.

Closing his eyes, Saya began to check the alert area of ​​his long hair. Now, she is only one step away from Juss, and she has given her long hair the order to "enter the security zone and all lives are bound."

There is no response, exactly the same as at that time.

Her long hair possesses the ability to automatically guard, even the top killer among the seven-level powerhouses, absolutely can't get close to her now. No matter what kind of life it is, even a ghost without a body, it is impossible to make her hair unresponsive.

This situation has only occurred once.

Only the same clan with the same blood can approach and embrace her naturally.

Her long hair is not a weapon that will hurt her own clan.

So for her, the answer has come out. In this world, there is only one person who can see through her so easily and approach her so easily and naturally.

Although the smell and breath of his body were hidden by something, there was no need to guess who was in front of her.

"Even if it's fake, I'm very happy. I haven't seen it for a long time." Saye smiled and looked at Juss in front of him. What power in him concealed his essence, even she did not recognize him just now.

"Have we met?" Juss looked at Saya in front of him with a confused look.

"You, forgot?" Saya stared at Juss.

In his eyes, she could not see the concealment, and he did not lie. That said, he can't remember her at all. However, I can't remember, still staring at her like that, does she have such a big charm, or is she caught?

"Sorry, my past was a little messy." Juses replied helplessly.

Whether it was Helen or Hydra, he couldn't think of it. Even if he understands that they are not strangers to him, the past is still dark to him.

In that darkness, only a few sporadic fragments would occasionally emerge, just like the fragments of a huge jigsaw puzzle.

"Forget... Then... Did you forget this too?" Saya took a step forward slightly, and then began to sing.

Sigh, cry! The flower of destruction will eventually bloom all over the earth, and all life will gradually calm down, fading in the colorful breath.

Everything will start again, don't cry for me, don't be afraid.

Please call my name gently.

Saya’s, the flower of life, fluttering in the wind, this is the final blessing of mother Sally.

Daughter, open your eyes.

In Saya’s singing, the scenery of the Glory City is disappearing and replaced by green.

Green flowers and green vines spread out from behind Saya at an extraordinary speed, covering the entire square. The people on the square seemed to be completely unaware of this.

Soon, the sky, the earth, and the square disappeared, replaced by a tree. It's a huge tree that can't be seen to the bottom or the top at a glance.

"Welcome to the new World Tree Garden, my world. Tell you my name again. I am Saya, the owner of this World Tree." Saya sat on a huge branch with bare feet. Smiling and looking at Euses, who was at a loss because of the changes in the environment.

"World, World Tree?" Juss had no idea what was going on. The people, the square just now, where did the children go. Why, all of a sudden, the whole world has changed.

This is not the place just now, and it doesn't even seem to be in the northern continent. More than that, here, even the concepts of time and space have become blurred.

The air here is the kind of vibrant and fresh air that is unique to the early morning forest; the scenery here has not only been seen by Juss, he has never even heard of it. No book has ever recorded such a tree, such a world.

"You once said that this world is beautiful, but it's too lonely." Saye's hand stroked the leaves beside him, the green leaves stretched out comfortably, and then beautiful flowers bloomed, and finally withered slowly.

It is no longer a single pursuit of eternity, but the proper addition of natural laws, which is one of the laws she has recently realized.

This world is different from then. In the World Tree Garden at that time, the flowers were always in full bloom, the season was always spring, and the air was always fresh. Such a world is indeed very beautiful, but as Ulysses said, it is not really perfect, not even a real world.

Now, it has become what it is now, and the prototype of the real world has almost begun to appear.

"It's still small and it needs time to grow." Saya jumped off the branch, folded his hands, and walked to Juss.

"It's still small!" Euses felt that the tree was big enough. It was probably the largest tree in the world. It was so big that it couldn't be regarded as a tree.

"It's still a child." Saye said positively.

"Child..." Juss couldn't help but imagine what the tree will look like when it grows up.

Saya looked at Juss with a smile. I can't be wary of people who are too close. There is only this, no matter what it looks like, there is no change.

Meeting is accidental, goodbye is accidental, meeting again is also accidental. She was indifferent to fate or something, but she just found it interesting.

At that time, here, what she hadn't done before, now, maybe she can do it again.

Whether it is sister, brother, or dad is a problem, and very few can stump her problem. No matter once, twice, or three times, she will find a way to confirm. She has enough time and enough energy.

She is Saya, the daughter of Sari, the angel of the moon, and she doesn't care about what the world will become. No one can command her, no one can command her. Therefore, she only needs to do what she likes and do it willfully.

When Dad made her, he must have never imagined that she would become what she is now.

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