The Devil Priest and the Brave Beautiful Girl

Vol 3 Chapter 278: Escape from Skynet (Part 1)

Not here... Juss propped on the ground with one hand and did a nice backflip, avoiding the four green rays of light that stretched over.

Now, there are fewer and fewer gaps that can be avoided. He should not only pay attention to these green lines, but also ensure his own movement space. Otherwise, even if you dodge it, you will just send yourself to a space with nowhere to escape.

It's not here either... Juss lowered himself, avoiding the three green rays of light passing over his head, and a trace of anxiety began to appear in his eyes.

There is no time, there is really no time. According to this trend, in about ten seconds, the space he can move will completely disappear. In these criss-cross lines, not to mention human beings, I am afraid that a butterfly can't fly out.

Who created this move? Although those lines didn't feel any lethality, Uss felt that he would be terrible if he was touched by those lines.

Saya waited patiently for the moment when Juss was about to be captured.

"Unlimited Push Down Killing, Blocking Killing-Skynet Catching Butterflies!" This move, like its name, is a special move that can't escape even a butterfly.

When the evil demon king used it to capture women, some small creatures such as flower fairies and goblins easily caught them. It can be said that as long as they are beautiful women, they will not let go of the extremely evil net.

It is precisely because there are such terrible characteristics as long as they are beautiful women (the body shape, race, and beliefs are ignored), this "infinite knock down method" is considered to be the "most despicable and shameless" even among the demons. Even if it has no actual lethality at all.

Oops, almost no way! Even though Euses has already used his dodge skills to the fullest, Skynet catching butterflies is not a trick that can be dealt with by dodge.

The certain demon king who invented this trick had no chance of escape from the bird who had not planned to be caught by the net from the beginning. The speed of the criss-crossing lines is not very fast, but in fact it is a kind of psychological inducement, which makes people mistakenly believe that an escape route can be found in the line and the line. But in fact, when the line starts to extend, it is almost doomed.

Watching the cute bird that I fancy running around in the skynet catching butterflies, working hard is also one of the joys of that devil. Otherwise, with his power, there is no need to spend a lot of effort to develop this kind of non-destructive move.

Where is it, where is it? Juses thought desperately. He obviously felt that the net was not as perfect as it seemed, but where was the weakness? Why can't he find it no matter how to find it.

In the movable range, he almost tested it again, but found nothing. Soon, he didn't even have the last few moving spaces, but he still didn't find the weakness that could destroy the net.

Is it above or below, Juss looked at the space above and below what Saya called the "World Tree Garden". Perhaps that weakness is hidden in a place he can't see, so he can't find it.

So, do you want to jump down? Euses has noticed that in the space where he is inactive, the speed and frequency of line extension will be slightly slower, so there is still a lot of room for activity no matter it is above or below.

This is a gamble, if you still can't find it after jumping down, then there is no doubt that he will be entangled in those threads. And what will happen after being entangled with those threads, Juss thinks it is better not to think so much.

No time to hesitate! If you don't jump anymore, there is really no way to escape! It was not Juss’s own choice, but reality forced him to make a choice immediately.

Faced with ten green rays that had cut off all his movement routes, he had only two choices, either flying into the sky or jumping off the tree. There was no other choice.

But just when Euses was about to make a desperate move and choose one of these two possibilities, he was taken aback.

Is there really only these two options? Is that weakness really in these two directions?

No, that's not the case, just run away, you can't escape! At that moment, Juss noticed this! This net does not have such obvious weaknesses at all, so he who only paid attention to the net itself, fundamentally got the wrong direction from the beginning.

After confirming this, the direction and extension of these rays clearly appeared in front of Juss. Then he saw, saw the only blind spot of these lines.

Although he didn't know why the blind spot appeared on this originally perfect line, his body had already moved!

found it! After dodge, move, and turn at a small angle, Juss approached Saya at an extraordinary speed. The closer to Saya's location, the stronger his feeling.

Yes, the only weakness of this seemingly perfect net is actually Saya himself.

I don't know why, those lines that make him feel bad will twist unnaturally when approaching Saya. Although it looks exactly the same as the other lines, the strange feeling disappeared, which also caused a blind spot there.

The reason I didn't see it just now was because the lines around Saya were denser than other places, and there was no gap at all.

Just like Euses thought, even though a few lines were inevitably encountered during the rush, nothing happened. In other words, his intuition is correct.

Can you see it? Saye looked at Juss rushing towards him with curiosity. Her skynet butterfly catching is indeed not so perfect, mainly because the characteristics of the move itself is that women are the absolute priority to capture objects. Therefore, as a female, she must ensure that there is no line around herself when using this move, otherwise she herself will be judged as prey by this net first.

There are only beautiful women in his eyes, and the infinite overthrow and killing method developed by the shameless and lustful demon king is indeed unreasonable in many cases, otherwise it will not be unanimously rated by angels and demons as the "most despicable and shameless" moves.

However, what makes Saya feel a little strange is that this Skynet butterfly hunter is full of interest when chasing Usis, and there is no sign of negativity at all, as if it is not chasing male animals.

Is it sister, father, or brother? Saya thought that he had solved the mystery. But now it seems that her information is still insufficient.

What you see with your eyes and what your ears hear is not necessarily true. The truth needs to be found on your own.

Especially for that person. Even if every word he said is true, the final combination is likely to be a complete lie. No matter what he did, Saya wouldn't find it strange.

She remembered that in the world over there, he even pretended to be an archangel to promote the glory of God in a serious manner until he was discovered by the Supreme God. After being exposed, she also lured her mother from the light angel sequence to the demon camp, becoming the highest angel who fell voluntarily after Lucifer.

At that time, this incident shook the whole world. Because her mother is different from other angels, she was blessed by the tree of angels as soon as she was born from the tree of angels. Possess the power to protect the soul of mankind and protect the soul from pollution.

This kind of power prevents her from being contaminated by any evil power, and can protect the hearts of other angels so that they will never fall. Because of this power, she was born after Lucifer's betrayal with high hopes, and was even favored by the Supreme God as the youngest daughter.

Her title is "Angel of the Moon", as opposed to the former "Angel of Morning Sun". She is the only angel to be awarded the title of Starry Sky after Lucifer rebelled. This is not even the strongest Seraph Michael under the Supreme God. Title.

However, blessed by countless people and loved by countless people, she was born less than a hundred years ago. When she was young and full of curiosity about the world, she was lured into the demon camp by someone posing as an archangel, and finally became a demon. One of the seven strongest demon kings.

And at that time, based on the age of the angel, her mother was not even an underage angel...

When Saya was very interested in reminiscing about the past of his father and mother, Juss had already rushed to her as quickly as possible and reached out to her.

Without the slightest hesitation, Euses instinctively used the fastest and most effective method to suppress Saya. First grab Saya's shoulder with his right hand, and then gently push. When her body lost balance, it overwhelmed her.

If he had memory, he would know that the move he was using now had the same origin as the one used by Saya just now. This is the "Infinite Spine Downward Killing Method·Qinyue".

However, Juss seemed to have forgotten that Saya wanted to develop this way. It is the same for her to catch Usess by catching butterflies on the Skynet, or for Uses to take the initiative to throw her arms in her arms.

So, she didn't resist, even smiling as she watched Juss's hand holding her body, and then threw her to the ground. From the beginning of such a battle, she was invincible.

But Juss, who was too excited, became at a loss. When he was unconscious, he had completely pressed Saya under his body. No matter how you look at it, he is now "bullying" Saya.

Some green flowers that exude a special fragrance are thriving where Juss can't see them. This is a gift that Shayet prepared for Juss.

The girl's fragrant breath, the fragrance of flowers that didn't know where it came from, and Saya's smiley eyes made the atmosphere suddenly become ambiguous.

"I...I...I..." A lot of sweat came out of Juses' forehead. He could feel that a certain desire in his heart was about to move again.

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