The Devil Priest and the Brave Beautiful Girl

Vol 3 Chapter 280: Where the wind blows (Part 1)

The warm wind brought a few petals across the World Tree Garden, and the smell of spring brought by the wind refreshed Juss's consciousness.

This kind of wind... Juss raised his head and saw a few pink petals falling leisurely in the wind.

It’s not the first time that he saw this kind of beautiful petals. On the way to Guanghui Academy, he found this cute little gift by his side more than once, as if it was the fairy flower who didn’t know where he came from when he was dreaming. Delivered to him.

It was a very warm dream, full of spring and happiness. As winter is about to pass, when spring is about to come, with the warm spring breeze, it will edify the dream of the earth. And every time after having such a dream, there will always be such pink petals.

Could it be that he is also dreaming now? He did not really enter the silver glorious city, nor did he walk in the white square with many fountains, nor did he encounter the mysterious ghost girl Saya. Everything was the same as before, just a beautiful and warm dream.

When he opens his eyes, everything will disappear again. He is actually still on the journey and has not reached the end. This is just a rest before he reaches the end.

Suddenly, the earth moved and the mountains shook, and the whole world began to shake violently.

Is it really a dream? I remember that it is often the case when the dream ends, so next will I see Zuo Fei calling his face? Euses was puzzled like this. Now that the matter was reached, he had no idea the boundary between dream and reality.

This is not the illusion in the dream created by Zofi to shake Uses, but the real world wrath, under Saya's will, the whole World Tree Garden is angry.

From the huge branches of the World Tree, countless huge bucket-like vines are constantly growing, extending, and combining, turning into green tentacles that can easily strangle any creatures with a length of 100 meters. Many strangely shaped and unnamed alien plants proliferate at a rapid rate, and in just a few minutes, they complete the growth process from juvenile to mature.

but! These horrible changes did not affect the warm wind that did not know where it came from. The petals brought by the wind were still soft, and gently fell on Juss' body, giving him the blessing of flowers and the maiden.

Then, the wind accelerated suddenly, blowing up more petals, making Saya's eyes blurry, and she had to close her eyes.

wrong! This wind is strange. Saya had the feeling that things were starting to be out of his control, and without hesitation, he immediately launched the hidden kill-this was originally prepared to prevent Euses from escaping from her on his own will.

"Unlimited push down killing method, obscene **** killing type, tentacle attack." Along with Saya's whisper, from behind her, countless green plant tentacles spread out overwhelmingly, and then tied Euses as quickly as possible. Up.

Grabbed... After feeling that the plant he was manipulating was indeed tied up, Saya smiled happily, and then opened his eyes.

"This is..." It was indeed tied, and it felt good and comfortable in the arms, but it wasn't Juss.

Juss, who was held tightly in her arms, no longer knew when she disappeared. Instead, a large starfish doll was tied firmly by her plant in the place where Juses was originally.

"That gift for you is a gift from my former friend, it's cute...please cherish it...please don't treat it violently...whoop..." The girl's voice gradually became smaller, and finally disappeared into this world. Tree in the garden.

From the beginning to the end, Saya didn't find the marks of other creatures in his World Tree Garden.

"Who is it..." Saye stood up, then poked the starfish doll in his arms. It is soft and feels good. However, being able to sneak into her World Tree Garden silently like this, and sneak away with Juss, who is already in her palm, is not something ordinary people can do.

Poke the large starfish doll again, and Saya's figure disappeared from this world and appeared in the real world square.

Of course, she didn't see Euses, and the people in the square were completely unaware of what happened between her and Euses. Only the few girls who were holding Juses just now stood there tremblingly, looking around with blank but bewildered eyes.

It's still here... Saya looked at the girls casually, and then left the square holding the starfish doll that someone had given her to replace Juss.

No one saw her, no one spotted her, no one paid attention to her, even if she walked in the bustling crowd, she was still alone. While she abandoned this world, the world also abandoned her.

However, she is smiling while holding the starfish doll. Another failure, another uncontrollable thing, was something she had never done before.

Before meeting him, she can easily succeed in whatever she wants, and can get everything she wants. There is no dissatisfaction, but there is no particular satisfaction, everything is so taken for granted, there is no change.

And after meeting him! Everything has become different from before. It turns out that she will also fail, be robbed of things from others, and be rejected by others. The world she once thought was perfect is not really perfect. These things were all she hadn't experienced before.

If the world is not beautiful enough, just make up for it; for what is robbed by others, take it back; for her, failure is not such a frustrating thing, on the contrary, it can make her stronger.

The last failure taught her how to make up for her incomplete world. And this time of failure, let her understand more deeply the insufficiency of her World Tree Garden.

I can feel that the so-called "unwillingness", "must take it back" and "never let go" such strong emotions as human beings are tumbling in her body.

This kind of feeling that she hadn't experienced before was changing her body, and even the seedlings of the World Tree that she had cultivated were also changing.

The people around Saya shivered unconsciously, and the distance from Saya became farther. The instincts of creatures are telling them that something very dangerous and terrifying is growing.

It is an invisible alien, something that cannot be taught in textbooks, and it is also the deepest fear of mankind, a monster from the origin of life, a "species" that is fundamentally incompatible with this world.

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