The Devil Priest and the Brave Beautiful Girl

Vol 3 Chapter 290: Blackbird (middle)

The outermost ordinary desert, the middle-level storm domain, and the deepest death area, Lala, following the route in memory, the only route that can normally lead to the center of the death desert, gradually approached the core area of ​​the forbidden area.

For this, she paid a huge price. Faced with the cruel and merciless natural disasters, she was already scarred by the double swords in her hands.

That's not even a fight, it's just a struggle. In the violent destruction and disaster, struggling to find a way out, there is no time to rest. Because once she stops, the surrounding environment will immediately change again, causing even more terrible disasters.

His clothes were already in tatters, and there were deep scars on his hands, feet, and body. The strongest vacuum electric blades that were born in the storm and lightning, just a little bit cut her throat and burned her body to charcoal.

When she stepped into the core area, the blood had dyed her clothes red, and her pale face was lingering exhaustion.

The more you go to the center of the desert, the more you can imagine the surrounding scenery. When it reaches the core area, even the outline of the space begins to blur. More than a hundred meters away, nothing can be seen again, only a deep darkness is left, the darkness that swallows all the light.

When it arrived, Lala stopped moving, but stopped temporarily, staring at the darkness. Inside, there are things she is familiar with.

She is not here for the first time, and perhaps it will not be the last. In order to protect justice, she needs strength, and the deepest things here are indispensable to her.

It was expected that it would take a few years before she would have the strength to enter here and retrieve something like that. However, after the final battle of the Brave League, she has grown significantly in both her mind and body, and she can already come here to find something like that.

"I'm back." With a complicated expression, Lala stared at the darkness in front of her. This is a tragedy that she has committed in the past and can never be restored.

It seemed that after hearing the voice of Lala, that piece of darkness that had been deadly silent suddenly turned up, like an undercurrent turbulent ocean tide.

The huge darkness distorted the space and distorted everything around it, even the boundary between the sky and the ground was torn apart, and a huge fault was directly pulled out here.

A ruin like a fragment of a city appeared in front of Lala. It was the deepest secret of this desert of death, one of the last legacy of ancient language magic, and it was also one of Lala's previous battlefields.

Here, she killed many, many people, destroyed almost the entire city, and the sword was stained with countless blood.

Although it was a last resort for her, the sin she committed would not change, and she would not even wish for salvation.

If it is said that people after death will fall into hell, then she has already seen hell, and then walked out of it, and chose to continue fighting.

From the chaotic air, silky black lines appeared, which was the activation of the incomplete central system of this city. The things that have been sleeping here are slowly awakening.

From time to time, silver-white flashes appeared in the air, these flashes gathered into weapons, and then flashed through the air. It didn't roar and scream, but pulled the surrounding air away like a magnet.

The surroundings of them seem to have become the center of the vortex, and countless air currents can be seen circling around them, and then they gather more and more, and their power becomes more and more powerful. A terrifying weapon that is enough to tear open the world.

Then, they began to fall, falling beside Lala, piercing deeply into the black ground, and turning into a steel forest inserted on the ground.

Knives, guns, swords, halberds, axes, here you can find almost all types of weapons, and Lara stands alone in these forests of murderous weapons.

"Papa! Papa! Papa!" New weapons continued to fall around her, and the ground under her feet began to stretch out to the surroundings. It was a cold and lifeless wilderness. In this wilderness, there is nothing but all kinds of weapons.

Nothing, no warmth, no vitality. Here, there are just steel forests and endless weapon warehouses that extend far away.

Lala let go of the double swords in his hands, and then held one of the single-edged swords with a black cross.

A familiar feeling came from her hand. This was one of the weapons she had used, the "Black Fracture". It was a destruction weapon used to create huge faults, and it was most suitable for destroying magic circles. It was also one of the chief culprits that caused the destruction of Lin Guo, throwing such a weapon at her side, it seemed that the last remaining memory of the city had deeply remembered her.

Now that the city had remembered who she was, then the legacy of ancient language magic guarded by this city should be about to wake up.

The remaining fragments of the city, in an abandoned building like the base of a tower, sent shocking waves of magical power. It was the soul fluctuations full of anger, hatred, despair, and killing, as if something terrible was waking up there.

The boundaries of matter can no longer stop the destructive power, and huge black fragments continue to leak from that area. Through the wall, through the house, and then swallowed the surrounding darkness, used to form their own form.

"Wake up, the guardian spirit of the sky garden, the tower spirit of the Sky Tower. Also, the ancient magic princess who was killed by me, the son of the swan who died before he grew up." Lala stood in the past. In front of the ruins, he calmly said the name of the person he was looking for.

She didn't know her name, but she personally killed her, or it was them, destroyed the city, and also destroyed the last dynasty of ancient language magic.

Now, what was in front of her was brutally murdered by her. Before she could see the sun, she was buried forever in the darkness of history, sad princesses.

They are one of the most precious legacy of ancient language magic, and they might have become the super beings that will create a new century for mankind. If they can grow as expected.

However, that possibility has been destroyed by her own hands. Their bodies were torn apart by the sword in her hand as early as the war of ancient language magic.

What is here now is a princess who only has a little instinctive consciousness left, and even her own existence cannot be maintained, and can only be mixed together and survived in an abnormal form.

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