The Devil Priest and the Brave Beautiful Girl

Vol 3 Chapter 301: Flower forever (Part 2)

Was the red rose given, or was it a girl, a young girl? Is there such a custom in this city? Or was she having strange dreams when she was hit in the head by something?

No, everything is true. The girl in front of her is real, and the red rose with a strong fragrance is also real, all of which are within her reach.

This is really an incredible city. When someone gave flowers with a smile like this, she almost thought that she had died in battle and went to the legendary paradise. Being smiled and cared like this seems to have happened in the last century.

Occasionally, it may also be good. Looking at Ulysses' sunny smile, the woman who had seen too many dark sides of humanity returned a hearty smile, and then accepted the red rose in his hand.

"Thank you, lovely little sister."

See that hearty smile! Ulysses breathed a sigh of relief, and the flowers really had magical powers.

It turned out that sending flowers to other people was not as difficult as he thought, but because he thought about it too complicated.

"May the great Supreme God bless you so that you will no longer be sad." After drawing a cross on his chest, Ulysses gave the strange woman a sincere blessing, and then walked to the street holding the remaining red roses. On the other side.

"What a pure and kind child." The woman who received Ulysses' seventh red rose inserted the rose into her chest, and then stood up.

"Unfortunately, I don't believe in God for a long time."

"Next, let's start acting as agent. Men are strictly restricted from entering. It's really a tricky thing. What are the Ana family doing?"


Ulysses was in a good mood, and Lufa was right. What is always the most difficult the first time, but if you don't do it, you will never know the result.

Facts have proved that this is not as difficult and complicated as he thought. So, soon, he found another person who could give flowers.

It was a little girl who had broken the jug and was looking at the broken jug with tears in her eyes. She looked like she was about eleven or twelve years old. For such a child, if he has made a mistake, he will feel very scared.

They don't know that this small mistake is completely irrelevant in the eyes of their parents, and it can even be said to be a normal thing. Those who did something wrong were full of anxiety and fear. At this time, someone needs to reach out and help them.

"Don't cry." Ulysses lowered his head, stroked the head of the little girl who accidentally did something wrong, and then drew a red rose from the red rose he was holding.

"This is for you, so don't cry." Ulysses' voice carried a warmth that he didn't even notice. It was not the warmth of the light from the white robe on his body, nor the warmth of any kind of magic, but the warmth of kindness from his heart.

This tender emotion soon infected the crying little girl. She opened her eyes wide, looked at the gentle older sister in front of her, and then spotted the red rose she was handing over.

"What a beautiful flower." In the cold winter, bright red roses have an unusually beautiful color. Against the white background, the red rose looked even more dazzling, completely robbing the little girl's heart, and even forgot the jar that had just been broken.

"Are you willing to accept it?" Ulysses smiled and looked at the child who was no longer crying. Flowers have magical powers, and they are true.

"Well! Yes, thank you!" The little girl happily took the red rose in Ulysses's hand.

In her eyes, the figure in white clothes in front of her is so beautiful, gentle, and kind, just like the angel in the book. She will cherish the gift from the angel and treat it as a lifetime treasure.

As a result, Ulysses' eighth rose was also sent out smoothly.

However, there are not so many unfortunate people in this city. So, he didn't find the girl who had to be cured by flowers next.

So, try to give it to other girls. After sending out eight flowers, Ulysses had a little confidence.

Flowers are a magical gift. Ulysses already knew this very well. Therefore, he is no longer so uneasy about giving flowers to others.

Walking to a statue of a white girl standing on a shell, Ulysses smiled and handed out the red rose in his hand to a strange girl.

He will not send flowers so passionately as Prince Alexander, nor will he have so many moving poems. Therefore, all he can do is smile, and then give the rose to the girl he chooses in a straightforward manner.

"Hello! Do you like roses?" The simple and direct actions and the plain and generous language can't tell you that you are sending a special red rose. For Ulysses, the meaning of giving flowers to girls is just a simple act of kindness.

"Give it to me?" As the first girl who was gifted a red rose by Ulysses in the true sense (the first few basically have this or that reason), this girl in uniform is watching the statue of a shell girl stunned.

"Yeah." Ulysses nodded, he is not good at complex language. So, this is his method of sending flowers.

"Rose..." The girl's face turned red all of a sudden. As a student who can go to Guanghui Academy, of course she knows what Red Rose's flower language is.

The flowers sent by strangers are still red roses. She should refuse. This is not a trivial matter. For an innocent girl, the meaning of the red rose is very important.

However, Ulysses' smile gave her a warm and soft feeling, like spring sunshine, with a trace of warmth.

She doesn't need too much language and gestures, just being looked at like that, she has a warm feeling, as if she is surrounded by flowers. It is a pure white flower. Exuding a fresh fragrance, she was captured immediately.

"Sister." The girl lowered her head, and then took Ulysses' red rose.


"Ah...Did you bandage too carefully?" Alexander, who had just hit the wall, touched his face.

Although the bump was very painful and there was also a nosebleed, it was too exaggerated to wrap so many bandages, and he was not burned to the face by the fire.

"Prince, your body is very weak. The hemostatic bandage can help you stop bleeding very well. If you bleed again, we will be in trouble."

"Yes, yes, if someone is seen bleeding, the image of the prince is not good."

"Scars are a sign of a man, Prince, do you want us to get one on your left cheek?"

"Hmph, forget it, I'm not a little white face who eats by face. Art and knowledge are my greatest charms. Ah, I found the goal." The impatient Alexander's eyes lit up, and a new relationship appeared.

She was a beautiful woman with beautiful black hair, her **** were not particularly big, but her fighting power could be rated at around 7,000, but her slender legs were really attractive and could be added. Five thousand points.

He has been in this city for a while, and he has never seen such beautiful legs. That slender figure, cascading black hair, and perfect body curve all exuded a fatal temptation.

Moreover, there is a bright red rose pinned on her chest, which looks a bit familiar. It should also be a precious rose. She must be a woman who likes roses very much.

It's decided, his next target is her!

"Flowers!" Wu Lishan stretched out his hand, and the maids hurriedly took out new roses (the original ones were scattered when they hit the wall), which were still ninety-nine (because none of them were sent out).

Upright and upright, the indomitable Alexander stopped in front of the mysterious black-haired woman, holding ninety-nine red roses in his hand, and began a passionate courtship:

"Hello, the flowers of destiny are blooming here. You are my only angel. Please accept my warm love!"

"The flowering season has passed, and only a faint fragrance of flowers remains. After the rain ceases, clouds and blue breeze are blowing slightly!"

"Today and tomorrow, the two of us are always walking with each other, because we have memories swaying in the wind that cannot be changed by time."

"Forever blooming will not wither, the throbbing in my heart cannot be stopped, I want to stare at you more than anyone, this kind of mood will not disappear forever..."

"..." The mysterious black-haired woman looked at Alexander with a strange look, and then stretched out her hands.

Yes, it will work this time! Alexander had a hunch, a strong hunch, this time must be unusual, and there must be different results from the previous few times.

"The meeting between the two of us is probably one of the countless miracles that have happened in this world! Do you want to thank God for this?"

"Ah! Your future must overlap mine, even though there are nights that can't speak and cry..."

"Gah!" Wu Li Shanda's love poem was not finished, the mysterious black-haired woman grabbed his shoulder, and then came a standard top knee, hitting the point.

Alexander heard the sound of broken bones, and a strong impact penetrated his body from his lower abdomen, which was undoubtedly a fatal blow.

"Sorry, I'm not interested in the flowers from the mummy." Amidst the flying of the remaining rose petals, Alexander, whose face was covered in bandages, fell to the sky, his consciousness gradually disappearing.

why? Doesn't she like flowers very much, like red roses very much?

The black-haired soldier with a red rose on his chest walked past Alexander's "corpse" expressionlessly and disappeared to the other side of the street.

The maids rushed over at a hurried speed, and then started the familiar procedure.

"Awesome. One hit kills. It's a step inside."

"The prince is finished this time."

"Bandage, bandage, rune bandage!"

"Treatment, treatment comes up!"

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