The Devil Priest and the Brave Beautiful Girl

Vol 3 Chapter 303: The irresistible person (part 1)

There is Ulysses' eternal nightmare, and he is also the most unhelpful person in the world.

This has nothing to do with strength or level. It is the accumulation of shadows over the years, so that just seeing that figure makes Ulysses' body feel stiff.

To make matters worse, it was not that he discovered the other side unilaterally. As he watched her, she also spotted him.

"Ahaha..." On that charming face, a pair of standard apricot eyes are looking at Ulysses who is close to petrification with an excited look, and the faint mist is filled with aura and small red lips like a smile. Sip nonchalantly.

Compared to the white-based costumes in this glorious city, the deep purple tights she wore were particularly alluring. The pair of thin purple slings made people wonder if they would break immediately, allowing the two huge fruits to jump out of the restraints of the clothes.

Every time she took a step, the plump and firm fruit in the sling that had been changed so badly quivered with her body movement, and every tremor made people involuntarily moved by her heart.

In that elegant and alluring way of walking, the round buttocks wrapped in the enchanting purple skirt tilted upward in a graceful arc. Against the backdrop of her snow-white skin, her snow-white soft thighs and delicate slenderness The calf is more moving.

Her age gives a strange sense of ambiguity. Judging from the figure and the charm of nature, it seems that it has already passed more than twenty. But just from the eyes and face, it seemed that she was just a girl of seventeen or eighteen years old.

The two completely different temperaments of maturity and innocence are perfectly mixed in her body, forming that unique charm.

The dark purple hair with an enchanting atmosphere, the slender waist that can only be held, and the dark black eyes like the night sky, on this sacred square, robbed everyone of their eyes.

But she herself seemed unaware of the charm she exudes, and she didn't pay attention to that kind of thing. Just using that strange way of walking, step by step towards the location of Ulysses and Alexander.

"Oh oh oh oh oh oh!" Alexander's blood boiled, and some strange force wiped out all the negative feelings he had just now.

He was born again. Both the body and the heart are completely healed by the super beautiful milk with more than 15,000 fighting power. He felt that he had reached an unprecedented peak state. The hot and powerful heartbeat, the blood flowing at high speed, with this irresistible enthusiasm.

That's right, this is love! Just a little bit of moisturizing can revive the driest earth and let the sun appear in the darkness!

A miracle, a miracle happened! This beautiful woman with a combat power of more than 15,000 is the ultimate ideal he has pursued for a long time, a dream lover who has only appeared in his dreams!

Fight, fight! Gamble on his everything, bet on the dignity and ideals of the fourth prince of the Slow Empire! This time, he gave it up. A rose can no longer reflect his current passion, he wants to give all the ninety-nine roses in his hand to this princess who seems to have walked out of his dream.

Chasing one by one is no longer needed. What he needs now is courage and strength to surpass everything.

Start! Before this stunned monster around him can get out, he wants a real victory, a victory in victory!

The richest rewards and goals appear at the end. Sure enough, this is his fate!

God, I thank you!

Holding the ninety-nine red roses in his hands tightly, Alexander began to rush towards his ideals and dreams.

Near, near, nearer! There has never been such a stressful moment, this is the most important moment in his life.

One poem is no longer enough to express his current mood, and the ancient magical masterpieces and poems continue to attack.

"Please, please accept my poem! Beautiful lady! My beautiful angel!"

"My soul and everything I have, I want you to take it, but I beg you to leave me a pair of eyes so that I can see you."

"In my body, there is nothing that has not been conquered by you. You took its life, and you also carried its death."

"If I have to lose anything, I hope you will take me away, but I beg you to leave me a pair of eyes so that I can see you."

"I need you, just you-let my heart keep repeating this sentence."

"All the desires that seduce me day and night are utter fraud and emptiness. Just like the night hidden in the obscurity of praying for light, it also rang out from the depths of my subconsciousness-I need you, I only need you."

"Just as the storm uses its full strength to impact peace, but seeks to end in peace, my resistance impacts your love, and its voice is still—I need you, only you.”

Alexander swears that this is the most passionate and representative poem he has found. He even had the illusion that he truly felt the mood of the two ancient poets of magic at that time.

Heartbeat for love, trembling for love, and giving everything for love, everything is for the super beautiful breast with more than 15,000 points of fighting power!

"Da! Da!" Some lazy footsteps quietly passed by Alexander. Ninety-nine roses and the poetry that Alexander exhausted to find did not stop her for even a second, and it could even be said that she didn't pay attention. To this.

Then, Alexander, who turned around with a dull gaze, saw it and saw that his soul was torn apart and his enthusiasm was poured out, which was enough to leave an irreparable and devastating scene in his life.

The object of his courtship gave him a new life from despair, just like the angel who came from the sky to rescue him. The dreamy beauty with beautiful **** and fighting power of more than 15,000 is overwhelming the pale and bewildered little girl. , And gave her a deep, hot kiss.

It was a kiss that made him envious and jealous, and he wanted to immediately become the little girl with no breasts. It was also a kiss that made him despair, fear, and even began to feel that the world had been destroyed.

"Ding!" Alexander heard, hearing the sound of something fragile in his body breaking.

His innocence, his love, and his enthusiasm were killed at this moment! Was killed ruthlessly and mercilessly!

"No, no! Lana...Sister!" Ulysses struggled, struggled. It's a pity that he has been caught by Lana's claws no matter whether it is in the body or in the heart, and he can no longer break free.

Just like when he was in Mira Village, he couldn't resist her either.

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