The Devil Priest and the Brave Beautiful Girl

Vol 3 Chapter 306: Infiltration (bottom)

"Wait a minute, the calculation time is almost up." Lana stared at a certain point of the light curtain intently, and was about to look there later.

One minute passed, two minutes passed, when Ulysses was about to be pressured by Lana’s pair of beautiful **** with more than 15,000 fighting power. When Ulysses was about to be out of breath, the seemingly stable light curtain appeared almost A ripple that cannot be recognized with the naked eye.

"It's now, the sword of the earth!" Lana waved her hand excitedly, a simple and unpretentious yellow big sword appeared in her hand, and then pierced into the center of the ripple.

The originally perfect light curtain churned violently, and then there was a big opening for people to enter and exit. On the other side of the light curtain, the hard rocks were quickly breaking down. Soon, an artificial channel appeared in front of Ulysses and Lana.

"Very good, not unfamiliar." Lana nodded in satisfaction, and then rushed into the passage holding Ulysses.

Speaking of which, she didn't have the ability to find the weakness of this light curtain of the war domain level. At the beginning, Yuffi told her that this was a little secret shared by the two.

After Ulysses and Lana drilled out the temporary passage, Lana immediately wielded the holy sword of the earth to restore the passage to its original state. And it was absolutely exactly the same as before, and no one could find any flaws. The power of one of the four element holy swords is best used for this.

"This is..." Ulysses looked around suspiciously. It looks like this is the end of a certain underground passage, it's dark, and it's probably been a long time since no one has been here.

"The underground test field of the Black Magic Division of the Radiance Academy was closed because someone had performed a black mass here. However, it looks like it has been opened recently." Lana looked at the end of the passage. Although it is very faint, there is indeed the light of the magic lamp in that area.

I remember when she and Yu Fei were studying here, but some students secretly summoned the devil here, but in the end she was found out by her who was also sneaking in and out here. In the end, she slaughtered the demon who didn't know where it came from, but forgot to dispose of the demon's body, which caused a big commotion in the college. After that, the area was closed.

"Black Magic Summon..." Ulysses was a little surprised. In the Guanghui Academy, would anyone actually do such a thing?

"Okay, let's go from here, now it looks like nobody is there." Lana hugged Ulysses happily, and then began to move towards the destination.

It didn't take long for the two to come to the center of this area, a place that seemed to be directly associated with "evil" and "dark".

This is a very wide hall, and the magic gems inlaid on the ceiling only slightly illuminate the small area in the center, and the surrounding area is almost completely dark. There are some murals on the surrounding stone walls, but they are already blurred.

Many places on the wall are covered with scratches, swords and monsters. Some scattered bones and rusty weapons are scattered around and stretched out.

In the deepest part of the hall, six huge black shadows were looming, but there was no movement, making the entire underground hall reveal silence and weirdness.

Ulysses wiped his eyes, and quickly saw through the darkness, and found that the huge black shadow turned out to be a weird demon statue.

This demon has a pair of goat horns, but one of the horns is missing half, as if it had been cut off by some sharp weapon.

The statue is more than six meters tall, and Ulysses probably can't even reach his knees. The statue was covered with a layer of bone armor, and many hideous human faces appeared on the armor. Each face was extremely painful, as if it had been terribly tortured.

Continue to look up and find that the face of the demon statue itself is also an expression of extreme pain, just like the faces on its armor, it is enduring some huge torture.

"It seems a bit familiar." Lana looked at the statue and found that it was only a bit like the one she solved with ease a few years ago. But that one had been unloaded by her, then burned, frozen, and struck by lightning. In the end, there was only a pile of bones left. It should be impossible to survive.

"This statue..." Ulysses had a strange feeling, as if he could do something with this statue. In other words, the statue conveyed a vague message to him invisibly.

Unfortunately, he didn't understand what that message was. I just feel that I feel a little bit different from this statue, and that's all. It was just an illusion that he could not have any connection with this demon. He didn't learn any dark magic.

"..." Of course, the statue couldn't speak, and could only silently watch Lana take Ulysses away.

However, when Ulysses looked at it for the last time, a faint light seemed to flash through its evil eyes. Perhaps, it's just the reflection of magic gems on the zenith.

"This is the underground wine cellar." Lana poked her head out of an artificial passage and saw rows of well-sealed wine barrels. She didn't visit here less at the beginning, and she learned how to steal the good wine without anyone discovering it.

"Sister Lana, where are we going?" Ulysses had nothing to do with his Aunt Lana. From just now, she and him seemed to have been moving underground. With the blessing of the sword in Aunt Torana's hand, the earth almost automatically created a passage in front of the two of them. It was the first time he saw a treasure that digs so quickly.

"Of course it is a place where you can find a gift that matches the little Yuna. I remember it was..." Lana looked left and right for a while, and then continued to wield the Sacred Earth Sword in her hand to dig a hole.

The power of the legendary four element holy swords is not a joke, it could not be better to be used for digging holes. (Lana thinks so)

"A gift for me!" Ulysses' bad feeling became stronger and stronger. Since childhood, Aunt Lana has given him many gifts. But those gifts are all light and beautiful...

After entering the meat storeroom, magic material storehouse, and weapon storehouse, Lana finally found her destination, where she and Yuffi had been more than once in the past.

"I found it, the dormitory for female priests and knights...There must be something most suitable for Yuna!" Lana is very happy, and the idea just now can finally come true.

"Sister Lana, why did you take me to this place?" Ulysses felt cold behind his back. This is not where men should be.

"Of course it is for you to find clothes for Little Yuna, looking for a beautiful and cute female priest's gown that is similar to Xiao Yuna's figure. The nearest one is here." Lana answered naturally.

"Wait, what did you just say!" Ulysses didn't believe his ears.

"That said, I want to see how little Yuna wears the goddess official clothes. That's it, it's very simple." Lana blinked, then grabbed Ulysses' body and led him out of the ground. aisle.

"The female dormitory is still for female knights and priests! Wait, wait, this is not where we should be!" Ulysses regretted it, and regretted it too much. I had known that Lana would bring him to this place, and he had to resist even if he died!

This is not a place where men can come in, this is a place where the legend says that even a male fly can't come in. Not only does it have a complete armed defense, it is said that it has also established an anti-male magic enchantment exactly the same as that in Taji City, which is a veritable girl's garden.

"Isn't there a special defense barrier in this area!" Ulysses looked around, for fear that sirens would be heard from all directions in the next instant. The famous barrier in Taji City is just an incomplete version. The enchantment here, I am afraid it is very difficult for even the seventh-level strong to break in.

"I just dug through." Lana casually told Ulysses the truth. It seems to destroy that magic enchantment and bring men in here, it is just as simple as drinking water for her.

"Dig through..." Ulysses had nothing to say.

"It's okay, it's okay, it's just borrowing the clothes here. And you are not a man, Little Yuna..." Lana said naturally.

"No, I'm a man, a real man, a very dangerous man. It's the kind of humanoid beast that easily loses his mind and eventually goes mad." Ulysses desperately belittles himself, hoping that Lana will take him out now. The sooner the better.

If he was found sneaking in here, he would really have jumped into the sea and would not be able to clean it.

"Haha, Little Yuna can really joke. Just follow me, no one will think of you as a man." Lana patted Ulysses on the shoulder, showing a confident smile.

"Sister Lana, I'm a man, it's dangerous..." Ulysses' voice became smaller and smaller. He knew that now no matter what he said, he couldn't stop Aunt Lana.

When Aunt Lana decides what to do, I am afraid that even a **** cannot stop her.

"Courage, to mention courage, there is nothing to be afraid of, even if it is discovered, it is nothing." Lana remembered the missed time in the past. At that time, Yu Fei had not yet become the saint of light who really held the Scriptures of Light. The days when she was messing around with her, and the days when she was dragged by her to the night attack. (All ended in failure)

It was really a fun and joyful time. She and Yuffi were carefree. Not only were they best friends, but they were exactly the same people they liked in the end. It's a pity that such a time will never come back anymore.

"No, it's very problematic, let's go back..." Before Ulysses had finished speaking, Lana's mouth was gagged. Then, she showed a strange smile and sneaked into a room with Ulysses sneakily. (The Holy Sword of the Earth is indeed a very useful sword.)

Then Ulysses saw it, saw something he shouldn't look at, which belonged to the secret of the girl's garden.

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