The Devil Priest and the Brave Beautiful Girl

Vol 3 Chapter 312: The Prologue of Chaos (Part 1)

When Darwin pronounced the word "sit down".

"Wow!" The horned demon flying in the air trembled suddenly, and then the head and feet fell from the air. The huge goat horns easily penetrated into the ground, only revealing a pair of struggling sheep's hooves dangling.

"Have you been honest?" Darwin asked coldly, squatting in front of the demons above his head and feet.

"You... did... what..." The horned demon who was munching on dirt made a vague voice. Continue to struggle desperately, struggle.

It's a pity that this is destined to be a waste of effort, his sense of space is completely chaotic, and he is clearly pushing upwards, but no matter what he does, he is drilling down. With this development, he is likely to gnaw through the strata and travel for free in the magma area.

"Use my blood to resurrect, and want to eat me, how could there be such a good thing. Didn't you find that there is anything in your body?" Darwin shrugged, and then began to study the hoof structure of the shofar demon.

For him, this is a rare specimen, which can just deduce the evolutionary stage of magical creatures. There might be only one living descendant of the ancient god-level demon on the mainland.

It's really strange how this rare breed was summoned by half-toned black magic lovers. You know, even if he has the blood of the devil, it is impossible to complete this level of summoning. The research organized over the years has never been successful.

"Let go of me, bastard! I want to eat you, eat you!" The horned demon opened his mouth, then naturally gnawed away more dirt.

He is a descendant of the great Bediella, he wants to eat meat! Fleshy fleshy fleshy! When have you heard of a devil who gnaws mud?

"I still haven't learned a lesson. It seems that the rumor that Bediela has nothing but eating in his head is true. Sit down!" Darwin knocked on the hoof of the claw devil, and then cast the curse again.

"Wow!" The horned demon felt that the flesh and blood of his whole body drilled down uncontrollably, and a more serious sense of chaos swept his whole body than before. As if in the next instant, he would sink into the dark ground forever.

This feeling is very familiar to him, and it is also the same when the remaining remains of him who were killed were piled into the cold stone statue. After that, he experienced a miserable time that could not bear to look back...

Just thinking about that kind of consciousness is closed, leaving only the tattered remains, neither a good life nor a good death, his little brains shrank in bursts.

"Well, let's work together temporarily. What are you doing to revive me? Do you want to kill? It doesn't matter, I am happy. If I don't kill tens of thousands of people, I am not the grandson of the great Bediella." In a strong appetite Under the impetus of, the shofar demon finally compromised.

At least, before he had eaten enough food to regain full strength, he had to cooperate with the guy in front of him. The curse of "sit down" seems to be directly connected to the newly grown flesh and blood on his body, and it is not so easy to get rid of.

The descendant of Iseros, as shameless as the legend, actually implanted this kind of thing while he was recovering. Without this, he would have taken this guy alive.

"Very well, a good devil is a good devil. Tell me your real name." Darwin touched the hooves of the shofar demon. The texture is very good, I don't know if it can be cooked, the large lamb's hooves are said to be delicious.

"Bediera Sackmond Ospelis VI." The shofar demon said his real name indifferently. The real name of the devil possesses the power of evil, but that is only for ordinary humans. The demon priest on the opposite side had long been beyond the level that needed his real name to summon power.

"Isros Darwin." Darwin responded to his real name. This used to be the name cursed by him, but it is almost used to it now.

The demon bloodline with the special ability to revive has given him a lot of convenience in the process of studying biological evolution. Adhering to the life philosophy of "useful things are good things", he has completely accepted who he is now.

Telling each other's real names is a kind of etiquette among demons, and it is also a kind of ritual. Now, the two parties can barely have a contract that temporarily compromises with each other. However, this kind of contract has no guarantee, and it is almost the same as a temporary verbal agreement.

"Get up, the trouble is only beginning now, Ospelis." Darwin no longer manipulated the spell and liberated the shofar demon Ospelis.

"Trouble, what's the problem?" The demon Ospelis, who recovered his sense of direction, crawled out of the ground and licked his tongue. Watching delicious food in front of oneself but not eating it is the most painful torment for the descendants of Bediella who have a strong appetite.

After I go out, I have to eat 1,000, no, 10,000 humans. He was too hungry for too long.

He is a demon, a real demon, but since he was summoned into the human world, he has only gnawed a few mouthfuls of mud. This is simply a tragedy in a tragedy. I'm afraid there is no demon worse than him.

"Can't you control your power? The earth is polluted by you." Darwin looked at the top of the underground hall. The strong demon aura had completely polluted the place, turning it into a muddy black mud-like substance.

"There is no way, my body repair rate is only less than 50%, and there is no way to precisely control the power overflow. You don't let me eat, it is impossible to control it in a short time." Ospelis shook his head.

Of course, he wouldn't talk about the construction of the esophagus and digestive organs as soon as he recovered.

"I hope no one notices..." Darwin himself knew that this was an unrealistic fantasy. It's impossible for people to discover such a large dark corroded area.

Now, it can only be expected that the released new type of Doom "Capra" can cause a commotion large enough to make the anomalies in this area less noticeable. After all, the next plan will take some time. Resurrecting the devil is just the first step in the plan.

I had to finish the next step quickly, and when the Guanghui Academy reacted, there was no time to retreat. This idiotic demon wasted a lot of his precious time.

"Come here..." Darwin hadn't finished speaking, and a figure suddenly fell from the corroded ceiling.

"It's a little beauty again, you're welcome!" Ospelis opened his mouth wide, and with super sharp eyes, he had already seen the true face of the figure. She was really a pure girl who gave the devil an appetite.

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