The Devil Priest and the Brave Beautiful Girl

Vol 3 Chapter 314: The Prologue of Chaos (Part 2)

While Ospelis showed his true power, on the other hand, in the Glorious Academy memorabilia exhibition hall, which was destroyed more than half, the battle between Lana and the black heavy armored warrior also entered a devastating stage.

"Storm!" Lana held the Windbreaking Sword with one hand, and the frantic airflow surrounded her, and then gathered into a cyan "face".

The black heavy-loaded warrior opposite her seemed to have realized the horror of his opponent. In the eyes of those gemstones, blue electric lights appeared faintly, and put down the hands that were originally pressed on both sides of his forehead.

It seemed that he had realized that that kind of large-scale indiscriminate attack had no meaning to Lana. Only the wind around Lana bounced the impact of those sound waves completely, and even the pressure of the guardian light curtain behind her was reduced a lot.

"Flap! Flap!" Those faintly blue eyes seemed to flash out. The black heavy armored soldier roared low and raised his right hand. The five fingers spread out, and the ends of the fingers flexed into hooks, and a faint blue electric glow appeared on the ends of his fingers that were bent into claws with the sound of crackling electric currents.

"Split!" Lana waved quickly, wrapping around her body, and the energy of the rolling wind quickly stirred up, forming a vortex visible to the naked eye, and finally all gathered on the section in front of her.

"Huh!" The wind whizzed past. Just like the high-speed wind that can be cut off by steel, the section made by Lana easily separated everything around him.

For a moment, the world suddenly became quiet. Immediately afterwards, the cracking sound of something "clicks, clicks, clicks" continued to sound in the huge souvenir exhibition hall. Finally, a deep section appeared on all the walls and pillars in all directions with Lana as the center.

In the end, with a crisp sound of "Quack!", the entire souvenir exhibition hall was neatly cut in half. From the outside, it looks like a piece of cake cut across from the middle.

"Boom! Boom!" There was a crashing voice after the silence. The fragments of countless buildings were flying in the air, and the severed parts could no longer support the huge weight of the upper part, and began to collapse violently.

In this way, I don't know how long the souvenir exhibition hall that has been standing in the college has completed its historical mission and completely collapsed.

What the dark organization could not do, Lana did it smoothly-causing enough commotion in the Radiant Academy. In the distance, many people have gathered here quickly.

"Dodged?" Lana's attack did not achieve the result she expected. With the sword just now, she did lock the opponent, and it cut everything at the moment when the opponent's attack was about to take place, the body could not move immediately.

But after the rupture was over, she did not see the opponent's severed body at that location.

In other words, the **** man has a movement speed and control ability that is completely inconsistent with what it looks like, otherwise it would be impossible to cancel the move directly and avoid her splitting attack.

"Wow!" Under the rubble, the black heavy armored warrior came out. The armor was covered with dust, and the whole body was full of small fragments of construction. Obviously, Lana's attack didn't affect him.

"Very strong." He roared in a low voice. With five fingers and one point, the jumping electric light suddenly dispersed and flowed all over his body. The figure flashed slightly and suddenly disappeared from Lana's eyes.

Soon, Lana reassessed the opponent's strength. It is unreasonable for such a huge body to have such a fast speed and ability to react. In the sense, there is a strange sense of incongruity, as if there is something wrong.

In the next second, Lana heard a soft "chirp" in her ear helix, five small electric lights appeared beside her, and an unusually fresh smell appeared in the air, just like the air after a thunderstorm.

Lana tilted her head, then once again waved the Wind Splitting Sword in her hand to create a new cut surface, and forcibly cut the five electric lights.

The power of the wind is exerted to the extreme, and it is a sword that can cut through the sky. And the Wind Breaking Sword that Lana is holding now is the manifestation of this cutting off power. In front of her, all material and non-material things will be cut off.

"Ding!" After cutting off the five electric lights, the Sword of Wind Splitting really cut something. It is a material that is quite hard, harder than stone and steel, but has a very high elasticity.

The strongest characteristic of the Sword of Wind Breaking is the power of breaking, but it only cuts into this substance a few centimeters, and then there is a feeling of stagnation.

Although this is related to Lana using only one hand, and it is not related to the full ability to activate the Sword of Wind Breaking as before. However, this kind of toughness is obviously extraordinary, and I am afraid that most armor-level armors do not have such strong defensive capabilities.

Moreover, Lana's touch tells her that this kind of substance does not seem to be metal, but something "living".

"Can't defend it!" Similarly, the black heavy armor warrior who was cut open by Lana's sword also had a clear judgment. The opponent in front of him is definitely the most terrifying man he has encountered, and it is an enemy who is likely to cause fatal injuries to him.

This is the first time this situation has occurred since he got such a powerful force. His outer armor was manufactured in accordance with the standards of all-round defense against the eighth-level strong.

After rigorous testing, it is confirmed that it has reached the standard. He even hid a part of the force of this armed! Left behind for myself. But this time the battle made him feel a crisis, an unprecedented crisis.

Kill, kill, must kill! The enemy that can threaten his life must be eliminated without hesitation. He almost gave up everything to get the power of this strong too. He didn't want to lose this kind of power, and he didn't want to try again the feeling of being despised and ignored in the eyes of others in the past.

It doesn't matter if you become a non-human monster, it doesn't matter if you can no longer appear in the human world in its true colors. As long as he had this power, the power that surpassed the seventh-level powerhouse, he would have absolute pride.

He never loses again, nor does he want to lose!

"Power liberation!" This is a secret he really hides. It only belongs to his own power, the power that only appears after the fusion of the worm veins in his body and the special weapons created by the organization.

"Shit!" A large amount of milky white gas leaked from the head of the black armored warrior, then surrounded him, and was finally absorbed by the armor itself.

The armor that was originally dark and dark began to change its color, turning into a bright yellow with more vitality. At the same time, jewel-like cores began to appear on the head and waist. Above the elbows, a pair of sharp elbow blades suddenly unfolded, and together with the sharp corners of the head, they became sharper and narrower.

This is the latest research result of the organization, using the outer armor cultivated from the remains of the Zerg mother emperor who died in the organization's headquarters. In addition, after the events of the festival, the insect veins mutated and became the human body of the new seventh-level strong, and finally made a super combat weapon.

Now, there are three such weapons, codenamed "Kepra", and his codename is "Kepra II". However, based on the memories of the Zerg itself he had obtained in his vagueness, he preferred the title of "Doom".

Although the result of the experiment was that he lost his human body and appearance and became the black giant body now, he was not dissatisfied.

Human beings have to lose what they want. This is an unchanging truth. Losing his human identity in exchange for a powerful body and terrifying armor was what he was willing to do. He doesn't think he is ugly now. This powerful body, as well as the powerful weapons hidden in the body, is exactly what he dreams of.

"Your name." As the first opponent who really wanted to kill after the physical mutation, he felt it necessary to know the opponent's name.

"Lana, you are wise." Lana looked at the enemy whose image had changed a lot with curiosity. At first, she thought she was fighting the huge metal puppets made by alchemy. It looked like her opponent was alive now. But whether it is human or not is unknown.

"Lana." He remembered the name of the strong man who forced him to use hidden power to show his true posture.

"My name... I used to be Ado when I was a human, but that's a thing of the past. I am no longer the me in the past, and I am no longer a fragile human being. The present I’m the new-born Doom, Doom Yadow.” The black reloaded warrior, who once had a relationship with Ulysses, finally joined the black prince Edward’s camp and obtained the coveted powerful force of the former White Wolf mercenary group. The leader-Yado, looked at Lana with a deadly gaze, and opened his right hand at the same time.

The jewel on the forehead and the jewel on the waist gleamed together, and a feeling of incomparable invigoration swept over Ado's body. That is unique to the Zerg, and the power that the magic circuit can be manipulated freely without any spells is also the root of the Doom Warrior's power.

That organization got it wrong, and the result of the experiment was not a man-made monster weapon. It is a new born Zerg who inherited the power of the Zerg and at the same time possessed the fighting wisdom of human beings.

He is the representative of this new Doom, and he will never recognize the real powerhouse of the humiliating digital code name "Capra II."

He is Ado, the new destroyer Ado.

"Huh!" A red hot light flashed in the air, just rubbing the edge of Lana's hair, and then piercing the shaky light curtain behind her, igniting a raging fire.

The real battle begins now.

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