The Devil Priest and the Brave Beautiful Girl

Vol 3 Chapter 316: Non-human battle (in)

"I'm not convinced!" Yado let out an angry roar, more milky white gas seeped from the gaps in his armor, and then, with the incomparable flesh of the Doom, he resisted the deployment of Lana's gravity sword. Hundred times the gravity field.

This is not without a price, he can even feel that his body is undergoing a new round of changes. The part that belonged to humans began to disappear faster, replaced by the body structure of the Zerg, the structure that was born to fight.

It doesn't matter anymore, the human body is no longer able to meet the needs of this level of combat. If you want to completely transform into a new Doom, it is necessary to abandon that part of the last remaining human body.

"Crack! Crack!" There were continuous small noises on the joints of Yado's shell and chest. That is the sound of the insect veins in his body constantly occupying his original human body, removing the last fragile part.

After all, he is not a human being's eighth-level powerhouse, nor is he a prototype destroyer that has evolved according to the awakening procedure, but an experimental destruction weapon created by an organization. Many parts of this body are still incomplete and need to be further strengthened.

"Drink! Gravity reversal!" After further raising his alienation level, a gleam of light flashed in Yado's jewel-like eyes. The gravity ball at his waist was launched with unprecedented intensity, reluctantly releasing the gravity suppression that was as high as one hundred times around his body.

This is already his limit, and it is impossible for him to completely smash this one-hundred-fold gravitational realm.

Too strong, too strong! How could there be such a strong woman! Just now, she obviously used a wind-type treasure, and it was a super treasure that was strong enough to cut through the special armor that was cultivated from the remains of the Zerg mother emperor on his body.

But in a blink of an eye, she actually took out another magic sword that could unfold the terrifying realm of a hundredfold gravity, which was simply unreasonable. She looks only in her twenties, how could she be so ridiculously strong!

He is dissatisfied! Not reconciled, obviously already has a brand-new power, an overwhelming power, why should I still lose! He wants stronger power, destructive power!

"Crack! Pop!" A continuous crisp sound echoed in Yado's body. It was the sound of his joints, muscles, swallowed and transformed by the Zerg cells.

"Go to hell!" Yado opened his hands and aimed at Lana with his palm.

"Chih! Chih!" Four consecutive red scorching rays shot towards Lana. A burning smell diffused around the light passing by, it was light with a temperature of over several thousand degrees. One hundred times the gravity is not enough to distort light.

Lana held the small box of the saint's clothes in her left hand, and turned the gravity sword in her right hand, and a dark black barrier appeared in front of her, easily refracting the incoming light into the air.

Then, the gravity sword in Lana's hand suddenly shrank, deformed, and then slammed it with all his strength, and a huge black ball of light blasted towards Ado aggressively. She has no spare time to fight this opponent, and Yuna is still waiting for her.

The Hundredfold Gravity Field has disappeared! The black ball of light that could fly at high speed became more solemn and pitch black. In the place where it flew, countless small dust was swallowed in, but no trace was left.

This is one of Lana's "Gravity Smash Ball"!

"What!" Yado first propped forward with one hand and tried to catch the black ball, but soon he discovered that this was an impossible task at all. This black ball of light that looks only one meter in size is like a small rolling star, with a terrible weight that is completely inconsistent with its appearance.

The elbow that supported it, was crushed by the pressure of the huge weight, and the remnants of the human body, which had not completely completed the alienation, exploded directly and turned into a mass of mud. flesh. Only the part that has completely become the Zerg is still supporting it reluctantly.

No, no, if this goes on, you will die, you will be killed! Will be the same as before, defeated in shame!

To pursue a certain kind of perfection, you must abandon other things. If he can't do this, he will be a half-toned after all. So, will he be half-toned? Will you die here like this!

The answer is no!

He wants to be the one who transcends everything, and he will never die here! Give up, give up, the human body, the human heart, that doesn't help him become stronger.

Now, he wants to liberate one hundred percent of the body's one hundred percent power, and completely remove the last remaining human part.

Focus, all the power in his body comes from the power of the ancient Zerg. Not ordinary power, but power from the whole life.

"Um! Um! Um!" The human flesh disappeared. After Yado gave up his self as a human, they were ruthlessly eaten by the powerful Zerg cells, and then turned into a new structure. A stronger structure that better meets the needs of combat.

In the face of an unprecedented crisis, Doom Yado really exerted all his power.

"Ka! Ka! Slight! Shi!" It was originally the instinct of the Zerg race to evolve in battle. Stimulated by the crisis of death, Yado's body evolves with maximum efficiency. In order to survive, he even took the initiative to merge with his own shell.

"Ugh!" With both hands, Yado used both hands. I have given up on the counterattack and entered a thorough defense mode, but even so, it is still not enough.

The "Gravity Smashing Ball" that Lana's gravity sword turned into showed a truly terrifying power. Even with Ado, who was desperately blocking with both hands, both hands were slowly expanded.

The feeling of being defeated step by step by that terrifying gravity made Ado almost collapsed.

What a terrible power this is, what a terrible opponent this is, looking so young, but possessing such amazing power. Those eighth-level strong, aren't they all respected elders? When did such a monster appear!

Monster, this is a monster more terrifying than him!

When Yado's spirit was about to collapse and he was about to give up, a special signal was transmitted to his mind. That was a signal from a certain clan, stronger and more terrifying than him, almost beyond the scope of the Doom, and was about to evolve into the signal of the top powerhouse of the "Destroy King" class of the Zerg.

Then, his dying body was incredibly rejuvenated, and from his alienated Zerg cells, a more terrifying force burst out than before.

His hands desperately hugged the black ball, allowing the black ball to crush his hands, pressing his shell into cracks.

"Flap! Flap! Flap!" Fragments fell from his shell, revealing the black muscle tissue inside, which is a twisted and ugly spiral tissue that is most suitable for bearing heavy pressure and exerting strength.

"Oh oh oh oh!" Yado desperately. All the power was concentrated in his hands, and the structure of his body was abnormally twisted, and under the full compression of his hands, Lana's "gravity smash ball" deformed for the first time.

At first, it only squashed a little bit, and then became even more squished. After Ado used all the power of feeding, it finally turned into an oval shape.


If he was 100% out of 100% just now, then now he has performed above the level and used 120% of his power.

"Bang!" After being compressed and deformed to a certain extent by pure physical power, the gravity smashing ball that almost put Yaduo to death was finally crushed by him.

"Success!" At the moment when the gravity smashing ball was smashed, Yado felt heartfelt joy, and he finally defeated this terrible power.

Then, the gravity smash ball exploded, a big explosion.

Everyone in Guanghui Academy heard the terrifying explosion.

The sound was too loud, as if a thunderstorm passed by in his ears.

"Papa! Papa! Papa!" The glass of countless windows was shattered by this huge sonic boom, and the stocked animals scurry around, as if the end of the world is coming.

The black gravity wave exploded frantically, blasting the ground, air, building ruins, and Ado, who was exhausted because of the use of 120% of his power, to smash to pieces.

The destruction, madness, tyranny, and indiscriminate energy directly blasted the ground into a huge pit that was hundreds of meters deep and close to one kilometer in range. The former Guanghui Academy Souvenir Exhibition Hall has completely disappeared in history, leaving no remains.

The terrifying gravity and the destructive power to smash the earth are the essence of Lana's stunt, "Gravity Smashing Ball". It was a horrible move that imitated the ancient language magical dark magic forbidden spell "wrecking ball". It was definitely not a move that could not be picked up by hand. Even Lana herself could not take this move empty-handed.

It's a pity that Ado, who has been blown to pieces, didn't know this. In fact, as the head of the mercenary group, he didn't have a lot of time to learn cultural knowledge, so he didn't see what he was dealing with.

Therefore, in the end, he greeted the end of his own body and bones, and only the core on his forehead, with a trace of flesh and blood, fell into a small pond in the forest of Guanghui Academy.

"I just wanted to use gravity to smash the ball into the outer barrier..."

Lana solved the problem instantly and looked at the big hole on the ground with a little headache, and then very kindly decided to hide her deeds of destroying the order and stability of the academy and destroying the giant black monster.

A true hero does not need to let others know the name. This time, she will be an unknown hero who has made contributions to the academy in obscurity.

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