The Devil Priest and the Brave Beautiful Girl

Vol 3 Chapter 318: Massacre (Part 1)

The chains extending from the eyes of the abyss of condemnation passed through Ulysses’s arms and wrapped around his muscles and bones. The three longest and deepest of them went directly into his heart, tightening here. Surrounded tightly.

If Ulysses could see his heart, he would find that it had become a demon's heart, with golden runes floating around it, exuding terrible dark power.

Thank you, Aya... It is very clear who gave Ulysses who needed support the most at the most important moment, and then fell into the darkness.

After Ulysses' consciousness disappeared, the destructive power contained in the conviction of the abyss completely occupied his body. Then, "Ulysses" or the Abyss Conviction itself opened his eyes again.

It was a pair of cold and merciless eyes that seemed to destroy the world.

In the poisonous green flame, the golden magic symbols began to drift away. The demon flames that can corrode the earth and swallow the sky appear vulnerable in front of these symbols, like ice and snow that meets the blazing sun, and it melts and dissipates all at once.

"What! This power is..." Ospelis VI, the grandson of the grandson of the ancient god-level demon Bediella, looked at the "girl" who was easily standing in the poisonous fire that he was spitting with disbelief.

He felt it, felt the terrifying darkness deep into his bones. I felt the ultimate malice that seemed to be swallowed and destroyed everything. That is a more terrifying and darker power than his ancestor, the ancient god-level demon Bediella.

Although the other party just stood there motionless, there was a terrible and tyrannical aura in the air, as if something terrible was about to come out of the white-clothed girl.

What's this! What is this? For the first time in his life, Ospelis felt real fear. Even when he was chopped to pieces by that succubus and his body was left with only wreckage, he had never had this kind of fear.

Because that succubus uses a power he can understand and is familiar with. Even if he was killed, he knew that it was just that his strength was not strong enough.

In the Demon Realm, it is normal for the weak to eat the strong. But now it is different. The power he feels now is not on the same level as the power of the succubus. That higher, more terrifying thing.

He has never seen anything like this. Even in the world of demons, it is impossible for the strongest ancient god-level demons to possess this kind of power.

As the descendants of the ancient god-level demons who are infinitely close to the dark side of this world and bred from it, they have far more knowledge of the origin of power than human beings, so they can better understand what the power in front of them represents.

That might be the strongest darkness in this world, the power at the peak of all darkness. As a demon, he instinctively felt horrified by that absolute power.

That is the infinite and profound darkness, like a bottomless abyss, I am afraid that even the power of God can be swallowed. Just a little bit of what's inside, he felt cold all over.

The level gap was so great that he had never even thought that he would see this kind of power in the human world, it was a terrible darkness that even the Demon World didn't have. What is before him?

That is definitely not human! It's an unknown thing in a human skin!

"Sure enough, it's this power, Ospelis, what are you doing. There is no time for you to rest, and the humans on the ground are coming soon." The Dark Priest Darwin had already felt it, and on the ground, many different things came. sound.

Probably, Guanghui Academy has discovered the anomaly here. However, there is no way to immediately crack the corroded area surrounding this area. After all, that is the field composed of the magic energy leaked by Ospelis, and the general seventh-level powerhouse can't approach it at all.

"The offspring of Islos, don't you feel that something terrible?" Ospelis looked at the doubting dark priest Darwin with an incredible look.

If it is a real demon, you can definitely understand what a terrifying power it is. Even if he returns to heyday, he is not sure that he can counter this power.

"I only know that if you don't hurry up, our end will be the same. Fight with all your strength or you will die first." Darwin closed his eyes and stretched out his left hand this time, and two black blades swept across his left wrist. , A new black cross appeared on his body, and more blood fell into the magic circle under his feet.

"Damn, as expected, the descendants of Iseros are just as irrational as she is! I remembered!" Ospelis roared loudly, his broken body quickly recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Hurabel!" Ospelis flew down from the air, first sprayed out a group of concentrated green fire, and at the same time stretched out his hands and feet.

"Huh! Huh!" Ospelis' sturdy hands and feet stretched out suddenly. It was not stretched one or two centimeters, but like a noodle, it stretched more than ten times inconceivably, and pulled it directly in front of Ulysses.

On the stretched hands and feet, black mist in the shape of a skull continued to emerge. The air contaminated by this black mist turned into deadly poisonous smoke. It seemed as if two huge black plumes of smoke were rushing.

If it were in a period of confusion of Ulysses, this two-pronged attack would be enough to determine the outcome. It's a pity that now in front of Ospelis, it is no longer "Ulysses."

When Ospelis' stretched hands and feet hit the position where Ulysses was, a black arc-shaped sword shadow appeared. That was a move that Eugens had used once in a decisive battle with Buster, the true destroyer of the Zerg.

For Ulysses, the move that needs to bet on all his strength and will to be able to use it reluctantly is instinctive to "Abyss Conviction". As long as Ulysses' body can bear it, its power is simply unmatched.

Compared to Ospelis' aggressiveness, as if he was about to bombard the entire underground hall, the arc of the sword that the Abyss Convict wielded seemed insignificant. But it was Ospelis' side that was terrified.

He saw it, saw the flames he sprayed being broken down, and saw that the "skeleton poisonous hand" he blasted out with all his might slowed down the moment he approached the opponent. Slowly to the point that he felt that he could manipulate his stretched hands and feet to kick the opponent into pieces together with the sword and the man with just a little bit of breath.

But in fact, no matter how much magic power he put in, or even vomiting blood, the feeling that time seemed to slow down did not disappear at all. A feeling of extreme fear swept through his body, and then he had to watch how his hands and feet were cut off.

That is a kind of fear that cannot be described in words. Under his observation far beyond human eyes, the direction of the air flow in that area, the trajectory of the floating dust, and the cohesion of the terrible dark power, and that The strange words that suddenly appeared on the sword were clearly visible.

But that's it. He can do nothing, nothing can stop him. With a flustered look, he looked at the magic sword with the black light that swallowed everything, easily cut into his hands and feet, and then cut his hands and feet cleanly like cutting a cake.

That was the blow he brought together the strongest force so far. The stretched hands and feet contained all his current magic power, and also borrowed part of the power of the descendant of Iseros who repaired his body.

It's useless, it's useless at all, and it doesn't even have the qualifications to make the opponent move. When the hands and feet were cut, there was even an unreal feeling, as if the hands and feet were not cut off.

But in the next second, he felt it, the feeling of slowing time disappeared, and a terrifying, more violent than his poisonous fire, it was almost as if the curse energy that was about to corrode everything in him was cut off from his hands and feet. The place passed over.

"Wow!" Ospelis let out a scream. He had never made such a scream when he was summoned to this world to be killed immediately, and even the wreckage was used as waste.

pain! pain! pain! It's so painful! He never thought that he would be hurt by the power of the curse. Because he himself is a powerful demon who likes to use poison and curse very much.

Of course, there is also a super resistance to this kind of force.

But the curse that invaded his hands and feet from the black magic sword completely ignored his dark physique. His demon body, which was extremely immune to poison and curses, could not resist the power of that curse.

The hands and feet he stretched out were being corroded and swallowed quickly, and they could no longer be felt at all. What's more terrifying is that the power of the curse did not disappear, but quickly spread to his body.

Within a few seconds, his two hands and one foot were completely rotted, and no matter how many runes of the dark priests were absorbed, they could not be recovered.

"Blast!" At the moment of crisis, Ospelis brazenly blew himself up. The hands, feet and part of the body that were invaded by the cursed force were completely blown up, and the fatal crisis was avoided.

"What!" Darwin looked at Ospelis, who had lost both hands and one foot with just one move.

Even if the power of Ulysses' magic sword is estimated to be the highest, he never thought that there is any curse that can corrupt the demon Ospelis born from the dark side of the world into that way.

The descendants of Bediera, among the demons, are known for their super-high magic immunity and curse resistance. Among the demons, they are the best candidates for a physical shield. Cut off his hands and feet with just one move, corroding his body, what a terrible power this is.

Who is the devil anyway?

Ulysses looked at Ospelis, who had only four hands and one foot, with cold eyes, and then swung his sword again.

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