The Devil Priest and the Brave Beautiful Girl

Vol 3 Chapter 321: Dark basement (part 1)

"Da! Da!" The sound of water droplets sounded little by little in this silent and dark space, monotonous and cold.

There was a slightly humid smell in the air, and there was also a hint of dust that seemed to have been closed for too long without dissipating completely.

"Hmm..." Noah slowly woke up from the dizziness. Her memory is a bit vague, the last fragment is that she flew over the dark area, and then used the "Judgment of the Holy Cross", was attacked by those large numbers of black spheres, and finally fell down.

The last feeling is not the pain of falling to the ground, but like falling into a bottomless abyss, falling continuously until the consciousness completely disappears.

In that, it seemed that something like the sea had passed through. As for the memory after crossing the sea, it is completely blank.

where is this place? As a well-trained paladin, Noah took the initiative to bite the tip of his tongue, using the pain to quickly restore his somewhat vague consciousness.

The vision became clear, and then from both hands and feet, there was a feeling of being imprisoned. This cold metal touch, is it a chain?

There was darkness in front of her, and there was almost no light in sight. She was caught? Then were you imprisoned? This feeling of weakness in hands and feet should be more than a sequelae of fighting. It seemed that something blocked her power.

After regaining consciousness, Noah quickly noticed that his hands and feet had been locked by fetters with chains, and then his body was placed on the ground covered with soft sheets.

In this way, although she is not completely unable to move, it can be said that she has lost the ability to fight.

I probably looked around. She was in a narrow place like a prison. She has no impression of this place. In Guanghui Academy, there is no prison. Even the small black room used to punish students is actually just a few small rooms behind the college, and there is absolutely no such torture tool.

No matter what, try first to see if there is a chance to break free. After confirming that there was no one around, Noah concentrated his power on his right hand, tentatively manipulating the muscles, and broke the chains that were attached to him.

"Wow!" The chain made a crisp sound, and there was no sign of breaking. Instead, it was Noah's own wrist, feeling a little numb.

Power can't make it come out? Are these things forbidden magic rings? Or was the body invaded by cursed power? Noah's other hand and both feet struggled a few times in turn. I found that in my current state, it was almost impossible to break free from the shackles of these chains.

"Light up." Although he is not a priest, as the owner of the Silver Sword Angel, Noah can easily use most offensive magic arts. Basic magic arts like Illuminating Light Ball can be completed with a simple idea. .

But the fact is worse than Noah expected. The light was indeed shining in front of her, but the light, which was not much brighter than a candle, did not seem to be her true power at all.

Not only the power of the body, but the power of the spirit is also limited. Looking at the light ball he summoned, Noah clearly realized this.

It's a terrible situation, it can even be said to be desperate. Unexpectedly, in the Guanghui Academy, she would be forced to such a desperate situation. Who on earth created that dark realm and attacked her again?

Here, where is it?

"Huh! Huh!" A heavy gasp came from behind Noah, making her suddenly startled. Just now, she didn't find anyone behind her at all, what was going on.

Turning his head vigilantly, Noah saw the man, the painful man who hugged his body and gasped.

He was wearing a white dress, and in the originally dark room, the little light came from him. I don't know why, when I looked at him, Noah felt an incredible sense of familiarity, as if it wasn't the first time I met this person.

"No... it's not like this... it shouldn't be like this..." From the person's mouth, a painful sound came out, as if he was enduring some torture.

What is he suffering?


"It's not like this... I won't do this... Absolutely... The time Hydra, I had made a mistake... I can't..." Ulysses tightly grasped his shoulders, not letting his hands mess up. move.

This is the case again, here again, just like Hydra back then, after using the strength far beyond the current limit, the body was overdrawn and the strength was exhausted, so he had to use that method to repair his body.

Moreover, the conviction of the abyss was more excessive than last time. Not only caught Noah, but also completely restrained her strength, and even her hands and feet were locked with chains and shackles in this room, completely depriving her of the last little resistance.

"If you don't want to die! Just do it..." This time the abyss was convicted and engraved on the wall again. A simple sentence directly told Ulysses the choice facing him now.

He knew that this was the only option, and the feeling of body pain and cracking told him that this time he used a force far beyond his own limit. Although the memory of the last stage is very vague, the combat power of killing a powerful demon so easily does not belong to him.

That is the power of the abyss conviction, the demon king from another world, the power left behind by Astaroth.

He can't remember when he recovered his memory again, but this extremely unstable state has already made his body feel a crisis instinctively.

Facing Noah, who was bound by chains and lost his resistance, he could do whatever he wanted without worrying about anything.

The instinct of the body tells him that he needs women, the kind of power that can repair his body. If it was Noah, it would definitely be possible. As long as she violates her, her body will be repaired and everything will be fine.

However, he didn't want that, not at all. He didn't want to repeat Hydra's tragedy.

Therefore, he didn't look at Noah, closed his eyes, and suffered a little bit of broken body pain.

Even if she was within his reach, he would not visit her.

Just break it, just end it like this... I don't know why, Ulysses, who is very unstable, has this kind of self-defeating thoughts.

This is not like him in ordinary times, nor is it the way he should have thoughts. However, at this time, he didn't know why, he had this idea. His consciousness was confused, and a lot of strange things poured into his mind, and there were many things in it that he couldn't understand. However, one thing is clear.

You should not do strange things indiscriminately, otherwise there will be big troubles. Death is never a terrible thing, just...

No, it’s no good to go on like this, and it’s not right to give up like this. From my mind, there was a voice, a voice that Ulysses was very familiar and unfamiliar.

It is inappropriate to close yourself up and avoid what you should do. Think about it, think about it, there must be a better way, there must be a better way of both worlds. If it is you, it should be possible.

You are strong, aren't you? You can do it, can't you? Hydra is not so unfortunate, is it?

I am strong? Ulysses didn't feel that way at all. Even in the strongest state of conviction in the Liberation Abyss, he never thought he was strong. Because his opponent is stronger than him.

Victory time after time, many times rely on luck and the final burst, the time to overwhelm the opponent is always pitiful.

He is not a real seventh-level powerhouse, but with the help of the power of the abyss conviction, he can borrow the half-tone of Astarot's power in the abyss conviction in a short time. The foundation of his sword skills is terribly poor, with no merit other than speed.

Without using the power of the Abyss, he might not even be able to beat Arcelia. In the fantasy barrier, the loss to Leilu was the best proof. Without relying on the power of the Abyssal Conviction, his simple and direct attack on Shang Leilu was simply helpless and could not find any gaps.

"..." The voice said nothing. All the answers are actually in the heart of Ulysses.

Yes, he knew what this voice was, it was a voice from his own will. It is the voice of the self who is struggling to live, struggling to live.

If you don't want to die, if you want to live, you can't just die like this. This kind of voice gathered together and became a clear will, a will that can oppose his reason.

For Ulysses who was in chaos and anxiety, this will directly told him the answer.

"Ah..." A scorching sensation hit Ulysses's whole body, and all his sanity was slowly disappearing. This was his body's counterattack against his sanity.

Wanting to live, wanting to invade Noah, absolutely not wanting to die, the instinct inspired by the power of the domain of infinite desire is accusing Ulysses in this way, and then forcing Ulysses to move.

While Ulysses was struggling and suffering, Noah's doubtful voice reached his ears.


Ga, all the struggle and hesitation stopped because of the appearance of this name. Ulysses looked with incredible eyes at the stripped silver armor, leaving only Noah with the mask and underwear.

Why, she knew it was him? Except for Aunt Lana, even Helen and Hydra could not accurately recognize him who was there.

"Sure enough... it's you." Noah could not see Ulysses' expression, but she knew that he was in pain.

She didn't know why he was in such pain. However, as a fiancee, as a woman who is responsible for giving birth to the descendants of the Ana family, she cannot look at Ulysses who is so painful.

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