The Devil Priest and the Brave Beautiful Girl

Vol 3 Chapter 325: Noah's One Meter Field (Part 2)

Noah is very brave. She has suffered countless hardships on the road to the successor of the "Silver Sword Angel", the inheritance treasure of the Brave of Light. In order to exercise her body and hone her combat skills, she has challenged life and death in danger or even close to despair more than once.

When she was learning to walk, she had already picked up the sword in her hand; when she was ten years old, she walked into the forest full of wild beasts with only a knife; when she was thirteen years old, she had been with adult knights Qualified to perform patrol missions together.

Before she inherited the Silver Sword Angel, she had encountered Level 7 monsters more than once. But she did not run away, but defeated them again and again, and finally survived.

Even when facing her father, the black warrior Anakin, who was already an eighth-level powerhouse, she still chose to fight. Force yourself to exceed your limits and challenge your father who has absolute power.

However, this time, she felt that what she was about to undertake might be the most difficult challenge in her life.

His hands and feet were bound by metal chains, and his strength was restrained. He could only move within a range of one meter, and even his body became disobedient because of Ulysses' caress. This feeling is like a brave who has been unloaded with all equipment and props, without the slightest supply, and can only challenge the demon king with his bare hands.

Can she do it?

The answer is, no matter what, she will do it too! No matter how difficult the difficulty is, she will unswervingly implement her beliefs.

Therefore, she worked hard to control her body, and when Ulysses was immersed in desire, she changed the positions of the two little by little.

Finally, she did it. Then she gritted her teeth, gathered her last bit of strength, and tore Ulysses' clothes to pieces—it should be like this.

Unfortunately, things did not develop as she thought. The white robe that Ulysses wore didn't look sturdy, but in fact, no matter how hard Noah tried, he still protected Ulysses' body.'s the end...great any case...Noah prayed sincerely, her beautiful eyes showing immense piety.

As if hearing Noah's prayer, Ulysses tore off his clothes with his hands, his eyes full of impulsive desire.

Thank you... the great god... Noah sincerely thanked the **** he believed in. This must be destiny. It seemed that even the gods couldn't bear to watch the Ana family cut off the last bloodline.

She can't bet, she knows Ulysses' struggles very well. Even when her eyes were full of desire, she could see the anxiety and pain in those eyes. Therefore, she did not stop like this, but continued to work hard.

Her body was frightened, trembling constantly as if to escape the happiness and shock that she had never experienced so far. In order not to allow herself to retreat, she forced herself to press on Ulysses in a very strange posture.

Fortunately, the physical strength of the seventh-level strong can support such a strange posture, even in a state of being restrained by a chain.

Ulysses, who was in a state of confusion, repeatedly licked Noah's chest with his tongue and sucked from time to time, which strongly stimulated Noah's body and mind. If it hadn't been for that strong belief, she would have surrendered long ago.

However, she is not a child of an ordinary noble family. She is the child of the Ana family, the daughter of the black warrior Anakin, and the heir to the legendary treasure of the silver sword angel. She would never fall down like this, she must fight to the end before confirming the final result.

Body, so hot...The desire to ravage Noah arbitrarily came to my heart, but Ulysses was still resisting, even though this resistance had seemed so futile and powerless.

Only the last step... Noah panted, breaking the last clothing he used to cover his body—the soaked white underwear.

In the next second, her important parts were already in full view in front of Ulysses. In the center of the slightly raised hill, the virgin pink mysterious place is slowly showing sweet drops of water, which means that her body is ready.

She raised her arm, tried her last strength, hugged Ulysses' body without relaxing at all, and then lifted her body.

Snow-white arms, gasping lips, sweaty wet hair, and chest undulating with the rhythm of breathing make this dark basement full of allure.

There is no way to look back, whether it is Ulysses or Noah, they all feel this way.

Before the last moment came, Noah looked underneath himself. Under her efforts, the towering clone of Ulysses has resisted her entrance.

It was not the first time that she saw Ulysses' clone, and she even licked it with Mihalu and Hydra. But really including this thing in her body still made her feel a little uneasy.

She has tried it, and even a finger on her own is suffocating. If you accept Ulysses's stiff clone in this state, you should endure a lot of pain, maybe even tearing pain.

However, this is something that must be done.

This is the right thing.

Therefore, she will not regret it.

After clearly understanding her determination, she controlled her body, very hard and determined, and sent the hot and strong front end into the entrance of her mysterious place.

As the hot object entered, Noah frowned. The whole body was a little stiff, and the pain that was originally narrow and tender was forcibly enlarged. Because of the concentration, it was more intense than expected.

"It hurts..." And when the hot firmness deepened, a slightly distressed voice came from Noah's mouth.

"Noah." Seeing Noah's painful expression, Ulysses recovered a little sober in his frantic and lustful eyes.

"I...I'm fine."

"I have been waiting for this day, so... no need to feel guilty..."

"You...not guilty..."

Noah's eyes had an extraordinary brilliance, which was the same sacred brilliance as a mother looking at her child. Immediately afterwards, she began to control her body again, trying to push the hot and strong front part of Ulysses into her body bit by bit.

"May God...bless...we..." As a Paladin, at the last moment when she lost her purity, Noah said her wish, the little happiness she longed for.

Then, her body sank to the bottom of desire, allowing Ulysses' firmness to reach the depths in one breath.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...!" The pain that was beyond imagination swept through Noah's body, forcing her to arch her body and make a sound similar to wailing.

Looking towards her lower body, you can see that Ulysses' clone has been completely buried in her body. The waists of each other are tightly integrated, and blood is constantly flowing out of the slender thighs, which is the proof of her purity.

Finally, she did it. However, the kind of pain far surpassed her cruelest imagination, as if the whole body was torn apart. A lot of blood loss also made her already weak body even weaker.

"It shouldn't be like this." Ulysses felt it, and felt that a certain special force was moving from Noah's body to his body, repairing his scarred body.

The injuries caused by the conviction of the abyss and the overloaded battle are rapidly healing, just like Hydra did at that time.

But his mood was completely different from that time.

"It should be like this... Life needs to continue..." Noah resisted the pain and opened his eyes, revealing a gentle look.

At this time, she exuded an extraordinary charm, which was the same glory as a mother who longed for the birth of life.

"We... are one... so happy."

"Ulysses... Give me the baby..."

Ulysses' expression was complicated, and he couldn't tell whether he was crying or laughing. He didn't understand Noah's real thoughts, only knew that she should have been enduring the horror and pain all the time. His heart was full of distressed feelings, but his body hugged her tightly in a disobedient manner.

The power of the domain of unlimited desires is constantly improving, and his body is longing for the energy of the pure girl in Noah's body. Since his clone was in Noah's body just now, he couldn't help twitching constantly.

"Sorry... I'm out of power... Ulysses, you can do the next thing." Noah really has no power. The completion of the action combined with Ulysses has exhausted what she has now. A little strength.

However, enough, Ulysses and her have joined together. At this point, no one can stop.

With Noah's permission, Ulysses's reason was finally overwhelmed by desire. He, whose consciousness was already very unstable, turned into a beast of desire.

"Wow!" The chain that locked Noah made a crisp sound, and Ulysses acted.

Holding Noah's hands and spreading her legs, Ulysses' firmness was pulled out to the front part, and Ranjun rushed forward again.

Desire controls Ulysses and also controls Noah.

Whenever Ulysses pumped back and forth in Noah's body, his waist would naturally tremble. Noah, who felt that something burning in his lower abdomen was gradually hoarding, also covered Ulysses' firmness with unprecedented tightness.

When Ulysses’s firmness was buried in the deepest position so far, and the front end touched the deepest point, Noah’s body shook suddenly, and his body squirmed at the same time, tightly squeezing the clone of Ulysses, as if to squeeze everything. Everything seems to keep tightening.

The pleasure was beyond imagination, and a large amount of liquid wetted the joint between the two.

"Ding!" When Noah's body was bright pink, when the golden liquid in Ulysses' body gushed out, the two heard the sound of something breaking together.

Noah's mask suddenly fell off, as if some power had repelled the silver sword angel's control center and separated it from Noah's body.

Ulysses had almost forgotten, the magic amulet that the old priest gave him on the Titan Poseidon, also flew out of the dark dimension.

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