The Devil Priest and the Brave Beautiful Girl

Vol 3 Chapter 327: "Usis" VS Ulysses (Part 1)

"No... impossible... you are... this is..." Ulysses was confused. Because the mysterious boy who appeared in front of him simply subverted all his common sense.

"You should understand, you should know, I am..." The boy showed an expression of anxiety. Because even he himself didn't really understand what was going on. As if unconsciously, he came here.

However, there is one thing he understands. Only this point, as if he came here clearly. That is, he must fight, fight Ulysses. This is the only mission he was born, and it is precisely because of this mission that he will be here and have a brand new power.

"Ears?" Ulysses stared at the boy's head. If it is true, there should be ribbons there.

"Yes." Ulysses nodded, and in front of Ulysses, there was no need to hide. He untied his ribbon and revealed his rabbit ears, the decisive difference between him and Ulysses.

"Here... is a dream?" Ulysses could only find the answer. He and Juss should both be dreaming, otherwise, they shouldn't be in the same place.

"No... Actually I am not Euses, but the closest one should be this..." ‘Uss’ released the ribbon and let it go with the wind.

"So, are you ready? I am many times stronger than you. If you are not serious, you will definitely die. If you die, everything will be different." Juses clasped his hands together and began to recite the spell.

"Every day the sun will rise from the ground. Even if I am surrounded by merciless darkness, I will use my incomplete body to crush it for you."

One, two, three... It was just a few seconds, and behind Juss, numerous spots of light suddenly appeared.

And at the moment when these light spots appeared, Ulysses immediately felt a raging sense of crisis, as if his whole body had been completely locked.

"Abyss conviction!" The red and black magic sword came at the call of Ulysses and appeared in the air, exuding an extraordinary dark atmosphere.

"Puff!" A spot of light flew towards Ulysses at an incredible speed, directly hitting the broad sword of the Abyss, and confronted the dark aura naturally emanating from the Abyss.

At the moment when the two forces confronted each other, Ulysses felt like a boulder hit his chest. The force that was so strong that it almost crushed the body rushed in, and the little strength that had just barely gathered was shattered in an instant, and the severe pain that seemed to be broken bones and muscles instantly spread throughout the whole body inside and out.

What made him even more unbelievable was that this heavy force was mixed with the sharpness of a knife in the domineering. Even if the conviction of the abyss had blocked most of his power, the remaining impact force penetrated his defenses instantly, causing a violent turbulence inside his body, and there was something in his throat that wanted to spit out. What it feels like.

Then there was a "boom", and a dazzling glow lit up where the light spot touched the Abyss Condemnation, and the incandescent light wave screamed to the surroundings, and the pieces of light that looked like a physical blade pierced and condensed. The fixed space tore the peaceful air.

More than a dozen deep nicks appeared on the vast sandy beach, exposing the land under the sandy beach.

"Cough!" Ulysses felt that his right hand was about to lose consciousness. The opponent's strength is incredible. If just a single point of light has such a great power, how terribly destructive the power of the thousands of points behind him would be.

"I said that I am many, many times stronger than you. If you don't go all out, you will die immediately." Euses gently stretched out his hand, and then held it together again, saying that Ulysses felt huge. The spell of crisis.

"The Lord announced that the seven seals will be opened by a lamb with seven eyes and seven horns. At that time, seven angels will come and blow seven horns."

Crimson hail fell from the sky accompanied by flames, and the originally quiet ocean began to wave unnaturally, just like the scene before the end of the world. This is the true power of high-level divine art that Ulysses cannot touch, and it is definitely not a simple attack divine art.

Facing a terrifying opponent beyond imagination, Ulysses could no longer retain his strength. As the other party said, if he doesn't fight with all his strength, he will undoubtedly die. Those blood-colored hail and flames that fell violently and violently are definitely not decorations.

"Abyss conviction!" The strong tingling sensation hit again, Ulysses did not expect to use this forbidden power so soon. However, if you don't use it anymore, maybe he won't have the chance to use it again.

With the deepening of every muscle and every nerve, the pain is so powerful that the world begins to produce distortions that emerge from the abyss of conviction. That is the power from another world, the power of the supreme demon named "Astarot".

The hail and flames falling from the sky were all evaporated in front of this terrifying darkness, and they couldn't even get close to the black halo surrounding Ulysses.

"The Lord said to everyone, don't be afraid, just stand still! The Lord will stand behind you and show the Lord's authority! You must see the miracle the Lord will perform to you today."

"The Lord's footsteps echo on the earth. The sky and the ocean are just the Lord's shadow. The red sea will flood the earth."

"The Lord told the beasts in the sea that if they eat all the sinful people, they can be saved."

Behind "Uss", the deep blue ocean directly turned into an endless sea of ​​blood. In the sea of ​​blood, something was tossing and roaring.

It was a huge black shadow, with seven crowns and ten horns on the seven giants that could be vaguely seen. The huge body is hidden under the sea, a bit like a dragon, and the color of the scales is the same dark red as the ocean.

"Hahahaha!" A strange laugh echoed in the vast red ocean. Amidst the rumbling waves, waves of frothed waves rushed towards the beach where Ulysses was located.

These big waves are surprisingly tall and violent, and the tumbling sea water rushes to the beach without any weakening, but becomes stronger. Like a beast rushing out of the sea frantically, it unscrupulously destroys everything that stands in front of him.

From the changes in the ocean to those crazy waves hitting, it took only a few seconds before Ulysses could even fly, and the waves had already fallen.

This was an attack that could not be defended. The white waves carried the mighty power of Pei Ran, and the violent rage of the sea slammed him into the face.

The violent current swallowed his whole person in a moment, and the overwhelming force surged and squeezed the black halo that guarded him to shrink.

This is the first time he has seen such a terrifying and continuous bombardment. The power contained in those waves is far beyond his imagination. If he had not liberated the abyss when he was convicted, I am afraid that a single wave would be enough to drown him directly to death.

"Every night will come. Even if I worry about the impermanence of today, I still believe that the world will not change, but only ourselves. Existence is our strongest weapon." Looking at the one who faltered under the bombardment of the huge waves. Ulysses, Ulysses shook his head, and then activated the thousands of light spots floating behind him without hesitation.

"Puff! Puff! Puff! Puff!" The light spot with terrifying power madly shot towards Ulysses who was almost crushed by the huge wave. Every point of light has an extraordinary horrible impact. Moreover, it is the terrifying ability that ignores defenses and directly causes space oscillations.

For Ulysses who was swinging his sword to tear apart the waves, these light spots almost directly killed him. Although he desperately swung his sword and chopped about a third of it, the remaining part, along with the terrifying power of the ocean wave, all blasted on the black halo surrounding him.

"Pop!" Protected him countless times, and the black halo that was proven to have excellent defense against all energy attacks was pierced frontally and turned into nothingness. This kind of thing, in the battle that Ulysses has experienced, only appeared in the sky over Taji City, when he was fighting with the mysterious master of Kanai.

Losing the protection of the halo, Ulysses was swallowed by the waves almost immediately, and disappeared into the churning Red Sea without even splashing.

"So, I said, I want you to go all out from the beginning. Otherwise, you will definitely die." Standing in mid-air, Juss let go of his hands together, showing a strange expression. It seems that he doesn't want to look anymore.

"Hahahahaha..." The huge sea beast hidden in the sea about to move suddenly sank and swam to a deeper abyss-the place where Ulysses was swallowed.

"If you don't come up again, you will be eaten."'Usis' didn't feel the message that Ulysses was dead, but if it didn't come out, the monster would definitely eat him.

In just a few minutes, there is no land in this world, and it has all turned into a **** ocean. Countless huge whirlpools are spinning, violent tornadoes tear the sky apart, and crazy thunder and lightning continue to bombard the blood-colored ocean.

Hail, lightning, storms, and whirlpools occupy the world, and only Uses in white is still standing in the center of the world. Behind him, a certain shadow could be vaguely seen, something very fragile, as if it was about to disappear from this world.

"Better hurry up...I don't have so much time..." Standing in the air, Ulysses stared at the place where Ulysses was swallowed by the ocean, waiting for his return.

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