The Devil Priest and the Brave Beautiful Girl

Vol 3 Chapter 330: All the power (part 1)

Silently, the white knight who charged frantically towards Ulysses was cut in half from the middle.

This is the line that divides all things and directs existing objects directly to the final "dead" line. This is also the most terrifying one of Ulysses's abilities.

Where the black thread is cut, the cut is abnormally flat, just like the cut paper. The earth, the war horse, and the knight were all cut neatly, as long as they were engraved by this line, they all went to death.

However, everything did not end in this way. In Ulysses' golden eyes, the knight that had been cut in half was not completely destroyed like that, he still remained in this world, in a strange state.

Realizing that the opponent was not dead, Ulysses struggled to hold the abyss in his hand to convict his guilt, making those lines appear to greatly deplete his spirit. There was a burning sensation in his eyes, and he almost couldn't see the normal world clearly.

In his body, that cold power is spreading. This kind of power can't see the attributes, can't see the level, as if there is nothing. When you use it, it's as if you are approaching something, something that is infinitely profound, infinitely dark, and close to the source.

He can't control this kind of self, that kind of power that brings death to everything, will also bring a great burden to his body.

Every time a thread is used, the hollowness of his body becomes more serious. He doesn't know what the final result will be. Perhaps, in the end, even the body and even the heart will be filled with that infinite void.

"The power that leads all things to die...has the horror of death awakened? But this is not enough. The power of the apocalypse is the power of the world. You don't have the qualifications to destroy it, you are about to die."'Uss' Waved his hand again, commanding the second knight to rush over.

This time it was a knight riding a red horse. Instead of launching a high-speed charge like the White Knight, he rode a horse to a distance of about one hundred meters in front of Ulysses and jumped off the horse.

"Huh!" A loud wind passed by, and the huge blade behind him came into his hand. The red mist around him was absorbed by the giant blade in his hand, and then transformed into a weapon.

A sharp, bright red halberd. From the halberd, it seemed to hear the terrifying shouts of countless people, but these shouts did not make the knight shake the slightest, as if he could not hear these sounds at all.

"You are..." For this red knight, Ulysses had a sense of deja vu.

Such a weapon, this cold giant blade, and the knight who was surrounded by blood, standing quietly in front of him, seemed to be somewhere, he had seen it.

"Huh!" Without an extra greeting, the Red Knight simply waved, and the earth was suddenly cut off.

Looking down from the sky, the ground is completely cut open, like a divided fruit platter. In an instant, Ulysses lost his breath.

"Cut!" Ulysses used the taboo power again. This time the opponent, although not as terrifying as the white knight just now, felt even more dangerous.

In the strange world in Ulysses' eyes, the black lines began to spread again. As long as these lines were engraved, he should be able to win.

But this time, he failed. Due to the severe obstruction of his vision and the obstruction of a large number of other objects, the black lines he scattered did not catch the opponent smoothly, but the opponent rushed directly into his side.

The power of the black line is not without weakness. Now he knows. That is, when using them, the sense of the normal world will be dulled. If the opponent gets too close and the line fails to catch the opponent, he is at a disadvantage!

I couldn't feel the slightest murderous aura, and couldn't hear the weird sound, silently, the fatal crisis came.

The crimson halberd pierced a boulder beside him and pierced his black halo. The halo that had resisted countless attacks for Ulysses in the past was torn apart again, and then the hook blade on the halberd slipped into Ulysses' body.

pain! The feeling of being torn apart, the feeling of using the power of the Abyss Conviction to be overloaded, and the feeling of being taken out of the stretched black thread, swept Ulysses' body at the same time.

The unfolding black lines suddenly disappeared, and Ulysses had no energy to maintain their existence. At the same time, the world in front of Ulysses also returned to its original state.

"Hiss!" The hook blade that entered Ulysses's right shoulder easily took away part of his body. With just a simple roll, Ulysses' right half of his body almost completely lost consciousness.

"Cough! Burst!" Ulysses desperately used a dragon-killing explosion, barely exploding his body, and distanced himself from his opponent.

In the eyes that were almost burnt out, the enemy's figure was reflected. It was a warrior with red eyes and hair and clear eyes. Cutting off half of Ulysses's body seemed to her to be no different from cutting off the skin of an apple.

"Why is it you!" Ulysses resisted the dizziness caused by a large amount of blood loss, watching to crack his death line with a simple method, and then rushed to him with a simpler method, almost giving him Opponent with a fatal blow.

That was Sophia's guardian, the strongest guard around Fali, who made him understand the real high-level power of the seventh-level powerhouse, and the girl known as the "red-eyed ghost and god"-Lelu.

She can't be here! What the **** is this place!

"Because she is the person who is closest to the essence."'Uses' put his hands together again.

Beside him, the figure of the white knight who had been completely killed by Uses, and even the corpse was cut open, was reappearing, but even the man and the mount had a trace of conspicuous scars.

However, this does not seem to be without cost. 'Uss''s already pale face became paler, and there was almost no trace of blood.

"Then, you should also accept the result of your death. You are definitely not the opponent of these four knights representing one of the world's original forces. In the name of the Supreme God, war, killing, hunger, and death will take you forever. In the dark."

After ‘Uses’ gave the order, the black knight, the green knight, and the white knight who had just been resurrected all started to move.

Many faces appeared at the feet of the black knight. They are not only humans, but also many, many faces of other races. But without exception, these faces are full of horror and desperate expressions, just like sinners sent to hell, shouting something loudly.

On the Green Knight's body, a lot of strange things suddenly grew. There are weird eyes, tiny gems, broken swords. It seems that his side is directly connected to some warehouse.

The White Knight launched a new high-speed charge again. This time, what he held in his hand was a sledgehammer used to strike the armor. The top of the sledgehammer is a hammer head inlaid with countless black gems. Compared to the slender hammer handle, the two-meter-sized hammer head is simply out of proportion.

The power contained in it is undoubtedly unbelievable.

In the end, the knight closest to Ulysses was also the red knight, holding the halberd with both hands back and taking a step forward.

It was just a simple step, and the distance was less than one meter, but Ulysses felt that his whole body was locked, but he could not see the opponent's attack line at all. Even at such a fierce battle, Relu remained the same as usual, as if what she was about to chop was not Ulysses, but just a piece of bread.

Are you going to die? Are you really going to die? In Ulysses' nearly burnt eyes, there was no hope of victory in sight.

Even the kind of enemy that the black line can't kill, how can he defeat it? Dragon Slay Destruction Sword Style? Demon King Sword Skill? The light of the fallen angel? The realm of infinite desire?

No, there is no way to win. The enemy's power is absolutely to suppress all skills, with his current power, there is no possibility of winning. Just as when I saw Master Kana in the sky above Taji City.

Weak, too weak! It's not that the Abyss Conviction is not strong enough, and it's not that the power of the demon king from another world is inferior to the opponent. It's just that he himself is too weak to use the true power of the abyss conviction at all.

Of those four knights, any one of them has power above him. Even if the dangerous power in his body that is infinitely close to death is used, he has no chance of winning.

So, what power can defeat the opponent?

Is there any ability that I haven't used?

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Ulysses desperately, really desperately. He didn't even think about other things anymore, he just lifted all the shackles in his body and summoned all the power that can fight.

"Pop!" The black wings of light burst from behind him, this is the power of the fallen angel's light.

Not enough, there is more!

"It's hot!" Somewhere in the mainland, the flying mercury sword fell from the sky. There was a burning sensation from the ring on the finger.

The magic circle hidden in her wings unfolded without warning, began to swallow all the energy in the space, and then output it to an unknown place.

"What is the medium doing!" The Mercury Sword opened its wings angrily. There is no reason for the medium to take away the master's power! This is simply challenging her dignity.

"What is this!" Somewhere in the Guanghui Academy, Angela, who was training her assault skills, held her red-eyed dragon spear and trembled violently. The red bridal gown on her body exudes astonishing heat, melting the ground.

More, more power...

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