The Devil Priest and the Brave Beautiful Girl

Vol 2 Chapter 309: The game of witches (part 2)

The air was full of pungent smell of blood, and the huge magic circle depicted by blood was moving at high speed, swallowing and melting all the lives trapped in this blood world. In this magic circle, just like in a huge furnace, it is difficult to even breathe.

Meiya can clearly feel the loss of magic power in her body, and the power of the Blood Temple cannot be underestimated. If you don't know the seventh-level powerhouse, I'm afraid they will be eaten directly. I don't know what's going on.

Of course, the best effect against this kind of magic is the magic of the Supreme God, followed by the light magic of the light wizards, and again the natural magic of the fairies. As a witch who is proficient in the power of all elements, Maya can also use some light magic, but that is not in her consideration.

Since her younger sister unceremoniously used her stunt, she didn't need to let it go anymore, it was time for a serious battle. Now Meisha has the qualifications worthy of her serious battle.

Holding the rod of ritual law in her hand, Meiya opened the door to the magic feast. Behind her, several huge magic circles are spinning at high speed, and mysterious and strange magic spells are flying in it. Every word represents the meaning of magic, and every trajectory has undergone countless corrections. , To achieve a perfect line.

Those symbols themselves have become representatives of magic, and when they appear, they are the beginning of powerful legendary magic. Under the sway of the rod of ritual law, the great magic dedicated to the witch family in the dark is taking shape earlier than the age of ancient magic.

"The abyss of infinity, open the door to eternity, Aksas, the black lord, praise your children in the name of the contractor. The slander, the enforcer, the king of the devil, the devil's blade. The mirror of the devil. , Appear in the heaven and earth, shout loudly."

"The worthless, the lord of evil, the king of demons. Come out! Perform here the ominous power of deeds that will destroy all things..."

In the void, the language of curse and destruction began to interweave, creating a curse of the witch that is completely different from the current magic system and even more distant than the ancient magic era. The cursed witches, the power awakened from the curse that entangles themselves.

Precisely because they have a desperate understanding of the fate of the curse on their own body than anyone else, it is easier for the witches to use curse magic. Unfortunately for them to the extreme, they would no longer be harmed by ordinary curses.

"Om!" From the huge magic circle behind Meiya, the shadow of something began to appear. From the outside, it looks like a black mist, but if you look closely, you will find that the mist is not water mist, but is composed of countless small things, representing death and terror. fog.

The thing that was summoned by Meiya now would be too much knowledge to play with his sister. This magic, in terms of level, is even more terrifying than the Blood Temple used by Meisha. It can corrupt the entire land and directly create a place of death, and it is permanent.

"It's the Devil's Corruption..." Meisha held her breath, it was a more terrifying sorcery than her blood sanctuary. Summon the shadow of the demon insect that exists in the unknown world, eat everything that can be eaten, and then the dark magic that corrodes the earth. What's more terrifying is that those monsters almost ignore all physical attacks.

This kind of magic can easily wipe out an entire city. Although it can't achieve the effect of destroying the city with a single blow like an eighth-level powerhouse, it is definitely the highest level in terms of the degree of evil.

Moreover, these insects are very resistant to dark magic, and the power of the Blood Temple will be greatly reduced in front of them.

The reason why the witches can make people afraid is that these indiscriminate attacks on all life are also an important reason. However, in fact, there are almost no witches who really use such cursed magic in actual combat, and they only exist as a strategic deterrent.

The shadow of the mighty monster screamed loudly behind Meiya, who instinctively sensed that they were eager to eat, and all the energy was their food. As long as it is energy, whether it is living creatures or magic or something, they all love to eat it. For them, that is the most delicious thing.

Faced with something like this shadow, ordinary attacks have almost no effect. However, as a member of the witch, Meisha is not ignorant of them. To defeat them is actually very simple. Use greater energy to destroy them with the energy beyond their limits. Without intelligence, they can only rely on instinct to act, they will not resist, they will only greedily pounce on energy and all living things.

"Go, the shadow of the worm." Even as a manipulator of magic, Meiya couldn't really let these worm shadows learn what strategy is. For these monsters, attacking all lives indiscriminately is their tactics.

"Blood Temple, start!" The blood-red world began to churn. Even the half-energy shadow of the Demon Insect would also be swallowed up by the Blood Temple, but the number of them was too much. To the point where the absorption power of the Blood Temple is too late.


One blow, only one chance! Meisha calmly grasped the chain in her hand and pierced the blade into her body again. The smell of blood when the blood was flying in the air further stimulated the group of monsters whose brains only swallowed desires. They flew over to Meisha desperately, making Meiya who had summoned them shook his head greatly.

Sure enough, she still couldn't really manipulate these strange bugs. Legend has it that in ancient times, there was a race that had the ability to manipulate this kind of bug. But how that race communicates with these monsters whose brains only knows to eat has always been a mystery.

The magic circle depicted by blood was spinning behind Meisha, and the chains crisscrossing the sky and the earth began to deform and twist, forming a perfect cage, covering all the terrifying monsters.

When the worms were about to rush to Meisha and open her sharp jaws to eat her, she took off the black blindfold that covered her eyes.

A rainbow of light pierced through the sky and the earth, and the sanctuary made of blood collapsed, accompanied by countless black thunder lights. When everything was over, people only saw Meisha who was half kneeling on the ground and panting, and Meiya who was a little embarrassed floating in the air, but if you look closely, you will find that the whole land is abnormal. Gray, like a stone ground that has been weathered after thousands of years.

"The power of the magic eye has more than doubled compared to the last war. It really surprised me, Meisha. If there is no teleportation, I will become a statue." Mei Ya looked at her cloak. The hem, there has been a circle turned into stone.

"I can't capture the correct position of my sister before the space movement, even the magic eye can't see clearly, sister, you should permanently add space distortion around your body." I don't know when Meisha has put on her blindfold again. Lowered his head. The Blood Temple is just an auxiliary method. Her real strongest power is still the magic eyes she was born with.

The witches all have similar unique abilities, but they are expressed in different forms. Her sister is born with a talent for space magic, and she has a pair of powerful magic eyes, and some witches can use food to complete their power. increased badly. The highest talent among them is said to be a talent that can break through the level limit and is called "Magic Girl"...

"Have you been discovered? It's a pity that you can only distort the position. If it is a real space isolation, the eighth level of magic can be nullified." Meiya fell to the ground, and there was no need to continue fighting.

As a game, this battle has been taken too seriously, it is time to end. After all, there is no need for them to really fight because of that meaningless promotion quota. The witch family is actually very united. History has long proved that most of the witches who left the ethnic group and lived alone suffered an unfortunate fate and lost their lives.

Even if the dark forces are now less discriminated against, the witch clan who will bring misfortune to those around them is unacceptable.

In this way, the battle between the two witches ended. However, to many people's surprise, the winner was not Meiya, who seemed to have the upper hand, but Mesa. Meiya voluntarily chose to admit defeat, on the grounds that her magic power was insufficient and she could not continue to fight.

As one of the true decision makers of Operation Seven Nights (Princess Chris has no intention of commanding at all, and another eighth-level strong is so stupid that he will get lost even if he buys a snack), Meiya’s reason is simple.

"Compared to participating in this brave conference, I have more important things to do."

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