The Devil Priest and the Brave Beautiful Girl

Vol 2 Chapter 311: Believers and Believers (Part 2)

Noah looked at the opponent in front of him with some surprise, this time the opponent felt very strange to Noah. Really, if the robe was embroidered with a cross, she would never doubt that she must be a priest.

It is really strange, why, in her body, there will be such a strong element of light. Maybe ordinary people can't feel it, but as a Paladin of the Supreme God, with a silver sword angel with a light-type legendary armor, she hardly needs to rely on the naked eye, and she can feel the huge power of light just by feeling.

Although the number is small, the Supreme Church does have female priests and even female cardinals. In the southern branch church, there are still quite a few war witches. It can be said that the Supreme Church is not a sexist church. As long as they possess knowledge and abilities that match their profession, even women can become a respectable priest.

However, even among the female priests of the church, there are very few who can possess the power of light of the current woman named Lornie. If she was really a member of the church, she would definitely be an excellent talent enough to become a great priest of a kingdom.

"Are you the heir of the Silver Sword Angel..." Luo Ni stared at the iconic steel sword wing behind Noah. Among the dark forces, the brave of light has a very high evaluation, although more people regard him as the greatest record of the dark princess Kare...

In any case, the bright brave was also the one who defeated a former leader of the Dark Alliance, the demon king Delka of the vampire family. However, at the same time, he was also the one who was killed by the next better Dark Alliance leader, Princess Kare of Dark December. These deeds are destined to be remembered by the dark race.

Although the Supreme God Sect used some tactics at that time, even the birth of the Holy Light Sword itself was a huge conspiracy. But as far as the Bright Brave himself is concerned, he is not a person who will use any conspiracy and tricks, but a pious enough paladin who will work hard for the Supreme God without hesitation. Because of this, he can use his power to the limit, no matter what kind of opponent he faces, he is fearless.

In the end, he fell into the hands of the dark princess Kare in order to protect the church. In that war that affected the entire world structure, he was an existence that could not be ignored. If it weren't for the genius among the geniuses, the dark princess Kare and died in battle, he might have a higher evaluation.

The silver sword angel, armor armor, which combines attack and defense, and is almost immune to most curses and negative magic, is the only treasure used by the brave in the early days, and its power cannot be underestimated.

As for the holy sword of light, which is recognized as the strongest, it has long been no threat. Because it takes a special condition to use the true power of the holy sword born with the fall of the strongest true ancestor, the black and white princess Arunat. Now that the true ancestors of vampires are all extinct, there is no one who can meet that requirement. The holy sword known as the strongest light system, after that war, did not cause any major trouble to the dark races. Later, the brave of light is more of a symbol.

"I am Noah, the paladin of the Supreme God, a warrior fighting for a great god." Noah's toes have left the ground without knowing when. The battlefield chosen by the space demon this time is a huge plain without any obstacles. For Noah, who uses the flying treasure, it is undoubtedly a very advantageous terrain. She, who can fly freely, is almost invincible here.

"I am Ronnie, the messenger of God, and servant of God." Ronnie took off the glasses she had been wearing on her face, and clasped her hands together sincerely. Cross the fingers together, and begin to pray like a nun:

"God’s grace is everywhere, and God’s sorrow will always be with me. All misfortunes are burdened with sinful lives. Please let me save you! Under God’s light, you will surely have eternal happiness. , Praise God!"

"My beloved God, give me power, let your brilliance shine on those unfortunate souls, and send them to their resting place. My loyalty, my strength, everything is for the great you , Awaken! Fierce Fang Guanglun!"

Amid the singing-like prayers, a huge wheel of light descended from the sky and landed on Ronnie's body. She was guarded by the wheel of light, just as dazzling as a legendary angel. The powerful light power spread all over the world. In that light, there seemed to be countless voices singing and singing.

Praise God, praise the earth, praise the sky, that is a chant, praise all chants.

"How is it possible..." Noah, who was flying into the air, opened the steel wings and opened his eyes wide, looking at the huge halo on the ground. Compared to her, Lornie, who is guarded by the halo, is more like a servant of the gods. How is this going? That kind of power is obviously different from the magic arts of the Supreme God, but it seems to be felt somewhere...

Lornie, who was guarded by a light wheel like an angel's ring, smiled and looked at the sky. After removing her eyes, her eyes were as clear and beautiful as the sky. Open his hands gently, as if an angel was spreading his own wings.

One, two, three, four, five, six... Twelve, on the edge of the Fierce Teeth Light Wheel, twelve mirrors are facing the sunlight in the sky, illuminating the color of the clear sky. Compared with the eight sides in the fight against Nobel, this time Luo Ni can use four more mirrors, which also means that her strength is even greater than that at that time. The hot light energy began to gather on the twelve mirrors at high speed, and in each mirror, the figure of Noah flying in the air was reflected, as if she had been completely locked in.

"Oops, it's a rare anti-aircraft!" Noah immediately felt the power of light condensed on the ground, it was not a healing technique!

"Go!" Lornie stretched out a hand and designated Noah in the air. Around her, twelve mirrors shot out dazzling light.

"Huh! Huh! Huh! Brush!" Twelve white lights flashed across the sky, and they hit almost at the same time they appeared.

The speed of light is faster than anything. Almost the moment Ronnie shot, the hot beam of light blasted on Noah's body.

Elder Miandra once told Ulysses that the highly condensed elements of light were energy with a very high destructive ability. Not only could they produce high temperatures, they could also burn all materials. The highly condensed light can even rival the strongest flame. Even without considering those punitive magic arts, relying solely on the light element itself is an extremely powerful force. Now, this point was revealed by Ronnie.

There was almost no time to react, and Noah even hit twelve white lights. If it weren't for the silver sword angel's defensive ability, she would fall directly from the air this time.

"Quite fast!" Although lacking in offensive power, the kind of power Lornie is using now is terrifying to the extreme in air-to-air combat. Twelve consecutive lights hit the same position, this kind of accurate attack is really too strong.

It was just one attack that allowed Noah to raise his vigilance to the highest point. There is no doubt that this opponent, who uses a huge light wheel and has a super air-to-air capability, is the strongest opponent she has encountered since participating in the brave tournament. If she doesn't try her best, she won't even have a chance of victory.

Both parties use the power of light, and they are exactly the same in terms of attributes. There is no one who is restrained by others. Noah has an armor that can fly freely and combines offense and defense. The opponent also has a light wheel that is super strong against the air and does not look weak in defense. No matter how you look at it, this will be a fierce battle.

Noah unfolded the sword wings behind him and started flying at high speed. When the opponent has ultra-fast speed air-to-air moves, floating in the air and motionless is seeking a dead end. At the same time, she also began to prepare large-scale magic arts, using high-mobility flying ability to pull away from the opponent, and then use the super-large magic arts to give the opponent a fatal blow, which is her best attack method.

After making twelve consecutive hits and still failing to break through the silver sword angel's defense, Luo Ni has a clear understanding of the defensive ability of the legendary armor. Sure enough, it is a legendary armor, and ordinary attacks are completely ineffective. If you don't use the stronger light power, even if you can hit the opponent, it won't have much effect.

Then, use God's punishment, and only a stronger light can knock down that steel angel.

"The saint entangled in the golden clothes, the lord of the sky, fall from the sky with thunder and lightning! The will of the gods reproduces the sacred seal of our lord here!"

"God's desire is that this world is surrounded by pure whiteness, and there will be no sadness and pain in God's eyes. Light, gather here!"

The same pious prayer sounded on the vast plains. This is a battle between believers and believers. Whose light will defeat the other is a question that no one can answer.

The same dazzling light shines on the earth and the sky at the same time. The difference is that the one summoned by Noah is the sacred thunder light that has the purest sacred aura and can wipe out all evil forces; and the sacred thunder light that surrounds Ronnie. It is a halo without any impurities, purely constructed by the energy of light.

"The Judgment Power of the Holy Cross!" In the sky, a small sun seemed to appear. In the last round, Mark of the Wizards Guild was completely defeated by this blow, and he didn't even have a chance to fight back.

"God's punishment, the third blow·Spiral of the Sky!" The mirror surfaces of the twelve mirrors were all aimed at the front of Ronnie. Twelve white lights almost the same size as the mirror surface shot from the mirror and gathered at a point in front of her. This blow, in actual combat, once struck through a defensive wall constructed by an eighth-level strong.

The huge energy body constructed by the sacred thunder was pressed down toward the ground with the force of thunder. At the same time, a two-meter-sized beam of light with a beautiful spiral pattern was also launched from in front of Luo Ni.

A violent white light enveloped the entire world for an instant, and at this moment only one color remained in the vast plain, extending to the pure white at the end of the horizon. Compared with the power of darkness, the highly condensed sacred power is the most terrifying existence. In the sacred light that is absolutely pure and pure enough to allow no impurities, no darkness can exist, and everything will be captured by the light. Purification.

At the same time, the light waves converged by twelve white beams with beautiful spiral patterns traversed all obstacles at an incredible speed, hitting Noah in the sky, like that huge sacred thunder light. The energy body does not affect it at all.

"What..." The move that even Nobel hadn't reacted to once hit Noah who was flying firmly this time, and the strong armor could no longer offset such an attack. The right half of the body seemed to be struck by lightning, and the manipulation of the silver sword angel temporarily failed, and the steel angel flying freely in the sky fell at a high speed.

Lornie on the ground was also not easy. Even if she was guarded by the huge Fierce Fang, the huge thunder light falling from the sky broke through her defenses and paralyzed her whole body. If Qiye's other people (excluding the two eighth ranks) were hit by such a sacred thunder, the consequences would be disastrous.

Fortunately, this time standing under the light is Lornie, the exception of the seven nights ruled by the dark race, and the divine envoy who also uses the power of light. That kind of terrifying sacred power did not cause much damage to her, but the thunder that was with the sacred light caused her to suffer a lot.

This is a large-scale attack magic technique, really strong. If you are a user of the power of darkness, you will probably be burned to ashes by the sacred thunder... After experiencing the sacred thunder summoned by Noah firsthand, Lornie has the prestigious offensive magic of the Supreme God Sect Clearer perception.

"Bang!" Noah, who fell from the sky, smashed a big hole on the ground. Even with the protection of the silver sword angel, the impact of falling from the sky, and more importantly, was that she was also injured when she was hit by that hot white light wave. She hadn't felt this painful feeling for a long time.

However, the impact of being shot down from the air was more serious than the injury on his body. Since inheriting the Silver Sword Angel, she was shot down from the air for the first time. Moreover, after launching the large-scale attack magic technique she is good at, this is simply unimaginable.

"Why, why didn't it work, it seems that the attack went directly through the Holy Cross's trial authority, and there was no injury?" Noah, who was struggling to stand up from the center of the big pit, looked at Luo in disbelief. Ni, soon discovered another shocking fact-her attack did not have the effect it should have.

What's the matter, is the offset of the same attribute so severe? Even if the purification effect of the divine light is not considered, as a high-level magic in the records of the Supreme God, the judgment power of the Holy Cross itself has a strong offensive power, but why does the other party seem to have nothing?

The position where the opponent is standing is clearly the center of the Holy Cross Mark, how could it not even be hurt at all!

"The left hand is paralyzed..." Of course it is impossible for Luo Ni to do nothing. Although she relied on the light power of the Ferocious Fang to bounce most of the sacred thunder, she broke through the sacred defense of the Ferocious Fang Zhi Lei still numbs one of her hands. It seems that in a short period of time, this hand can no longer be used.

Fortunately, she is not the type that focuses on close combat. Therefore, even if one hand is temporarily unavailable, you can continue to fight.

"Fly, fly!" Although the enemy is unprecedentedly difficult, Noah has no idea to give up. As long as she can fight, she will not give in a single step.

"Crack!" Six steel sword wings floated behind Noah again. One of the greatest advantages of the Silver Sword Angel is that no matter what state the owner is in, even if it is seriously injured, it can fly automatically with the power of the treasure. If it weren't for Lornie's attack just now too fast and too strong, almost to the point where even the Silver Sword Angel itself could not be perfectly defended, Noah would not even fall from the sky.

This time, Noah didn't choose to fly into the sky. Because the large-scale magical attack just now proved to be ineffective, and the opponent's anti-air capability is too strong, on the contrary, she is even more disadvantaged when she is far away.

However, as a reserve staff of this generation of Brave of Light, she is not only capable of attacking divine arts, she has competed with Arceria, and she is also superb in terms of sword skills. The six steel sword wings, in addition to flying wings, are also sharp swords that can tear apart all defenses.

In fact, before she inherited the Silver Sword Angel and became one of the recognized heirs of the Brave of Light, her sword skills were stronger than divine arts. It was no one else who taught her sword skills, but the current deputy head of the Paladin Order, her father, Anakin the Black Warrior.

"Silver sword, dance!" Noah, whose toes were about ten centimeters off the ground, was pushed by the two pairs of steel sword wings behind him, and drew a perfect arc in the air, following an incredible trajectory. Lornie rushed over.

The tactics have been changed. The legendary silver sword angel is indeed an impeccable treasure for both long and close combat...Although one hand can’t be used, it doesn’t prevent Lonnie from manipulating the Fierce Teeth Wheel next to her. In the sound of prayer, the melee weapon of the Fierce Fang Guanglun was summoned.

"Heh! Heh! Heh!" Twelve huge chains shot out fiercely from the huge halo teeth. The pure white metal chain continued to stretch as if it had no limit, forming a chain formation without any gaps beside Ronnie. At the same time, the mirrors also moved, and finally merged with the chain and became a part of the chain.

"May God forgive you for your rudeness, and may God's light shine on everything on the earth, go." With the rest of her movable right hand, she held down her turbulent chest, Ronnie smiled and prayed for her opponent, Also for the gods I believe in.

The huge chain told to swim in the air, and forced it towards Noah, who was moving at high speed, in a seemingly irregular but in fact extremely tight trajectory. The fangs at the forefront of the chain exudes an icy light, as intimidating as a poisonous snake preparing to tear the enemy's body.

"It's amazing!" Noah, who had seen Luo Ni's other stunts personally, activated another form of Silver Sword Angel without hesitation.

"In the name of God, unlock the sacred sword!" The pair of steel sword wings behind flew to Noah's body, and the pair of swords in her hand formed a beautiful silver cross sword, on the silver cross sword. A beautiful cross stigma emerged. This is another stance of the silver sword angel, one of the most suitable stances for single-player combat.

A strong sacred light shrouded Noah's body, and even the pair of steel sword wings behind him seemed to have more beautiful light feathers. It can be said that Noah now is closer to the form of the legendary angel.

"My sword is the sword of God!" The saint banquet, which represents Noah's own strong will, spit out from her cherry lips. At the same time, her eyes became more serious and serious than ever before. This kind of prayer-like language is exactly the declaration of their strength by the Paladins.

"Huh!" A sacred cross light flashed through the air, and what followed was the break of one of the twelve chains manipulated by Ronnie. After all, Lornie's Fierce Teeth Wheel is even stronger for long-range and air-to-air attacks.

However, this does not mean that Noah really grasped the key to victory. Because, in the next second, she was hit by the light from the mirror hidden in the chain, and she was almost **** by the chain that followed.

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