The consequences of Buster's attack gradually became apparent. In two of the next five games, there was a situation where one side did not play. Of course, those who are lucky enough to draw an impossible opponent won without a fight.

The audience who began to perceive this abnormal situation began to speculate about the reasons why the seventh-level strong could not come, but they did not expect that there was an attack by the eighth-level strong. They got the same answer as Ulysses thought. .

"Maybe sick..."

"It may be something at home..."

"Maybe I went back to my hometown to get married..."

Various unreliable speculations are circulating, but Buster is a ruthless character who will not be merciful at all. All the people he attacked, except for the last Rasha, lost their combat effectiveness and even died directly. Of the sixty-four contestants who passed the first round, nearly double digits fell under his hand.

Since the drawing rule of the space devil ten far cubes is absolutely random from the second round, regardless of any factors, it is not impossible to put two contestants who have been seriously injured or even dead together.

"It's really weird, how come so many people are absent. Are they not interested in the Braves Tournament?" Ulysses also thought it was weird after seeing the third game where one side was absent and was declared a no-fighter. , This is not like a normal phenomenon.

"This is unlikely. Since we have passed the preliminaries and the first round, they are definitely strong players who are bound to win this conference. No matter how strong the opponent is, as long as they can still come, there is no reason not to come. Just forget one. , The three were absent, this must be an accident, maybe there was a large-scale battle, wasn’t there a big explosion last night? It might have something to do with that explosion!" With a calm inference, Lasip Ting got a result that was quite close to the truth.

Ulysses' heart jumped when he heard Lasputin's inference. Last night... won't it really have anything to do with the silver monster called Buster? The last sword should definitely wipe out that monster.

In order not to worry the girls in the Apostles, he had told Aya not to disclose what he went out last night. At that time, he thought that he would definitely give up the Brave League (with that physical state, let alone fighting, even normal actions are very difficult, and the consequences of launching the strongest power of the Abyss is not a joke).

But what I didn't expect was that Angela would come to him suddenly, and offered him the pure girly body (toppled...). Thanks to this, the body that was already on the verge of collapse has recovered incredible. Not only was all the injuries healed, but the energy was even more energetic than before the war, and it might even make people think that the feeling of being so exhausted and about to sleep forever is actually just an illusion.

Angela is okay... Although she knew from Leilu that Angela fainted only because of excessive physical exertion. But Ulysses still couldn't help looking at the various lounges built on the arena, wondering if the dragon princess in the red bridal gown was still asleep.

Of course, Ulysses can't see it, Angela is now sleeping in the flower of Styx summoned by Saya, recovering the lost mental and physical strength.

And while Ulysses was in a daze, the staff of the Brave Conference said his name for the competition-Astaroth. After the third lucky man had drawn an opponent who was already impossible to come, it was finally a real duel again.

Did not wait until the last few games, probably near noon, the second round of the brave tournament, the fifteenth battle. Astaroth, who once won the title of the fastest strongman in the brave conference, but did not show much combat effectiveness in the first round, stepped onto his battlefield.

It was still the black cloak modified from the most common light wizard robe, and the black mask that covered most of his face was a mysterious decoration in the eyes of others. This is once one of the big favorites before the competition-Astarot, the fastest power that is considered to be unmatched in speed and can even easily surpass the sound.

However, after the first round in which the strong showed their absolute strength to defeat their opponents, Astaroth, who had been entangled for a long time (actually chatting) against an opponent who was not a strong at all, has been deleted by everyone to win the championship. Possibility.

Coincidentally, this time, Ulysses's opponents also had similar decorations. In the large black cloak, it exuded a breath that made people feel extremely cold.

Mithril-this is Ulysses's opponent this time. This is really not like a real name, but the Brave League does not require participants to submit all the information. Compared with the name and birthplace, the most important thing is whether he has extraordinary strength. After all, in this extremely dangerous continent, without really powerful power, it is impossible to become a true brave.

Although the testimony of the brave created by the Supreme Cult and the Wizards’ Guild does not represent the true brave. But the people who get this glory are undoubtedly the strong ones among the strong ones. In history, there was even a ninth-level powerhouse who came to participate (although that seemed to be a whim of the ninth-level powerhouse...).

This time, the space demon ten-dimensional cube chose a piece of city ruins for Ulysses and his opponent. In the gloomy sky, you can't even see a trace of sunlight, but countless cold winds constantly shuttle through the dilapidated ruins, making sounds like weeping, just like the legendary dead city.

Two mysterious strong men (seen in the eyes of ordinary audiences) who also wore black clothes appeared in this kind of place, giving the ruins of this city a strange atmosphere, and many people even vaguely saw it. Dui can no longer see what the original building remains are wafting with the shadow of ghosts.

Uh, although the atmosphere is very suitable for the current dress, Ulysses doesn't like this kind of place at all. This kind of ruins where undead monsters are likely to appear at any time has always been a favorite place for mercenaries to talk about.

It is said that in these ruins destroyed by the war, there are still a lot of dead spirits remaining asleep during the necromantic war, from the most basic skeletons to the death knights that can kill an entire mercenary group. Even large-scale mercenary groups will not easily receive this kind of mission to explore in the ruins. Only those who are least afraid of death will come to this kind of place to find some previous heritage, but often they never come back after entering. .

This is the scar left by the original necromantic war on the mainland. Even hundreds of years later, in many remote places, there are still many ruins of such wars.

The underground cities that originally belonged to the dwarves are even more dangerous. Those cities built by the hard-working and capable dwarves under the ground have become lairs for countless dark monsters and undead spirits over time, even at level 7. The strong do not dare to go to such a place at will.

"Huh!" After taking a deep breath, Ulysses temporarily put aside his discomfort with the environment and began to observe his opponent.

The black clothes are similar to him, but they hide more thoroughly than him, as if they don't want others to see his face. When the breeze blew, the hem of the clothes fluttered slightly, huh? Strange, why it feels like nothing there.

Although just standing so casually without saying a word, there seemed to be a lonely and lonely atmosphere around this opponent named Mithril.

Strange, why is there a familiar feeling, is it someone I know? Ulysses stretched out his right hand and summoned his magic sword. The opponent is a strong one who has passed the first round of the brave tournament, but not an opponent that can be defeated casually like Kanka.

Although he is actually not very interested in the Brave Congress, he cannot refuse the commission from the Supreme Church.

Fight, do your best now. However, there is no need to fight hard to the extent that he faced the silver monster last night. With the strength of not liberating the full power of the abyss and conviction now, let's come to a fight in an upright manner.

"Huh!" A very fast black shadow shot through Ulysses' ears, cutting off some of his hair, and the black hair fell randomly from the air and landed at Ulysses' feet.

"So fast!" This was Ulysses' only thought. He didn't even see how his opponent attacked. Is this a kind of treasure?

"Can't you even avoid this? Then, you have to admit defeat by yourself. I am not interested in this half-tone." A cold voice came from the opposite side, which was like a cold wind from the north. , With a trace of disdain and contempt.

"Hmm..." In fact, Ulysses didn't have a chance to avoid it. But that attack obviously didn't attack his body, but just wiped it from his side, so he took it a little carelessly, it was considered to be inexperienced in the battle.

However, he cared more about the familiar familiarity than this.

This person, he knows...

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