The Devil Priest and the Brave Beautiful Girl

Vol 2 Chapter 328: The world is for you (part 2)

After easily handing over the conviction of the abyss to his left hand, Ulysses stretched out his right hand to the Mercury Sword flying in the sky, and began to prepare a move that was useless for a long time, a move that was close to zero in terms of lethality.

"Pretending guy!" Seeing Ulysses' relaxed look, the Mercury Sword's anger doubled. Now, there are no obstacles between her and him. Those crystals have been shattered by the sword just now, and the next attack is an attack that can determine the outcome.

"Everything ends here..." Although there is more than one way to defeat the Mercury Sword, this one is the fastest, and it won't really hurt her, of course it has become Ulysses' first choice.

First close your eyes and begin to liberate the power of the domain of unlimited desire in your body. This time, he can, even if he doesn't overdraw his limit, he can use this trick. He can do it now without any reason, he feels that way. In this world, it seems to be easy to do everything, without desperately liberating the power of the devil in the abyss of conviction.

One after another golden runes began to emerge from the huge sword of the Abyss, and then these golden runes turned into strands of golden thread after all, passing through all obstacles, and finally gathered in Ulysses' right hand.

The powerful dark aura condensed at a high speed centered on Ulysses's hand, and finally turned into a small ball shining with golden light. If Kana was here, he would jump up. This move was exactly what Ulysses caught her at the beginning.

Infinitely knock down the killing method·Skynet catching butterflies!

Go! After feeling the golden ball of light jumping happily in his hands, as if he had his own life, Ulysses opened his eyes confidently. However, this time, the color of his eyes was not golden, but a faint gray, an ambiguous color between light and darkness.

With the rotation of Ulysses' fingers, the golden ball of light flew into the sky happily, like a rising star in the night sky.

"Do you think this kind of trick will be useful in front of me?" The Mercury Sword showed a dismissive smile, raised the silver long sword in his hand high, waved a dark black sword energy, and cut away the feeling. Golden ball of light that is nothing.

She couldn't feel anything on that golden ball of light. In other words, it was just a gadget like illusion. Thinking that she can confuse her with this kind of trick, this sister is too naive.

As expected by the Mercury Sword, her sword aura directly passed through the golden ball of light and slashed to the ground. In other words, the golden ball of light that seems to have gathered tremendous power is actually nothing.

"You...what!" Before the Mercury Sword laughed at the other party's trick, the golden ball of light that was supposed to be a phantom automatically decomposed.

One, two, three... Countless golden thin lines stretched out from the golden light ball, to the sky, to the earth, and to all the surrounding spaces. Before the Mercury Sword had time to react, countless thin golden lines had broken down the entire city of dolls into small pieces.

All the golden thin lines follow the rule of absolute straight lines, ignoring all obstacles, neatly dividing the space into small pieces, which is more accurate than any measuring tool. With the golden ball of light as the apex, a perfect pyramid shape was constructed.

As the outermost wall of the tower, it is entirely composed of criss-crossing thin lines in a golden ratio, and there is no gap for a kitten to drill out.

"This is..." For the first time, the Mercury Sword took these golden threads that didn't emit any powerful energy. If it were just a phantom, the scale would be too big. Moreover, from the neat division of space, she felt an unprecedented huge crisis, as if she had really been sealed off.

How can this be? Don’t these lines have any energy? The black wings behind the Mercury Sword flicked, and countless black feathers shot at the wall constructed by these lines. Without encountering any obstacles, they passed through it easily, as if the lines were simply non-existent.

It's too late, the butterfly that enters the net has only one destiny. Ulysses squeezed his right hand and said the name of this move with almost zero damage.

"Unlimited Killing Down! Blockade Killing·Skynet Catching Butterflies!"

The golden light ball at the apex of the "tower" melts automatically and blends into each golden thread, making the already beautiful golden thread shine more attractively.

At the same time, at the joining points of those beautiful golden thin lines, more golden thin lines begin to separate, and each golden thin line will separate another thin line when it meets other lines. Although each line is still moving straight forward, when it meets other lines, it will produce an incredible and wonderful turn.

There is no special rule, nor any predictable route. These straight golden lines will automatically reflect back when they meet the tower wall, meet again with other lines, and differentiate again. And in their infinite differentiation, the space where people can move is shrinking sharply, and soon, most of the space is occupied by these dense golden threads.

"Damn it!" Although I don't know what effect those golden threads have, the Mercury Sword subconsciously doesn't want his body to touch those threads. After several consecutive attacks without any effect, she immediately targeted Ulysses who should be the manipulator.

Unfortunately, it was too late this time. Compared to the one with Kanai, this time the Skynet butterfly catching is more perfect. Before the Mercury Sword hadn’t realized it, the space between her and Ulysses was already covered with these thin lines, so It was impossible for her to avoid these lines and rush to his side. Even if he barely swung a few sword auras, it was easily fended off by the abyss where Ulysses used his left hand.

In fact, it has only been a few seconds since the thin golden line began to differentiate. However, in these few seconds, this net has begun to capture the figure of the Mercury Sword. From the beginning of the battle to the present, the Mercury Sword was finally forced to the point where it had to dodge.

Like Kana at the beginning, the Mercury Sword is also moving at high speed. In order to avoid these ever-extending lines, she spreads her wings and flies in the sky at high speed like an angel. She was originally very petite and avoided cutting again and again, and even several times, she flew over with the edge of the thin line.

However, in front of these rays that can extend infinitely and do not have any regular refraction, all evasive actions are destined to be meaningless.

Because the speed and angle of these golden thin lines cutting the space have no dead ends, no matter where you hide or where you hide, you will eventually be caught by these ubiquitous lines.

Infinitely knock down the killing method, the skynet catches butterflies, and the final result is a three-dimensional, impeccable net. In this net, even if a butterfly can't fly out, this is the "sky net" that the demon king used to capture the opposite **** that he had enjoyed.

It is said that with the power of that demon king, even an entire continent can be covered in a net, up to a height of 10,000 meters, and down to the abyss. No woman he likes can escape from this net.

With the continuous cutting of the golden thread, there is less and less room for the Mercury Sword to dodge. In front of these endless golden threads, no matter how fast she flies or how dexterously she moves, it doesn't make much sense.

Finally, after dodge a thin golden thread extending from the side again, the Mercury Sword found that her surroundings were all surrounded by these criss-crossing threads, and there was no room for flying and moving.

There is no way to think about it, the Mercury Sword can only watch his body being passed through by those golden threads.

"Huh?" It was strange that the Mercury Sword didn't feel any pain. It didn't feel burned or frozen, as if it was just shining by ordinary light.

"Boom!" The moment the Mercury Sword was touched by the golden thread, Ulysses' heart beat violently. This means that between him and this doll girl named Mercury Sword, there has been a bond that no one can see with his eyes, but it does exist.

Even if he closes his eyes, the figure of the Mercury Sword seems to be in front of him. Even if he wants to, he can use this connection to reversely project her cute look when she takes off her clothes in his mind. There will never be any. error.

At the beginning, the famous Demon King once used this method to trap the women of the entire continent in one go. Then through the information passed on the net, he selected all the beautiful women who suit him, and finally killed those lovely prey...

Strange, how could he know this?

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