The Devil Priest and the Brave Beautiful Girl

Vol 2 Chapter 349: Fighting doll

Kuna’s cute figure disappeared from Ulysses’s vision in a few seconds with an elegant sliding posture, like a small animal stealing food from a beast on the snow...

Ulysses wondered if his voice was too low when he was talking just now, and he was obviously going to buy another copy for Kona.

"Whhhhhhhh..." Kuna, who slid through the crowd in an elegant posture, looked at the sorbet in her hand with embarrassment, doing that just now was pure impulse for a while. Even she herself didn't understand why she suddenly wanted the sorbet in Ulysses's hands-although this sorbet was indeed delicious.

"It can't be wasted..." Kuna blushed and couldn't help licking the sorbet in Ulysses's hands. As for why she did this, she herself didn't understand.

So sweet...


After experiencing this episode with Kona, Ulysses unexpectedly discovered that he didn't know when he was at a loss because of Laxia's arrival and suddenly disappeared.

Everything, just let the flow go. When meeting Laxia at the Brave Conference, you must smile and say to her:

"Raxia, it's been a long time since I saw you."

After making such a decision, the burden on Ulysses's heart suddenly eased a lot. Forgetting the time, it was almost time for the afternoon game to begin, and he walked towards the venue of the Brave League.

It seemed that he was the latest one to come back. When he came to the lounge of the Apostles, everyone else was already there, but Leilu was not seen.

"Big brother!" Farrie ran to Ulysses' side. However, it seemed that the little princess of Sophia seemed a little melancholy.

"What happened, Farrie." Ulysses hugged Farrie who threw himself into his arms, and then sat on the sofa. There is still some time before the start of the game, and he still has enough time to listen to the troubles of the little princess.

"The king's grandfather who treated Farrie well is sick and seems to be very serious. Aunt and Leilu have gone back to the palace." Farrie lay in Ulysses' arms and told him what happened at noon.

Grandpa King? Isn't that the king of the Sofia country? I remember seeing it at the opening ceremony of the festival, it didn't look like it was sick. Ulysses recalled what the old king looked like, but his memory was vague. After all, at that time his attention was all on the Pope and the twelve cardinals. For that king, he didn't pay attention at all.

"It's not a rare thing, the old king is almost up to the time, and it's pretty good to be able to hold it up to now." The Heroic Spirit King Yuke shrugged his shoulders. She has no interest in that King Edward. The reason why she is in Sofia is purely because of Princess Victoria.

"Three years ago, the current King Edward V of Sofia was no longer able to handle government affairs personally. Princess Victoria was basically helping with everything about Sofia. Now this situation, the people of Sofia should be prepared." Lasputin Nodded, agreeing with the view of the heroic king Yuke.

For Wang, the Edward V was actually pretty good. Although he took the throne after killing the former princess in power, he was conscientious and conscientious during his reign. Although he hasn't reached the point where he loves his people like a child, he can barely be regarded as a wise monarch.

However, compared to Princess Victoria, who is currently in charge of Sophia, he can only be regarded as a mediocre monarch. Although there is no orthodox title of the King of Sofia, as the actual controller of Sofia in recent years, the series of reforms carried out by Princess Victoria can be said to have made Sofia, a country re-established from the ruins of the War of the Dead, have undergone earth-shaking changes. .

Agriculture, commerce, education, diplomacy, and military affairs, as if nothing could be hard to beat the clever princess. Prior to this, she was still unknown after she obtained actual control of Sophia in the temporary war thrown by the enemy country, and completely changed the southern power. It can be said that she has an amazing talent in running the country.

In terms of personality charm, she was born in the sage family, one of the three major families of Sophia, and she attracted super powers like Leilu, as well as other powers like the heroic king Yuke, who has unlimited wealth, to become her partners. In addition, she has the bloodline of Elmea known as the "Dark Sage", and many dark professionals also want this princess to become the ruler of the country.

At the same time, she has a very good relationship with the Supreme Cult. It can be said that she is an excellent princess who can hardly find any shortcomings. In fact, in many places in Sofia, it has been felt that the reign of the old king is too long, and it is long time for the princess with the blood of the sage family to officially sit on the throne and change from Princess Victoria to Queen Victoria.

Since the three major families in Sofia have intermarried with the royal family many times in the history, Princess Victoria is fully qualified to inherit the title of King of Sofia. The only obstacle is probably the undead king and the young and energetic black prince Edward.

"Really." Ulysses had no idea about politics or anything. However, this did not prevent him from comforting the little princess in his arms.

"Fali, don't be sad, people will go to the arms of the Supreme God one day, the grandfather of the king is just the time to go."

"Well, Farrie knows, but that old grandfather treats Farrie very well..." Farrie pressed her body tightly to Ulysses's body. This time, neither Iphia nor Helen came to rob her, and generously gave her the arms of Ulysses.

"Don't cry, Farrie." Ulysses gently stroked Farrie's soft blonde hair, comforting her carefully. For a child of this age, parting is a very sad thing. When his mother left this world and returned to the embrace of the Supreme God, he was crying like this. At that time, he was more sad and sad than Fali now, and even felt that he couldn't live alone.

Fortunately, there are also Aunt Lana and Lasha, their company, let him through that period of grief, soothing his inner scars.

Looking back now, if no one came to comfort him or accompany him at that time, he would definitely become a lonely child who lost hope in this world.

"Yeah!" Fali nodded. At this time, she was in need of other people's care, and Ulysses' hug and comfort were what she wanted most. As long as she is here, she doesn't have to worry about anything, she doesn't have to worry about anything, as long as her elder brother is still there, she will never be alone.

Although she possessed the terrifying power of the Dark Holy Grail, after all, she was just a child. A child who needs someone to protect and comfort him. No matter how strong the power is, at this time, it can't be compared with a warm embrace and a few warm words.

"Grandpa..." For Lasputin, who ran away from home a long time ago, such a scene makes it easier for her to recall her family.


Although, her grandfather with a fierce temper as an eighth-level powerhouse may live longer than her (unless there is an accident, the lifespan of a seventh-level powerhouse is much longer than that of ordinary humans, and an eighth-level powerhouse will be longer) . However, she still missed her a bit after not seeing each other for so long.

Perhaps, after this glorious festival is over, she should invite Ulysses to go home and have a look. I don't know if Ulysses will agree to her somewhat unreasonable request.

In Ulysses’s comfort to Farrie, in the boring calculation of the heroic King Yu to throw gold coins, and when Lasputin seriously considered her plan, the second round of the Braves Conference began.

"Lasputin." Arcelia patted the thoughtful Lasputin on the shoulder, waking her up from her own world.

"What's the matter, Arseria?"

"It's your turn, come on." Arcelia pointed to the center of the field. There, a figure wearing a magic cloak had appeared in the center of the arena.

"I? Got it..." Lasputin took a deep breath, which was really embarrassing, because she was so immersed in her own world that she hadn't heard the announcement just now.

Yes, this is indeed her game. Belongs to her, the three-line magic warrior, the battle of Lasputin.

After stepping into the teleported magic circle, Lasputin had a flower in front of her eyes. The battle field this time can be said to be the most beautiful of all the decisive battlefields that have appeared so far, even better than the lily-of-the-valley grassland during the decisive battle between Arseria and Helen.

This is a garden, there is no illusory garden in any corner of this world. Because the flowers here are simply impossible to bloom in the same world. In the fresh air, the slightly humid garden exudes a tangy fragrance, and the rolling dew on the bright flowers is as seductive as crystal pearls. Bright red roses, emerald green lotuses, golden tulips, sweet chamomiles... the scent of all kinds of beautiful flowers permeates everywhere, and the black fertile soil quietly embraces these earthly flower elves, giving Their power to thrive.

After taking a deep breath of the fragrance of the flowers in the air, Lasputin felt that his state had reached the highest level. She is in the strongest state now. Although he would not be so arrogant that he could defeat all the seven-level powerhouses, it was definitely not possible to lose so easily.

"Is it finally here? It seems that I can pass this boring time. If I can, I really don't want to destroy this garden." Opposite Lasputin, it was her opponent who came to the field early. Like Lasputin, this opponent also likes the environment here.

"Although I think so, it is probably impossible." Lasputin did not hesitate to summon his own treasure, a dream crystal charm with three different magic attributes, and directly activated the battle mode.

The dream crystal amulet, which was originally the size of a magic amulet, quickly grew larger, turning into three shield-like transparent crystals around Lasputin. Each piece of crystal is engraved with complex magic runes, and the powerful magic power is continuously extracted to form a perfect defense circle.

At the same time, a triangular symbol appeared on Lasputin's forehead, which was a heraldry representing the "sage", a magic heraldry constructed from the crystal charms of the Trinity of Dreams. Three dream crystal charms representing wind, thunder and flame respectively, surround Lasputin in a suspended manner. Among them, the piece representing the flame is now in the dominant position and has the largest volume.

"That is one of the most magical magical treasures in the legend. It can freely change three attributes and can combine an infinite variety of dream crystal charms that attack magic forms..." Lasputin's opponent looked curiously at the floating beside her Dream Crystal Talisman, it seemed that he didn't feel the overwhelming magic power at all.

"Yes, this is the legendary magical treasure with the most magical attack forms-Dream Crystal Talisman." Lasputin straightened his chest. In order to inherit this treasure, she even ran away from home and traveled alone on the mainland to exercise and balance her three-line magic power. After experiencing countless shocking limits, I finally have the coveted treasure.

"The most magic attack forms...hahaha, it's interesting...if you have the magic treasures with the most attack forms. Then, what I have is a treasure house that records all the wisdom of mankind, which is so huge that it is even an unknown taboo. Magic also records all the magic treasures in the collection, including more than one hundred and three thousand books of magic guides. Let me see how far you can achieve this near-infinite magic treasure." Lasputin's The opponent, one of the new members of the Seven Wings, the younger sister of the Heroic King Yuke, the wizard, scholar, puppeteer and alchemist Hugo raised his hand. Opened the treasure house of Babylon, where all the wisdom of mankind was gathered in the legend.

There is no such gleaming scene as the treasure house of Babylon that the heroic king Yu can possess. In the treasure house of Babylon belonging to Hugo, there are only bookshelves that can't be seen at a glance. All of them are the crystallization of human wisdom. In a sense, this is a super library that records all the wisdom of mankind from ancient times to the present, and is still expanding.

However, it would be a big mistake to think that the library has no fighting capacity. Among these books, there are many books with powerful taboos. Among them, there is even a magic book of treasures used by sages in the past.

"That's..." Although only the covers of some books can be seen, some of the names have already made Lasputin unable to keep his eyes open, and even forgot to manipulate the dream crystal charms around him. Fortunately, the Dream Crystal Talisman itself has the ability to defend itself, otherwise, she would have given up all her defenses.

"The tuning song of the doll!"

"Paper copy of death."

"A song of praise for the dead."

"The mystery of black magic."

"The twelve-tone scale of an angel."

Every name is enough to shock the world. The books there are all ancient books that have disappeared in the legend. Lasputin has even heard the name. For a genius wizard who loves to study magic, the library behind Hugo is the ultimate temptation that transcends everything.

"It's a pity that even me, now I can't use several books at the same time, otherwise you won't even have a one-tenth chance of winning. However, if the opponent is the Dream Crystal Talisman, then this book is the most suitable. "Hugo casually chose a magic book from the treasure house of Babylon behind him. There is no need to choose it specially, the hand he wants comes to her automatically.

The name of this book is-"The Chief's Bee", a name that seems to have nothing to do with the Sorcerer.

"That's... the magic book owned by one of the legendary magic emperors in the age of magic in ancient languages, the treasure of high-speed attacks on the peak of magic-"The Chief's Bee"." Lasputin showed a nervous expression for the first time. . The reason why she knew the taboo magic book was because, in a sense, it was the prototype of her ancestor's dream crystal charm.

"Yes, you can actually see it. You have to look at you differently. I thought that few people knew about this magical book that disappeared in history." Hugo admired Lasputin's surprise. Expression, said happily:

"This is one of my favorite magic books, because her attributes simply match me."

With the completion of Hugo's choice, the door to the treasure house of Babylon behind her slowly closed, and soon disappeared into the air.

"One of the strongest treasures of high-speed attack magical treasures. It belongs to the pride of the magic emperor in the age of ancient magic. I did not expect it to be in your hands. You are right, if you can really use all of your magic books , I don’t even have a one-tenth chance of winning." Although I only watched it for a few seconds, Lasputin has seen a bunch of names that should only appear in the legendary magic book. With those treasures, that person can no longer be called a human, but a "god of magic."

"Yes, it's a pity that I won't have the ability to liberate all the magical books until I reach level 9. Before that, I can only choose the book that matches me. I really envy my sister, the treasure in her treasure house. She can use the strongest piece at level 7, but she can’t manipulate it properly.” Hugo took the magic book in his hand with regret and opened the first page of it.

Danger! Needless to say, as the successor of the Dream Crystal Talisman, Lasputin knows how powerful the magic book titled "The Chief's Bee" is. After all, it was the prototype treasure of the Dream Crystal Talisman, which belonged to the magic emperor in the age of ancient magic.

There is no need to sing, hundreds of hot fireballs appeared in front of Lasputin, and then shot over to Hugo overwhelmingly.

"The bee of the leader, the choice of the battle doll, the first form, the enhancement of the magic bullet. Sotia! Activate!" Hugo calmly activated the Sorcerer's Book in his hand. Along with the disappearance of the magic book, a huge phantom appeared beside her. It was a silver-white phantom about eight meters long and three meters wide, and it looked a bit like a huge queen bee. And in the middle of this phantom is a girl with beautiful golden curly hair and a lovely gothic dress.

However, to be precise, this does not seem to be a phantom, because Lasputin can feel that that huge body is actually made of magic, similar to the existence of substantive magic.

"Oh, master!" The blonde girl "Sotia", who was as petite as a doll, made a sweet but not very emotional voice.

The crimson flame bomb shot out several times faster than Lapisi's fireball, enclosing Lasputin and the space around her in an inverted umbrella shape.

"So fast!" It is also an instant magic, but the magic of Hugo's magic book is several times faster than Lasputin's dream crystal charm, forcing her to start running fast, while avoiding that like Stormy flame bombs, while preparing to fight back.

Using the high-speed movement and the perfect defense system of the dream crystal charm itself, Lasputin finally found a small gap in the opponent's magic bullet, and obtained a short time that was almost less than a second to charge up.

"Dream Crystal Talisman·Pillar of Lightning Light!" Several beams of light containing the magical power of thunder and lightning broke the blockade of the opponent's magic bullet, blasted through all obstacles, and hit the huge silver-white phantom.

"Ah..." Hugo's body shook greatly. But that's it. The magical attack that Lasputin uses for a short period of time to accumulate energy cannot inflict a fatal blow on her guarded by the magic book. To break the defensive magic layer that protects her, more powerful power is needed.

"The leader's bee, battle doll selection, second form, beam enhancement, Leia! Activate!" After noticing that his scattered flame bombs could not pose a real threat to Lasputin, Hugo immediately converted the power of the magic book form.

"Oh, master!" The blonde curly-haired girl "Sotia" closed her eyes, disconnected herself from the chief bee, and disappeared into the air. Magic bullet enhancement is more suitable for most enemies, not the best choice to defeat powerful enemies.

"Hello, Master!" This time the person in charge of manipulating the leader's bee is a young girl wearing a red dress with a cheerful expression, her name is "Leya". Although the clothes she wore exposed those snow-white and slender thighs, it did not give people a hint of temptation, but made her feel more energetic.

"Boom!" Under her control, the attack from the leader's bee turned into a huge red beam after another. Although not as dense as the flame magic bullets just now, but in terms of destructiveness, it has increased several levels.

"Oops!" If it were the flame magic bullet like the one just now, Lasputin could still rely on the defense of the dream crystal talisman to take a few shots. But this time the beam of light is almost like a reduced version of the final stunt flashing blaster that she can currently use. The magic power contained in each hit is amazing. If it is hit head-on, the defense of the dream crystal talisman is absolutely It will crash directly.

"Dream crystal talisman, main talisman switching! Thunder pillar! Auxiliary talisman, tracking flame spear, storm spiral!" There is nothing to consider, it is no longer possible to reserve any strength to wait for the next battle, Lasputin almost all of a sudden He used the strongest combination magic attack he could currently use.

One after another huge thunder light continuously shot from the dream crystal talisman in front of her chest, canceling out a lot of the opponent's attack power, at the same time, the other two dream crystal talisman were also desperately firing different magic.

Shooting from the flame talisman on the left are countless flame spears that can automatically track the opponent, while the storm talisman on the right emits waves of tornadoes for defense. For a while, a violent storm blew on the earth, blowing all the blooming flowers into the sky.

"Good job, this is like the heir to the dream crystal charm." Hugo didn't know when he had already sat behind the red-dressed girl "Leya" who was manipulating the leader's bee, watching enthusiastically Lasputin attacked with all his strength.

"Thirty degrees to the left, attack, the attribute is thunder..." The red-clothed girl "Leya" like a doll concentrates on manipulating the giant phantom formed by the leader's bee. Now, this huge phantom has floated in mid-air, avoiding Lasputin’s attack at a flexible speed that does not match its body, and at the same time it emits huge beams of light, transforming into countless dense magic bullets from time to time. Attempt to completely defeat Lasputin's defense.

Countless magic bullets couldn't help being cancelled and exploded in the air, turning this sky into an ocean of magic. This is the first time that such a magnificent battle has appeared since the start of the Brave Tournament.

"Huh...huh..." Lasputin kept moving, she couldn't stay in one place for more than a second, otherwise the opponent's attack would ruthlessly crush her defense. At the same time, she also needs to control the dream crystal talisman to issue countless attacks without interruption to block the magic bullets used by the opponent to contain it. When the magic launch speed is at a disadvantage, the mental power and magic power required for this approach are more than three times the usual.

On Hugo's side, Hugo didn't care about the attack at all, and gave all the power of attack to the puppet doll of the leader's bee. These war dolls made by ancient language magic have computing power and endurance far beyond that of human beings. As long as they are provided with magic power, they will never feel tired, and they will never resist the master's orders.

If there is anything unsatisfactory, it is that these beautiful looking war dolls do not have any consciousness and only move and speak according to a fixed procedure. Compared with the Rozen Maiden who has her own soul and wisdom, it is really not a level.

However, even so, the magical book "The Chief's Bee" with several war dolls is also one of Hugo's favorite magical books. For nothing else, just because of these extremely cute war dolls, plus "The Chief's Bee" itself is a very powerful attacking treasure, it is not surprising that she will be so favored by her. When she fought with the Mercury Sword last time, if it wasn't because she was underground, she would have chosen to summon this magical book directly.

No way, if this goes on, it must be here that I can't hold it! Although it seems that Lasputin's dream crystal charm and the magic book "The Bee of the Boss" have been tied, only Lasputin knows that it is not the same thing. Compared to her desperately moving, she didn't even have time to stop for half a second, the silver-white phantom that had been transformed from "The Boss's Bee" seemed too leisurely.

That kind of regular, slow and unhurried movement proved that her attacks did not have the effect of oppressing opponents at all. To dodge her attack is just a conscious action for "The Chief's Bee" to obtain the greatest results with the smallest loss.

The difference in magic attack speed cannot be compensated by experience and skill. Her only chance to win is probably the biggest stunt of the Dream Crystal Talisman. It gathers all the magic power and releases it in one breath. The concentrated magic bombardment that even a mountain can evaporate is the flashing impact cannon.

However, the Flash Blast Cannon requires a period of time to accumulate power. It is definitely not a move that can be instantaneous. Under the opponent's attack of this intensity, how can there be a chance to use the Flash Blast Cannon.

There is no weakness in the opponent's attack. Each attack is like a thousand calculations. No matter what direction she moves, she can be easily tracked. If it hadn't been for the help of the Dream Crystal Talisman, she would have been shot down long ago.

Very strong, really strong, worthy of the prototype of the dream crystal talisman imitation, belonging to the magic emperor's treasure in the age of ancient magic. However, in history, more than one imitated treasure has surpassed the prototype. The treasure is nothing more than a weapon, and the weapon is used by people!

First of all, Lasputin manipulated the talisman of the storm to create dozens of tornadoes all rehearsed in a straight line.

Then, the mode of the flame talisman was changed to ignite the entire earth. With the help of the strong wind, a huge flame swept the earth, turning the originally beautiful garden into a sea of ​​fire.

Finally, the most important thing is to manipulate the thunder and lightning talisman to randomly attack the surrounding area, filling the air with chaotic thunder and lightning power.

At the same time, after chaosing the opponent's detection in visual and magical perception, Lasputin began to prepare, preparing for his strongest move. She was betting that the other party must have hesitated for a moment.

"Master, detection can't..." The red war doll "Leya" truthfully reported to her master, and at the same time, she did not stop attacking. Although she could not detect the other party's breath, she was still doing the whole thing according to the possible probability. Positional attack.

"Flap! Pop!" Several magic bullets grazed Lasputin's body and shot. As long as there is a head-on hit, Lasputin will definitely fail. However, perhaps luck was taking care of Lasputin, and before she completed the final preparations for the Flash Blast Cannon, the other party did not attack her who had dodged a theoretical blind spot.

"Come on! Use this blow to decide the winner!" It is no longer possible to conceal, and there is no need to conceal anymore. The powerful magic power soars into the sky, and the three magic powers surrounding Lasputin are already strong enough to be confidant. The point of identification with the naked eye.

Countless magic runes jumped out of the dream crystal runes, forming a huge magic circle beside Lasputin, and the powerful magic power even directly bounced the attacking magic bullets.

Then, the magic circle began to rotate at a high speed, and it only took one second for this huge magic circle to shoot a beam of terrifying light that was enough to evaporate the mountains.

"Detect the accumulation of high-intensity magic power, focus on shooting! Strength, three!" At the moment when Lasputin's flashing impact cannon appeared, the red war doll who was responsible for manipulating the leader's peak happily pressed a certain button .

"Boom!" This is the sound of Lasputin's flash impact cannon. The powerful magic power gathered by the dream crystal charm turned into a fiery beam of light and shot towards the location.

"Boom!" Almost the same beam of light shot out from the silver-white phantom incarnation of Hugo's Magic Book, and there was almost no difference in time, as if this blow had long been expected by the girl in red.

"Oh, it's a war doll that strengthens concentrated beam attacks, have you already felt that..." Hugo smiled and looked at the girl in red "Leya" in front of him. That's why she likes to use them so much.

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