The Devil Priest and the Brave Beautiful Girl

Vol 2 Chapter 399: Blessings to the Goddess of Victory (Part 2)

Supported by the huge energy that came from nowhere, Ulysses, who was surrounded by dazzling golden light, rushed directly to the arena of the brave tournament and made moves that he could not possibly do. .

In front of more than one million spectators, Ulysses raised his right hand high and signaled his own declaration of war to the opponent in an extremely confident posture. It's hard to believe that this kind of high aura, like a storm, would be the usual one he would have.

Even with the power that belongs to the Demon King Astaroth of another world, Ulysses never thought that he was much stronger than the other seven-level powerhouses. Even though he had played against several level eight powerhouses and even won, only he himself knew how dangerous it was. Several times, he felt that he had touched the edge of death again.


"Strange, Ulysses hasn't woken up yet, that's not like him." In the lounge of the Apostles, Lasputin looked at Yuri who raised his right hand with a weird look. Sis.

Among the current members of the Apostles, apart from Aya, she should be the first member to meet Ulysses. But she had never seen Ulysses so wary. Obviously he was still so tired just now, what happened?

"There is nothing wrong with declaring war on the opponent upright." Alzeria said disapprovingly.

"Brother, come on!"

"Come on, dad!"

"Big brother, knock down that golden retriever!" The trio centered on Farrie was cheering for Ulysses together.

"Well, in this way, Ulysses looks a bit like this king. Yes, it would be better if there was a golden armor." The heroic king Yu Ke put his hands on his chest, rarely agreeing with Ulysses' attitude. .

"Huh...huh..." Leilu didn't know when she fell asleep...


"This...this is..." Ulysses looked at his raised right hand dumbly. This is not his masterpiece. For some reason, when the body was surrounded by that golden light spot, everything was out of his control. If he is in his heyday, there may be a way. However, now that he is exhausted, he really has nothing to do with the current situation.

"Are you Astaroth? The fastest guy among the legendary seventh-level powerhouses? However, I don't care how fast you run, I only know, you **** are late! You know, you are late In these few minutes, how much money did I lose? My time per minute is calculated by gold coins. You are meaninglessly late, and you have already caused me to lose thousands of gold coins. You don’t know. What does it mean to save electricity!" Ulysses' opponent, the magic swordsman Lyme of the Sorcerer Guild, shouted indignantly, and the lightning on his body began to violently go away.

For this competition, he deliberately borrowed from the Sorcerer's Union to purchase Thunder Crystal with a value of more than 100,000 gold coins. In the previous game, he didn't meet a particularly strong opponent, so he didn't spend a lot of lightning to fill his magic sword-the power of lightning. However, just in this game that he started to really earnestly, in order to wait for a guy who claims to be the fastest among all the seven-level powerhouses, he wasted the Thunder Crystal Stone worth more than a thousand gold coins in vain. For him, who was so poor that he didn't even sell himself, this was an intolerable act of extravagance and waste.

His magic sword is a very special magic sword, a treasure created by his own imagination. At that time, his idea was to create a super treasure with no upper limit of power within his own limit, but what he finally completed was a different kind of magic sword that absolutely obeyed the principle of equivalent exchange.

The attack power of this magic sword is completely calculated by the thunder spar he filled in. The more filled, the stronger the attack power will be until it reaches the strength he cannot bear. (It's not that this sword has reached its limit, but he himself has reached its limit)

If there is enough thunder spar to fill, the power that the magic sword can exert is really strong enough to scare people. Calculated based on his current physical endurance limit, if the attack power of this magic sword reaches the highest limit, it can even briefly match the attack of an eighth-level strong, but the price to be paid is also scary. According to his calculations, to reach that energy level attack, what is needed is a thunderstone worth more than one million gold coins.

In other words, the extent to which his treasure can be played depends entirely on the amount of thunderstone filled in the treasure. However, although the seventh-level powerhouse does not need to worry about money, it is limited to a certain extent.

The thunderstone required to fill this super magic sword requires a top grade with a purity of more than 90%, and the standard price is one hundred gold coins. In order to buy the thunder spar used to fill this magic sword, he has already owed astronomical loans.

This brave conference is his only chance to pay off his debts. Just now, he desperately put all his assets down, and even borrowed a large amount of money from a dark money organization with his status as a level 7 powerhouse to bet on his victory. If he loses, he will have to seriously consider the matter of exile...

Therefore, the purpose of his participation in this conference is very simple and realistic. It has nothing to do with the brave or the strong. The reason why he took the initiative to sign up for this brave conference is purely for money. If this continues, he will be unable to pay off the money owed to the Wizards’ Guild after selling himself...

However, in such an important game, the opponent with the title of the fastest man was actually late. Moreover, after being late, he was so arrogantly demonstrating to him, which was beyond his tolerance!

Facing the anger of the other party, Ulysses actually wanted to say sorry. After all, no matter how you look at it, being late because of oversleeping is a bad thing. But, thinking about it, his body did not do this.

In the other's angry eyes, surrounded by golden light, he stretched out a finger, pointed at the opponent, and then clenched his fist tightly. What this gesture represents. Probably the whole continent is universal, that is--

Stop talking nonsense and start fighting!

"Okay, very good, just right! I don't have time for that nobleman to chat with you! My every minute is calculated with money! I will solve you in one minute!" Compared to Ulysses, Lime even more Can't wait. When he turned on the thunder light state, he was burning money every minute!

"Lei Guang, show your strength!" The magic sword in Lime's hand began to flash countless dazzling electric sparks. This is a magic sword with seven fangs. On the hilt, there is a crystal ball shining with golden light. However, only 80% of the crystal ball seemed to be filled with beautiful golden light. The remaining 20% ​​is in a dim state.

The seven upward-curved fangs were entwined with dazzling blue electric lights, and the strong thunder and lightning exploded unscrupulously in a state that could be recognized by the naked eye. This familiar scene made Ulysses stunned. It seems that a few months ago, he also saw a treasure similar to this one. The name of the sword is indeed "Thunder Tooth", does it have anything to do with this magic sword-Thunder Light?

By the way, the seventh-level powerhouse he saw for the first time was indeed from the Wizards Guild, whose name was Riley.

"Foot of Lightning, start!" Rhyme bent down, and a beautiful blue light flashed under his feet. Immediately afterwards, his whole person turned into a swift thunder light, rushing towards Ulysses.

Soon, Ulysses, who had experienced the incredible speed of the sonic hedgehog, can feel this way, indicating that Lyme's current speed has indeed reached an incredible level. Ulysses even felt that such a fast person. If you go to participate in the 1000-kilometer endurance race of the Brave Championship, you might be able to rank in the top three (Lime: If I have so much money to keep launching this, why should I participate in the Brave Championship!).

Abyssal Conviction-Ulysses subconsciously summoned his strongest treasure when he felt the danger. However, it was not the Demon King's sword that responded to his call, but another treasure that he used very little, the fighting treasure he obtained through the contract with Miharu-breaking the fist lock. This time, it appeared on his right hand, which was originally the hand that held the condemnation of the abyss.

How could it be this? Ulysses looked at the treasure that appeared in his hand inexplicably, although for the seventh-level fighter of the fighter type, it might be a rare and excellent treasure. However, he is not a fighter like Miharu.

Since getting it, except for certain moments when close combat is necessary, he has almost never actively used it. He is not the kind of genius who can learn everything quickly. In fact, his talent in learning can be described as clumsy, otherwise he would not fail the priest exam for three consecutive years.

Because he knew his clumsiness very well, he would work harder than others to do something. This was the case when he was practicing light magic, and the same was when he was learning the priest's canon. To learn everything is nothing in the end. He knew this truth from the very beginning.

Compared to this fist-breaking fist lock, the Abyss Conviction that he has been using since he got the Book of the Demon King is his main weapon. There will be no doubts about this. But why, at this time, what he summoned was to destroy the fist lock, not to convict the abyss? ?

It seems that the body naturally knows what to do and what not to do. This feeling is the same as at that time, being wrapped in the shadow of that cute blue hedgehog that resembles a human.

At that time, he had no choice at all, just like that started an explosive crazy run, and ran to a speed that exceeded the limit of the seventh-level powerhouse by ten times and a hundred times. What's more terrifying is that while maintaining that speed, all obstacles were perfectly cleared. That kind of thing is simply impossible for him to do.

Ayu! I remembered, the feeling now is exactly the same as it was back then, the feeling of being out of control of the body, the feeling of being wrapped in something! In that case, the golden light surrounding him is also Ayu's masterpiece! This time, she summoned something again!

"I cut!" Lyme, who rushed in front of Ulysses once, grabbed the magic sword Leiguang in his hand, and slashed from the side relentlessly. A thunder mark containing the power of terrifying thunder and lightning erupted in the air. Compared with the techniques used by Riley at that time, Lime's technique was faster and stronger.

Ulysses' figure shook, flashing past Lyme's Thunder Sword at an incredible angle. Then stretched out his right hand and bounced off Lime's magic sword at random.

"Flap! Flap!" The intense thunder light spread in the air, but it was all bounced away by the golden light that enveloped Ulysses, and it didn't hurt Ulysses' body in the slightest.

"Da!" Rhyme's retreat was as fast as the attack, without the slightest extra movement. He felt the opponent's thorny after only one fight. This opponent called Astarot is really not an ordinary seventh-level powerhouse. Flicking his Lightning Sword with just one finger, he couldn't do this kind of thing himself.

But isn't this guy's treasure a black magic sword? When did the weapon change?

"Uh..." Ulysses tried to raise his hand to see what he did just now. But unfortunately, his body is not under his control at the moment.

Not only the body, but also some strange changes on the spiritual level, everything around him is reflected in his heart like a mirror. The mind is as peaceful as a quiet lake, and he can detect every slight change in the air. Even when fighting with each other, he has always been in this state.

However, this is just the appearance. In this state of mind like a mirror and still water, it is the desire to fight that is gradually boiling. Along with this state of enthusiasm, a substantial golden light was gradually constructed around the body.

"My dear, come on! Knock your opponent down!" In the lounge of the Apostles. The lively Mihalu seemed to have been infected by the current Ulysses state, and his whole body was in a high level of excitement. If it weren't for Arcelia to hold her, she would almost jump out of the lounge and fight side by side with Ulysses!

"It looks like it won't work if there is no heavy bleeding!" Lime looked at the golden sphere on the hilt of his magic sword as if he was about to cut his own flesh. Because of the surprise attack just now, the golden light in this sphere has shrunk again. Although it was a shrinkage that ordinary people couldn't confirm with the naked eye, for him, it was a reality that couldn't be more cruel. This means that his property has shrunk again!

The more bleak reality is that if he wants to defeat his opponent, his fortune has to shrink further! Ah, the Supreme God, this is a torture that is more uncomfortable than killing him!

Unlike the two missing brothers who used the lightning energy improperly for money (it had nothing to do with money...), he accurately calculated the energy rate of the Magic Sword to four digits after the decimal point. .

For him, who is short of money to an unprecedented realm. Every piece of power must be output after the most precise calculations. In order to save electricity, he would not use treasures in normal battles. However, once encountered a situation where he must take out the magic sword and thunder light to fight, he will be transformed into a loan warrior who can calculate his lost money every second.

His deposit is not zero, but a series of terrible numbers after a negative number, the amount is accurate to four decimal places. Therefore, every minute and every second he is now fighting for that huge amount of borrowing money!

The momentum became stronger, and so was the strength... Ulysses unconsciously opened his right hand and then made a fist. This action was repeated several times. It seems meaningless, but in these repeated actions, something is indeed awakening, or forming around him.

Slowly, something like that turned into an existence that could be recognized by the naked eye. It was a huge golden human figure several meters high. It looked a bit like armor, but it was much larger than armor. I'm afraid there is only the legendary giant. The clan can wear it.

Behind this armor is a huge golden light wheel, which is as dazzling as the sun in the sky. The strong light makes people afraid to look directly at it.

"Ulysses, have you finally put on the golden armor? Very good, although it seems to be bigger, so that you can look like a seventh-level powerhouse." After confirming the huge golden armor, the heroic king Yu clicked Nodded, agreeing with Ulysses' choice.

"Oh oh oh oh oh!" For this kind of change, the audience outside the venue is naturally enthusiastic, but it is not always possible to see such a spectacular scene!

Oops! Oops! Oops! so terrible! Lime watched the other party's strength continuously rising, and his ears were full of the sound of crystal shattering. Every time the opponent's strength increases, it means that he has to produce more blood.

No, it can't go on like this, if it goes on like this, he will lose his money! Must beat the opponent. And as soon as possible! But to defeat such a strong opponent, the money to spend is... A terrible number appeared in Lime's mind, which was enough to make him faint. If it is used up here, how will he compare in the next game!

Ulysses stared at his right hand. This hand, which was as hot as a flame, was emitting an astonishing heat, which was a powerful force that he could not have without using the abyss of conviction. However, now, this power is really gathered in his hands. He was roaring, roaring, and the blood was boiling with his body.

"Damn it, fight it!"

"The Eye of Rage, open it!" Gritting his teeth tightly holding the magic sword that swallows money like air in his hand, Lei Guang, Lime is about to jump off the building!

The subtle thunder light spread from Demon Sword Leiguang's sword to Lyme's eyes, giving him a hint of abnormal gold in his blue eyes. This is not a special skill that humans can obtain through cultivation, but an extraordinary talent ability that the thunder and lightning giants in ancient times possessed. This ability, called the Eye of Rage, allows the user to freely manipulate the power of furious thunder and lightning, and has a paralyzing effect on all creatures below level 7 within a certain range.

Of course, Lyme didn't expect the paralysis ability of the Eye of Fury to cause any trouble to his opponent. What he needs is the highest precision lightning maneuverability. The kind of ability that gathers all the power together without the slightest waste, and every trace of power can exert the maximum effect.

To be more precise, it is the ability to save money...

The thunder lights walking around Lime gathered in one breath, and then turned into a thunderball about half a meter in size, floating on his sword.

"Desperate! Go, Extreme Thunderball!" Lime has the urge to cry. This is his stunt, yes, it is powerful, but he needs hundreds of thousands of gold coins at a time. This kind of price made him feel painful! If everything can be repeated, when choosing his own treasure, he will not be so arrogant and arrogant, but honestly choose a magic sword with high lightning attack power instead of this super high attack power, but Cannibalistic money-sucking sword.

"Boom!" The dazzling blue-white thunderball revolved and scratched a terrifying thunder mark in the air, like a thunder and lightning that pierced the sky in a storm, and after this thunderball, it launched another lightning strike. Lyme.

Unlike his two brothers, Lyme does not have any flashy sword skills. His attacks are always characterized by speed and destruction. He will not engage in any protracted warfare because he has no capital for protracted warfare. .

However, while losing the ability to protracted warfare, what he possessed was the explosive power and speed of terror, like a real thunder and lightning, with the destructiveness of ignoring all defenses and the extraordinary speed that people could not even react to.

One hit kills, this is Lyme's way of fighting, it is the most helpless, but it is also the most suitable way of fighting for him.

So fast, faster than before,...Even Ulysses had to admit that the current speed of Lime far surpassed his imagination. Even if you use the abyss to convict, this will be a formidable opponent. In terms of explosive power and speed, he is even one of the strongest people he has seen at the level of the seventh-level strong.

The right hand has become hotter, not only the right hand, but the whole body is heating up, as if it is about to burn. Such a state of high fighting spirit is really rare for him. It's not because of pain or anger. It's just that I want to fight and burn myself.

Is it the power of Ayu? At that time, he just simply wanted to run, without any extra thoughts, just let his body gallop on the earth as much as possible. Although at first I was really at a loss and even a little scared, but in the end, it seemed that I was unconsciously immersed in the kind of crossing that seemed to run to the end of the world.

Looking at the earth, mountains, forests, and lakes one by one disappearing behind me, the feeling of satisfaction is not bad when I think of it now.

And now, he had that feeling again, facing the thunderball containing the power of violent thunder and lightning, as well as the more dangerous Thunder Magic Swordsman behind the thunderball, he was actually excited. It's the kind of excitement from head to toe, unstoppable, unstoppable, it's the feeling that blood is burning.

The human figure in the huge golden armor wrapped around him raised his right hand unknowingly, and he himself. He also raised his right hand along with it. On top of this hand, on the top of breaking the fist lock, unprecedented huge energy gathered together. It is not the dark power of the abyss condemnation, but the dazzling power like sunlight and the fiery power like flames.

Feel it, feel it! Ulysses opened his eyes and looked at his right hand. In his right hand, something was shining and roaring, even in his mind. I also vaguely heard the roar from this right hand.

"Boom!" At this moment, the huge golden armored figure that wrapped Ulysses seemed to merge with him, pushing his right hand together, and rushing straight towards the huge violent thunderball.

"Very good. It's this blow to decide the outcome!" Ulysses' actions were in line with Rhyme's expectations. His move could have been able to lock the opponent's movement trajectory and then explode. It was the first time he saw someone rushing towards him since finishing this trick.

This is the best!

"Boom!" The violent power of thunder and lightning erupted unscrupulously in the air, forming a huge thunder and lightning vortex. In the middle of the vortex, was Ulysses in a frantic sprint fused with the huge golden human figure.

The huge lightning vortex rotates at high speed, trying to destroy all the matter involved in it. Countless electric snakes swim at high speed in this vortex, woven into a splendid power grid. The surrounding ground rumblingly exploded, and then was burned to ashes by the high temperature formed by the powerful thunder and lightning.

Ulysses felt his right hand trembling, but not because of the impact of being attacked by the power of thunder, but because of excitement. Moreover, the power of this hand is far from reaching its limit. It can be stronger! This thunderball is simply not enough to stop its power!

Rhyme stared at Ulysses, who was using only one hand to counter his Thunderball. This kind of power could really belong to the seventh-level powerhouse? Don't underestimate that extremely thunder ball, it was a powerful move he once defeated more than ten 7th-level powerhouses!

You can proceed with your bare hands. What kind of concept is this! No, there is no way to keep it, it must be used! The strongest stunt after catching the polar thunder ball!

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! This is his greatest stunt and a forbidden skill, the strongest power he will never use when he is not a last resort. Astaroth, who showed terrifying power, had to use this technique, the power to counter his extreme thunderball with his bare hands in front of him.

"Ultimate Thunder King Slash!" The forbidden skill that once let an eighth-level beast dismembered was once again shown in Lime's hand. Although it was slightly weaker than the power that relied on two seventh-level powerhouses to use the will to die, it was completely controlled by Lime, and it was even more powerful in terms of strength cohesion and manipulation!

If he wants to, he can of course extend it to one hundred or even two hundred meters, but such moves have no meaning for human opponents. Condensing all the power of the lightning sword that can extend to more than two hundred meters into the ten-meter lightsaber is the effect of the Eye of Rage.

"Boom!" Like the lightning in the sky, the huge lightning sword fell to Ulysses who had already broken through the polar thunderball with an aura of destruction. The powerful thunder and lightning even distorted the air, causing the air to make a weird "pop! Pop!" sound.

There is no escape, no retreat, and even no change in the course of the attack. Ulysses, whose whole body was shining with golden light, was advancing, assaulting, and sprinting. The hand that was as hot as fire was roaring, roaring, and rushing forward desperately with the huge golden figure.

Without any accident, the two powers met. The sword of thunder and lightning that fell from the sky and the hand of gold shining with fiery light faced each other.

"Chih! Chih!" The power of thunder and lightning roared, trying to tear everything in front of him. This ultimate Thunder Emperor Slash, constructed by countless thunder and lightning, possesses the terrifying ability to ignore defense, no matter what kind of armor. , Can not completely defend against the attack of this sword.

However, Ulysses had no defense, not from the beginning. In his hand, there is a shining light, a fiery light like the hand of a god, the light of victory that traverses all obstacles and shatters everything.

This is the light of blessing from the goddess of victory that Ayu gave him!

"Rumble rumbling!" In an instant, Ulysses's hand grew bigger. In other words, the power gathered in his hands is growing. At this moment, he and the golden figure on his body were completely fused together, allowing the hot light to shine on the hands of the two together.

"What!" In Rhyme's stunned eyes, constructed by the lightning power of his magic sword, a huge lightning sword with ignoring defensive characteristics, sprinted in the hot hand of Ulysses The next section crashed.

One second, two seconds, Rhyme didn't even have time to regret the amount of money he lost. Ulysses and his hot golden hand had completely shattered his huge lightning sword with the momentum of destroying everything. Then rushed towards him fiercely.

"Wow!" Rhyme, who hadn't expected this situation at all, could only hurriedly block his magic sword in front of him, blocking Ulysses's hand.

"Bang!" Rhyme felt his hands were paralyzed. This is not the power of thunder and lightning, but it is more terrifying than the power of thunder and lightning. He even had no way to dodge or step back. The terrifying power had completely pressed his magic sword and his body. This feeling of being completely suppressed made him tremble all over, not because of terror, nor because of fear, but simply because he was uncontrollable. That power is really too great.

"Rumble!" The earth was trembling, and Lyme, who had spared no effort, could not block the current Ulysses. His body was pushed to the end of the world by Ulysses along with his magic sword. On the ground, a huge trace was left.

The golden light was shining on the earth, shining on Ulysses' hand, and the boiling blood didn't stop in the slightest. Attack, attack, attack again!

Twenty percent, 19%, 15%, 10%, 9.7%...By now, it is no longer a question of whether Lyme uses or not, but his magic sword. In order to protect him, his power automatically released the power stored in it, and the state of affairs was completely out of his control.

In the end, with a loud noise, Lime and his sword were hit by Ulysses on a mountain that was several thousand meters high. The whole mountain was blasted away by this huge force and turned into a pile of rubble. Countless rubble flew in the sky accompanied by dust from the sky, and then fell one after another.

Among the smoke and dust flying all over the sky, only one figure is still so dazzling, that is the golden shadow holding the right hand high, as if proclaiming victory to the world.


After wandering the streets for a long time, the owner of the carved fish burning stall looked at it several times with suspicion, a careless eighth-level powerhouse finally remembered what he had brought to his new friend:

"Hey, come to think of it, it was for Ulysses who came to Ulysses. It seems to be the guy who liked the gold burst mode and was called the King of Hearts..."

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