The Devilish Immortal

Chapter 295: Strongest apprentice

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On the evening of the departure of Feng Mazi, Lu Liang gathered a few people here.

"Okay! No problem! I don't have to find a helper, I'll come here! Master and everyone will go down! If I go well, maybe I can rush over to help!" When Lu Liang said For the whole plan, Nie Qingyun jumped up directly, his eyes flashed with excitement.

"Qing Yun, you have a heavy responsibility here! But you must also remember that if you are not able to flee immediately, you must not delay the deadly battle! I don't want anyone involved in this operation to have an accident!" Lu Liang said solemnly, Although Feng Mazi greeted him before, he was still a little bit nervous.

"Our mission is also clear. It is your dangerous situation. It is even more dangerous than Qingyun in the early days. Is there no other way to seduce the enemy?" Zheng Xuan and Liu Mei frowned slightly, obviously also a little worried.

"Rest assured, not only is there no danger on my side, if it goes well, the gang of dead will not go out and harm others in the future!" "Senior Joe, you have to borrow Xiaoming senior for trouble, the price is negotiable!"

"No problem! Feel free to take it! Old rules, I only charge the rental fee on time, specifically the other two of you alone!" Qiao Youliang heard the words immediately, and put on the look of an adulterer, "As for my helper That share, hehe, this time it has to float five percent based on the original price, so I can make sure that there is no fish that misses the net! "

"No problem!" Lu Liang was completely numb to Qiao Youliang's greed for money, wasn't it just 5 percent? Affordable!

After all the people had negotiated, they all quietly dispersed. At the same time, according to Feng Mazi's previous decision, the planned time was after Tianming!

Lu Liang still stayed in Feng Mazi ’s cave house, and after everyone else was gone, he whispered, “Xiaoming, you are working hard! Originally, I thought of fleeing. Now it seems that destroying the other party is not a dream!”

"I have nothing to do. Anyway, you two are willing to fight one by one. It ’s weird. A few days ago, you two were still desperate. Now they are bound as grasshoppers on the same rope ... The world is amazing. "Ah!" Xiaoming sighed sincerely, then raised his hand, and a cloud of golden mist emerged, "Big mushroom, are you thinking about it? Ten thousand years, if this kid unfortunately died during this period Then you will be completely finished! "

In the golden mist at this time, a blurry image slightly larger than the fist can be seen faintly, and the appearance is exactly a reduced version of the big mushroom terrifying beast in the Dead Sea!

According to Feng Mazi's previous design, Lu Liang and Nie Qingyun are the core of the whole plan. Among them, Lu Liang's purpose is to attract snakes out of holes!

These "snakes" are precisely those power disciples and dead men who are going to kill him for the second time. Lu Liang's role is to contain them on his side.

Anyway, I have Xiao Hei, as long as it is not a special prohibition of the natal enchantment class, it is not a big problem to get out.

Many powerful restraints belong to the type that Lu Liang can run by himself, but everyone else around him has to be forced to stay. But this time, in addition to exquisiteness, Liu Xiaoxue has left his Dongfu and Wu Yingzhao gathers together. The Yang family who is in Dongfu himself has also been entrusted to Feng Mazi, and he will never escape. The sense of restraint.

As for Linglong, according to Lao Bai, her constitution is special, and she can leave with Lu Liang, plus she is also an important part to seduce the enemy, so she can stay with her.

But Xiaoming's return in time brought another layer of surprises, because it was a worthwhile trip and reached a consensus with Big Mushroom! What's more unexpected than Lv Liang's surprise is that the original conditions for integrating the spirit of a big mushroom into a certain state of God were directly converted into the spirit of Lv Liang and made it exist like a chaotic beast, and the condition was changed to be Lv Cool slave for ten thousand years!

"For 10,000 years, if the soul it devours during this period is enough and powerful, it can completely transform a new form that adapts to the power of the laws of this world. Although its strength is bound to be greatly reduced, it will initially be a respected cultivator, But according to its own words, as long as it has freedom, it has nothing to lose except its life! What? A gamble? "Xiao Ming's words really made Lu Liang's heart really excited!

Therefore, the follow-up is simple. With the help of Xiaoming, a ray of golden mist gradually merged into Lu Liang's body.

At the same time, an unfamiliar and powerful spirit appeared faintly, snoring loudly: "Boy, ten thousand years, how many kills you, don't be killed! My king hasn't lived enough!"

Lv Liang laughed, an unprecedented self-confidence swelled: "It's time to end grievances! Don't even want to leave this place!"

However, a trace of the problem that he had been deliberately evading before came to mind again: mask woman ... blue spirit blood ... should have nothing to do with Mu Xiaozi ...


In the early morning of the next day, Tianshu Pavilion stepped out of three figures in the absolute territory, and then entered the respective vein areas.

On Lv Liang's side, only the more than one hundred slaves remaining under his command all went out again. It didn't take too long. First, he dug a pale red halo, followed by a dazzling red light. The power of space fluctuations struck instantly!

When the people of the Yang family were scattered, only Lu Liang was still mining the veins intently, but before he could take the treasures, he was swallowed up by a sudden space crack ...

"Aha, what a big pen!" When Lu Liang saw the form in front of his eyes again, his eyes suddenly flashed!

Obediently, there are more than forty people, half of them in pure black, half of them with mixed-brand troops, and surrounded Lu Liang within a hundred feet!

Especially those in black, all revealed the deadly vitality in their eyes, at first glance, they were the elite of dead men in battle.

Those miscellaneous troops, although not dead, are also the great success of Qing Yishui's supreme period!

"This should be all of their hole cards ... wait, wait for them to shoot, I'll run away and talk about it!" Lu Liang was feeling with emotion, and the big mushroom in the soul had begun to roar excitedly ... ...

Lu Liang still moved first!

However, this time it is not an attacking move, but it rushes directly to the place with the fewest people!

"Kill him!" With the command of no one, all the enemies started indiscriminate attacks, and they just came up and tried their best!

"Mother! Big mushroom, let's do it!" Lu Liang was still wondering if he could fool two moves, but as soon as he saw the situation of the other people's decisive battle, he made the most wise choice!

At the same time, several howling sounds rang, and I saw Lu Liang trembled, and countless gray mists floated out, and rushed to the enemies!

"It's ... impossible! Ah !!!" Originally still a crowd of men and women, when they first saw this dense mist of air, those miscellaneous troops first showed their fear and disbelief, and instantly turned into a horror. The offense was defensive and did not hesitate to choose to escape!

The remaining dead may not know the capabilities of these mist monsters, but as these guys who have been in the vein for a long time, they have no courage to resist!

"This guy can control the fog monsters! What the **** is this !!!" This is the biggest question floating in the hearts of everyone now, but they have no time and opportunity to investigate ...

Before Lu Liang went down to his own vein, mining was false, and the tangled mist and air mass was true!

He did n’t have to do anything by himself. Under the inspiration of the big mushroom spirit, countless gray mists began to emerge directly. Lu Liang said nothing, all of them were included in his own cave. Prepared for the strongest killer!

With the help of big mushrooms, as long as it is in the vein area, even if the power of the ancestor level comes, it may not be able to treat Lu Liang!

The number of foggy air masses is roughly one, but it is close to a hundred, far more than the current number of enemies! Let your deceased be decisive, and even the possibility of self-detonation no longer exists ...

There are at least two or three mist clouds around every fairy cultivator, and the entire space is filled with a suffocating soul bondage!

At this point, the golden spirit of the big mushroom came out slowly, and floated directly in front of the nearest black robber, and a big mouth of blood was opened, and the **** chewing would start to be disgusting!

A powerful battle force with a great consummation period, not to mention has not inspired a trick or a half, now even the chance of resistance has completely disappeared ...

"Let's live! Daxian's life!"

"We are all forced! Please, old Kai En!"

"I don't want to die! I want to be a slave forever!" ...

Countless begging sounds, shouted from the military population of miscellaneous brands, everyone was deeply shocked by this incredible scene!

An alien barbarian turned out to be a friend of the mist monster who has been around for a long time ... oh no, he is obviously the master of the mist monster! Where is this great **** who plays pigs and eats tigers ... If the head of the family knew this situation, would he come to this muddy water ...

When Lu Liang saw that the overall situation was fixed, he whispered to the big mushroom, "You eat slowly, I have to go over there, and I will come back to you when I'm done!" After that, he went back without looking back. Rushing outside, my mind has already floated on the real main battlefield ...


While Lu Liang was showing his mighty power in the vein area, all the cultivators in the entire mine space were deeply shocked by another person!

That is a chic and elegant young man. With a silver long knife in his hand, he used his own strength to block the exit position of Su Nu Ge. Anyone who wears various costumes rushed out of it, no matter what kind of practice In front of him, there is no one who can survive the time of Huoxiang!

Beyond this young man, it is one of the local sub-sites of Su Nu Ge. At the moment, with the sound of a violent explosion, a big crack appeared in a blue light curtain, and several figures rushed in. , Then came the roaring and fighting sounds.

"Oh? It's fast! It seems I have to work harder, or I ca n’t wait for the Master to come here. Wouldn't it be terrible if I was still blocked here?" A smile, "This is the strength of Su Nu Ge? Also known as the top ten in the Netherworld? A joke! In this case, I completely cut off your idea of ​​reinforcement!"


At the same time, there was already a sad cloud in Su Nu Pavilion.

Several Daozu-level powers gathered here. In addition to Jingshui Fairy and Ghost-faced Fairy, there are several leaders of other forces. At this moment, his face is extremely bad!

"Thirty-six people! That's all among our forces. Famous special forces exist!" The real dragon Tu Jin, the head of the Golden Dragon Palace, stared at the Jingshui Fairy, "You have to give us an explanation! If you know this situation now, , We say nothing is possible in this muddy water! "

"Hmm! Before that, I told you that this young man named Nie Qingyun should not be underestimated! You are too despised! Now you turn to blame Jingshui, which is ridiculous!" The ghost-faced fairy hummed coldly at this time, and Jingshui The fairy stood on the same front.

"Don't be noisy! What time is it now? I'm still struck!" The Blue Spirit King of the Blue Spirit Pavilion spoke out at the same time, and looked around at the same time. Where ?! "

"The newspaper! The big thing is not good! The young man took the initiative to kill in! Our protection array was easily cut by a hole! Now dozens of people on the first layer of protection have been completely killed and killed!" After the disciple of Su Nuge stumbled in, she looked terrified.

silence! Terrible silence!

These extraordinary powers are usually filled with astonishment on their faces! At this moment, they had an illusion. For a long time, the legend of the strongest middle-level interface in the Netherworld was basically what the frog at the bottom of the well saw?

"Sorry, we have to close the Golden Dragon Hall! Regardless of his psychic body and those mysteries! As long as it can draw a clear line with this group of monsters, I will be Amitabha!" The dragon dragon bit his teeth and sacrificed a spirit charm After crushing the body shape, it disappeared slowly.

With the first to withdraw, anyone who has escaped the secret technique has chosen to retreat without exception. Nie Qingyun's combat power beyond common sense has become an indelible nightmare in everyone's heart ...

Since the death of Tu Longzhen, only a few hours later, the original Su Nv Pavilion was still lively, and only two relatively lonely figures remained. The only thing that was a little unexpected was that the ghost-faced fairy and the still-water fairy didn't have any sense of panic at the moment.

"Thank you for the arrangement of the ghost face brother, not only allows me to escape the punishment of Lord Kong, but also preserves the core strength of Su Nu Ge!" Jingshui Fairy worshiped the ghost face fairy far away.

"Don't say this about our friendship. Below, it's time to look at our sincerity! Jingshui, do you believe me?" The ghost-faced fairy waved and sighed softly.

"Su Nu Ge and Ghost King Zong, life and death are together!" Jingshui Fairy's eyes were full of light, and the words of slamming the ground, also made the ghost face fairy eyes bright.

"Come down! Everyone must not stop that young man!" With the order from the Jingshui Fairy to the Su Nv Pavilion, the disciples who had lost their courage had not been able to see Nie Qingyun's shadow if he had been pardoned. , Just hug the mouse.

Nie Qingyun was instinctively stunned, but didn't have much time to think about it, and flew directly into the main hall in front of him, and then the sword of the dragon's teeth swung, which was a posture of fighting to the end.

But what he didn't expect was that the opposite ghost-faced fairy and still water fairy at the same time bowed down deeply at the same time, and said by the ghost-faced fairy: "Little man ghost face and still water, welcome the Lord God to return to the ghost!"

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