The Devilish Immortal

Chapter 308: fuse

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"Where am I ..." Lu Liang woke up in a drowsy state, and the first thing he saw was a large layer of enchantment formed by heavy mist.

"Boy, wake up? Get up your spirits, you are now at the junction of the northern and western parts of the Netherworld. After this mist enchantment, it seems to be the absolute territory of the dreamless Supreme!" The voice of Lao Bai sounded abruptly, while There is a hint of solemn taste.

"Ah? I remember, I was calculated by Zhao Mingquan, and then fell to the bottom of the cliff ... At that time, the spirit was broken, and it was lost, why now ..." Lu Liang was still in a confused state, but his eyes suddenly flashed. , "The border between the north and the west? Isn't there a weird space rift? Master! This is the west where my master is!"

One of my long-cherished wishes when I first stepped on Xianxian Road, now it is here! Lu Liang was not in the mood to investigate what had happened before, and a flash of light entered the mist!

"Boy! Are you looking for death? Get out!" Lao Bai's sharp voice made Lu Liang, who had stepped into a barren land, directly agitated.

At the same time, the world where he lived suddenly changed colors, and several white sword qi that were visible to the naked eye condensed out, all blasting towards this side.

"Don't carry it hard, quit first!" Lao Bai shouted angrily, apparently having a very deep jealousy of this strangely appearing sword qi, "This is the ultimate sword qi that cuts off the cloud and sky! It's not up to you. Physically resistant! "

Lu Liang was obedient to Lao Bai, and at the moment he completely calmed down, aside from flashing again, he retreated directly to the edge of the mist layer, while sacrificing the star picker to resist the powerful sword breath that had already arrived.

When the star picking hand touched the sword Qi's jade, an overbearing coercion went straight to Lu Liang's spirit, which shocked him directly, and at the same time there was a slight pain unique to the tearing of the soul.

"Good guy! This is made by Master?" Lu Liang, who completely withdrew, was also afraid for a while, he could feel that he could really carry this mighty sword, but how long he could carry it is unknown. .

"Boy, do you think you can bear it? I tell you, this is only a junior sword power! If I don't expect it, its strongest sword power must be about ten times that at this time!" Down, but the dignified taste is stronger, "It turns out that ... it is the power of humans and soldiers, and there is such a perfect fit, isn't it ..."

"Humans and soldiers? What is that? What do you think of?" Lu Liang hurriedly asked, and he felt that Old Bai obviously knew something.

"Boy ... the human **** soldier, and the underworld order, withered bones, heavenly astrolabe are called the four major restraints of the ancients, understand? The characteristic is to make the immortal man with the body of the **** soldier reach the unity of human and soldier "The degree." Old White paused, and cast his gaze into the foggy enchantment, Shen said, "Humans and soldiers are the most difficult to control in all immobilizers, none of them. Because this thing requires the user Only with a high degree of fit can I play a role. I do n’t know the specific fit requirements, but what I know is that, from ancient times to the present, no more than three people can successfully fit with it! Others ... I ca n’t continue to talk now , But what I can tell you is that your Master ... I am afraid it is no longer just your Master ... "

Lu Liangning listened attentively, his frowns tightened. He understands the concept of human soldiers, but Lao Bai's follow-up words are still in the clouds and mist, and the dignity and pain inside it make his heart suddenly uncomfortable.

"I want to ... go in and see again! At least, I have to fight to see Master! If they meet successfully, the senior dancers will help me!" Lu Liang thought for a moment, and changed his face with a firm expression.

"It's good if you didn't lose the black net ... now, I have to rely on the help of Spirit Eater, but I can't guarantee whether it will be up to your Master. Remember, don't force it, otherwise, wait for you to be thorough If you ca n’t bear it and want to run again, it ’s probably too late! ”Lao Bai knew Lu Liang ’s intentions and did n’t stop them. He could only tell as carefully as possible.

Lu Liang nodded, took a deep breath, and flashed into the mist again.

The same sword gas struck, and eight spirit-eaters rushed out, blocking directly around Lu Liang, directly swallowing up the white sword gas that suddenly appeared again.

"Huh? Why does one's size seem to be bigger?" Lu Liang discovered at this time that several spirit eaters had obviously changed from before. They were much bigger and wouldn't say, and they started to have a faint black light flashing on them. Out.

But soon, he had no time to explore, because only half a column incense was less than time, and the original slender and short sword gas suddenly became longer and thicker! Don't even think about him, knowing that the power is increasing again!

"I can't wait for ten times the power!" Lu Liang gritted his teeth and rushed forward with a flash, he knew that his master must be somewhere in front of him!

While relying on the spirit eater, Lu Liang himself was not idle. The first three strokes of the five types of Heavenly Souls combined with the Xuanyuan Sword Formation can also withstand those rampant sword qi, although it will cause a certain sting to his soul. Sense, but for him who has experienced a more miserable situation long ago, it is really not a thing.

When the time of Yixiang incense has passed, Lu Liang finally stopped suddenly, because at this moment, in a thicker mist in front of him, a dim figure gradually showed his figure, and it was clear that the fog was about to emerge!

Lu Liang's heart was excited again, and he yelled as he rushed forward: "Master! Master without dreams! I am your maniac disciple Lu Liang! I have completely refined the virtual realm you left!"

At the same time, with the appearance of the figure, the level of sword air in the space suddenly increased to a horrifying level!

A shiver and a sense of surrender from the depths of the soul appeared at the same time. At this moment, Lv Liang seemed to finally understand why even the power of the Dark Dynasty could not move the division into respect. This kind of combat power is not even a Tianzun Xiu who should have!

The dark shadow in the thick fog was obviously a stature at this time, but then still came out slowly and slowly.

"Xuanli Feiwu seniors and Xu Mi Shenshu seniors are all by my side!" Lu Liang shouted another throat with a staggering sword spirit.

At the same time, the dark shadow finally emerged from the dense fog, it was the dreamless Tianzun who was slumped with a stupefied face!

"Fai ... Dance ... Fai ... Dance ..." Wu Mengtianzun murmured to himself, still only these two words of infinite loop. After hearing Lu Liang's roar, it seemed to be touched slowly. Raising her head, her brows frowned slightly.

At this time, Lv Liang could see clearly, the other arm was tightly crossed his chest, and a scepter shining with the light of the Orchid was tightly guarded by it, which should be the legendary ecstasy of gathering souls!

"Dream!" With a wailing tragedy, the soul shadow of Xuanli Feiwu fluttered directly, his face was already full of tears, and he desperately pounced on the person who had been worried about his heart for ten thousand years. .

Unfortunately, almost two breaths of effort, its soul shadow was chopped up by the sword qi that had reached the level of Daozu!

"Predecessor Feiwu! No! Wait again!" Lu Liang was frightened and sealed the Xu Mi Divine Realm in an instant. He was really afraid that the last soul of Xuanli Feiwu's soul would float out. That's really gone!

At the same time, Dreamless Zun, who had been numb before, suddenly covered his head, screamed in pain in his mouth, and gradually hurriedly said, "God dancing ... God dancing ... God dancing ..."

At this time, Lu Liang suddenly felt that the tearing in the spirit was lessened, which also indicated that the current sword power might definitely be weakened!

"It's great! It seems effective!" Lu Liang was so dazzling that he wanted to retreat and stopped for a moment. He walked a few steps harder and yelled, "Master! Wake up! Let us come! Here you are! In the territory of Xu Mi created by your own hands, the senior dance seniors have been waiting for you, waiting for you to gather her body with Jumin Scepter! "

During the conversation, the two were close at hand, and Lu Liang held his shoulders without dreams, waiting to continue to say something, but suddenly opened his eyes, and then went crazy like a wave at the front. Strive hard as hard as possible ...

At the same time, a sharp dragon yelled through the whole world of the Netherworld suddenly, and the strange space ripple visible to the naked eye surged from the top of the western center in all directions ...


"What's going on !! The power of the Seal of Law is distorted!" The ancestor of the sword amulet instantly appeared, full of shock in his face, and crushed a cyan amulet, and said in a deep voice, "The order, the eight gods will gather! The Dark Man who started the Darkness! Summon the three guardians and immediately start the map of disillusionment! "

After two breaths of effort, the original wasteland was still empty, a space crack emerged from the air, countless gods with blue lotus embroidered on their chests rushed towards the dead, all rushing towards the thick foggy enchantment in the west Over!

"Don't you say you have to wait for a month ... damn, you lost your hair again!" Qiao Youliang, who looked sullen, emerged, beside him was Zhu Xi, who was still light, and a sword eyebrow. Tiger eyes, the youth of soap robes full of anticipation.

"Let's go, Xiao Ming, the power of your guardian has just awakened. If you feel you can't hold it, speak in advance, and we can rotate the theme. Remember that the ancestor of the Taichu was right at the time. Last minute! "Zhu Xi looked at the youth around him with concern, in exchange for the other nodded.

At the same time, two more figures emerged. It was the solemn look of departure and the imprisoned smile with relief.

"Old friend ... soon, separately, your entrustment, I will keep in mind that I will not let you down!" Li Li whispered sadly.

Jie Wudao smiled freely: "Hahaha, I thought I had to wait ... It's good! It's also good!" After that, his figure disappeared.

The next moment, just above the foggy layer in the west, a pale yellow tree emerged. Amazingly, the tree had branches but no leaves. Hanging above it, there was a golden light shining through the eye holes. Skull ...


At the same time, the other end of the junction between the west and the south was also a space crack bursting out, and countless black robe cultivators emerged from it. From their gloomy facial expressions, it was obviously a group of dead men.

Subsequently, two figures emerged from the air, namely Donghuang Chongyun and Kong Liang with their solemn faces. The two looked at each other and nodded at the same time. At the next moment, Donghuang Chongyun flew directly into the mist, while Kong Liang crushed a silver rune while sinking: "The plan is ahead of time! Now it will inspire the red lotus of the industry. Power! Inform the two extrajudicial people that it's time to start! "

After Kong Liang said, he stared into the mist, and clenched his fists: "Lu Liang, Lu Liang! I don't know why you are so tenacious! I also don't know what kind of invincibility you have experienced? Not only is the repair complete, but it also brings the power of the pregnant lotus! But that's all for now! "

Subsequently, Kong Liang's head began to emit a unique dark soul, and his body dissipated for a while.

Two inexhaustible efforts, a giant lotus with dark red light in the dark also bloomed over the western region.

A tree is not a tree, and a flower is not a flower, which foreshadows this sudden demise of the nether world, and immediately plays the prelude to the coexistence of blood and misery ...

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