The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 950: guess

Chapter 950 guess

For the aborigines, strange and common sense mistakes about a certain place will only make them think of each other as a fool or an idiot.

Some of the vigilance is just that there is a trap in this.

But Qin is different as a player.

When he heard Hall's answer, the subconscious mind was the identity of the 'Mody'.


The performance of the other party has a great chance of being a player.

With his normal entry into the copy world, the difference between simple memory and background identity, the other party does not have these, so it will show strangers and common sense mistakes near the Supreme Way.


“Is this going to be a hacker’s guy who’s making a fool of it?”

Qin Ran is sinking.

For ‘hackers’, Qin Ran believes that more cautiousness is not enough.

Because, at the last moment, you don't even know how much the guy hides.

This time, Qin Ran did not think that it was an exception.

“Throwing ‘Mordy’, let’s focus on ‘Mody’.”

"No, no, it's too simple, it should be a little more complicated!"

“Our attention will not be placed on ‘Mody’ alone, but on those who are related to ‘Mody’!”

"And this is what the hacker wants!"

"What he wants is to draw our attention to the person associated with 'Mordy' and let us think that the talent is his real man!"

"That person will be a terrible trap, waiting for us to jump in."

"The other person's real men are hidden in the dark."


"The hacker is once again in doubt, the man is his man, the guy hidden in the dark is the trap?"

In the thought, Qin Ran licked his temple.

The reason why he hates ‘hackers’ is because of the illusory practice of the other party. At any time, the ‘virtual’ part will become ‘real’, and the ‘real’ part may become ‘virtual’.

Every time I face such a 'hacker', Qin Ran and the lawlessness will scream at each other.

However, in the bottom of my heart, Qin Ran recognized the title of ‘swindler’ and is more suitable for the other party.


Spit a sigh of relief, Qin Ran temporarily gave up thinking about the layout of the ‘hacker’.

There are too few clues in front of him. He can't speculate on more things. If he thinks about it indiscriminately, he will only be self-defeating.

[Communication card] once again appeared in the hands of Qin Ran.

Qin Ran is ready to contact Mimosa.

However, the system prompts that followed, but let Qin Ran frown.

[The other party is in a special environment and cannot communicate...]


Qin Ran changed several ways and there was no change.

Obviously, this is the worst case they expected.

To make matters worse, Mimosa did not follow the planned plan: when it is not life-threatening, give up and save yourself.

There is no main line task in [Sword of Dawn].

Unwilling to give up the loss of the title of "Dawn of the Sword", there will be no loss at all.

For others, the title of "Sword of Dawn" is bound to compete, but for Mimosa, such a title is dispensable.

"What happened?"

Qin Ran thought with a little worry.

I have just experienced the squad task [the first step of the Sheriff's Officer], and Qin Ran, who has won more than three days, seems to have completed this spur task very easily.

But this is based on his special strength.

Every time I dig every copy of the world, every time I get a game that is far beyond the imagination of others, Qin Ran is no longer speculating based on the number of copies.

If anyone wants to speculate on his strength according to the number of copies, Qin Ran guarantees that the other party can not eat and walk.

In the same way, players who have experienced the sixth copy difficulty will complete the spurt task and will not be able to take it.

In the case that gunpowder weapons are widely restricted, nearly one hundred fully armed thieves are exhausted, not to mention the warriors with a ‘half’ mysterious side like Hall.

Based on this, inferring the difficulties faced by mimosa, Qin Ran could not help but wrinkle.

But this does not hinder Qin Ran’s actions.

He is unable to contact mimosa.

I don't know the current state of mimosa.

But he knows that he and Mimosa, as well as three hostile competitors, are all around the dawn of burning, even if the more special ‘hacker’ is no exception.

Therefore, mimosa must be near the road to the highest.

"Hall, bring me the official documents about burning dawn."

"There is also a message for me to collect any unusual events near the High Road."

Qin Ran went straight to the road.

"Yes, adults."

After the mayor’s hall, he quickly left.

With the departure of Mayor Hall, the captain of the militia who had been outside was rushing in.

"What happened?"

The other party's age makes the other party not good at turning around, so he stood in front of Qin Ran and asked very simply.

"Hall is confused."

"He lost his nature."

"I let him get rid of that confusion and let him rediscover his own nature and change back to his original self."

Qin Ran said half-truth.

He concealed the reason why Hall was confused, but he said the fact of confusion.

Because Qin Ran can see that the relationship between Vaughan and Hall is extraordinary.

He does not want this young man who has a good impression of him to experience unnecessary suffering.

Lost is irreparable.

Then... if it can be recovered, it must be cherished.

Family, friendship, and love are all like this.

Even if there are some good means of goodwill, the young people in front don't mind, don't they?

After hearing the words of Qin Ran, the young militia captain was relieved with a long sigh of relief, and the guilt in his heart was completely put down with this tone.

He really worried that Qin Ran said the fact that he didn't want to face the most.

Fortunately, fortunately.

The smile resurfaced on the face of the young militia captain.

“Thank you for everything you did for Hall Mayor.”

The young militia captain said.

"No thanks!"

"Hall is the mayor of the gravel town. I am the sheriff of the gravel town. Helping him is what I should do."

Qin Ran answered.

This kind of answer, let the young militia captain have a good impression on Qin Ran.

"I am the captain of the militia in the town of gravel. It is also helpful to help you."

"Adult, what do you need to help me?"

The young man said with a smile.

Such words are close to the world of jokes.

But what the young people didn't think was that Qin Ran nodded very seriously.

"of course!"

"To summon the people who can be called, we need to conduct a major assault check - there are too many unstable factors in the town of gravel, I think we need to thoroughly clean up."

The young man, who was still at a loss, began to be serious with Qin Ran’s words.

"Yes, adults."

The other party answered loudly and immediately went to call the people.

Qin Ran did not pay too much attention to the other side, but looked at the new branch task that naturally appeared with the completion of the branch task [the first step of the sheriff] [the second step of the sheriff].

[Second Step of the Sheriff: You have already established the prestige by breaking the ‘curse’, but this is only the beginning – there are still many dangers in the town of gravel, and you need to be resolved by this sheriff. 】


"Automatic serial task?"

“Last point to burning dawn?”

"still is?"

Qin Ran looked at his [identity] and his eyes flashed slightly.

PS second more~

Feilong sighs that he is really old. Usually, this kind of gastroenteritis and the like, just rest for a day, but now you have to take medicine, and it is not good to take medicine.

The doctor advised that the fat dragon should not be too tired, to rest in bed and hang water.

If you hang the water, the fat dragon is a little contradictory, but the bed rest will not be ~ fat dragon is very obedient bed code word ~

Rest assured, fat dragon is all right, the neck is a little sore~

(End of this chapter)

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