The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 967: Welcome to the town of gravel

Chapter 967 Welcome to the town of gravel

It seems to be a shadow in my heart.

The uncomfortable feeling made Qin Ran subconsciously look to the distance: the direction of the highest road.

But there is nothing in his vision, and that spurt seems to disappear, and everything seems to be an illusion.

However, Qin Ran is well aware of the terrible.

Even if it is an illusion!

You must know that at this moment his spiritual attributes have reached the G+ level, and the evaluation has already been above the strong II and has not entered the level of III.

The illusion that gives him this level of discomfort is undoubtedly fatal to others.

not to mention……

Is that really an illusion?

Qin Ran raised his hand in front of the chest. He felt the strong beating of the two hearts, felt the flow of the power of the morning sun, felt the lurking power of the plague, felt the power of the devil, and felt the power of the original sin. The comfort and feel of the restraint of the power of the thorn.

Feeling, as if it disappeared, there is still a ‘heart’.

Like a sly thief, the ‘heart 悸’ is so quietly hidden in his heart that if it is not discovered, it will undoubtedly become a time bomb.

But found out?

The devil's power was first dispatched, and it was shredded with great slash.

The power of the original original sin is swallowed up without any rejection.

The power of the morning light washed away the last residue of the other party until there was no trace left.


With a sigh of relief, Qin Ran opened his eyes, and the scorpion sparkled with a strange light.

Without stopping, Qin Ran leaned over and stretched out a finger and painted it on the ground.

Sunrise at dawn.

Break the dark imprisonment.

The glory of the fields, rivers, and forests.

The faint, gentle white light began to bloom on the seal of the morning light, which naturally resonated with the power of the morning sun in Qin Ran.

Then, the white light shrouded within a radius of 10 meters.

In the glory of the light, Qin Ran raised his hand and pinched a small amount of mud, and carefully perceived the changes.

A hint of concealed, dark power quickly disappeared.

The soil that was dry and did not have much water, became more and more dry as the power of this silk disappeared, and as the wind blew, it drifted away.

"The power of the terrible curse!"

Qin Ran commented.

Then, the brows are wrinkled.

Even if he didn't know much about the power of the curse, Qin Ran understood that the power he felt in the mud was different from the power of the curse that Modi had just erupted.

Modi's is more obvious.

The soil is more concealed and less noticeable.

"This power is from the guy's handwriting?"

"It still comes from..."

"The road to the highest?!"

Qin Ran is uncertain about the speculation.

But one thing, Qin Ran can be sure.

The other party's ill-conceived!

"I look forward to your next appearance."

Qin Ran faintly finished, and the stunned Banks disappeared.

Qin Ran did not kill each other.

In addition to killing the other side will not have any benefits, the more reason is that he is in short supply.

The time when the other party entered the copy of [Sword of Dawn] was longer than he expected.

Not only has it established its own power, but from the words of Modi, this power has reached a considerable extent.

In the face of such forces, Qin Ran is not afraid, just as he does not mind more than a loyal man, especially after his enemies helped him complete the screening after several screenings.


In the deep cave, the smell of the cockroach became more and more intense.

Animals and human bones have more than one night.

But more of what is called ‘food’ is still being sent in and out to the man who is still tall and tall.

Compared with the original, the man at this time seems to be more and more hungry.

Even if he ate enough food.



"too weak!"

"This kind of low flesh and blood has no nutritional value!"

The man’s stomach made a burst of thunderous sound.

Hunger makes him dissatisfied.

Hunger makes him anxious.

Hunger makes him... bloodthirsty.

Yes, the next moment, it all disappeared.

With the outbreak of Modi's curse, the man's face was dissatisfied, anxious, and bloodthirsty disappeared.

There is only joy in the man's face.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"Unexpectedly found!"

The man laughed loudly and was about to stand up and walk out of the cave.

"If you don't want to be the prey of that guy, you can go out and try."

The voice of the reminder came from behind the man, making the man's movements stiff.

"damn it!"

"Not found yet?"

The man snorted and asked.


"You have to find the real piece, and there is too little clue to give up!"

The voice of the reminder is answered.

"Where is that piece?"

The man asked.


The other party replied.


"Dawn Capital?!"

The man glimpses.


"The capital of dawn."

The other party nodded.

"you sure?"

Some men who know some insiders are hesitant.

"I have never made a mistake."

The other party's voice is calm.

It was a calm voice that gave men the final decision.


"Go to the dawn capital!"


"Before you go, you have to create trouble for the 2567. He is too smooth and will be my biggest competitor, and..."

The man squats, but the voice is getting smaller and smaller, gradually becoming inaudible.


When Greykerry rushed to the gravel town with people and many supplies, the sky was already bright.

The light of the sun shines on the person, warm, not only dispels the cold of the night, but even the exhaustion disappears a lot.

For the mixed-blooded Frostwolf cub held by Gregor, it is even more fun.

Because, it smells the breath of Qin Ran.

The Frostwolf cubs who had escaped from Gricken's arms, sneaked through the roadblocks and lined up the crowd, climbed halfway through the town's gates and rushed straight to the police station in the town of Gravel.

And with the mixed-blooded Frostwolf cub leading the way, Gregory and his party were simply released.

As for other people waiting in line?

Sorry, please continue to queue.

Even if you were a resident of the gravel town.

The departure last night has already made them lose the identity of the townspeople.

There is no privilege other than a familiar face.

However, no one is dissatisfied.

Not only because the entire Supreme Road is doing this, but also because the ‘Sha thi’ ‘crushed skull’ and many robbers and bandits’ heads are hanging outside the town.

The head that swings with the wind under the sun is the best warning sign, and is more useful than any speech or behavior.

A short-skinned, middle-aged man with a hat and a hat, appeared in the door of the town.

"You, Nikko."

"Everyone may know me. I am the owner of Old Bick, the gnome glass and the rice bowl, and the newly appointed tax officer in the town."

"I am issuing an order to everyone. This is not my order. It is the order of the adult. As for who, I think everyone is very clear, I don't need nonsense."

"The townspeople who left the gravel town last night, you have forsaken the minimum faith, so you are not in possession of the town of the town of gravel, and your property? The benevolent adult will not be confiscated, will give you, etc. Level conversion, you bastards, thank you for the kindness of the grown-up! If you change to be me, I will definitely hang you all!"

Old Bick said, rushing to the original townspeople who were shy and bowed, like a bad dog.

Then, the eyes of this evil dog looked at the returning caravans.

The kind of malicious eyes made the hearts of these caravans uneasy.

Then, such uneasiness was confirmed.

"The new caravan is business as usual, one person, one bronze, one horse, three bronzes, one car, three bronzes, and the gnome glass and rice bowl welcome you, you will get the old Bick brewing for free. The wheat wine, and the caravan left yesterday..."

"very sorry!"

“The town of gravel is not welcoming you!”

"Simply, if you appear in the vicinity of Gravel Town, you will be treated as a robber, bandit, and will be attacked by our heroic militia. The body will be hanged out of the town and dried up!"

The old Bick’s words caused an uproar in the caravan.

The people of the caravan shouted one by one.


"You can't do this!"

"This is not fair!"

"You are killing us!"


Faced with such shouts, Old Bick sneered.

"Of course it can!"

"Because this is the command of the adult! This is in line with all the laws of San Seada. Even if the king is down, there is nothing to say!"

"And what do you want fair?"

"When you chose to leave last night, you have gone to **** with your courage, you can go there and look for them!"

"Of course, I don't mind giving you a ride!"

The old Bickey voice just fell, a group of militiamen armed with long swords appeared behind the old Bick, and on the arrow tower, there are several new mercenaries who joined the militia and bowed their arrows to aim at it.

Suddenly, the scene was quiet.

The caravans who were forced to leave were still indignant.

Look at the swords and the cold on the arrows, they are wise to choose to leave.

Even if they have more guards, they are useless.

Because, the town of gravel relies not at all.

It is the eldest son of the burning family.

Thinking of the terribleness of that person, thinking of the bursting head, thinking of the burning black flame, none of these people dare to make it.

Looking at the backs of these people, the old Bick continued to speak.

"Right, you said that we are killing you?"


"Have you ever thought about whether you were leaving us last night?"

"Get out of the way!"

"A group of people just think about cheap balls!"

"Don't think I don't know what you are going to come back so early!"

"The adults are still too kind. In my opinion, you are the ones who should be hanged the most!"

Old Bick shouted loudly.

The caravans, which were still indignant, immediately ran away.

They were poked in the darkest thoughts.

Looking at the other side of the wolf, the old Bicker’s mouth spit on the ground under his feet, then turned around and looked at the new caravans and travelers.

"Everyone, please line up in the town according to the instructions of our militia."

"and also……"

“The town of gravel welcomes everyone.”

Old Bick was like changing his face. He put away the look of resentment and put on a smile. He smiled and gestured to the newcomers.

Standing in the dark, Vaughan, who witnessed all this, couldn’t help but sigh.

Before that, he was the one who most opposed the old Bick becoming a tax official.

But from the current situation, the old BAK is the most suitable one at the moment.


Is the other party loyal?

With such doubts, the young militia captain returned to the police station, told Qin Ran everything truthfully, and said his doubts.

Qin Ran, who was scratching his head with his fingers, was not talking.

Gregory, who just joined, replaced Qin Ran.

"Do not worry, Captain Vaughan."

"As long as the old Bick does not want to die, he will be more loyal and adult than anyone else."

Gregory said in a pun.

The young militia captain frowned and thought about this sentence.

He always felt that this sentence is more than literal.

But Qin Ran did not give young people more time to think.

"Vaughn, I need you to reorganize the militia."

"We originally had 13 people, the mercenaries joined 10 people, and Grikrley brought 25 people. The number has reached 48. I don't need you to train them so rigorously, but I hope they can afford the leather armor and waist. The long sword between him, the bow of the back and the horse of his arm."

Qin Ran said.

"Yes, adults."

“Thank you for your contribution from Lord Gary Kerry.”

The young militia responded loudly, and then, again, expressed gratitude to Gregor, and his tone and demeanor were very sincere.

Undoubtedly this is very good.

Especially the mobility, it is even more amazing.

"It's a good helper."

Gregory looked at the other party's orderly arrangement and could not help but admire.

In this regard, Qin Ran did not deny.

But there is not too much attention.

With the skill of [branding, fur, and solidity], these temporary militiamen will not be able to enter the first-line team of Qin Ran.

Those wolves that are strong and powerful and far superior to ordinary wolves are.

As soon as he thought of those wolves that could rapidly expand their power and be truly fearless, faithful and reliable, Qin Ran stood up straight.

"Hall, Greyridge, I need you to buy a lot of meat, the more the better."

"And pay attention to the movements around."

"Although the ‘Sha thi’ ‘crushed man’ ‘bear man’ has died, it does not mean that the robbers and bandits are extinct!”

When Qin Ran said, he went outside.

Large-scale wolves are naturally impossible in the gravel town.

It is located in a canyon 15 kilometers away from the gravel town. It was originally a place where robbers and bandits raised their horses. After being shut down by Seychel, it became the place where the Qin Ran was raised.

"grown ups!"

Banks looked at Qin Ren’s respectful salute.

As a new person controlled by Qin Ran [Messley's Ring], the other party quickly demonstrated the ability to surpass Qin Zhen's imagination.

Has a considerable level of mysterious knowledge, but also knows alchemy, enchantment, pharmacy.

More importantly, in the other's laboratory, there are enough materials such as scabbard blue, diamonds, black oil ore, etc. to complete the [branding.

"Is everything ready?"

Qin Ran asked.

"All ready!"

Banks replied.

"Then let's get started!"

Said, Qin Ran went straight into the canyon.

Banks is close behind.

PS two chapters in one ~

(End of this chapter)

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