The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 978: Dinner

Chapter 978 Dinner

In the depths of the post, it was supposed to be the warehouse location for storing materials, and I did not know when it became a huge pit.

The huge pit not only swallowed up the original warehouse, but also made the ground of the entire post camp fragmented.

The Esik face in a robes easily walks down the rope.

Although his body is no longer young, this simple thing is still difficult for Esik, not to mention a safe place.

"How do adults do this?"

"What was the darkness before?"

"There are pits here..."

Thinking of Dade’s instructions, Esik’s heart was full of doubts.

However, it was because of doubts that Esik was more motivated to complete the tasks assigned by Dade.

Apart from satisfying curiosity, nature is a generous reward.

As soon as he thought that he could once again have a young, energetic and energetic body, Esik’s speed of action became faster and faster.

When Esik landed on his feet, the oil lamp that had been prepared was lighted up.

In the faint light, the strangely shaped stones in the underground potholes, the damp ground, were printed on the ground of Esik.

At the same time, a faint stench was also rushing into the nose of Esik.

Raise your hand and cover your mouth and nose.

According to Dade’s previous instructions, Esik walked in the direction of the source of stench.

The stench quickly changes from light to rich.

Even if he sniffed his mouth and nose, Esik did not listen to a retching.

That taste is really stinking.

Esik can swear that even the rotting bodies that are stuffy in the cellar have no such taste, but soon, such stench begins to disappear quickly.

When Esik pursued the smell, after about 30 meters, the stench disappeared completely.

In front of his eyes, a complicated arrangement, ordinary people only look at it, the magical array that will produce dizziness appears there.

The most eye-catching nature is the core of the magic array.

A dark jar is placed there.

Under the illumination of the oil lamp, the black paint flashed the reflection of the metal.

"found it!"

"This is it!"

Esik resisted the excitement, took a reel from his arms, carefully tore open, and the light from the inside completely shrouded the whole body, and then he walked toward the magic circle.

This is the protection that Dade gave him.

Only with this layer of protection can you avoid being hurt by this magical battle.

Eski, with protection, step by step, approaching the dark jar.

Esik's eyes are fixed on the target.

Therefore, he did not find that the magic array has undergone extremely subtle changes.

In fact, when Esik tore the scroll, the change began.

Only when Esik entered the magic circle, such changes began to accelerate.

When Esik went to the black jar and picked up the jar, the change was completed.

The darkness that is deeper in the darkness of the eyes rises from the darkness attached to the surface of the can, like a smoke-like mist. It instantly becomes a shadow monster with claws, skulls, and trunks, which are twice as large as ordinary people.

The monster cracked his mouth and made a burst of laughter.

Thorny and deadly.

At the moment when he heard the laughter, Esik collapsed his eyes, his ears bleed, and the whole person had no life.

I didn’t understand when I was killed, why Dade’s protection did not work.

Naturally, because the scroll is not protective at all, but -


With the death of Esik, the light that escaped from the reel quickly merged into the body.

Then, Esik's body seemed to be a big balloon.

From the appearance of the average person, it became a height of about three meters before stopping.

Then, the ‘giantized’ Eichke climbed up.

Use broken eyes, or exactly the eyelid position, stare at the shadow-like monster.

Although the ‘giantized’ Eichke is a little smaller than the shadow monster at the moment, the breath that comes out of the body is not inferior.

The barbaric, violent atmosphere is like a typhoon that blows the entire crypt.

A slightly smaller stone was blown up.

The rock that is not strong enough is blown.

But the smoke-like shadow monster is not blown at all, in a strange, cold atmosphere, it is like a strong millennium ice.

Laughter appeared again.

More harsh and fatal than the previous one.

The ripples of the road are like the ripples in the lake, and they are attacked by Eich, the ‘giant.’

Puff puff!

The blood of the ‘giantized’ Esik immediately burst open, and the blood flowed like a note, and the bones were visible.

However, in the face of such an injury, Eich, the ‘giantized’, did not care, even... laughed loudly.

"Ha ha ha!"

“I knew you would leave some ‘things’ in these places.”

"And they will be the clues for me to find you."

The laughter was violent and powerful, not the voice of Eich, but Dade.

Dade, who is known as the ‘giant’, borrows the body of Esik to make a matching laugh.

The shadow monster is deaf.

It just increased the attack of sound waves.

"Although it is a useless body, but I am so ruined by you, I will not be reconciled - the shadow you left must be delicious too?"

"I can't wait to have a taste!"

With the laughter of Dade with Esik's body, he went straight to the shadow monster.

Shadow monsters don't know how to dodge.

So Dade, who was borrowed from the body of Esik, squatted on the torso, as if he was eating liquid food, and Dade kept sucking and swallowing.

The body of the shadow monster is shrunk at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At the same time, a more and more cold power began to appear in the shadow monster body.

"I still want to fight back?"

"come on!"

“I don’t mind tasting a more powerful ‘food’”

Dade, who is biting his mouth, said vaguely.


"You never understand who is the food!"

A sudden sound rang from the shadow monster.

Then, this is a shadow monster with a smog-like appearance. It bursts like this, and it turns into a smog with a thin sense of smog. It will be wrapped in Dade of Esik's body.

"Ha ha ha!"

“This kind of 'meal dinner’ is also good!”

"We see who can eat who!"

Dade continued to laugh.

The smoke of the shadow monster continues to flow until a touch of sound appears.

"Meet dinner?"

"Sounds good, add me, how?"

The sound is loud and the sword is coming.

A 20-meter-long lightsaber, tearing the darkness, shining the entire crypt, with a rush to the front, from two monsters regardless of each other.

PS first more~

(End of this chapter)

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