The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1001: 'combustion'

Chapter 1001 'Burning'

The flames are raging and set off a dozen meters high.

The heat wave rolled, and the hot air flow seemed to be a ten-level hurricane, blowing the Golden City soldiers near the high platform.

And the officers of the Golden City camp on the high platform?

Already in the flames, turned into fly ash.

A shadow was so over the sky above the outpost camp.

All the soldiers in the outpost camp saw the sturdy lava body, and they saw the flames of the mysterious and mysterious characters, and they all saw the horn of the devil rising from the sky.

"Evil, devil!"

If the demon's illusion makes people fear and tremble, when the real devil comes, it will bring despair.

Looking at the devil flying in the air, the soldiers in the Golden City outpost camp were defeated.

The soldiers who fled back from the front line, led the defeat.

Even if some of the tough soldiers want to resist and see the escape of their companions, they become hesitant, and finally...

They also chose to escape.

The flock led by the lion will make the flock become brave as a lion.

The lion group led by the sheep will make the lion group as weak as a sheep.

Of course, the premise is that the lion does not eat sheep.

However, even if it is facing the lion group led by the lion, what is it?

The demonized Qin Ran opened his wings.

A flame shock wave, after sweeping through, straightens the entire outpost camp into two.

Then, it is another flame shock wave.

The outpost camp of the Golden City is like a piece of cake. After being cut a knife, it is cut across the knife and is divided into four pieces.

The Golden City soldiers on the cutting route are naturally dead and dead.

The rest of the people will undoubtedly run faster.

The demonized Qin Ran dive, and came to the front of all deserters.

He does not intend to let go of these deserters.

Both because of the identity of the two sides, but also because of the ... plan.

Every deserter who confronted the devilized Qinran was filled with fear. At this time, it was very shocked by [Fearful Light].

The illusion of the scene emerged in front of these soldiers.

They saw the throne built by the sea of ​​blood in the endless darkness.

They saw the demon lord sitting on the throne.

The lava is a scorpion, and it is a swan.

The double angle is the crown and the giant sword is the rod.

He has a king's posture.

He has the instrument of the king.

He has the power of the king.



Like a thunderous sound, echoing between heaven and earth.

They shook their hearts.

They shook their bodies.

They were shocked by their liver and gallbladder.

Puff puff!

One after another, the Golden City deserters, this kind of vomiting blood fell to the ground.

They are the ones who have the least tough will.

It is also the person who Qin Ran needs most.

The flames of the two eyes glanced at each other, and they fell into chaos and did not separate from the enemy. The soldiers who were still tough were able to scream in the mouth of the demonized Qin Ran.

The soldiers who died were resurrected one by one.

Changed from them to them.

They are like humble slaves, gathered at the foot of the demonized Qin.

They listened to the voice of Qin Ran.

Just like listening to the Word.


Devilized Qin Ran pointed to the direction of the Golden City.



After the undead creatures roared in the sky, they landed on the ground, like a beast, and rushed toward the Golden City.

In the special circumstances of the Supreme Way, the power of the demon, which was powerful because of the power of the curse, was a multiple of growth.

Not only is the demonized Qin Ran powerful several times, but the skills after demonicization are even more intense.

[In the chaotic area, the player's demonicization gets temporary reinforcement, full attribute +3, and the transformation time is extended...]

[Devil collar subject +3]

[flame impact rating +3]

[Dagger Flame Flame Level +3]


[Sulphur level +3]

[Fear Aura Level +3]

[Devil Balance Level +3]

[temporary opening special attributes: servant]


[Operation: Drive the low-level demonic creatures around with their own demonic level]


The increase in attributes and skills is the most intuitive performance.

Just like the [flame impact], [fear of the light] and [the language of 亵渎] just used.

[Flame impact V: A flame shock wave is formed in the front of 140° and 80 meters for 1 second in front of the fan flame. The flame is judged as III, the impact force is judged as III, 3 times / each time.

[Fearing Light V: Any creature that is in contact with you needs to make a judgment that is not lower than S- and A+ (the judgment also includes the will detection), and the two judgments fail to pass the direct death. Exemption from death), a failure to pass a judgment will fall into fear and confusion! 】

[亵渎语语V: The creatures that you killed, you can let them fight for you again, they will gain an increase (spirit extra judgment, advanced +10%, and so on), and the duration is 10+ (spirit extra) Judgment, step +1, by analogy) minute, 1 time / transformation]


Because of this change, Qin Ran made a simple decision: push the Golden City directly.

He knows very well that once he leaves to go to the capital of dawn, if the Golden City counterattacks, what kind of situation will be faced when burning dawn.

Therefore, it is better to directly ruin the Golden City.

Especially in taking advantage of the time and place.

The horn in the distance was once again blown.

The undead on the ground rushed toward the Golden City like a tide.

In midair, the demonized Qin Ran wings spread out, overlooking the target on the distant horizon.

The chief of the cavalry who burned the dawn on the ground behind him excitedly watched this scene.

He shouted to the adjutant beside him: "Sign it! Let the people behind come here at full speed! Our counterattack has begun!"

"Counterattack! Counterattack! Counterattack!"

The cavalry behind him tapped the round shield on his arm.

A signal flare blasted with a brilliant tail flame.



In the muffled sound, the signal flare exploded.

A flame of fire emerged in the air.

The flames rolled and eventually became the head of a forehead.

Straight double-angled swords, to pierce the sky.

The lava-like face is terrifying.

But this has a different meaning for the burning dawn.

Burning camp!

The cavalry of the demon squatting down: Burning Camp!

There is no burning battle in the battle!

In the past 100 years, there has never been a battle camp on the battlefield!

The sun can't cover the **** flames.

The devil's head roared again.

They announced its return.

And it declares the world -

It is back!



"burning camp!"

"It is the charge of the burning camp!"



"We want to meet the adult!"

"The burning flame, no fear of darkness."

"The burning will, no fear of fear."

"The burning soul, no fear of despair."

On the road to the highest, the burning dawn cavalry, who was rushing forward, saw the roaring demon's head, and they were shocked.

The secret of word of mouth, knowing what the representative of the cavalry, like a chicken blood, began to hurry.

And in their mouths, there is a sigh like a sigh.

From the chaotic and self-talking to the uniformity, the impassioned reciting, without any drills, only three times, it reached an alarming degree.

Not only because they are admired, but they have already used the legend as the pillar of faith.

Also because the real invisible power is awakened.

Blessing on them.

Let them help if they have ‘God’.


Warren, who is in the northern camp, has done all the things that he has been able to do.

The scorpion instruments such as bows, stones, and boiling water have been inspected more than once.

But the restless heart still makes him want to do something to distract his attention.

Therefore, Warren started the inspection again.

"Adult, you should take a break."

"If there is a war, your status will only make your situation worse."

Pedar from the town of gravel reminded Warren.

"Of course I know."

"only me……"

Warren said, shaking his head and sighing.

What can he say?

Is it necessary for him to tell the soldiers in front of him that he has finally seen the hope of the rise of the burning dawn, and when he is determined to do something big, is the adult desperate to go to an enemy?

Although he will not doubt the strength of the adult, is it really easy to fight for the real people?

Worried about letting Warren suffer.

The feeling was like a hungry person was thrown into the refrigerator, but found that the refrigerator is locked.

Warren took another deep breath and began to adjust himself.

Even if it is useless.

"Adult! Adult!"

"Look there!"

"Is that the charge of the burning camp?"

Pedar's unclear words attracted Warren's attention.

When Warren saw the roaring demon's head, he was stunned in the same place.

"Really a burning camp!"

"Really is the charge of the charge!"

"How can the Lusek guys dare..."

"no no!"

"Lusek is not the kind of person who doesn't know how to be serious. He must have done this because of his reasons. Is it true that 2567 adults can really be an enemy?"

"If that's the case..."

One after another, the speculations appeared in Warren’s mind, causing Warren’s brain to become confused, even with a sense of dizziness due to lack of oxygen.

But right away, Warren was uplifted.

He believes in his own judgment.

Just like he believes his friend Lusek.

“Rising the flag of ‘burning’ ‘dawn’!”

Warren shouted.

The commander passed the order together.

It is the flag of ‘burning’ ‘dawn’, not the flag of the burning dawn.

Burning, the devil roars, the charge is in front.

Dawn, shrouded in glory, guarding the rear.

The two sides of the battle flag were carefully held in front of Warren.

The soldiers who burned the dawn unconsciously stood up straight.

The same is true of Warren.

However, he was more careful and cautious than the average soldier, and went to the flagpole with respect and raised his hand to touch the flag.


"Up the flag!"

Scarlet demon head.

Dawn and sunrise light the earth.

The flags of different colors on both sides are raised again.

It is like a hundred years ago.

Just as the two flags rose, the wind suddenly started.


The two flags suddenly fluttered in the wind.


The gravel town, the burning dawn post, the people near the Supreme Way, and the creatures all saw the charge of the burning camp.

When I saw the roaring demon's head, some people were stunned, some people recalled, some people feared.

However, more is unbelievable.

In particular, some people who know the secrets of history and creatures are even more.

Dressed in a cloak, carrying a large sword burning. Dan led the family to walk on the path of the highest road.

In order to recover the younger daughter, the old hunter had to pick up the weapon again. Although he was very happy to do so, he had to maintain the seriousness of his parents.

Therefore, all the way is a calm face.

Let his brother, sister-in-law, eldest son, eldest daughter, and second son all dare not come out.

The majesty of the past has already given the old hunter the absolute authority.

But at this time, members of the 'Dan' family suddenly discovered that the old hunter was widening his eyes.

"how is this possible?"

"The decline of the burning dawn is inevitable. How can there be a charge for the burning camp?"

"And, it's not illusory."

"It's a real resonance... Has the successor appeared?"

"The devil's successor, are you to maintain the rebellious good, or to choose the traditional evil?"

The old hunter subconsciously clenched the hilt.


An old woman dressed in animal skin, decorated with leaves and vines, walked in a mountain with a group of people.

This pedestrian has the same point: tall, strong, and strong hair.

The old woman's age has long since she has lost her ability to level on the cliff, but her long life and time have taught her some other magical skills.

The leaves and vines that are decorated as the most dexterous, strong arms and soles not only allow the old woman to walk quickly between the cliffs, but also very stable.

However, when the charge of the burning camp was lifted off, the leaves and vines that were used as arms and soles of the feet were all trembled, as if they had encountered heaven and earth, fear and anxiety.

"Burning Camp?!"

The old woman looked up and her gaze was shining at this moment.

She picked up three oak fruit shells and threw them to the ground.

The old woman's brow wrinkled when she saw the broken and standing oak fruit shell.

"A successor to my own way?"

The old woman also wants to know more.



The devil's flame suddenly ignited, not only swallowing the oak fruit shell in an instant, but also spurting the tongue of the flame toward the old woman.

This is not a warning.

It is a simple attack.

The old woman completely abandoned a vine wrapped around her arm before she got rid of such burning.

"It's still overbearing."

"However, this makes me more and more want to see what your heirs look like!"

The old woman said, raising her hand.

Immediately one line speeds up several times.


Qin Ran looked up at the familiar badge that he had seen on the burning family carriage.

This is not unexpected.

The burning dawn itself is a collection of burning families and dawn families.

It is too normal to appear in the burning family's coat of arms.

Just what Qin Ran didn't think of was --

[The energy in the chaotic area is breaking out...]

[Detect player has demon blood...]

[Judge the player to get temporary reinforcement, full attribute +3, skill +3, get the temporary skill demon door, the transformation time is extended...]

[Devil's Gate: Construct a temporary gate with the flesh and blood of a thousand enemies, summon more demonic subordinates to enter this world, the gate lasts for 1 minute, passes through the demon subordinates of the gate, and returns to the abyss as the gate disappears]


The more abundant power gathered on Qin Ran's body.

At this moment, Qin Ran, there is a kind of **** in front of you can kill each other's feelings.

It is a pity that Qin Ran's opponent is not the enemy of fate: God.

It is a group of ordinary people.

Or to be precise: the elite of ordinary people.

There will be at least one special existence.

"I hope you have the courage to take it at the moment."

The demonized Qin is silently looking forward to it.

Qin Ran looks forward to playing against the ‘polar’.

Although I don't know the identity of the ‘polar’, but according to the fact that the historical Assassin VII was assassinated by the assassin sent by the Golden City, ‘polar’ is very likely to have a relationship with the Golden City.

Just like he was drawn into the camp of burning dawn because of blood.

As for mimosa?

Maybe there is nothing special about mimosa.

But the mimosa holding the main volume has already been doomed differently.

And the two remaining?

‘Giant’ Dade must have his own identity.

Limitations and information, Qin Ran is still unknown.

The chess piece of the ‘hacker’ is hidden in the dark, making Qin Ran more cautious and careful.

The devilized Qin Ran spit out a burning flame.

He searched around with this powerful inspiration.

And his gaze is firmly locked in the city closer and closer.

Golden City.

It’s close at hand.

PS two chapters in one!

Feilong went to lie down first, and the fire scorpion was really distressed, and the fat dragon's blood sugar was too high to be slashed and thickened. It was only when the fire scorpion was cooked, and the scorpion was so strong that the heart was tired and the injured dragon needed a pot of braised pork. The meat can get up...

(End of this chapter)

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