The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1045: Monopod

Chapter 1045

After the chiller who was pinched and the neck was shocked, he began a subconscious struggle.

The coldness of the people of Aiken’s fear is like a tidal wave pouring into the palm of his hand. The ‘freeze’ wants the other party to understand what the person who dares to do will end up.

Ice sculpture?

no no!

That is only the first step!

After that, the broken bones are the highlight!

Just as the ‘freeze’ was filled with maliciousness and fantasies about how to deal with Qin Ran, a burning, violent force appeared in the hand that held his neck.


Flames dance.

Not only the chilly cold was burned, but the ‘freeze’ was wrapped in flames.


The screams rang from the mouth of the ‘freezer’.

Even if the flames dissipated quickly, the screams of the 'Frozen' did not stop.

It’s not that the 'freeze' is not strong enough.

But the ‘freeze’ is too strange for burns.

From the beginning of birth, until now, the other party has not suffered such damage.

After all, any flame just approached him, except that it was extinguished, there was no other result.

Just the flame...

When I thought of touching the flame, the devil-like roar came from my ear, and the ‘freeze’ screamed.

I felt the palm of my neck, and I didn't have the meaning of the palm of my hand. The ‘freeze’ bite his teeth, and the stronger cold gathered from his hands.

The ‘freezer’ is going to fight for it.

But very quickly, the 'freeze' lost this courage.

Because, ‘Iceman’ saw the eyes of Qin Ran behind him.

Under the blessing of [Messley's Ring], these eyes become mysterious and unfathomable, attracting and enchanting all creatures who see it.

Including... 'Frozen'.

Naturally extraordinary is not an exception.

Especially in the face of Qin Ran's most powerful spiritual attributes, the ‘freeze’ can choose to obey and be dominated.

The struggle of the body has disappeared.

The rest is only sincere and fearful.

"Let's find a hidden place waiting for me."

"No special traces are needed, I will go to you."

Qin Ran’s back to the prisoner’s direction did not make a sound, just a stroke.

The ‘Iceman’ who was not an idiot immediately nodded and said that he quickly left.

Looking at the back of the 'Frozen', entering Qin Ran, who traced his vision, glanced at the traces left by the other side, and kept it in his heart, recalling the scene.

"The ability is very strong, stronger than the average senior, and there is continuity that seniors do not have!"

"But the physical fitness is very weak, which is slightly stronger than the average person."

"There are spiritual attributes, basically no difference from ordinary people... Is the simple blood different?"

Thinking of this, Qin Ran's mouth is not awkward.

Not the worst answer.

At the very least, he doesn't have to face a group of extraordinary people who have gained physical strength, are strong and have special abilities.

Perhaps such an extraordinary person will have.


Absolutely not much.


Slightly relieved, but Qin Ran, who did not relax his vigilance, turned around and looked at his eyes wide open, his face full of incredible Emma Eddie.

"You, can you win the 'freeze'?!"

Emma Eddie exclaimed.

The voice was very high and almost shocked the ceiling.

"Just some tricks."

Qin Ran shunned the light and said it.


"I also want to have such tips."

"At least after I have such a little trick, I won't let people throw it here as a bait."

Emma Eddie apparently does not believe Qin Ren’s statement.

Moreover, with the appearance of Qin Ran, Emma Eddie was very keen and immediately responded to what it was all about.

Of course, Emma Eddie dared to explain this directly, because she did not feel malicious in Qin Ran.

From beginning to end, Qin Ran gave Emma Eddie a sense of indifference between good and evil.

This inexplicable feeling, Emma Eddie is not the first time I saw it.

Emma Eddie has felt more than once in those who are naturally indifferent and alert.

Therefore, Emma Eddie is very clear about how to deal with such people.

Such people are dangerous.

But it is also extremely bottom line.

As long as it does not touch the bottom line of the other party, then such a person is absolutely safe.

In the face of Emma Eddie's words, Qin Ran did not deny it, and would not be sophistry.

Because this is the truth.

After seeing the corpse that Barry was hanged, Qin Ran used the other party and the chaser as a bait to catch more fish.

The result is very good.

The ‘blood man’ attracted by the ‘Sigh of Sigh’ is naturally not of concern to Qin Ran.

Asking his message, the falling 'iceman' is what Qin Ran cares about.

After he entered the copy world in front of him, who would be interested in him.

The answer is self-evident.

It was the one who killed ‘he’.

After the other party killed ‘he’, he found that he and the layout of the pieces appeared together. Obviously, some of them were in a hurry, using the most direct and stupid way: killing and killing.

And Qin Ran can not remind the other party to calm down.

Not only will not remind each other, Qin Ran will use a series of reactions to match each other, so that the other side does not have more time to think.

Of course, the 'freeze' is not the murderer.

If the opponent's ability is destined to appear in the alley, it will leave traces that Qin Ran cannot ignore.

The murderer must have someone else.

But it is also associated with the 'freeze'.

He can get the information he wants from the mouth of the 'Frozen'.

However, before that, he still had to deal with the sheriff.

In the siren, the sheriff rushed in.

When seeing the chaser of death, the other side violently thundered.

"damn it!"

"This is why I hate you!"

"Do not obey the command!"

"Is this the cooperation you promised me?"

Pu Decker pointed at the body and shouted at Qin.

"At least I promised her safety - this is what I promised her."

Qin Ran answered.

"Then you promised me?"

Pudeck asked.

"I think you promise to find the guy behind the scenes, but..."

"I can't guarantee the safety of a scum."

Qin Ran continued to answer, the kind of indifferent tone, so that Pu Deke wants to hold the collar of Qin Ran, and slamming and forcefully giving Qin Ran a punch.

But Pudeck did not do this.

Even with great anger, Pudek did not lose his mind.

What's more, there are still accidents.


In a scream of sharp, scalp, screaming, the patrolman who stayed behind squatted.

I don’t know when Emma Eddie, who is standing behind the other side, is twisting his ankles, and the shoes on his feet are thrown off, thrown aside with disgust.

"Since you can't tell the difference between men and women."

"What use is it for you to keep it?"

Emma Eddie's face is relaxed and happy, even when Pu Decker looks over, it is also a whistle that does not change color.


"Give me her!"

Pudek roared, and when several policemen rushed over, they were blocked by Qin.

In Pu Deke's glare, Qin Ran slowly said: "Sheriff, I think you should treat your subordinates who are negligent and 'small blood' unclear, right now, not Arrested Emma Eddie."

PS first more~

(End of this chapter)

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