The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1063: Princeton

Chapter 1063 Princeton

About four hours later, under Willis's admiration, Qin Ran walked into the ‘spicy hot kitchen’.

The ‘Spicy Hot Kitchen’ was refurbished and cleaned up. Dresden hurried back to the bar, looking at Qin Ran with a smile.

"Sometimes I have doubts about myself."

"I keep asking myself, why do you always have to do something thankless? They are different from ordinary people, each one is extraordinary, each one is maverick, and each one will not be because of you. Help, and change the original intention!"

“In fact, even if there is no help, they will be safe.”

"Is it to satisfy my sense of justice? Vanity?"

"Or to show your extraordinary?"

"These doubts will appear in my mind from time to time. Then, there will always be someone who gives me a very clear answer."

"The last time was Herzick, this time it was 2567 you."

"Your presence has made me more and more convinced - when you need more help, please help others."

Dresden is full of exclamations.

Then, raise your hand to indicate that Qin Ran is seated.

"I was sorry that the previous lunch turned into dinner, but please believe me, this dinner will not disappoint you."

"Hors, look at you!"

In apologetic voice, Dresden made a gesture of cheering towards the owner of the ‘Spicy Hot Kitchen’.

"give it to me!"

A middle-aged man with a slightly fat body and a very round face is acting very fast.

In a short while, the pungent but full of aroma is filled with the nose of Qin Ran.

Qin Ran took a deep breath and felt the taste.

For food, Qin Ran always has a different kind of love.

Especially when a good chef is in charge, his expectations will rise every moment, and when he reaches the top, a delicious food will come up.

That feeling...

It is really wonderful!

However, such a good, did not let Qin Ran ignore some changes.

For example: Dresden is not stable.

"Are you hurt?"

Qin Ran asked.

Seeing each other for the first time, the other party is a mountain in the perception of Qin Ran, not only towering, but also tough!

But now, this mountain seems to have been swayed by hurricanes and earthquakes.


"It is not an easy task to return quickly from Axon to Ai Kend."

"And my luck is good, I haven't touched the most difficult guys, or else..."

Dresden nodded in no hint, and his face was fortunate.


Once again, I heard the name of the city from the other party's mouth, and Qin Ran browed.

"That is a destroyed city!"

"The inside is a paradise for criminals!"

"No order!"

"No kindness!"

"Not so kind!"

"There is deception, killing and hatred!"

With the close relationship between the two sides, this time Dresden did not stagger the topic again, but explained to Qin Ran in great detail.

“The original cities like Princeton and Eckend are no different. They have both superheroes and super criminals. Until one day, Plinton’s superheroes have all disappeared—yes, you are As you think, disappear! It’s not killing, it’s not leaving, it’s disappearing! It’s out of thin air!”

"Everyone doesn't know what happened, but those super criminals have become unscrupulous at that moment, lacking the help of superheroes. The high-ranking members of Plinton have not persisted for three days, and they have all shuffled. There are those who have been killed, those who have been captured, and those who are sincere."

"There has become a **** on earth."

"This is true for ordinary people."

"The same is true for the extraordinary."

Dresden said with a heavy tone.

"But now, there are bad influences on the extraordinary who tend to justice?"

Qin Ran easily found something from Dresden's expression and discourse.

This is not difficult. In the character of Dresden, if Princeton does not have anything that cannot be reversed, he will definitely organize a large number of people and take Princeton back.


"There are extremely harsh people who are superior to justice. Not only will the ability suffer greatly, but the body will become weak."

"On the contrary, the supernatural who tends to be evil is there, and the ability and physical fitness will grow to varying degrees."

“So, there are those guys who call it ‘heaven’.”

Dresden nodded.

"We have been investigating about Plinton more than once, but every time we have failed, and we have lost a lot of people."

Willis, aside, said.

The assistant looked at Qin Ran with a very sincere look.

"Thank you."

"When I got Dresden designed by Mr. "Mr. Spirit" at noon today, my whole person is about to collapse!"

“I am very worried that the city of Eckend will be another Princeton.”

"Fortunately, you defeated him, thank you."

Williston was aton, and it was a thank you.


Qin Ran shook his head and took out a bag from the backpack and handed it over.

Willis glimpses.

"This, is this?"

The assistant asked stutteringly.

"The head of Mr. Evil Spirit."

Qin Ran replied indifferently.

"The head of Mr. "Mr. Spirit"?!"

After the assistant exclaimed, he couldn't wait to open the bag. When he saw the head inside, the whole person gave another exclamation.

Even if there is some speculation, Dresden is also a glimpse when he sees this skull.

After a few seconds, Dresden reacted.

"2567, you are even stronger than I thought!"

"How did you do it? This guy has too many avatars... Oh, sorry, I shouldn't ask this question, I am just too excited."

"2567, are you willing to join the League of Legends?"

The excited Dresden once again sent an invitation to Qin Ran.

Qin Ran’s answer has not changed.


"I am used to solving problems in my own way."

Qin Ran said while looking at the new system prompts.

[Special event: riots in Aiken City (completed)]

[Killing ‘Mr. Evil’ has received a high rating, yes/no? 】



The same answer has not changed.

Just like Qin Ran’s plan.

So, when Dresden indicated to Willis, then, when the assistant handed a check, Qin Ran swept the 300.000 number and refused.

"Don't refuse, this is what you deserve."

"And, if you refuse, some guys who have a hard life but are very self-respecting will learn to reject you, and once they refuse, even eating will be a problem."

"So, please accept it."

"This is not a 2567 thing for you alone."

Dresden is very persistent or stubborn about certain things. After seeing Qin Ran’s refusal, he immediately said it right.

"No, no, you have misunderstood Dresden."

"I don't want to accept it."

"I just hope to use this money to help me with a reward for the 'Maudin Statue'."

Qin Ran smiled and waved.

"'Maudin statue'?"

Dresden's face suddenly changed.

(End of this chapter)

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