The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1119: Night, wind up

Chapter 1119, the night, the wind

Time has passed for the past two days.

In these two days, the name of Ethan Hunter began to grow louder and louder.

As the chassis continues to expand, the horror of this ‘monster’ has already begun to spread among ordinary people. Even if his appearance is not terrible, it has gradually become synonymous with the ‘fierce’ of Yancheng.

In this regard, Qin Ran did not care.

Or, this is what he wants.

"Adult, according to your instructions, the invitation has been sent out."

"Please rest assured that everyone will come and join."

Kaili and Cray stood in front of Qin Ran in a respectful manner and reported on the mission of Qin Ran.

Although the task of sending invitations is the first time, the two are doing the same thing, but they are familiar with the things of 'force others.'

As for this, it will be a bad name?

The two men from Delin Street don't care about bad reputation.

On the contrary, such a bad reputation is a manifestation of strength in the eyes of both.

If you can, the two can't wait to be arrogant.

Of course, in front of Qin Ran, the two are docile and similar to the kitten.

Because, the two know that everything they have is from the man in front of him.

Since they can get them, they can make them lose.

The man in front of him arrived at that time, but he would not be soft-hearted.

In this regard, the two people who have seen Qin Ran and Spicy are naturally aware of it, especially in the last one or two days, Qin Ran’s momentum has become more and more powerful.

Proud of the mountain.

Cold as a knife.

Even if they just look at it, they will feel a lot of pressure.

Therefore, in front of Qin Ran, more and more cautious, and strive to make no mistakes.

"What about the venue?"

Qin Ran asked.

“The venue chose the Grand Theatre at Delin Street – the people below are working hard to finish, and everything will be ready before dark.”

Carey replied.

Then, without waiting for Qin Ran’s inquiry, Cray said first: “There are people around us at the venue, all equipped with strong firepower. Anyone who dares to let go there, I will tear them into pieces.”


Qin Ran nodded as if he was in a meditation and stopped talking.

Suddenly, the atmosphere in the office suddenly calmed down.

Kaili and Cray did not dare to stand there, and they each thought about whether there was any flaw in their own, but they thought about it and they did not find anything.

However, this did not make the two people breathe a sigh of relief.

On the contrary, the two became more and more trembled.

They are worried that they have inadvertently done something to offend the adults.

But fortunately, after a few seconds, Qin Ran took the initiative to break the silence.

"Kerry, you are going to the street to wait for those guests."

"Cray, you go to **** all the items to the venue."

Qin Ran said.

"Yes, adults."

The two men nodded in a hurry and acted immediately.

Qin Ran continued to sit in the chair and meditate.

In the shadows, one eye, all of which is passed on to Shakeley's 'cooperator'.

“Looks, our Lord Ethan Hunt is thinking beyond what you think!”

Sitting on a leather sofa, the collaborator sighed softly.

"Greed, always the biggest ‘sin’.”

"But, it will always be the best collaborator."

"In all senses, it is like this."

Another is a suit with a suit, Sakri, leaning against the wall, shaking and being, sniffing the slightly sour red wine in the cup, could not help but smile.

"So, are you really going to be desperate?"

‘Collaborator’ asked.

"This is an opportunity!"

"For me, yes."

"For you, too."

"I don't think we should let go."

Sakley said, drinking a glass of red wine, and then raising his hand, the glass in his hand, just flew to the table.

Then, Shackley didn't pick up the box at his feet and walked out.

He does not need to ask.

The other party appears here, it has already explained everything.

"Yeah, you shouldn't let it go."

“Who is willing to be enslaved all the time?”

The ‘collaborator’ looked at Shakeley’s back and nodded, muttering to the sunset outside the window.

Sunset, red.

For example, burning blood.

The blood is boiling.

The soul has shouted.


Give it to fate!


Pity us like this person!

Please pity us!

We are praying to you.

Please pity us!

We will pay for everything for you.

The singer’s ear once again sang a song that had not been heard for a long time.

He laughed hahaha.

Straight smiled tears.



People can only rely on themselves!


"come on!"

"It’s the last moment!"

‘Partner’ is squatting.


The night wind, gradually rising.

When the last touch of sunshine disappeared, one car after another drove into Derin Street.

On the street, the people who have been on the weekdays have disappeared. The rest is a team of more than 100 people wearing black suits.

They stood on both sides of Delin Street in a way that stood every five meters and watched a luxury car.

The people sitting in the car are also watching these tall, strong, sharp-eyed men, especially the place where the waist is bulging, which is even more eye-catching.

But right away, the eyes of these people were attracted by the two small buildings at the end of the street.

It is said that the small building is not very accurate.

Because these two small buildings are completely incapable of living.

They are made up of solid wood, steel, and temporary construction. There is only one function: placing airborne cannons.

Under the searchlight, the black scorpion's body became cold and sultry.

There were a lot of exclamations in many luxury cars.

Even bulletproof glass can't stop such exclamation, just like bulletproof glass can't stop the airborne cannon.

Kelly, who also put on a clean suit, smiled and listened to such exclamations, and then smiled and welcomed these guests.

This is a guest who is specially asked to entertain by the adults. Of course he will not be rude.

As to whether these guests will be rude?

What is it about him?

He is a welcome guest.

The guests who walked down the luxury car were mostly men and women.

The ladies looked at the airborne cannons with yellow orange orange and golden bullets. The legs of the guns were soft and they needed to be supported by the men.

Although the men are slightly stronger than the ladies, they are not strong enough.

One by one pale.

Most of them are strong.

However, as they walked into the Grand Theatre on Delin Street behind Kaili, these men were also unable to hold back.


Bloody stench!

Even if it is covered with paint or spices, it is difficult to completely block it.

Even, to a certain extent, it is getting more and more pungent.

"where is this place?"

"Are we not going to the auction house?"

A man couldn’t help but ask.

“This is the Grand Theatre on Delin Street, this is the auction house!”

Carey replied.

"I have never seen such an auction house!"

The man licked his nose and frowned.

"This gentleman, please believe me, if you don't want to be a part of it, then you will get used to the rules here - what adults say is everything!"

"No doubt!"

"Can't be refuted!"

"Don't ask me, the consequences of questioning and rebutting, I just said it."

Carey smiled still, the pace kept going, and the words became clearer and clearer.

When he finished speaking, the group had already arrived in the hall of the Grand Theatre.

I don't need Kaili to do it myself. One of the gangs. The gang. The clerk pushed the door open.

Suddenly, the glaring lights shook the eyes of everyone standing in the corridor.

When their sights returned to normal, they were again exclaimed.

What did they see?

The stage of gold!

Gold seat!

Under the dazzling light, the scarlet carpet blooms with a unique brilliance of gold.

Carey swept through the surprises of the guests, and my heart was very satisfied.

He knew that his work was not in vain.

Therefore, Carey is straighter back.

"Everyone, please take your invitation."

"There is a seat number in the invitation letter, please sit down by number - I have already reminded you, the rules here."

"So, please don't let me feel embarrassed."

After that, Kaili looked like a model of the nobility in the impression of the aristocratic way, and then walked to the side of the hall.

His mission is not just to welcome these guests.

For a while, the auction will still need him to host.

Now, he needs to be familiar with the auction list again.

Although he had been back for ten times before this, but when things arrived, Kaili suddenly found out that he needed to recite it twice more.

Otherwise, during the period before the auction begins, he will be mad by his inner impatience.

Cray, who had just escorted all the items to the venue, ignored the incoming Kerry, lit a cigarette, and seemed to smoke leisurely.


"Don't smoke here!"

"Do you know what is around you?"

"Once your ash falls on it, it will cause irreparable damage to adults."

Kaili, who is impatient, is always old-fashioned with Cray. At this time, taking the opportunity, naturally, he will not let go of the opportunity to vent.


"Don't you see that they are all in the safe?"

“Have you ever seen a ash that can burn a three-inch steel plate?”

Cray turned his eyes and said nothing.

"To shut up!"

“Don't you need to open the safe?”

Kerry screamed.

Cray stunned and threw the cigarette on the ground with a little annoyance, and stepped on it with his ankle.

Then, the two of them didn’t talk with their big eyes and small eyes.

After a full minute, Carey opened his collar and, after a long breath, reached out to Cray.


Cray a glimpse.

"give me a cigarette."

Carey said sulkingly.

Cray looked at Kerry and didn't hold back and laughed.

"Ha ha ha!"

There wasn't too much ridicule in the laughter. It was just a kind of relaxation. Then, a cigarette was handed to Carey's hand, and Cray was very rare to give Kerry a fire.

In the next few minutes, the two of them swallowed the clouds in the day after tomorrow.

After pumping two cigarettes in a row, Cray suddenly asked: "Is anyone contacted you?"


Carey was silent for two seconds and nodded.

"You promised?"

Cray asked.

"You promised?"

Kerry asked.

No one has given a positive answer, but the two have long known.

Benefits, who don't want it.

But compared with the benefits, life is even more important.

Life is gone, and all the benefits are fake.

Step on and step on.

The familiar footsteps sounded, and the two immediately smashed up and threw the cigarette butts in the hands on the ground. After quickly stepping on them, they turned around and squatted: "Adult."

"let's start."

Qin Ran, who came in, glanced at the two men and said indifferently.

"Yes, adults."

The two answered together.

Kaili quickly sorted out the clothes, and Cray took the key of the safe from Qin Ran's hand.


The first safe was opened.


The first tapping sounded in the Delin Street Grand Theatre.

The auction started.

(End of this chapter)

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