The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1121: Shadow

Chapter 1121

Time passes by one minute.

The atmosphere in the Delin Street Theatre is more and more enthusiastic. The air conditioning is not enough to make these guests cool.

Instead, each of them is sweating.

If it is normal, these people will feel uncomfortable.

but now?

All the guests can't take care of this.

One after another, the treasures of Averygar have appeared in front of you.

One after another, an alarming price appears in the ear.

Their adrenaline almost secreted a peak of sputum.

Like these people is Kaili.

The head of the former deputy under Ford, after standing on the auction floor and experiencing the initial discomfort, became more and more fishy.

As if he was born to be here, not to go to the streets to fight.

call! call!

Carey took another deep breath.

A few hours of auctions, constantly rendering the atmosphere, enough to make a strong man fall to the ground.

Carey was extremely exhausted at this time.

The spirit of excitement makes Kerry become tireless.

He held the microphone in one hand and the raft in one hand, and once again stood in the middle of the stage.

This time, Carey didn't need to talk, and the warm applause appeared.

In the past few hours, the guests present have been conquered by Kaili’s words, and some unpleasant memories have disappeared quickly.

The rest, only expectation.

I look forward to Kerry bringing out one treasure after another.

Kay looked at these guests with a smile.

After the applause stopped, Carey opened his mouth and said: "Thank you for your enthusiasm before, but before it was just a minor warm-up, it is the arrival of this moment!"

"Our last auction is about to appear!"

"Trust me, you will not be disappointed!"

Without more introductory words, Carey turned and walked into the background, pushing a car out with Cray.

Covered with the same red silk.

The same dazzling light shines.

The surrounding guests are still involuntarily holding their breath.

What is the last auction item?

Will it be a treasure associated with Alitelga?

still is……

More valuable things?

One by one, the eyes of these guests are involuntarily enlarged.


Just as everyone expected it, a muffled sound came from behind the door of the theater.

The closed door was kicked from the outside and fell heavily in the venue.

Sudden changes caused all the people in the venue to be furious.

Especially Cray.

He had enough manpower outside, and he boasted to Haikou, but some people came to trouble at this time.

Instinctive, Cray will pull out the pistol that is not in the back.

However, it was stopped by Kaili.

Carey shook her head at Cray.

With a little hesitation, Cray did not pull out the pistol, but the palm of his hand clasped the handle.

And Carey looked at the team that came in with a smile, especially the familiar face in the team: Becky.

For Becky, Carey is very familiar.

Because, without the cooperation of the other party, they simply cannot expand the site like this, nor can they qualify for the auction.

If Becky is present here, even if there is no invitation, Kaili is very welcome.

But now?

Although Carey smiled, her eyes were extremely cold.

He prevented Cray from trying to let go.

It’s just that the situation is unknown.

"You, do you have an invitation?"

Kaili Ming asked.

At the same time, there is no trace of the sign Cray to ask Qin Ran.

If Kramer is silent, he will go inward.

Just after moving, a man beside Beck appeared in front of Cray, blocking the road ahead of Cray.

"Now, I have received it here."

"Anyone, nothing can move."

Becky said indifferently.

"Becky, what do you mean?"

Carey asked in a gloomy voice.

In his mind, Carey is spinning at a rapid speed.

Previous cooperation is a trap?

Is it a net?

Such speculations appear one after another in Carey's heart.

Let Kaili's heart sink involuntarily.

Because if this is the trap of the other party, then...

Subconsciously, Carey looked at the backstage not far away.

He believes that there has been such a big movement here, Qin could not hear it, but he did not hear it when he heard it...

problem occurs!

Suddenly, there was a panic in Kaili’s eyes.

But then Kaili concealed the past, he knows that this time can not be self-confident, therefore, Kaili is facing Becky, waiting for the other party's answer.

"What do you mean?"

"Don't you see it?"

Beck pointed to a group of people behind him, looking at Kaili indifferently, using a voice that only the people on the auction floor could make it clear.

"Or do you still fantasize that Ethan Hunter is going crazy?"

"He has long been difficult to protect himself!"

"I gave you the opportunity, you don't cherish..."

"So, you can only stay with him to die."

Beck said, a malicious smile appeared on his face.

Indifference to malice is just an instant.

But when the malice appeared, Becky had a sense of reality.

"Do you really think that I will work with you guys?"

"You are so naive!"

Becky smirked and raised his hand and waved.

Immediately, the person behind Bech rushed to the auction floor and rushed to Kaili and Cray.

Of course, Cray will not be able to get involved.

Pulling out the gun that had been gripped for a long time, Cray raised his hand is a few shots.


The bullets are flying.

But most of them are passing by the side of these people, and there is no real hurt to these people.

"You don't understand what power is!"

Becky sneered.


"We don't understand."

"But do you really think that you understand?"

"Stupid X!"

Kerry, who had been standing still, said that he took a step and grabbed Cray.


A mechanical spring rang.

The stage under the feet of the two suddenly collapsed.

Straight, the two have no trace.

Secret passages!

There are secret passages on the auction floor!

This scene is beyond everyone's expectations, and those who follow Bech have a glimpse.

"What are you doing?"

"Leave a few people to stay here, the rest will chase me!"

Becky was a little annoyed and angry.

These people will act soon.

But when you are close to the secret passage, the electronic ticking from the ear makes these people's faces change.



When a person opened his mouth and said the word bomb, the explosion happened.

Everything happened too fast.

Everyone did not expect that when the explosion directly flew over the entire gold stage, the people on the stage became smashed in the impact.


That last auction item did not.

The red silk is in order to fly ash.

It reveals the true face of the auction.

A slender, long-shouldered snake-like dish.

Its color is dimmed by the years.

Its power is weakened by time.

But this is not the reason why it was destroyed!


In the scream of a dragon, a long stretch of 100 meters, like a dragon like a snake, rushes from the sky.

Dark, with light.

From that body.

Darkness, become holy.



One by one emerges.

All the ordinary people in the venue, in the moment of the appearance of the virtual shadow, can not help but fall to the ground.

Just like when they were their ancestors.

Seek asylum.

Choose to surrender.

The virtual shadow looks down on everything.

It opened its mouth slightly and will confide the first word...


Its head was smashed.

PS looks like double! Feilong ask for monthly ticket support~

(End of this chapter)

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