The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1124: Ground node

Chapter 1124 Ground Nodes

Becker riding on a motorcycle added the throttle to the maximum.

This is the modified motorcycle immediately rushed out like an arrow from the string, it is completely wind and power, but even so, Becky still feels too slow.

He can't wait to fly directly to his destination.

But he does not have such ability.


"It won't be long before I will have it!"

Becky’s heart was hot as soon as he thought of himself at that time.

Who is willing to become a vassal?

Who is willing to be enslaved?

Who doesn't want to be the **** of man?

If you take a risk for such a desire, what else can you do?

As for betrayal?

From the beginning, he did not have the willingness to serve the 'big marsh'. Where can he talk about betrayal?

What's more, in the near future, he can become an equalizer with the 'big marsh.'

What more apologies does he need?

Not required!

What he needs to do is to greet his glory!

Of course, before that, you need a little bit of cover!


The brakes of the motorcycle were filled with strong rubber odor, and the car suddenly flew out.

Becky turned over and fell in front of the gray ‘people’ shadow. He didn’t even bother to fly out of the road and hit a wall, causing an explosion of motorcycles.

Although not long ago, he declared that this motorcycle is his favorite.

"Your Majesty."

Becky thought of the ceremony in a respectful manner, just like the ‘big marsh’.

"I am leading you!"

Without the need to answer the other party, Becky took the initiative to go ahead.

In front of it is the area near the edge of Yancheng City. It is home to a large number of people and has a large number of shops. Although it is not as prosperous as the downtown area, it is also a crowd during the day.

And at the moment?

The darkest moment before dawn.

Most people are asleep.


Dressed up and fell asleep.

In the face of the night's explosion, everyone knows how to protect themselves.

Naturally, some daring, deep-seated people can't help but look around, and more of them choose to call the police.

However, to their surprise, the phone could not be connected.

In fact, it is not just a phone call, but even electricity, it seems to have disappeared.

The street lamp was extinguished, and the darkness shrouded the surroundings.

The deep darkness, the gray ‘human’ shadow of walking, in a different way, evokes the most primitive people’s fears.

Suddenly, those who are daring have become weak.

They escaped from their own room one by one and shivered in the quilt.

But this approach only adds to that fear.

The laughter of the neck after the low wind and the wind swept over the gray ‘man’ mouth.

He felt this fear.

He enjoys this fear.

Even, he couldn't help but stop and made a deep breath.


The wind swelled.

In the roar of the wind, those who were hiding in the bed and trembled, they became stiff and breathless. The translucent figure was pulled out of the body and sucked into the nose of the gray 'people'. in.

The whole process lasted for a second.

When the wind stopped, the gray ‘people’ sent out a satisfying sigh.


He commented like this, then raised his hand to signal Becky to move on.

Becky immediately took another step.

There is nothing to do with the feelings of the people behind him, or keep a smile from beginning to end.

Not a disguise!

This smile is from the heart.

For Becky, this scene is really normal.

The weak serve the strong.

The weak contribute to the strong.

This in itself is a matter of righteousness.

If you don't want to be plundered or enslaved, it will become stronger!

Keep getting stronger!

Unscrupulously stronger!

Weakness is the original sin.


"I will be able to get rid of this original sin right away!"

With the thought of the bottom of my heart, Becky walked into the alley on the side of the street with a gray ‘person’ and pushed open the seemingly rusty, abandoned short door.

Several corpses are in different positions behind the door, or sit or stand or fall to the ground.

But none of them is that each of them is glaring and stunned.

The person who can guard this place is naturally the elite of Yancheng. Among them, there are many strong people like the half demon, but they are silent in the breath but silently, even to death, these guards did not understand. what happened.


This is power!

Becky's breathing couldn't help but stagnate.

The burning eyes in his eyes flashed.

He tried to keep a consistent step and walked toward the inside.

A narrow, downward corridor.

Thousands of steps.

When it came to the end, a stone gate engraved with a dragon-like snake was blocked there.

"Your majesty, one of the largest nodes of the earth's veins, is behind this door."

“You just need to push this door open and you can see it.”

Beck turned and said respectfully.

Without answering, the gray ‘people’ strode to the front door, and after looking up and down, raised one hand and pushed it toward the door.

Becky's mouth couldn't help but tilt up.


The nodes of the earth's veins are of course here!

Just, not behind the door!


On the door!

Simply put, as long as the door is opened, it is the node that destroys the ground.

Under normal circumstances, such damage will have an unimaginable impact on the entire city, and will have no effect on those who destroy the stone door itself.

Of course, this is under normal circumstances.

If you have experienced some kind of secret law and reversed some of them, you will reverse the destruction of the entire city to the people who push the stone door.

Then, even if it is God, you will not be able to take it.

He can't do such a thing.

But he can give advice.

The ‘Meruma’ has always been a slap in the face of his advice.

"Thank you for your kindness."

Becky’s heart was silently ridiculous.

In his view, the strong does not need to listen to any suggestions from the weak, just as the strong ones should deal with the weak to kill.

The palm is close.

It will be posted on the door soon.

But when the palm is about to touch the door, the palm stops.

"Do you really be a fool when I am?"

The cold voice shook into Becky's ear.

Becky stunned, and then he didn't even have a chance to react. So he was caught in the air and slammed toward Shimen.

"Do not!"

Becky’s horrified amnesty.

The other party is very aware of the consequences of his collision on the stone gate.

Powdered bones!

Gray smoke is gone!

This kind of amnesty can't change any facts at all.


When it hit the stone gate, Becky became a pile of meat under the giant force.

However, the door is not moving.

"A hard turtle shell!"

"It’s just a tortoise shell!"

In the sneer of disdain, the leader of the ‘through thorn’ raised his palm again, and did not mind those flesh and blood, so he went down.


A blast of ten tons of explosives, the stone door broke.

The body of the thief's thorns flew straight out and fell heavily on the ground. The gray outer shell shattered, revealing the incredulous gaze of the other side.

He looked at the 'big marsh' behind the door.

Look at the stone gate behind the big marsh.

what happened?

The question rises from the heart of the ‘through thorn’ leader.

PS Yesterday, Fei Long originally wanted to squat for ten minutes, and the result was directly sleeping until 5:00 in the morning...

so awkward……

Fat Dragon once again said sorry to everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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