The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1162: Vision

Chapter 1162 Vision

Underground city pool.

When ‘arrogant’ had just approached the wall, a group of enemies appeared.

They are made entirely of wood and stone, human males, and they hold a variety of weapons in their hands.

There are both swords and bows.


The scornful laughter came from the mouth of the ‘arrogant’, and the arrogant look was like a constant spell, even if it was against the enemies that swarmed, such arrogance would not change anything.


More and more disdain.

The black flame blooms in his hands and condenses into a sword.

The blade is dark and sharp.

The body made of wood and stone is obviously unable to withstand such sharpness.

After sweeping, four or five enemies were stopped and broken.

The opponent's attack was easily evaded by ‘arrogance’.

He is like a Swift that is moving through the wind and rain, smart and quick, and no attack can fall on him.

There is also no opponent who can stop his footsteps.

Outside the city wall.

City gate.

Inside the city wall.

In just a dozen seconds, ‘Pride’ pierced a large number of ambush circles.

He stood in the wall and looked at the empty street, feeling the Qin sneak sneaked in, and the breath that had gone far, the corner of his mouth could not help.

His main task is completed.


It is an extra task.

‘Pride’ turned around and looked at the enemies chasing. The smile disappeared quickly, and the look on his face became proud again and his eyes were cold.

Since it is an enemy, then all die.


In the shadow, Qin Ran quickly moved forward.

In the field of [tracking], the traces left by the onuma are clearly visible.

In fact, two minutes later, he had already seen the big marsh.

The counterfeit goods in his mind are fighting.

It is a humanoid enemy composed of wood and stone.

However, unlike the arrogant squad, the Dauma is deadlocked.

That's right!

It is a stalemate!

Qin Ran looked at this scene with a slight wrinkle.

Obviously, this is not what he expected.

Being able to pretend to be a big marsh has almost the same atmosphere as the big marsh. Moreover, how can the speed and ability previously demonstrated be entangled by such an enemy that can be easily sent?

Although this enemy is much stronger than the ‘arrogance’, it is easy to kill the other party’s performance, rather than the stalemate like this!

Do not!

Not a stalemate!

Under the gaze of Qin Ran, this counterfeit goods was falling into the wind at a speed visible to the naked eye.

But what surprised Qin Ran was the state of the other party at the moment.

It seems to be...

Anxious, angry.

"how did you do it?"

"Why is my strength going by?"

The incomprehensible words are shouted out of the mouth of the counterfeit goods.

If the other person's body is not transparent in the next moment, as if the soap bubble is broken, Qin Ran almost thinks that he has inferred the mistake.


Qin Ran talked to himself, and then quickly caught up with the enemy formed by stone and wood.

The other party did not go to the city gate, but walked toward the side of the city.

It is not the direction of the city government.

As for going to the city government?

As long as Qin Ran is not broken, he will not do this.


At the same time, in the hidden place somewhere in the underground city, Dauma stood side by side with Qin Ran.

On the face of Onuma, there is a joy that is hard to hide.

"It’s going to be smoother than I thought."

Asahi said this.

The voice of the voice just fell, and a red light on his left hand bracelet was lit up.

This bracelet is the relic left by his father.

Not only is this the key to the plan, but it also receives some feedback from the dungeon.

Of course, it is impossible to achieve a sound image.

At most, as at the moment, remind him that there is a fight.

"Maybe it will be a bit unexpected."

A big swamp, shrugging a little shy.

"So, I will appear in your plan."

Qin Ran said faintly.

"Everything is here!"

"But remember, your time is only an hour!"

"After an hour, you have to come back here to get in touch with this bracelet, and you can't use the power to reach extraordinary levels."

Onuma said seriously.


Qin Ran nodded and turned and left.

The big move stood in the same place, watching the disappearance of Qin Ran's figure completely, then turned and walked toward the building in front of him.


Just when the building was less than three meters away from the Dauma, the light appeared, and the buildings that had been blurred in front of the building became clear.

This is a courtyard with tall white walls and black tiles.

A white lantern hangs down the tiles.

Inside the lantern, the candle has already ignited.

The light is coming from here.

This kind of light can only be smashed around three meters, without a trace of it. From the outside, it is still blurred.

"Old guys, you always love to play this trick!"

Onuma looked at the light in front of him and looked at the darkness behind him. After whispering a whisper, he took a step back.

The whole body is so integrated into the darkness.

After the disappearance of the big marsh, another figure appeared.

The other person was wearing a cloak, covering his face, and he was very excited when he saw the courtyard that was covered by the light.

Just along the fence of the courtyard, the other party wants to find the door to enter the courtyard.

But after the other party sprinted at a very fast speed, they returned to the place again.

No door!

The other party was in the same place, and some people who did not believe in evil once again circled the courtyard.

Still no!

"how is this possible?"

The other person whispered to himself.

Then, the other party began to walk around the courtyard.

Unlike the previous two scams, this time the other side was careful and walked with an attitude of observation.

In this state, the other party really found something.

Not finding the door.

Instead, I found that the courtyard seems to be getting bigger!

Such a change makes the other person hesitate, and the other party who can think of something will immediately act again.


"Four hundred and eighty two."

"Four hundred and eighty three."

The other side walks over and counts.

Suddenly, a similar number of sounds came from the front.

The other side looked up subconsciously, and a figure was walking as he did.

"Six thousand nine hundred and two."

"Six thousand nine hundred and three."


Looking at it in detail, the figure not only walks and counts like him, but even the posture of walking is very similar to him, and the clothes on his body are also very similar.

The only difference is that the figure is a bit awkward.

It is like being physically weak and as old as it is.

The other party carefully touched the dagger and quietly approached each other.

Then, the dagger pricked out.


The dagger had fallen into the vest of the figure.

Looking at the figure and slamming the ground, the other party has no mercy.

"This is mine."

"No one can follow me... Hey."

The other party’s words have not been finished yet, and the back is a pain. The other party whose vitality has quickly passed away has fallen to the ground.

At the last moment of life, the other side widened his eyes and wanted to see who sneaked on him.

Then he saw a guy who was similar in shape to his body and dressed up.

And, behind this guy, there is a similar guy who is throwing a dagger.

(End of this chapter)

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