The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1164: Frightened

Chapter 1164 is frightened

After standing calm, Qin Ran, after sweeping around, quickly backwards, standing against the wall

Inside the courtyard is a courtyard with a small lake centered on a small lake with a bridge across it.

In front of the layout, Qin Ran is very familiar.

After a little thought, Qin Ran thought of the manor of Dauma.

If you enlarge the arrangement in front of you, it is exactly the same as the lake in the Onuma House!

“Dauma is building its own house according to the layout here?”

Very natural Qin Ran made such a guess.

However, Qin Ran did not rush to confirm such speculation. He adjusted his breathing and the whole person hid in the shadow of the wall.

A few minutes later, there was a sudden sound on the wall.

A figure jumped over the wall.


It was thrown over.

Just like the Qin dynasty.

However, the other party did not have the same chance as Qin Ran, and his feet steadily landed, because the Qin in the shadows slammed out and kicked in the figure that could not move in the air.


In the collision between the boots and the body, the other party directly fell into the small lake in front of the eyes.

Then, sink silently into it.

There is no sound of splashing water.

The seemingly clear lake in front of the eyes, like a quagmire, swallows life.

Qin Ran looked at the body that the invaders were swallowed without expression.

The figure outside the courtyard could not have appeared for no reason.

It’s as if it’s impossible for someone to make his fake goods with Dauma for no reason.

That guy has been squatting here.

From the beginning, the other party has not given up.

Moreover, it is very clever.

Almost smashed him and the big marsh.

Do not!

"The big marsh should be aware."

"But it is not confirmed."

"So, you will choose to lead the snake out of the hole."


"Dauma did not expect to lead to a giant python that he could not fight. He had to start using the legacy left by his father to confront each other."

It is obvious that Dauma can't fight each other.

Otherwise, with the character of Onuma, the other party has already been killed, how can the other party be allowed to do things under their own eyes.

From two cooperations, Qin Ran has already learned what it is like to say that under the seemingly peaceful character of Daegu.

But this does not mean that Qin Ran will forgive each other's 'confidentiality'.

He hopes that the other party will give him a satisfactory explanation.


Qin Ran has a cold eyes.

However, very quickly, Qin Ran began to adjust himself, he knows what he should do at the moment.

After temporarily throwing things about the big marsh, Qin Ran began to carefully approach the only bridge on the lake.

The bridge is stony, and there are no problems in the expert-level [mystery knowledge] and super-level [tracking] vision.

Can go through the strange scene of Qin Ran, still cautious.

For the previous scene, Qin Ran still has a lingering moment.

He can be sure that it is not an illusion, not an illusion.

It is a more horrible thing that he has never heard of.

However, one thing is certain.

It is indeed the father of Onuma who left it to Onuma.

Because of this, Dauma can easily enter.

As for other people?

Then you have to rely on luck.

Moreover, Qin Ran has considerable confidence. There are some restrictions that he does not know. Otherwise, the guy who manipulates everything behind the scenes will not be so cautious.

You can enter it here in a more open way.

The stone bridge is not long.

According to the observations before Qin Ran, it will never exceed 50 meters.

But when he set foot on the stone bridge, the fog appeared.

From light to strong, the breath will become stretched out of the fingers.

In the thick fog, the perception of Qin Ran SSS+ has been completely lost. He can't see it and can't hear it.

The only thing I can do is to feel that the stone bridge at the foot seems to be moving... !

Subconsciously, Qin Ran thought of the enemy who was swallowed by silence.

Without any hesitation, Qin Ran took out the [imitation of the Yancheng Bracelet] and chose to open the guide.

Although this piece of equipment can bring out the world of copying, except for here, Qin Ran can't think of where to use this item.

Although Qin Ran has the nature of a ghost, he will not hesitate when he uses it.

Because Qin Ran is very clear that this can be exchanged for more benefits.


The bracelet trembled, and the traction that appeared out of thin air, holding Qinran’s hand, guided the road for Qin Ran.

Under the premise of having guidelines, Qin Ran walked through the stone bridge very easily.

When his boots left the stone bridge and touched the dirt on the ground, the fog in front of him suddenly vanished.

Even with the stone bridge behind him, there is no weapon.

However, this is what Qin Ran thinks.

In the eyes of people on the stone bridge, this is not the case, it is still a thick fog.

The two intruders turned like a headless fly on the stone bridge, and the fog obscured the perception, which made them almost impossible.

Even if they are less than one meter apart, the two intruders are not aware of the other's existence.

This made Qin Ran feel the magic of the mist, while a grenade appeared in his hands.


The grenade exploded on the bridge.

The stone bridge is unscathed.

The two intruders who faced the explosion did not suffer any real harm, but the impact caused the two intruders to fall into the lake.

Then, the phagocytosis begins again.

Compared with before, this time Qin has seen it more clearly.

At the moment of contact with the lake, the two intruders fell into a sluggish state, as if the soul was drawn out, letting the lake devour their bodies.

"This is the third and fourth."

"How many pieces do you have to lose?"

"Or, is the next one you?"

Qin Ran thought silently, and quickly walked along the path under his feet.

He did not wait here.

Not only because Qin Ran believed in the road afterwards, but also the place to let the other party suffer heavy losses, but also because of the urgency of the bottom of my heart.

The counterfeit goods Daegu said that waiting for an hour, Qin Ran did not forget.

He has reason to believe that the other party's words are not casual.

Soon, Qin Ran came to the end of the trail.

A building with a whole red archway appears here.

Same as that of Onuma.

The building is dominated by two large, straight columns, with blue tiles and gold bricks on the top, and the beams are engraved with overlapping patterns.

The only difference is that there are no white birds between the beams and the arches of the columns.

But there are some other things.

The cold atmosphere exudes from the arch.

As soon as Qin Ranggang approached [the imitation of the Yancheng bracelet], it flashed red again.

Under the red light, the cold breath was accompanied by a hesitation.

It seems to be thinking about something.

Qin Ran naturally will not let go of such an opportunity.

A step forward rushed over.

When Qin Ran’s figure completely rushed past the archway, the cold air burst out completely.


It seems to be a 12-level gust of wind, blowing in all directions with the archway as the center.

Qin Ran, who had already rushed out of the distance, was still swept.

Suddenly, a bitter chill rushed from the skin to the body.

Enough to swallow the level II attack [the devourer's shadow] has no reaction.

Many defensive skills, including [secondary element damage resistance] and [secondary armor skin], are of no use.

Let the bitter chill rush into the body of Qin Ran.

Then, it was blocked by the tough "Dawn Power" and was defeated and expelled by the violent ‘Devil's Power.

Snoring, snoring.

Qin Ran gasped with a big mouth.

A cold of the stock spurted out. After several breaths, Qin Ran had already condensed a thick layer of ice on the ground.

Looking at the ice layer in front of him, Qin Ran’s heart turned to look at the archway.

At this time, under the red archway, a white figure did not know when it appeared there.

Long hair cover, black fingers.

In the gap of the hair, Qin Ran vaguely saw a scarlet, bloodshot eye.

In the moment of confrontation with Qin Ran, this eye suddenly grows wide.

The other party seems to see something unbelievable.

After making a sharp call, it disappeared in place.

"what happened?"

Qin Ran a glimpse.

Similarly, one of the places in Yancheng also made such a buzz.

This is an old man with a coat and a full face.

The anger made the old man's face red, and his body trembled.

"what happened?"

"what happened?"

On the other's desktop, five rising, lifelike wooden people have already suffered four damages.

From the left to the right, there was a crack in the position of the vest.

The second is that the lumbar spine presents an uncomfortable angle.

The third and fourth are completely scattered, and they don’t see what they are.

Looking at his own efforts, it was so ruined here, the other person sitting in the chair stood up straight and snarled loudly at the man sitting next to him.

"Tell me, what happened?"

"Don't you say that your plan is stable?"

“Why is there such a change?”

Faced with such questions, the man sitting there was frowning.

In fact, until now, he does not know why such a change has occurred.

According to his plan, now whether it is the big marsh or the ‘the dead bird’ that is inserted into the bar, it should be kept in the dark, waiting for death.

"I don't know for a while."

"Can you recall your last one?"

"I need to ask for more details."

The man said this.

"the last time!"

"I will believe you again in the end!"

The grumpy old man said, he began to prepare for the recall of the last cockroach, but when the old man applied his secret surgery, a cold breath suddenly appeared on the wood man.

Almost instantaneously, the wood man was frozen into a hail.

Looking at the frozen wood, the old man glimpsed.

Then he opened his mouth and wanted to say something.

At this time, the old man discovered that he did not know when his body was frozen.

Subconscious, the old man will ask for help from his companions.

But when he looked at the position that the man had done, he discovered that his companion didn’t know when and disappeared.

"you this……"

The old man screamed angrily.

It’s just that the last few words haven’t appeared yet.

Because a white figure appeared in front of him.

Long hair cover, black fingers.

When he saw the red eyelid in the gap of the hair, the old man trembled.

"Rao, Rao..."

The trembling pleading is like the yelling of the anger, and the same is the end.

Mixed with the cold breath, drowning the old man and the room directly.

Numerous inscriptions on the walls and windows are constantly flashing, but these runes, which are enough to withstand the upper gods, are so fragile and vulnerable at this time.

It's like a glass falling on the ground, they are broken one by one.

Then they freeze one by one.

In the end, only the white figure in the room was left.

this moment.

Here she is king.

Think of that horrible man.

She couldn't help but whispered.

She did not expect to see him again.


Why is he back again?

He shouldn't be back!


He shouldn't be back!

But I just saw him!

The sobs were getting denser and denser, and the nightmare-like face made her panic.

Reason, also lost.


PS has eaten a delicious noodles ~ add more ~~

(End of this chapter)

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